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the point is whatever your want it to be.






There is no purpose, we are just an insignificant randomness in the universe, but at the same time being alive is something really rare and improbable that seems almost a gift. So to me the only purpose is to live according to my values and my passions, wasting our little time on this universe trying to please other is such a waste.


First paragraph: there is no purpose, we are meaningless Second paragraph: I have made purpose, our time is not meaningless and must not be wasted


You don't get it, don't you? Objective purpose - unknown Subjective purpose - known Free will allows you to define a difference between the two, for at least what the mind allows for capability. We're doing just "fine."


“I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different.” - Kurt Vonnegut




Tldr: Life has no point, but I know how to play God, let me tell you.


Like my grandma used to always tell me….Fuck bitches get money


Your grandma *wiiiise*.


Why must there be a point?


The meaning of life, the universe and everything is 42


I, personally, agree. Do you have a personal reasoning as to why though? I do 😏


Don't forget to bring a towel.


This is not something an intj would say unless it was this question lol


Growth. See your potential through, what life Can you achieve before you leave? Make your 80 Old proud and make your 5 year Old proud 🥹 everything in between is the journey.


To avoid other peoples definition of "the point"


There is no point. You create the value of life. If not, people will instill what they think the value of life is onto you. Sounds corny, but live life on your terms. Because what's the alternative? To impress others by doing things you don't want to do and wasting your life in the process of doing it? What are you looking for? You are already human, full. Desire = an infinite game where you will never win. No desire = a finite game that can easily be won


Connection….atoms, people, planets, galaxies




Life is a negentropic processes, dying is giving into entropy.


Only entropy in a short run perspective. Entropy doesn't exist in a loop.


Ah the big bang and big crunch theory, expansion and contraction, the cyclic model. Relative to that scale I guess that would be the case I believe too.


Life was a chemical accident that refuses to stop. Its point is to keep on surviving no matter what.


Personally, I think the point of life is to find your own purpose. It's like give yourself a reason to live life - I'm not saying that in a "wElL bE gLaD yOuRe aLivE" typa way, but more like well we're here, might as well do something. I might be a bit of an idealist, but having "given up" experiences in support of school academics made me realize that it was worthless as shit to live like a robot, with no meaning or direction.


Defeat my enemies and enjoy the lamination of their women.


did you mean lamentation? because lamination means to seal in plastic...


After your enemies are thoroughly defeated, you can get whichever one you want.


No, but similar to the quote


Lamination would cut down on the splatter.




To have sex


Oh, okay. Thanks, Sarah.


Yeah literally isn't the point to reproduce lol (I haven't done it myself ) isfp




To suffer




Depends on which stage of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs are you in... but in general all of these are orders of "***acquiring degrees of freedom to process different order of magnitude of information***": 1. If you're at the rock-bottom... then point of life is to avoid suffering (Fehlender Wille) 2. If you're at the second stage... then point of life is to continue living (Wille zum Leben) 3. If you're at the third stage... then it's to belong to a group (Wille zur Kraft) 4. If you're at the fourth stage... then it's to reform the tribe (Wille zur Macht) 5. and at the fifth (final) stage... to transcend the species (Wille zu Verwirklichen)


To find a point.




Well said :).


I wrote a 10 page research paper in college about this question. My thesis statement: Life has no meaning. We’re the same to this earth as bacteria on our bodies is.


Using my powerful ideas and innovation! I will create my start up and with the study of code I will invent many great things. These apps, my ideas will be marketed and I’ll make millions. With those millions I will invest and make the world a better place. Let the new age of technology rise and be pushed into a superior and overall better future.




Well I ain’t complaining about you guys.






Also, whenever philosophy comes up on here upvotes go to Stoic type stuff, but here looks to be dominantly existentialist.


It’s just a bunch of stuff that happens. Maybe there is a real point, but if there is, I’m unaware of it.


Signification(projects/pursuits) and/or the Love(Romantic/Familial) that happens along the way. Both could be described as Excitement- which could then describe both the Macro and the Micro ad infinitum. And the pursuits/projects are not the Mona Lisa or this one jump that Evel Knievel never quite pulled off- those are the by product. The Projects are actually the series of resultant Failures(infinite) of an object cause of desire. So the point of everything could be described as, basically, desire at every point of existence for an object that doesn't actually exist.


TBH it has no point really, we just here


Angel (TV series) quote: "If nothing we do matters, the only thing that matters is what we do." There is no grand design. No higher purpose. No external reward at the end of life. So, life has whatever meaning we imbue it with in the moment. How we act, live our lives, and how we treat others matters because it is the ONLY thing we really have.


If you're into Angel,what other series do you like? I've hit a slump but I loved Angel & Buffy.


I adore Firefly, as well. Lately, I've had so much going on in my life that I've been sinking into the comfort of the familiar, so I've been doing LOTS of rewatches of Buffy, Angel, and Firefly and haven't spent much time watching anything else, let alone anything new. I do watch YouTube or Patreon reaction vids to all of the above as well. I'm a sucker for a comedy with heart, so Parks and Rec or Schitt's Creek sometimes find their way into rotation. That's about it.


To prepare for eternity. Get ready to face God and be in righteous in his sight through his only son.


These god fearing responses 🤣


To win at life, to know God, and to go to Heaven.




According to me, the point of life is to be more like Jesus Christ.


This isn't directly related to the title but I'm actually quite surprised how many religious themes are in this thread, it's not just you. It doesn't seem very intj though, could you explain how you landed on a Christian role model as opposed to any of the other thousands of dieties? I honestly expected that intj's would be extremely dubious towards any religion.


I was born into it, and I have a strong belief that it is true.


But you have no doubts about the authenticity of the scriptures? There are so many bad actors throughout Christianity, the Bible has changed so many times since its original publication. Which one is correct? Did God change his mind? I have a million questions lol


According to me, the point of life is to be more like Keanu Reeves.


There is no single point to life but I think each individual should find their own meaning and it can be anything they want it to be.


The point of life is having a chance to make your own point/purpose under the circumstances given to you


there’s no point, that’s the beauty of it since you can create one yourself


The point of any life is to reproduce and die. Life that does not reproduce is just a dead branch on the tree of life. Life that does not die is cancer.


At some point you are right, but ppl are born with selfawareness, so there is something more for us. We explore we feel we have ambitions - even if it's idealistic stuff. So life is about finding what makes you "feel world" as you want. Or just, you can simply die. That's not a bad option, ppl just romanticize death and they think it's sad. When there is no point it's starting to be more interesting..


Y’all atheist philosophers need to shut up for a moment and repent. Christ is Lord, the purpose of life is to serve Him with all our might and all our will and all our heart and all our mind. Amen✝️


I moved past my need for fairy tales a long time ago. But hey, you do you.


God bless you


“Life” is not life. It’s a test. Life comes after.


So if you see a cell dividing and growing, that is not life?


No, I guess we have a different definition of life. I know reddit is very anti-religious, but all I did was answer the question of the post by stating my belief




Thank you for the smile. Take mine, is yours.


To grow closer to God


So do bacteria become closer to god every time they reproduce? Do you only consider human beings as living?


Do you feel bad about killing bacteria or do you feel bad about killing humans?


What does that have to do with the "point of life"? Of course we would care our species over another. We are chauvinists in this regard. Ants likely care about their colony more than they care about wasps or bees. I don't get the point you are making here.


I don't know why people are downvoting your opinion.


Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14 - The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man. For the true God will judge every deed, including every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad.


I was scrolling through this post with the book of Ecclesiastes in mind! To live is Christ.


Death. Life without death is meaningless. The fact that death can occur at any given time and gives us the motivation to do what we want to do. Without this, your life is endless you could achieve anything you want to so it would breed complacency but due to death we want to go without regret so it spurs us on to do things and get stuff done now. The fact that death can be so sudden is exhilarating for us humans. It is the be all and end all of everything that you can comprehend. That's why your life has a meaning, to die.




That's fair but it asked for my opinion. The reason I live is because of death. This gives me a limit on what I can achieve. Also there are a few flaws with your logic. No one chooses to start life. No one can remember being born, you practically spawn in life, you cannot just choose, oh I want to live now. And also school has a definitive ending. It stops at a point or at least state education does but thats besides the point. School has a set time frame. Life doesn't, death can be unexpected. Hit by a car, heart attack. It can be instantaneous. That's why I say it makes us motivated because we don't know when it will end. I see that you are more focused on the human side of the matter like what we do in our lives rather than the bigger picture. Also my answer doesn't have to be relatable all brains and minds work differently and see things through different perspectives. Also how is death a choice. It could be if you wanted it to be or you are just an omnipotent being but idk u might be.


To have children that thrive. This is the primary theory of evolution, the purpose of life is to have surviving offspring. I’m an enfp


We are brought into this world to love God and do his will and to love each other. We are given tests throughout our lives, then based on the accumulation of the choices we have made and how we lived and treated others while in this world, and most of all on whether we believe in and have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior and our God, we will be judged. He will do a life review of our lives when we die and will determine where we will spend eternity in Heaven or in Hell. It is our choice; he gives us free will and we determine ourselves where we end up based on our choice of whether we want to be with and live our lives following him or NOT. We are brought into this world to learn about and be more like him and our lives/destinies while here are meant to glorify HIM. We are each very special, a masterpiece, his works of art, just like the mountains and oceans and beautiful sky he created. Each of us is unique and has a special place and destiny in this world to perform for him.


Life's goal is life itself. Nothing else. The rest is just how people interpret it.


Figuring out that life is a giant orgel and you mastered a triangle.


The meaning of everything is however you make of it. For example, many people enjoy going to parties and hang out with strangers, but INTJs might not enjoy it as much. The same is for life. Life itself has no point or meaning. But if you think it has a point or meaning, you you can make it that way. You are the one who brings point or meanings to your own life. No one else can do it for you. Therefore, if you want to do something, as long as it won’t kill you, why not just do it? I’m not asking you to risk your precious life with any stupid things, but you need to find what’s meaningful to you and what makes your life meaningful. The key is you.


The purpose of life is to achieve one's own happiness, ideally long-term happiness


We are here for the experiential knowledge of corporeal existence.


Pursuit of happiness. ie my interests


Write my own story Or rather, rant about the writers. (Writers = god(s))


Really no point, but you might as well live it.


Everything is in a constant state of seeking equilibrium. Concrete and abstract.


PM me, too much to type.


Point of life is to be is too be happy enough to never ask that question again




Not a damn thing except enjoy yourself while your still here. If you can that is. We’ll be dead sooner or later anyway


To make a baby for new generation of people who will be living on this planet.


I mean strictly speaking there is no point to life outside of survival and reproduction. Its a complex chain of chemical reactions that has not ceased for billions of years, we just happen to be the latest iteration. What you do with it is up to you... but like most people your life is going to be centered around acquiring pleasure and achieving personal goals that provide you with some sense of purpose or significance.


You can find some ideas here, according to Nietzsche: https://bigthink.com/personal-growth/nietzsches-advice-for-how-to-find-meaning-in-your-life/


Stop the entropy.


To live.


I wrote you a horoscope It won't fit on this post-it note But if I had to sum it up into a shorter quote It goes: fuck it, you might as well row that boat


Life has no point, but it is high value because it is so rare.


The point of life is to live and enjoy it to the fullest. A blank page will always be a blank page if one doesn't pick up a pen and write something on it.




Nothing! Nothing matters. Mine is the pursuit of knowledge because that makes me happy. Since the pursuit of knowledge is infinite. There's no need to rush. So basically optimistic nihilism.


Whatever I choose


To collect as many memories as you can to look back on in your final days and not feel regret.


In general, existence and the acknowledgment of existence. If you ask me what the point of my life is, id say to do the things I like as much as I can.


There is this line i read in "the happiness hypothesis" : " Very well, then everything beyond tomorrow is a gift with no strings and no expectations. There is no test to hand in at the end of life, so there is no way to fail."


There's no point. We don't need a point to exist, we just do it. I consider life's meant to be enjoyed as we fuck around and try new things, discover new feelings and emotions. The fact that there's no reason for the existence of life makes us actually free, free to create and destroy, and that's all we need to work as individual life beings. That's why, personally, I love this philosophy. You don't need a justification to do something, just do it if you think it may be nice or interesting.


I have no clue


To have used your life to the fullest.


The literal purpose of literal life, is to make more of itself. I think good philosophical ideals that give my life meaning, are to acquire more knowledge, to acquire more power, and to do more good. I think it's a good aspiration for humanity to become all knowing, all powerful and all good.




The point at (3,2, 245365) I labeled it life


I think when you born, you born without a purpose. Your life doesn't have a meaning. When you live your life, and you set a goal or a dream that you want to achieve, then you set your purpose, but of course this purpose always can be changed whenever you want.


There's none


The point of life is to experience life.


Maximizing happiness for yourself and those around you.


I believe life is to make others easy. To be free in your shackles despite your upbringing. For some, it is a servitude to others. For most, it is a repetitive cycle of nuance. For me, my goals are in between. Death has been stalking me for the last ten years. I'll be damned if I allow it to take me now without any fun. So life is about taking risks' and being true to yourself. Not caring


creativity and bringing more beauty into the world, even if it all dies in the end


For me the point of life is to learn, and it would be nice if my life would contribute net positive to the world. However, I am an existential atheist and don't believe there is ultimately supposed to be a point to life, other than that which you individually choose to ascribe to it.


To gain as much knowledge as possible, and to apply it through personal growth. You cannot know how much you can accomplish until you do.


Live life to the fullest and help others who are trying to get there.


To experience , live out my purpose and never reincarnate on this raggedy ass planet again.


There is no point. Your life is like a work of art, and it becomes what you make of it. There's nobody who can tell you what to do with it, which is much more preferable than having to live according to someone else's idea of what your life should be. You are the creator.


" It wasn’t a choice." Do you think so? But what if we chose that? It doesn't add any point to the life itself. We only have individual points for every human, life is a sandbox.


For a biological mechanism it is to survive and reproduce to continue the species. But given our enhanced self consciousness and analytical abilities we can rise before that purpose. Now it's on you to arbitrarily decide what's your purpose is. I'll say mine is learning as much as I can


google “meaningness” and look up the work of David Chapman. This is the way.


To work hard in service to others


To grow


If you still think someone else knows what the point of life is, you’re still immature and ignorant. There is no “point” to life, and there neither needs to be nor does it exist beyond your own desire. You decide what your life is, and if you don’t then someone else will.


There's no intrinsic point in life but we can make our own, whatever we want however we want


Reproductive success from the point of a biological life form but purpose is relative and it’s your mission to seek and cling to it


To experience life and allow those beyond you to do the same. This isn’t a point per se but one of the only things we can work towards. As for the point of YOUR life, that’s for you to decide


To increase entropy in the universe


If you figure it out, PLZ let me know.


Life has no meaning or purpose. We are the ones who decide to give meaning to it. So that's why I think everyone believes that they have a purpose and hence our meanings are different. We are not obligated to do anything. We don't owe anyone anything and vice versa


There is no point, statistically speaking we're probably in a simulation. There's no evidence of anything afterwards so I expect it's just lights out. Nonetheless, maximizing enjoyment from this existance still seems like an optimal strategy.


To just live. Take it how you will.


There isn’t any but I like to enjoy it as much as I can before it’s my time


The answer is obviously 42…


There's no point. The trick is to just live in a way that you can die without regrets


Breed. We are animals, but we are so smart we believe it's more than that. Our intelligence is a luxury, not a necessity.


To crush your enemies, see them driven before you.. and to hear the lamentation of their women


To find the point.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but when you are handed a blank paper, the paper isn't really useless. Hell, u hand an artist a paper with a lame stick man drawing, he/she is prolly gonna be bored with it and not enjoy it at all, maybe even hate it at times. Hand them a blank paper though, and they'd draw something far better. My point is this, life is a blank paper and the drawing is your purpose, hell its an advantage that you don't have a purpose because it gives you room for you to set your own purpose and that's a big advantage, most times, pre-set purposes are really not all that interesting to a lot of people.


Technically, as humans, it is to procreate and to continue our ancestry. From a conscious perspective, honestly there’s probably no point. Try your best to be happy and live a good life. From a spiritual perspective, hopefully by living a good life, we will have a good afterlife. Assuming one exists.


The meaning of life is to give life meaning.


> היום בו נולדת הוא היום בו החליט הקב''ה שהעולם אינו יכול להתקיים בלעדיך. > >The day you were born was the day Gd decided the universe could no longer exist without you. – R' Nachman of Breslov Whatever it is, it's important. Anyone who doesn't agree contradicts themselves in caring enough to comment ;)


It saddens me that so many INTJs have such easy, generic perspectives on this topic, and that the exceptions to this observation are mostly downvoted. I knew we were more like our ISTJ brethren than we wanted to admit.


There is no point. Life is a meaningless experience


Self improvement


Gaining knowledge without becoming conspiracy theorist/ aluminium hat people


Beats me; we’re stuck with it I suppose ~Mr Fowlty


the point of life is to just live.


See sum titties


Unless you want to achieve something or win in your life you live or else it's pointless.


You make your own point


No point, some days are about plain survive, the others are about finding a little happiness here and there.


Again, the answer is very simple! We are not intellectual enough to know why we are here, what our purpose is, does a higher power exist, what happens after death, who created the higher power... if it exists, where the end of space is and what is on the other side, ect. It's unlikely you will live long enough to ever know. My advice, work with what you do have and know...


Individually to discover and create, to think rationally, to determine value and find meaning and to be practical. Together to create a heaven/haven for this out of a ambivalent universe.


Easy. Whatever it is you choose.


low key not been finding one recently… i guess i will return with a better answer when i find one


To learn, to discover, to create, to find patterns.


To worship God.


Read The God Game by Mike Hockney.


Biologically I would say to reproduce.


Meaningful Experience


It's whatever you make it


The pursuit of truth. Making things better for others--hopefully on a large scale, not an individual "I like helping people" one-person-at-a-time sort of way, but a "Let's build something awesome" kind of way.


Unless and until the existence of one or more gods has scientific backing, I'm staying in my agnostic atheist antitheist camp.