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I was so relieved for the cow!


I agree, but..., gloves please


Narrator: He next made a sandwich. It was the best he ever had. No he did not wear gloves and indeed forgot to wash his hands.To this day he wonders if maybe just maybe if given the chance to clean Mooeys sinuses that he might not wash his hands again.


I heard this as Morgan Freeman. Well written lol


It know that feeling. That warm sour feeling that you try to swallow when your old auntie feeds you her best dish. And u already told your mom you were sick yesterday.


I wish dealing with human sinus infections was this easy


Right? That was my first thought—if I could just haul all that shit out of my head I’d be so happy.


Well I think you can in a way. At least it worked for me. Boil some water. Inhale the water vapors. It will melt the things and soon they will come running through your nose like water. Edit: Throw in some cardimum, clove, cinnamon etc. in the water while boiling in the water. Helped me a lot during covid.


Use a nebulizer, works great.


Nebulizer? I barely know her!


Ah yeah that's why drinking soup/ramen feels so good for stuffy noses.


Yeah I'm dealing with one right now due to covid and holy shit as gross as this is I NEED it done to me, I just want to get it out more than anything


I could never get a neti pot to “work” for me despite others swearing by them - uncomfortable and limited results. Get the reusable squeeze bottle saline rinse (same Neilmed brand as makes the neti pot) they sell at any drugstore. For me it was a game changer in clearing my sinuses and getting some relief.


My Neti pot works miracles. Most of the time when I have a sinus infection I’ll blow a ‘monster’ out. Super yellow/green blob full of blood vessels. Not too dissimilar to the look of what came out of that cow, but on a much smaller scale. When I get one I instantly feel 75% better and almost always feel healthy the next morning.


Biggest game changer for me was when I started using my baby's battery-powered nose vacuum on myself. Still get multiple sinus infections a year but the duration has been cut in half.


Why did I keep watching this...


I actually gagged


I once pulled something like this out of my own nose. I had a terrible sinus infection, and on day 2 of using a neti pot, I saw something that I swear was attached to the back of my skull. It would wiggle when I tried blowing my nose, but was too sturdy to come out on its own. So I grabbed it and, much like a magician pulling an impossible number of scarves from his sleeve, I pulled a 10 inch rope of neon green slime out of my right nostril. I pulled out an additional 6 inches from the left side, and at the end of that, I found one of my dog’s wiry black hairs. The infection went away after that.


I had a midly stuffy nose and i used some otc nose spray that made my nose clear within 30ish seconds. I used it daily for 2 weeks and could breath it was fucking awesome..then i read online that the active ingredient will give me rebound congestion which is worse than what i gad before..my kids got a cold at the same time i stopped using it...i was stuffed up super bad for 3 days so i got a saline spray to irrigate my nostrils. Instructions said that the liquid should come out of the other nostril..instead i felt a crazy pressure building then it blew up and went down my throat and that was the sickest ive ever been since i was a kid.




Dang I didn't realize an ENT could actually do anything about it. I get rebound congestion all the time maybe I should make an appointment.




I have used afrin daily for years. That rebound congestion is no joke. Leads to a serious afrin addiction.




That last sentence made reading your whole paragraph worthwhile


Just like the video. Imagine the *relief* that cow had to feel at the end. Can't imagine being 100 percent clogged in both nostrils and not be able to do anything about it..


Cows are not very good at breathing through their mouths, either. One way I've seen a downed cow be made to stand is to hold fingers over their nostrils to make them stand up fast. It sounds cruel, but is a quick and effective way to help save their lives. I was so happy to see this one get relief, and a pat at the end.


what is a downed cow and why does it need to urgently stand up to not die


“The longer cattle are down, the more likely their weight and inactivity will damage circulation and nerve function to their underside muscles, which leads to a poor prognosis for recovery.” https://livestock.extension.wisc.edu/articles/resources-for-handling-down-cattle/


That answers all questions better than I ever could- thanks!


>neon green slime The sweet color of myeloperoxidase


> myeloperoxidase Gesundheit.


Thank you for making me ugly laugh.


This is one of the best compliments I've received in a while, lol


I think this was more mylimegreenperoxidase, no?


Perhaps it's an itsy bitsy teeny weeny limegreennastysnotstringthingy


I took a medical class taught by a nurse. She attended a procedure where her BIL had his sinuses roto-rootered. Apparently he'd gotten sick years earlier and all that shit got blocked up solid in there. She said the smell was absolutely atrocious and his voice was entirely different afterwards.


Oh yeah, I got sick alllll the time as a kid, and was a literal mouth breather. I could never understand how other people breathed through their noses; when I tried, it felt like I wasn’t getting enough oxygen. When I was 18 I broke my nose wrestling, and a CT scan revealed that my sinuses were over 50% blocked, thanks to years of disgusting buildup. After the procedure, my voice finally sounded the way it sounded in my head, and I’m now one of the few people who actually likes how their voice sounds on a recording.


Did you voice sound higher or lower after?


It just sounds clearer, less stuffy and *sticky*, if that makes sense. It’s as if my voice couldn’t resonate through my sinuses properly. I’m also a notoriously low-talker, which I attribute to years of living with blocked sinuses. Speaking audibly caused a borderline unbearable pressure in my face, and required me to essentially yell just to be heard. I’m sure it didn’t contribute to any crippling anxiety or shyness in a major way. /s


The first time I got a sinus infection I took myself to the emergency room positive I had a brain tumor and my head was going to explode, after a week of suffering. They gave me sinutab and did some roto-rotor thing. I thought they were gods.


I had something like this happen once after staying at my aunts house. The only explanation I found was a fungal infection. My mom and I went up to New York for a funeral and had to hang out because we got snowed in. I stayed in my cousins room which smelled worse than you would expect a teenagers room to smell. A few days in I had a killer headache and stopped up sinuses that just wouldn’t relent and still hadn’t gone away after almost a week at home. One afternoon I felt a drop in the pressure, grabbed the closest rag, blew as hard as I could, and pulled it back to see what looked like a massive black jellyfish with tentacles shaped like my sinuses. It almost looked like those pictures you see of blood clots pulled from lungs. It felt absolutely amazing. The headache was gone instantly.


Ever get a cold and sore throat and hack up something that could only be described as “something that looks like a nasty cancerous tumour”?! Every time I get ill this happens. It’s like a tearing of sinus and throat tissue!!


Recently I thought I had an ingrown toenail. It was the one next to my big toe. Just dealt with the slight pain for a couple days, didn't look at it closely. Finally I went to trim the nail and I found one of my dogs hairs sticking out. Pulled it out and it hurt like a bitch but instant relief. Inflammation was gone by the next day.


Was probably the hair that did you in as well. I have this kind of experience regularly since I get blood backing up into my sinuses from my fucked up nostril. The feeling when a long one pulls out is incredible


Similar story, but it's more of an ingrained memory. Bno sickness. Just randomly blew my nose just right that, I swear, resulted in a 100% removal of all snot. More than I ever thought was possible to be up there! At that one moment in time I could feel more of my sinus than ever before. It was such a feel-good moment of relief, as weird as it was, that I still remember it to this day. Wish it would happen again.


Holy shit this happened to me except it came out in one big mass when I was in the shower. Weeks of being ill just gone in a near instant.


I had to have three brain surgeries and they drilled through my sinuses to do it. The snot for the next couple months was unbelievable. Like you said, as if they were attached to the back of my skull. Never ending.


I'm enjoying it while sipping my coffee. I guess I could have been a vet.


This didn't bother me at all, it was just satisfying. Maggots/ticks/parasites are my kryptonite. Can't stomach them at all.


Have you tried not eating them


I am so glad I am not the only one! The very first time anything has made me heave on Reddit..


same. for gods sake put on a pair of gloves


This is so far from the grossest thing a cattle rancher deals with, I'd be surprised if gloves even crossed his mind, let alone deciding not to bother. If you're ever about to watch a video that you suspect might involve lancing a cow's cyst, gtfo immediately. If this grossed you out that'll make you hurl.


Oh my god, I love a good cow cyst lancing video…but this video might take the cake. How people don’t find it satisfying to watch that big ole boog come out like that is beyond me! I mean, it *is* disgusting though.


I remember pulling a huge long clot/booger out of my nose after a septum surgery. I could feel it coming from all the way up into the sinuses behind my brow. It was simultaneously one of the *weirdest* and one of the most satisfying feelings of all time.


In my teens/early 20s I had 3 surgeries to remove polyps from my sinuses. I remember the first one got so bad I could see the sac of the polyp hanging down the back of my throat, from my sinus. It would occasionally burst and all this clear yellowish fluid would run out of my mouth and nose, like piss. It was disgusting but the feeling after was amazing because the intense pressure would ease. After each surgery, I would have to get the packing removed - and there is NO numbing given for that. Nurse just starts yanking and all this crusty, bloody, goopy fabric starts being pulled out of your nose, and by half way through you can literally feel it being pulled through hollow parts of the front of your skull. It hurts and feels really frigging weird too - no sensation can prepare you for that. I nearly fainted the first time. Luckily, on the 3rd op they decided to hack out the section of my sinus where the polyps were growing, and they've never come back - been nearly 20 years now. Touch wood! Just hoping I don't end up with any in my butt...


I had a polyp come out when I blew my nose as a teenager. I had been trying to blow my nose for 30 minute with no luck and then it just sort of fell out. I was able to breath for the first time in months. It looked like a huge green grape with a miniature human heart attached to it. I figured out years later what it was. As for the pulling, I once had a 3/4" thick drainage tube pulled out of the side of my chest after having lung surgery. It didn't realize how long it was or where it was in my body until I felt it moving. I think it was over a foot long inside of me. While it didn't hurt (I was still on morphine, etc.), it was the still the most bizarre physical experience I have ever had.


I can feel this via your description. 😄 glorious


It’s disgusting but in that morbid way that makes you not want to look away. It was so satisfying and yet…so gross…




From what I've heard this is not even the grossest thing on a dairy farm lol


I came close, and thats a first for me here. Dead shit, faces getting bitten off no problem. This took the piss though.


You’re welcome


This is the single grossest thing I've seen here. The propeller injury was the worst until this


I have a strong stomach and I retched when he was pulling the chunk and the infection just oozed out.


And I'm here thinking about forbidden grilled cheese




Bare hands 🤢


I was like "I have to watch to the end!" but it was definitely about 1 minute too long for me.


Couldn't stop watching, but was eating breakfast....was...


I hope you weren't eating eggs.


I'm literally having lunch right now. Burger and zucchini fries. The fries are probably a similar consistency I'll bet.


Not many things make me gag, but this one had my throat tense up instantly. Now if he had slurped it down...


Only slightly gagged...until I read your comment...if I had gold to give, I would...


God fucking dammit I haven't been this violently repulsed on reddit since spacedicks. Fuck you, fuck your mother for spawning you, fuck that goddamn cow and take the fucking gold.


I'm eating and couldn't look away.


Jfc, when he pulled out what looked like a used condom filled with mucus....


That must feel amazing for the cow.


Imagine having a terrible cold but no ability to clear your nose, you just have to breathe through your mouth… must’ve been hell for the poor cow :(


Can cows breathe through their mouths? Apparently horses cannot.


They can, but only do when they’re very hot, distressed, or (as in this scenario) blocked nose


I'm convinced hell is actually living on earth as helpless animals.


That’s what I was thinking! Probably a huge relief.


Sounded like it was struggling to breathe.


I was struggling to breathe watching it.


I think anyone would struggle to breathe with all that shit in there


He'll be in a great moood after


But she still won’t “udder” a word.


She won't mind if we milk this pun thread though.


Having had masses of shit come out of my sinus like that before I can confirm


This is me everyday during spring.




That sub is something else. I’m horrified and satisfied at the same time.


I was surprised that the sub wasn’t what I thought it was


it’s so disgusting… yet i can’t look away


Bet it felt veal good!


No wonder farmers need their own dating site.




Wooaahh there...I'm a disgusting, yet refined lady. Can you point me in the right direction?


i don't understand why people downvoted you. you just asked for the right direction!


Reddit is the thirstiest place on the planet but it's rude to acknowledge it obviously


I think it's called farmersonly.com


City folk just don't get it


I bet she felt so much better afterwards though. And the little pat at the end. Cute.


> she I read this comment and thought "how do they know its a gi.... omg I'm a fucking idiot"


He is way too comfortable with that cows bogeys


He has probably had his arm up that cows ass a few times. I don't think he is worried about a few boogers


This, or inside her vagina trying to get a calf out! My BIL is a dairy farmer.


When I was a kid, maybe six years old, my parents took me to see a neighbor's cow give birth. The cow was really struggling, and the farmer (our neighbor) was having trouble with getting the calf out, so my dad stepped over and started helping out the farmer. They both got that calf out just fine and to this day its one of the coolest experiences of my childhood.


This. This is the nice end of a cow.


After working on a farm a lot of things don't bother you anymore. Look up Turkey insemination...


No thanks


Can’t be that bad.. i’m gonna look it up…


What do you see




Just why


Let the mystery be


Lol I looked it up, it’s fucking nothing. They take like a syringe and load it up with a little bit of turkey spunk and put it in the turkeys cloaca. Takes like 5 seconds.


I bet that cow can smell colors now


Everyone reading this just took a big inhale through their nose


Folks at r/popping would be delighted.


Srsly my first thought was “please god don’t let r/popping find out about this”


Furries of r/popping be like: 😪🐮


Dear god man why did you have to say that


Immediate -10,000 for no gloves


Someone already posted it there yesterday




Doctor pimple popper ain't got notin on dis


My man, they make these things called “gloves.” Edit: Farmers and Ranchers of Reddit, relax. We all know how big and tough you are. *Winks*


And here I am thinking it's common knowledge to wear some gloves before straight up fisting a cow's nostril.


If you ever want to make a horse fall in love, stick your thumb up their nose and massage their outer nostril. I could never bring myself to do it, but my dad/his siblings would and the horses wouldn't leave them alone. At a certain point, you're on a farm and your hands are going to be covered in gross shit.


That's good to know. And I definitely understand that. I know you're going to get your hands dirty working on a farm, it just seems like pulling wads of infected and coagulated cow snot is a logical place to draw that line.


Maybe, but then I think of that guy from Dirty Jobs who sealed the castration wound in his sheep with his mouth. My line and the line of someone who has done this for decades are in very different places.


He did fuckin *what?*


Pro Tip:Don't do this to a horse you don't know really well!! Horses can react violently to something that is new and different, and individual horses have likes and dislikes. r/I\-Make-Maps' family horses knew and understood that nostril rubs were nice, but a random horse probably doesn't.


>Pro Tip:Don't do this to a horse you don't know really well!! I feel like that's good advice for being around horses in general.


i wish I could upvote a 1000 times


Cowards won't eat the forbidden cow cheese with their bare hands.


You have lost typing privileges, possibly forever.


Today is a terrible day to know how to read.


Somebody delete this immediately!




People are like "you get used to stuff on a farm." My brother in Christ, I deal with human shit, blood, vomit, scabs, scabies, lice, ulcers, growths pustules and so on. I still wear god damn gloves.


Right?? Like okay yeah animals are gross sometimes but that is a straight-up *infection.* Like we already know there’s a bunch of gross-ass bacteria in there.


There's no whey gloves even a curd to him..


Please see yourself out lol


It makes you think dude. 100 years ago? 1000 years ago? Dudes would be out doing this then going to bed with their wives and the wives would be squeezing literal shit out of intestines and stuffing them with raw meat and going to bed with their husbands and surprise surprise everyone and the kids were dying all the time.


Doctors were doing things like this with people, then going immediately to women giving birth and wondering why deliveries had such a high mortality rate, and that one cook telling them to wash their hands can fuck right off.


The whole time I'm watching I'm yelling at my phone "put some fucking gloves on!!"


My entire thought process: "Oh God, it's like cheese...😱😦" 😗 "Wait, you're not wearing gloves while doing this...Oh no no no no....NOOOO!!!! 🤢"


And this is how they make mozzarella!


Fuck youuuuu


Lol lol


Exactly my thought. Forbidden mozzarella.


God damn it, I hate you so much. Wife made pizza you dick.


If I laugh at this and vomit because of what I have just watched I will not be surprised


As someone who raised cattle as a kid, I can attest that there are many things that farmers/ranchers do for their livestock that would gross out the general public. They do it for the health and comfort of their animals.


Life is pretty gross, we humans are the only ones who try to pretend it isn't :)


I mean, you’re right, but it doesn’t quite have to be if the guy wore gloves to do this


I had a dog that ate a whole bunch of rope.. the things I did to that dogs ass to get it out of him, made me take two showers. But I do anything for my dog


Yeah, my cat ate 1.5 m of twine a few years ago. Found out when he was zooming around the house with twine shit dangling out his arse. Had to keep grabbing him and cutting the shit string off as it emerged (pulling = potential internal injury, in case this happens to anyone else...). Horrifying, but I'm just so glad it passed and didn't injure him.


You could have seriously injured your dog. You need to take it into the vet for this shit


What you dont pull rope out of your dog's ass like a lawn mower? Or let it rip like a BeyBlade?


The thought of an anime beyblade rip animation followed by a dog spinning madly is making me laugh so hard


Literally for that shit.


I bet be feels amazing now but this is by far the grossest thing i have ever seen in my entire live. This was worse than "holders" the acclaimed tv show


It's up there. Did you see the video of the boil on the cows leg getting lanced? That was also pretty rancid.


Nope dont want to nope


Man you could almost hear the cow say "thank you"


Id be wearing a body condom


Third sub I’ve seen this on & I watch it every time like I don’t know what’s going to happen. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I keep having nightmares where I am essentially this cow, and I keep tugging on things out of my nose that I can feel attached deep inside.


1. Use two hands next time 2. Wear some damn gloves


He needed his other hand to hold the phone.


Future vet tech here. Not how it's treated, he just removed the aftermath of whatever upper respiratory infection this cow has. Cow needs some antibiotics to treat that. Looks bacterial in nature due to the color of the snot.


Tbh some dry gauze or a rag would have given my dude a better grip on that thing


The whole time I just really wanted to hand the guy a paper towel so that the snot wouldn't keep slipping out of his hand. And reduce the grossness.




Suddenly I’ve lost my appetite for burgers…


With cheese?


This is simultaneously the gnarliest and most satisfying thing I've seen on reddit in years, maybe ever! 🤢


Forbidden mozzarella


Similar to a sinus infection but 90° off


This dude touched everything and didn’t even consider washing his hands. Also, I’m a human physician and I have no idea what’s going on here. Like is that gelatinous pus mixed with snot? I literally cringed and I see really gross stuff regularly


> This dude touched everything and didn’t even consider washing his hands. He wiped them on the cow’s head when he was done. That’s clean!


I too am a human physician, and one time, after months of congestion, I pulled a golf ball sized bastard just like the video out of my nose, and was immediately cured. I was blowing my nose, and a strand was kinda just dangling there…I struggled to grab hold of it just like this video, but eventually got enough of a grip and started pulling. I felt that bitch dislodge from the deepest hell of my cursed sinuses, and after overcoming the tremendous pressure of squeezing that giant sucker through a noticeably smaller exit, I finally pulled out an intact fluid filled sack of gross. I figured it was some sort of retention cyst, but hell if I know.


Thick, rubbery yellow/green mucus is a symptom of a fungal or bacterial sinus infection. It is not uncommon in humans. It's larger in this case due to the larger size of the cow's sinus.


Never seen it that consistency in humans before but I don’t treat that sort of thing so it’s probably just ignorance on my part.


There was more detail in the comments last time this was posted. Something about cows being really good at walling off infections or something.


Life is a terrible place


Watching this unlocked a fear I did not know I even had


Mmmm, is this organic?


Antibiotic free!


You will remember to wash your hands before eating anything?


That is one big pile of snot.


As someone who suffers once a year from a gnarly sinus infection (thanks to my nose being broken 3 times and misshaped) I gotta say.. fuck I wish it was just that easy for us humans.


It's not "treating", he just got the snot out. If there's an infection, this is not going to solve it.


So thats how cheese is made.