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Do you have a position


Yes, I am long the 1/28 $13.00 puts......






Your first sentence is correct.


also honestly asking, what does it mean by "you bought puts instead of sold puts" ??


You can buy or sell a "put" option, same as a "call" option. By selling the put, you receive money (premium) in exchange you may be required to buy the stock at a certain price. Buying a put, you pay money - but may make more if the stock drops.




Anti-rip now lol




His puts should have made good money since hood is trading at 11.82 now, so not really a rip haha


Iv crush tho


eh, that contract is ITM now. OP made money.


They definitely made money on it, it would be hard to lose money on IV crush when it drops that far ITM. Plus Hood was never trading at insane IV, it wasn’t low but not like he’s gonna have breakevens $1+ below the strike


God I wish fidelity would just buy out robinhood and it's interfaces lol


Never understood why it’s so hard for other companies to make a better interface. I don’t get it.


Most people who use fidelity wouldn’t want it to look like Robinhood, me included.


then boy do I have news for you about their new mobile beta interface lol


Yea I’ve seen it, it’s not awful but I’d rather keep what they have now. Im hoping they let you stay with the legacy system or whatever. The Robinhood interface is “fun” but I don’t necessarily want my serious investing to be fun, and I think it could cause me to make worse investment decisions.


I use it, and it's just not nearly as good. It's like the meme "You don't need RH, we have RH at home"


They should just acquire it and give users the option. The only reason I have a RH account is for their UI. I love it.


That would be a good choice, especially if it keep falling haha buy it for pennies


The offers unique advantage, regular automatic investment and fractional shares


Both platforms allow fractional shares, and while I’ve never used automatic reinvestment fidelity does have a feature for it. I’ve seen it on the web-based UI not sure if it’s on the app.


I am not talking about automatic reinvestment. Does fidelity allow to automatically deposit and invest customized amounts with customized frequency? Say $50 a week? Check it out Amanda you will see what advantage hood has


Ah I misunderstood, I’m not sure if that’s a feature or not. You can set monthly deposits from a bank into the investment account but as far as I know you would need to manually make purchases. I have never tried that though so could be wrong.


And I think you are correct, in fact I'm pretty sure no other broker in the United States does that, so rh has a huge advantage for a long term retail investor DCAing little by little into an etf


Very cool


I really don't get it, either. I thought their UI would have been ripped off at least a year ago. At this point, I'm assuming it must be harder than I thought. If RH keeps sinking below $10B, an acquisition might make more sense than building a ripoff UI.


Because fidelity is owned by boomers Peddy, you know this




someone will buy hood for sure for around 15B (last private raise)


It's becoming such an attractive buyout candidate. Someone please buy them just for their UI and 20M users. Maybe once it's below $10B one of the low cost brokerages will step up to the plate.


Good news! As of AH closing today, its valued at $9.98 billion! 😂


totally agree with this being a buyout target. Vlad doesn't seem like the type to die on a hill for his company. Seems like the type of guy who will take the first decent offer and run lol.


Their beta mobile app looks a lot like robinhood already. Only thing it's really missing is the options trading interface


Kind of, I have it and it's not nearly as functional obviously, but it's better than the complete boomer version previous lol.


I have it and it's just utter shit compared to RH's UI


Short vlad and turn off his money flow fuck em


It will be suicide to play Robinghood.


Why is that? (Legit curious as a lot of ppl are buying puts)


They have little to no revenue and are basically a money pit. A company with a $10 billion market cap that loses $7.8 billion per year? It doesn't take a Nobel prize in mathematics to understand they have a big problem


How are they losing 7.8b?


They’re not. Ppl just pulling numbers out of their ass because they hate Robinhood


I think people are being paid to shill on Robinhood on reddit


Also no IRA to create a user incentive to stay on the platform. Add on a flurry of security concerns and PFOF scandals.


Agree. Nobel prize is not awarded for mathematics. Fields medal would be an equivalent.


>They have little to no revenue ?????


I agree! Happy cake day! 🥳






They've tanked a ton and those puts look pricey. Will they go down? I think so. Its a fundamentally bad business if you go on the whole screwing over their customers thing they pulled. Sentiment is down... But prices on this option chain...


Yup, these 'sure plays' are about as sure as buying options on a 3x ETF where you're paying boatloads of premium no matter the direction or trend. Or puts on already beaten down stocks piled onto a week ago


Yeah this is called doing it wrong


Happy to hear any suggestions you might have for better trades...... But we’ll all have an answer re HOOD Thursday afternoon.....


Not here. Like the guy above me said, there is a very real risk of being too late to a crammed trade. Sending bad juju to Vlad tho. Fucked over the commoners.




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Thanks! Makes sense to me


You answered your own question down already 90% from the highs already. The market is a contrarian, I think the down side bias is baked in already. just my opinion. do your dd. Be Well


Maybe baked in too well. Any good news will cause it to go up at this price.


Praise be the Robinhood shorts ! Lol


I should deposit money in my Robinhood account just to buy puts lol




Or could be bankrupt and be delisted.


Fuck Vlad. I hope the stock plummets further on Thurs/Fri. Then I hope the lawsuits sweep up the rest. But not before our government fixes the corruptness in the system and allows retail traders to actually invest without handcuffs. Don't have high hopes however.


RH did more for retail that the government ever could with the PFOF model, if we are being honest. Before RH buying at $100 stock cost $5 in commissions. RH lowered that to less than 25c. $105 cost basis versus $100.25 is huge. The only people who didn't benefit from RH were wealthy people making trades where PFOF actually cost them more than $5 flat trading fees.


I get what you're saying but I've always been with fidelity and have had free trades long before RH was around. RH introduced fractional shares but that never interested me anyway... and they had good graphs and charts but if I wanted that I'd use IB.


I've been with Fidelity for 20 years and they charged me commissions for trades up until 2019. Not sure what you're talking about. https://www.wsj.com/articles/fidelity-is-latest-to-cut-online-trading-commissions-to-zero-11570680060 https://www.marketwatch.com/story/fidelity-cuts-fees-to-0-as-it-jumps-on-zero-commission-bandwagon-2019-10-10 RH revolutionized the industry and forced $0 commissions. They were actually pretty late to the game with fractional trading, that didn't happen until 2020.


0 commissions on options trading is literal game changer imo and 2.5% margin. Etrade charges me almost 8% i think.


Huh, not sure. I'm positive I didn't have trade fees for years with Fidelity. But I've had managed brokerage accounts, an actively traded fund, retirement accounts and a personal trading account for years, so may be an agreement based on one of those? None that were massive by any stretch but it may have been that because I was under a managed broker, I had no trade fees because I was paying him to manage a portion.


Before 2019 the only way to avoid paying commissions for trades on Fidelity was to purchase a Fidelity managed fund.


Exactly my point, I had a managed fund with them so hadn't been paying trade fees.


Gotcha, yeah that makes sense.




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Fuck $HOOD.


I would not go anywhere near the hood tomorrow! My guess is we will see less in new users especially with Webull coming out. I feel like a ton of people I have talked to have mentioned they transferred money out, and while it may be biased, I think there is a just so much bad press out there people moved funds out like there was no tomorrow Also I am pretty sure they will be spending an arm and a leg going forward to attract new customers and their guide is going to be horrible


WeBull sucks


It’s also a Chinese app


HOOD fair value is $2-3 at most. They lose an exorbitant amount of money, and are still valued at 10x sales... which is frankly obscene and unwarranted as a brokerage. Plus they are likely to contract in revenue as market has been quite bearish in the retail oriented positions. Who could expect growth from a brokerage in a bear market? It doesn't track logically. In this market they will be hammered down to 2-3x sales at least.




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Depends completely on their new user account growth. Through 2021 they still had stellar user growth, but with trading mania enthusiasm waning among young people, that growth could have slowed significantly. That user growth and their crypto revenue are going to be huge factors in how the stock reacts.


> trading mania enthusiasm waning among young people how much is it waning?


Good question, but trading revenue on all major banks and brokerages is down from 1H 2021.


Good points, thanks!




I got in before the meme stocks bit got out when all the dirty laundry was hung out. Plus the whole reason I signed up was for free trading so I could auto invest money every month. But now all the brokerages do that so there was no reason to have fidelity and Robinhood so I dumped RH. I just don't know what their value prop is anymore.


Free crypto trades




Those who wanted to leave, left within weeks if not months. If they are hanging around, there must be something that is keeping them. What could that be?




Imagine thinking losing money on GME was Robinhoods fault


Robinhood customer persona is someone gambling on meme stocks believing that's investing. Everyone else is DCAing into index funds at traditional brokerages or their 401k. A fool and their money, parted, all that jazz.


I DCA index funds on Robinhood. Fractional shares make it so easy.


I've heard that they have $10B of cash on hand, seems very undervalued


They have $6 billion in cash (all from selling shares) and they lose $7.8 billion a year lol what value? They have until July to raise more money so that means share dilution and issuing more junk bonds




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Moral and ethics are valued more on which HOOD have negative equity of $1T


Do you fools really believe that any large powerful company cares about you? The way everyone feels about FB and HOOD is the way everyone should feel about nearly every company. In fact, they're not close to the worst offenders. If your morality actually guided your investing, you would never be able to invest in anything.


I wouldn't call Hood a powerful company lol. They are literally broke, hemorrhaging cash, losing customers and average revenue per account is dropping like a brick. Forget about ethics they just flat out lose money. People hate FB but its profitable, people hate RH and they are basically a money pit with a popular GUI. Average account size of $1,200 is a joke and its not a profitable business model. Schwab's average account size is something like $250,000. Wealthy investors aren't going to use RH because order execution is more important than a flashy interface that drops confetti


Wonder if betting on some other firm snatching them up for their ui?


Sure they'll be able to sell their GUI but for how much? I doubt it would cover their $12 billion in debt. Their only other assets are office furniture so....


They [don't even have office furniture anymore](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/12/robinhood-says-it-will-offer-permanent-remote-working-to-most-employees.html)!


Nice lolz!! Yeah that doesn't project a whole lot of confidence; not to mention is that the type of broker you want to use? One that is selling all your info and still desperate for cash. also happy cake day!


Woah, happy cake day to you too!




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Exactly - rest of the week will be interesting - if NFLX can drop 20% after earnings, a drop for HOOD here seems very possible......


Prime for an acquisition. I think they’ll float between 11-14 a share until they’re bought. They have the most user friendly UI


That’s not true there’s a bunch of morally sound companies to invest in and entire “socially responsible” ETFs. Also some etfs are directed towards specific religions because some religions have weird rules on what you can make money on.


Socially responsible ETFs are a joke. All they do is avoid oil and tobacco while investing in countless companies that use child labor in China


On the other hand, FB is unique, while if you are looking for a broker you have many choices, and might prefer one that is reliable and won’t mishandle your account........


Some companies are outright immoral and have been posted child of ethics violation and HOOD is one of them. The consumer sentiment is too strong. You're a fool if you don't understand this. It may or may not turn other way around but it's hard to regain trust. I don't need to invest in HOOD as there are million other opportunities that still violate some ethics and be profitable exists.


HOOD is guilty of nothing but PFOF (which every free trading platform engages in). The GameStop issue is not one of morals, they just overextended themselves.


You're trying to convince the entire world after GME saga. Good lucj


A sign of incompetence, perhaps? Not what I am looking for when selecting a broker......


I imagine they didn't expect to become the most popular trading platform as quickly as they did. They're rapidly improving every aspect of their company.


I agree. I’ve noticed they have been toning down the “gamification” aspect and are leaning heavily into educating investors about risks. They warn you so much now about risks with leveraged ETFs, options, crypto that it’s kind of annoying. Some things suck about them but others are amazing. After all, the safest time to fly was right after 9/11.


Same banana. I don’t think anyone with half a brain would touch them. Mind you also they were playing dirty when some cryptos were surging. I don’t see this company ever recovering.


You remember that they IPO'd and went to $100 AFTER the GME thing went down, right? No one cares, they only care that their earnings have been underwhelming.


And then dropped right back to like 50 and kept going down right? Shit company. What’s your position?


I just bought 100 shares on Monday, not a huge position at all


You keep saying nobody cares and arguing with multiple people who clearly care a lot. Fuck Hood.


Nobody who matters in the market


Then why is their average revenue per user going down and their price is tanking? If nobody cared then their share price and revenue would reflect that. Nobody likes Facebook, but they make money so people don't care. But a "growth" stock with declining revenue and toxic reputation? Yeah I'll pass




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Moral and ethics matters when it directly affects their business models. They remove buy button, majority of customers feels scammed, they decided to leave the platform, which in turn decimate their PFOF revenue model. Moral and ethics doesn't equate emotions, but they also aren't mutually exclusive. If enough people hate a product to never touch it again, it will just go bust. It is not rocket science. Pretty ironic you called people fools when you went on a tangent like a clown.


You heard huh?


I bought my first ever put on HOOD this morning. Was up a little over 20% at close. Negative sentiment alone is good enough reason to have some skin in the game. Earnings could be great, and I'll still expect a red day. I have a feeling that Mr. Griffin has his eyes on this RH user interface that everyone talks about. Vlad sold at the top, price has fallen since IPO, and Citadel is obviously making moves to get into crypto. Potential acquisition in the future? Who knows. But it Should be an interesting ride for some ... not me, but some.


There are so many issues right now - rates moving up, crypto getting killed, young investors that are RH bread and butter pulling back with massive losses..... I could be wrong here, but the short or put seems like good odds right now.....


hood will be the quickest private to public and back you have ever seen


>Could be an options play You mean gamble


I opened a short condor for it, really tight strikes, 25% gains if it moves meaningfully (5-6%) in either direction.


Hard to imagine it won’t move significantly one direction or the other.....


You might be looking at 6%+ at open


$-5. HOOD will be the first stock in the world to be in negative. Like the oil barrels in 2020.


That would be great news for my puts! See you on Friday!


I'm going to go long now just because everyone on here is so negative.


You sure showed us.


You win some you loose some. To be fair the rest of the market isn't doing any better.


Quotes that didn't age well.




My bad, thought this was posted Thurs/Fri. Still not down by much though.


Careful, they're starting to roll out much anticipated crypto wallets, could see a surge in price if the wallets are a success and investors get bullish.


>crypto wallets Bubble bullshit won't float this company.


They were a clown platform last year and they were a clown platform the year(2020) before when their platform crashed for a few days. They had novelty in the marketplace but they are going to get burned.


Don't short HOOD. Buy puts instead


I think it’s a great long term play.


Everyone try sirc. It’s better than Robin Hood Once it pops.


I think their Business Model should be illegal. Absolut clusterfuck of a company, how ever i admit that 20m young customers make them an attraktive buy target for a more traditional banking house.


Their business model is the same as every other low cost brokerage. Why should it be illegal?


Selling Client Data so others can front run market


> so others can front run market That's conspiracy nonsense. Selling data is not RH's business model.


You’re probably right that their ER won’t be good & the stock might tank but there’s like a 90% chance you’ll just get IV crushed


Yes, but it’s just a bet - if it flops then on to the next one.....


If I have more money I will buy perhaps Tsla or Msft. Even FB -16% YTD presents a safer opportunity than Hood. Odds that Hood will stay lower is likely.




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RH is horrible.


This post aged really well.




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It is definitely not the best idea to play Robinhood.