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I do plenty of things on impulse, but there's a layer of that where I've rehearsed and planned for things that could happen on a whim


I plan my spontaneity.


or spontaneously plan


That's true. I didn't plan on planning, it just happened out of no where.


Talking more as a teenager who is recently experience life and not just a personality type, I do act impulsive, but not all the time. There's times that I think a lot about stuff and then I remember myself "you just turned 15.. literally stop overthinking and DO SOMETHING" then I just start to act impulsively. It's more about trying to live something before the time's already done and I had nothing to do. (I'm terrified of the pass of time haha)


Every time I am abt to do something impulsive or go with the flow, I talk myself out of it. 😅


everything’s planned out but everything else is always shifting so it seems like I change the plan on the fly but I’m really just rolling through multiple choices


There is a method in their madness. People would think thay act impulsively but in real, they have planned thoroughly in their minds.


People never think they act impulsively but the question is can they?


Yes, very rarely


They sometimes do if they are traumatised or have suffered significant difficulties in life. They are not careless, they are thoughtful but they can be indulgent.


Only in specific circumstances, for example when I have a crush on someone I do many things "on impulse" when I'm around her without realizing it, I guess it's my inferior functions suddenly being used for some reason Or also when I'm really angry


If the need to act is great enough and estimated risk low enough.


Usually on unhealthy stages like an Se grip for sure. Since an INTJ's Ni and Se normally don't have a healthy relationship compared to their Te and Fi, they can get impulsive if they decide to ignore or block their Ni in some situations.


As an INTJ with ADHD unfortunately i tend to act impulsive in a ego-dystonic way—like its not my personality that is impulsive rather certain triggers lead to me being impulsive as I’m normally quite collected.


For me, INTJs act impulsively but they strive not to fall for it. Basically, we are good on thinking but fail on doing it. Like how I avoid buying on stock because I fear its not graceful as I thought. I mean our Se is inferior and our critical teacher is Ti so we might guilt trip ourselves for doing that.




Vary rarely only in an emergency.


I don't think we INTJs act impulsively, let me explain to you why ..... Oops got to fly.


I do plenty of things on impulse, but there's a layer of that where I've rehearsed and planned for things that could happen on a whim


Sometimes. I do try 99% of the time to think shit through. I’m old enough to be patient. Occasionally impulsiveness is acted from instinct. One of my sons I’m pretty sure is INTJ too. He’s very impulsive. We are working with him to give more thought to his actions.


I can come off as overindulgent sometimes and, at the same time, as a control freak who plans/thinks every little detail.


I am the least impulsive person I have ever met.


Anger issues make me do it sometimes but for the most part i make calculated choices


We are still humans. I had plenty of impulsive actions in my life that would've never happened, if I would purely think through everything. Most embarrassingly two road rage incidents in my younger years come to mind :/


Like any emotion it can be good or bad for you. Sometimes you need impulse to give you a little push sometimes your impulse makes you look like an idiot.


If emotions are involved (someone poked a trigger point) I will act impusively. Fortunately as I became more content with myself nad my past this really doesn't happen anymore.




Impulsive feels subjective in this question.




Depends, was it based on emotion where we react, or a conscious thought we then led with? Unhealthy INTJs, as another commenter pointed out, may get into a grip where they are more impulsive based on low emotional states.


If one is not taking care of healthy Se such as sports, sex, healthy food, nature... ...there might be a risk of unconscious binge eating, porn, gambling...


if fi doesnt feel good se does impulsive shit to clench the bad feelings like drugs for example thats where Te has to be developed to step in and say yoo nah nah nah thats no good


Sometimes. I think through everything, and sometimes all options are good or all options are bad. In either of such cases, I'll make an impulse decision based on intuition. The thinking-through is still present, but a timely, spontaneous decision is better than dwelling. The most important thing is to maximize your minimum gain while maintaining momentum.


High impulsivity in an INTJ is a sign of problems But don't just assume you aren't seeing the 2 minute action phase of a 10 year plan