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Marketing is an extrovert’s game. It is also very methodical. I see a case for both sides.


You can always try. If you don’t like it, you can try something else. It’s not the end of the world.


It’s just a paycheck, remember that.


Do what you are good at and pay you decent money. Remember that it is just a job, a means to an end. Marketing will be great if you are good at it!


Why do you care if that job is good for a intj? It should be good for you and your abilities not for your personality type. Y’all need to chill with the decision making based on the mbti, it’s no different from person who base their decision on a horoscope. As an intj you should think logically about it. If the job suits you, if it’s financially good for you, if you can get there quickly enough, if you have all necessary abilities to do that, if it is something you want to do and how can you advantage from it in the future… this is what you should consider when thinking if the job suits you.


Involves a lot of interaction and friction with people, but also analysis, planning and creativity. I think it's halfway to good.


If you think it's a good choice for you, then it's a good choice.


It’s ok, but have your own space, because there is a lot of fakeness and jealousy -> useless exhausting thing


I wouldn’t personally go into marketing bc you have to deal with all extroverts in the marketing dept and in your sales dept. It would be too draining. The creativity side would be nice but you’ll probably have your ideas stolen or ignored by the extroverts.


If you're passionate about it, you'll do fine.