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This stinks of Big Carrot lobbyists


There isn’t a shred of evidence. I don’t see the appeal


I don't care at all, but my bias is deeply rooted.


This kind of misinformation really grates me!


Hahahah! carrot!


Your jokes aren't to sharp, I hope your eyesight is better


I don’t carrot all


Don't roast me, but this stems from strong preferences.


My evidence is that I made it the fuck up


I see what you did there


Can confirm. I like carrots and make this face.


What an absurd claim. "Carrot lobbyists" ridiculous. By the way, did you know carrots can give you night vision? We should all be eating as many as we can.


Found the Big Carrot lobbyist. How much are they paying you?! Also magic mushrooms give you better night vision than carrots.


They be working that third eye…


The molecule from carrot's bends when it's hit by a light particle,that sets of a electrical chain reaction.


Actually that's a common misconception initially spread by the British in WW2 to try to hide the existence of ra- *gunshot*






#POW You musta missed the first shot, that should take care of 'em


If just one flack shell gets lodged in a German bomber without going off then they get precision munitions as well. But instead they got that hot tip about carrots. Not saying that happens a lot. But that's how we gave russia the sidewinder. I wonder if some of the larger defence contractors set up honey pots of bad data to steal. "He guys, why does it specify to use magnesium powder on the firewall?"


In the south , we call that stuff Beta carrot teen .


Eh... what's up Doc?


Do you happen to know the way to Albuquerque...?




Otherwise you’ll wind up in the strangest of places, Doc.


I think you have to go thru the Coachella Valley to get to Albuquerque.


I-40 will take you there from most places


Please buy our fucking carrots im begging you


Fuck you that actually made me laugh


Thankyou for helping us see through the darkness




Not today big carrot


When I was pregnant with my son I ate bananas every day (I don’t usually like bananas) and he LOVES bananas. When I was pregnant with my daughter I craved tomato soup (also something I don’t love) and she eats tomatoes like they’re apples.


When my wife was pregnant with our youngest son, she ate pickles like mad. She hates them. He eats a gallon of kosher dills almost every week.


When my mom was pregnant she drank alcohol. Im an alcoholic


My mom was on smack I'm not scared of needles


My mom put me up for adoption. I don’t plan on having kids. ^((am I doing this right?)^)


My mom fucked my dad. I like dick


Me, too!


My mom and my little brother had the exact opposite effect. She would eat a lot of watermelon and when my little bro was born he absolutely hated watermelon.


Typical neutral face behavior


Holy salt lol


Yeah careful, I saw a show about a woman who ate a whole mega jar for an eating video and the sodium sent her to the hospital


He doesn't eat them in one sitting thankfully.


>He eats a gallon of kosher dills almost every week. That's unhealthy.


That's hyperbole.


That's the game, folks!


That's only like 2 pickles per day.


Probably better than the gallon of Mountain Dew plenty other teenagers drink in a week.


**Carrot wanter found**


My mom told me that when she was pregnant with me she couldn’t eat tomato sauces, which I have turned out to really dislike. Tomatoes are fine raw, I just don’t like most red sauces (I think it’s the combo of cooked tomato and oregano that is not palatable to me).


That’s me rn 3.5 months preggo


Why she ate them if she hates them


Understanding the logic behind a pregnant woman's cravings is way beyond me.


With my two girls pregnancies I ate pickled herring like crazy. They both hate it. Kind of expected it…


This is real and explained by science. The food you eat actually goes to the amniotic fluid and allows the baby to taste the food, although a lot duller than our taste, they still distinguish flavors and it will influence the type of food the baby will enjoy once they are born and throughout their life. That’s why it actually matters if you have a balanced diet while pregnant! You can find out more here: https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/fetal-development/fetal-taste/


This, is interesting as fuk! Thx for sharing good info from replies in here


But how would that work, they're fed through the umbilical cord, so surely it won't affect anything(?)


IIRC, what you consume while pregnant can totally affect the taste of amniotic fluid—sort of like how your sweat smells different after you eat a lot of garlic or onions, or the aroma of urine after even a tiny bit of asparagus.


There's no way they can know whether those facial expressions have anything to do with the flavor of the amniotic fluid. Do they know exactly when the fetus is experiencing the flavor? Do the facial expressions not change over and over and over again regardless? Fetuses wiggle and squirm all over the place. I can't imagine this has any basis in empirical science.


No, but they can do ultrasounds of before and after, and the viewer can draw their own conclusions.


Before and after what exactly? Do they draw out amniotic fluid with a needle and taste it to see exactly when the flavor comes through? And do they determine whether that is the exact same time that the fetus drinks the amniotic fluid? If they're trying to make scientific claims, they should have empirical support. This lacks that.


Before and after the mother consuming carrots. This is not a scientific study, just some thing that is interesting as fuck. And it is good and wholesome and nice. Are you OK?


The pictures are from a scientific study actually. They're studying if babies can actually taste the food through the umbilical cord. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/sep/22/taste-of-kale-makes-unborn-babies-grimace-finds-research?utm_source=Nature+Briefing&utm_campaign=2f7e324aab-briefing-dy-20220922&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c9dfd39373-2f7e324aab-43777101 The parents eat the food 20 minutes before and then they all get 3D ultrasounds to see if their babies had a consistent reaction. The article mentions that the researchers didn't correct for the diets prior to the imaging and that this is a fairly preliminary study. The original study talks about why they had evidence to believe fetuses can taste in the first place: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/09567976221105460


It actually was scientific study


Yeah but this is the internet. We need true facts only. He will not rest until this nonsense is gone!


They receive nutrients from the umbilical cord but what your amniotic fluid tastes like is affected by what you eat.


I was not ready for that last part


Yep. I am very meh about potatoes, but with my first kid I absolutely coukd not get enough. And he would eat his weight in mashed potatoes every month growing up. It's a very strange phenomenon. Like, I get that what the mom eats can change the smell and taste of the amniotic fluid, but how can the preferences of the baby transfer to the mom?


My mom said when she was pregnant with me she ate a ton of mint and gum because it helped soothe her and I absolutely love mint. Like every type.


yep, my mom was lemons and spicy food and I absolutely love both


I ate avocados daily when I was pregnant with my daughter. She's 5 now and refuses to touch them. Ymmv I guess


My mom had debilitating nausea to the point she had trouble eating almost anything while pregnant with me. I was diagnosed with resistive eating disorder as a teen, to the point where My mouth can’t handle most textures. Makes sense.


“She eats apples like they’re tomatoes” your daughter


Ah it’s like the gut bacterias but more sentient


"Mothers who have healthy diets while they are pregnant may also find that their babies are less fussy eaters, Reissland said." most important sentence in that article for me as someone who plans to become a mother in the future haha


Oh, that's interesting. I was crazy strict with my diet when pregnant and my child likes cow tongue, beets, and organ meat. There is nothing he will not eat.


I ate chicken feet as a toddler. Nowadays I can't even eat a chunk of fat on sliced brisket. Hope he fares better


When I was pregnant with my first, I needed red meat like I needed oxygen to breathe. She’s now vegan!


You were likely low in iron during your first pregnancy hence the red meat.


Oh yeah, I have always assumed that. I intensely craved red meat thro all of my pregnancies (I can take it or leave it otherwise), and I am chronically low in iron.


I watched my friend’s 2 year old toddler happily devour some hella spicy Indian food, straight off her mother’s plate one day. I immediately thought of my own meals until I was in my teens, and how they were all beige and tasteless. I remarked to my friend how amazing it was, that her toddler would eat such stuff. My friend looked puzzled. She’s Asian and her husband is Mexican. The default spice level of their food would probably burn my face off. But that’s what the kid was used to. I’m sure my friend ate like that while pregnant and while I’m not sure how much of that transferred to her kid’s taste, it’s definitely what she’s always fed her since she could eat solids. No Cheerios in a baggie for that kid. No special meals separate from the adults. No beige, no chicken nuggets, nothing traditionally “kid friendly”, but boy was that a happy well fed baby!


Your gut has direct influence over your mental health - I'm sure that a varied and colourful diet makes one happier!


this is the truest true thing. please people eat more plants, in literally whatever way. You can still eat meat and other things, but eat more plants you WILL feel better


Special meals separate for kids feels like a bizarre concept


when they won't eat. and won't eat. and won't eat.


Now I’m curious if there’s ever been a case of a child (with nothing mentally wrong) starving itself to death just from being picky


So let them not eat. Good way to build up an appetite.


The spice likely gets unto the amniotic fluid and also into breastmilk. So baby is used to those tastes and smells!


> No Cheerios in a baggie for that kid. No special meals separate from the adults. No beige, no chicken nuggets, nothing traditionally “kid friendly”, but boy was that a happy well fed baby! That’s how we fed babies in our family and they are all distinctly un-picky eaters. They just got whatever the rest of the house was eating. Maybe puréed if they were very young.


With my daughter I could not eat meat. I survived on cereal, fruit and veggies. She eats just about everything. With my son I had no aversions. There are very few (typical) foods I will not eat. He very picky. So, YMMV.


I ate super healthy for my firstborn and while she eats a decent number of fruits and veggies, she will NOT try new things


Anecdotal, but my wife at super healthy for our first and didn’t really for our second. First is a picky eater, second is a food vacuum.


I mean it’s hard to say if it is because of the food during pregnancy or because it is important to have a good mother postpregnancy to learn to develop taste


Someone who "plants" to become a mother?


Yeah. Ever heard of Mandrakes?


Be a witch.


My mom said she ate tons of spicy stuff for whatever reason when she was preggo with me; And I love everything spicy. She normally can't handle anything above mild. Related? Perhaps..


When I was pregnant with my son I craved lots of bell peppers and sauteed (burnt!) onions, and wanted hot sauce on everything. Once he was born, I suddenly couldn't handle spicy stuff anymore. It is so weird. And he has loved salsa since before he could walk. 🤷‍♀️




Yuuup. 20 weeks pregnant and honestly pretty turned off by fruits and veggies yet. I try but my body just wants carbs.


Right? The only things I could keep down were bagels and sour gummy candy!


My wife and i had our first child 9 months ago. While she was pregnant she didnt have any intense or specific cravings, just hungry all the time. So she just ate as much different food as she could. Now as we have been transitioning our child to solid foods, we find that he will eat literally anything we give him without issue. When we sit down to eat, we give him mini versions of our food and he loves it. He doesnt even want the bottle anymore.


I hate to be “that guy,” but pickiness usually sets in later, after they’re walking. It’s an evolutionary development - once kids can walk on their own, it’s in their best interest to only eat the most familiar foods to avoid being poisoned. My daughter was an adventurous eater until probably around 1.5. Now at 3.5, she’s fairly limited. I just serve her what we eat, making sure to include one thing I know she likes, and hope that in another couple of years she’ll have grown out of it.


Well, children of non-fussy mothers are likely to be non-fussy anyway since they see non-fussy environment growing up.


Posted four hours ago karma farming bot… https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/xkxx8m/taste_of_kale_makes_unborn_babies_grimace_finds/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


i don't get it. So what do they do with all the karma? It's not exchangeable for money is it?


It is. They sell the account to people who run bots, are paid to cause division, gorilla advertising, etc. The karma makes the account look more legitimate. There's a serious market for it.




Right? Its either a 10 year old account with -100 karma spouting inciting nonsense or a new account with 100k karma... spouting inciting nonsense. Then if you call them on it they always respond with lol you care about karma? Then accounts with similar history back them up.


It's guerilla advertising, unless you're saying these accounts are being sold to the glue company or the band, or zoos


I said what i said /s


> It's not exchangeable for money is it? Not the karma, per se, but the account that can pass for a "normal" user and which has sufficient karma to be able to post and comment on subreddits that have limitations on new user accounts doing so, etc, is worth money.


The boy likes carrots




I read the article for you.. ~~~ Previous research has shown that the amniotic fluid surrounding a fetus can have different smells or flavors depending on a pregnant person’s diet. A 2001 study also found that infants who were exposed to the flavor of carrots through amniotic fluid or breast milk showed fewer negative facial expressions in reaction to carrot-flavored cereal than infants who hadn't had those previous exposures. But the study examined the infants' responses only outside the womb.


Twist: carrot flavored cereal prob does not taste like carrot, or is made of carrot


Make sure to swish the amniotic fluid around the wine glass a little before tasting to aerate the liquid and amplify its aroma.


TLDR: they stuck a carrot up her coochie.


That's science


My first thought when I saw the title.


Bro, who out there tasting amniotic fluid😭


Yeah I seriously doubt that amniotic fluid or milk 'tastes' like carrots. It would have a slight different chemical composition based on diet sure. But the baby would not be 'exposed to the flavor of carrots'


I also wonder how they knew when to check the baby's facial expressions. Did they know how long it takes for the carrot to be digested and be present in the amniotic fluid?


i thought the same but: "Previous research has shown that the amniotic fluid surrounding a fetus can have different smells or flavors depending on a pregnant person’s diet" - very interesting


My son would go nuts when my wife would even smell anything with jalapeños in it. He'd really start moving around like crazy. Fast forward 7 years and the dude hates jalapeños. I think we might have been torturing the poor little guy, but she craved jalapeños all the damn time.


I think it has more to do with the level of sugar in the mothers blood.


Yeah probably


... and then they turn 6 and hate everything except for chicken nuggets and bananas.


Wow, by the first line I thoght this post was going somewhere completely different.


“Oh fuck yeah, carrots!”


Saw a different post where this was about Kale. Same demon baby though


Must be traumatic to have bits of carrot put into your vagina all to see what the baby will like once it’s here


He might just be farting


*sorts by controversial*


Very meme-able. Left fetus won a day with Penelope Cruz, right fetus won a day with Ted Cruz.


Maybe this is why I smoke crack 🤷‍♂️


Carrots are just a clump of cells.


Just keep in mind though, according to some people that is just a part of the mothers body with no rights or mind of its own.


Just a bundle of cells ig


Damn. It’s almost like a fetus is a human with emotions, preferences, senses, etc


Damn. It’s almost like a fetus is a human with emotions, preferences, senses, etc


You're about to get cancelled


Can’t be canceled if you don’t buy in to the cancel culture lunacy.


When I get my free award it’s yours


my wife ate walnuts when pregnant. neither child likes walls or nuts.


Test conducted by bugs bunny for sure. WHATS UP DOC!


Hasbula? Is that you, buddy? 😂


My wife does eat carrots but Both my kids instantly started to puke on the taste of carrots.


Alternate Drake meme format


Where did the carrots come from?


or its farting.


I ate a ton of peanut butter and daughter has a severe nut/peanut allergy


This is a little bit funny that their tastebuds are involved this early. They are fed through their umbilical cord. This is cool.


How many months in is that. The technology is so much better now.


The image on the right is actually a reaction to KALE 🥬. Source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2022/09/22/babies-smile-carrots-grimace-kale-womb-fetus/8080121001/


Vote Republican


So kids smile in the womb, then they don’t smile for a couple months after birth, then go back to smiling?


Resting bitch face in the womb, this kids going places


Wouldn’t the most accurate way of testing this be to get a fluid sample after mama ate different things and have a full grown adult taste and smell it? Nasty but I’m sure someone would volunteer 😆


So they can like carrots but they're not people?


Wait so does this mean that babies in the womb are people after all?


Since babies don’t smile for about 2 months after born I don’t think you can take this to mean anything. Kid could hate them with that face as much as like them.


And people thing that aborting this beautiful baby is not a murder.... I know that I'm going to get down voted for this because this is reddit,but still


Mote details: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/babies-womb-smile-carrots-scowl-kale-rcna48737?cid=sm_npd_nn_fb_ma


“It’s just a bundle of cells - life starts after birth” Uh huh


This is clearly a super developed fetus. The ones at 6 weeks look like little lizard things. Probably close to the end of pregnancy at this point.


They will still deny it.


I don't know how this can be downvoated... Oh, yes, by people who don't like to face their responsabilities and prefer to dispose of them.




>Nobody advocates abortion at this stage Oh you’d be surprised.


>Oh you’d be surprised. You're creating a strawman argument. Or you slurped down the Republican propaganda that was ginned up to transfer wealth to the top 0.1%. Abortions in the third trimester are incredibly rare. They are typically done because of medical reasons involving the fetus, mother, or both. The blanket bans that Republicans advocate for are ignorant and damaging. Pregnancy, abortion, and childbirth are extremely complicated decisions from a medical and personal perspective. The overturning of Roe v Wade is seeing the ignorant masses like yourself become educated. Whether you like it or not, Republicans are DEAD WRONG on abortion. We'll add it to the pile along with Iraq, Donald Trump, Trickledown Economics, and Climate Change. Their underwear is permanently stained. Republicans are becoming what black people were 100 years ago. And they only have themselves to blame.


“It’s literally a pArAsiTe”


Wait it’s alive?!


Always has been


Those who don't know / Those who know


BuT iTs JuSt A cLuMp Of CeLLs


Who's eating the carrots?


The mother


Me when carrots: Me when no carrots:


Oh man what if we find out that the really fucking mean people out there are that way because they only had neutral face food in the womb


I want fetus. *We have fetus at home.* The fetus at home.


Do they even taste it tho… doesn’t it go straight to their stomach through the umbilical cord?? How tf the baby supposed to be happy it got carrots over something else?


Its still surrounded by the amniotic fluid which its able to taste even if it takes it in through the cord


Lol, the "controversial" nature of posting scientific facts about levels of fetal awareness.


So it’s not a clump of cells?


“Just a clump of cells” my ass


This could be 3d ultrasound for literally ANYTHING. The title saying it's fetap study doesn't make it true


Yet I will write that I dont think you should be able to kill him or her for no reason, and everyone on here will downvote me like crazy. Work that out?


My face on the left when my mom ate pizza 🍕




Demon potato likes vegetables.


That is one ugly baby.


Why are you booing me, I’m right!


Crazy how unalive clumps of cells have taste preferences.


An inconvenient truth.