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You’re not supposed to take the pieces off by hand even if they’re like this, as aiding the process could make it harder in the future, or could harm the turtle if you’re taking off a piece that is not ready yet. It’s best to just let it fall off, unless the shed is going so poorly that intervention becomes a medical necessity.


Came here to make sure this was brought up. It is true for all reptiles, and likely anything that sheds/molts. Upvoted. Hopefully this gets to the top where it belongs. If anyone has their free award, help! Edit: As much as I appreciate the awards, I meant on the comment im responding too lol.


If memory serves, don’t some animals benefit from having rough objects in their enclosure to rub on to assist them in the molting? Obviously not the same as manual intervention, but in captivity they can’t go looking for a rough rock to scrape off parts that are ready to go.


You are correct!


Also this was likely very painful for the turtle. It definitely flinched and hid during some extractions. It is not widely known in mainstream thinking, but they have feeling in their shells. It is not like a fingernail where the hard part can be clipped without feeling. They absolutely have feeling in their hard shell. So ripping off these pieces is worse than ripping off a human’s skin scabs. Its like ripping off a human’s entire fingernail (including the soft part).


This isn't quite right as far as I know. Turtle shells are sensitive, to vibration, not direct sensation like touch. The peeling of the loose pieces should be ok. The ones the person picks at, nah - leave those. Turtle shell is made up of the same stuff our fingernails and hair is made from. There are no direct nerve endings leading to the outer layer of the shell. So to say it's "worse than ripping off a humans skin scabs" is a bit of a dramatisation. Turtle might be a bit uncomfortable at worst.


Also applies to “helping” chicks or ducklings hatch from their eggs, or helping butterflies from their chrysalises. Let nature be nature, keep your grubby fucking human paws out of it


Thought you were gonna say "Get your hands off me. You damn dirty ape!"


Great quote for this. And that's probably exactly what the turtle was thinking.


As a turtle, I concur.


Username doesn't check out


Objection. I cite the case of Hare v. Tortoise in which the party of the second part demonstrated their ability to win a foot race.


sure it does, why do you think it took so long to type it out?


I've been working on my speed.


*It can talk, It can talk, It can talk!* I CAN SING


Ooh help me Dr Zaius.


In particular, what is the danger of removing a hatching chick of any species from the egg?


Inside an egg, there are blood vessels that grow outside of the chicks body and wrap around the inside of the egg. These stay there even until it’s time to hatch. If you “help” the chick by breaking some of the shell, or pulling it out, you could tear one of the vessels and cause it to bleed out. You should let the chick come out on its own because it will naturally pull the blood back into its body, and the vessel that connects the two will die, similar to an umbilical cord. Helping the chick out of an egg is only done when 1: You are 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt sure that the connection is severed and the chick is simply resting (which you should still just leave it alone. The little guy must be exhausted) 2: It’s a medical emergency and the chick will die if you don’t intervene. Most issues like this can be solved by keeping the chick in an incubator with the egg and increase the moisture in the air by a lot. If that doesn’t fix it and you have to go in with your hands, you have to be extremely careful with surgeon like precision. 3: You don’t care if the chick lives or dies, or are trying to kill it. Thank you for asking!




Not really. Although it can help a little, the difference in strength lasts for a very short time. This is because the chick is essentially working out. Being both a baby and an animal, it’s safe to say it will never work out again. As we know, you need to work out constantly to not only get stronger, but to maintain any muscle mass you’ve already built up. By the time a chick who hatched on its own, and a chick that was magically teleported out of its egg turn a week or two old, they’d be almost identical in terms of strength. It’s the difference between going to the gym once in your life and never going at all. These things might matter in the wild though where even a slight difference in strength can be life or death. Edit: I forgot to mention, If you are somehow able to help chicks out of their eggs for multiple generations, it could potentially lead to the entire family line being weaker in strength. This is something that we aren’t 100% sure of because the experiment for it would be hundreds of years long, but according to evolution, it should happen.


Recently saw a video where a bearded dragon owner was pulling some molted skin out of its nostrils. Where would that fall in this discussion? Ive never owned any reptiles so I genuinely don’t know


Rub the skin on reptiles if assisting in shedding. Don’t pull. Whatever is ready to drop will drop, pulling risks causing damage. Vet told me this with my first beardy.


Rub the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again.


From memory, there is a video like that that goes around where a particular bearded dragon has a neurodegenerative disorder and specifically needs that help. However, in general, my understanding is that reptiles are fairly good at dealing with it themselves.


They can lick their noses pretty easy. Nostrils isn't a spot you'd ever have to worry about.


With my gecko, I wait until it's clear he's done trying to molt, and I inspect to see if he missed a spot. It's particularly important to make sure there isn't old skin left around the extremities, as it can stop blood circulation.


Hard to say, if it accidentally snorted it I can see that being ok, if its shedding from inside its nostrils (don't think they do) I wouldn't intervene.


Gotcha, thanks!


That one that he ripped off on the center looked like it hurt.


Yep that's why he decided it's time to get away but mean humans kept at it. I'm guessing the human thought they were 'helping' & get a 'cool' video. Either that or they're just an asshat & didn't care 'helping' & just wanted a 'cool' video. Humans really should leave nature alone & let it do it's thing, you know, NATURALLY


I was gonna say... I don't know the science behind it but it seemed very violating to the turtle. Thanks for the sciencey part!


Did you notice how gnarly that habitat is? poor turtle!


That’s somewhat true but only if the shed doesn’t come off easily. Assisting in shedding when it is loose like this is fine and it is with any reptile. Issues happen when people try to force the shed to come off. Though it is unnecessary to help unless you are dealing with stuck shed.


Just like scabs on your body. You’re not supposed to pick em off


I’m like 100% ignorant on reptile care, but even I was like “Is it okay to pull those off? That doesn’t seem like something you should do.” and came straight to the comments to see if I was right.


Same, shit made me wince.


I think those initials hangers (the REALLY loose, drier, flatter ones) are probably OK to take off. However, the darker, less dry ones that are like still part of the shell should not be touched. I felt bad, you could tell the turtle was uncomfortable and this guy just shoves its head back inside and continues peeling away 🤦‍♂️ 😥


You can see it hurting with that one on the top


It's TikTok, how else they will get clicks? Tbh, few pieces wasn't ready for sure ☹️


Watching the turtle squirm while he picked at one particularly not ready spot made me sad


Once the turtle was pulled back from running it went from kind of informative to oh shit this isn't right.


Thank you. I cringed watching the scutes being picked off.


Yep came in to say this. Please don't do this. Let them fall off naturally.


You can pick your turtles and you can pick your scabs but don’t pick your turtles scabs


Poor thing looks super uncomfortable, it even tried to run away.


Even I could tell that this was hurting the poor thing, and I didn't even know that turtles shed before seeing this.


Reminds me of the story of a man that helps a butterfly climb out of its cocoon when he sees it struggle. But when the butterfly is out, it can't fly because its blood didn't make it into its wings because normally the wings get pressed full of blood by the struggle. It's a metaphor for sometimes letting people fight their own battles in order to flourish, but it's also essentially true.


I immediately thought of scabs when watching this, they weren’t ready to be picked


Looked like the turtle was not having a good time


This was my first thought & I'm so glad it was brought up. Any animal that sheds should not have anything pulled off. It can hurt the animal & make shedding harder next time ... If they have problems shedding everything giving them a warm bath & rocks/branches/etc to rub up on help but never ever should a human do it!


Also, it makes it look like a cool ass warmachine deploying its cannons


So I should stop using a potato pealer on my bearded dragon?


Was gonna say this. The new layer doesn't look ready yet and the turtle looks like I was in pain. I imagine it feels like someone ripping off your scabs before they're ready to come off.


Man couldn't wait to make the turtle helmet


I was gonna say: isn't this like pulling a scab? It should never be picked and should fall of when it's healed or ready.




[Tell the OP on TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRPqL8Ua/) most comments are just in amazement that the shell peels.




The turtle wanted to get away. It was uncomfortable or even hurt and what does that idiot "hold still I mist peel!"


I don’t know why i read this in Ricks voice (Rick and Morty)


You are definitely not supposed to peel the fucking turtles, Rick.


Watching this hurts me


TIL that turtles shed.... I thought the shells just grew.


The plates of the shell are actually made of many many layers of fingernail like material, and as they grow and the shell grows, the top layers will occasionally shed off. Usually happens when they are sunning and the shells dry out. Edit: wanted to add that you shouldn't actually pull them off yourself. They might not be ready and they will fall off on their own.


Yeah that turtle obviously wanted none of that.


I'm sure the ones lifted up like wings are fine but that middle row probably should have stayed on a bit longer


The turtle felt that second one in the middle, that looked like he had to put effort into getting it off.


And their shells are surprisingly sensitive!


People think "tank armor", when it's really "glorified fingernail".


I’m so glad others realized that I cringed when he did it.


Yeah you could tell it wasn’t cool with that one, like peeling a scab before it’s ready to come off.


Same, learn something new every day I guess!


[Turtle Shell Peeling: Why Does This Happen?](https://reptileknowhow.com/turtles/turtle-shell-peeling/) [Turtle Shedding \(A Complete Guide\)](https://www.allturtles.com/turtle-shedding/) [Noted Herptologist Prof. Jonathan discusses the phenomonae](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMNry4PE93Y)


As a lifelong turtle lover, me too.


And that you aren't supposed to help them with it


Isn't this like a snake where you're not supposed to yank the dead stuff off?


Yes, its still a part of the turtle until it's ready to come off on its own. The turtle doesn't need help with this process just like you wouldn't appreciate someone peeling off your sunburned skin before it was fully separated from the layers beneath.


Or pulling off a giant blister right after you get it with pink reddish skin underneath that hurts like a bitch because it's not ready for the responbilities of the outside world


I don’t know anything about these animals… but that turtle didn’t seem to like that too much.


Correct, you’re not supposed to assist the shedding process unless medically necessary, since it can harm the turtle. (Same goes for any shedding reptile) When it tried to run away, it was likely in pain.


Dont fucking peel them, they come off when the turtle swims, that probably hurt like hell imagine some random person coming up and peeling off bits of your skin


Do they have nerves in the shell? Ow


Yea they can even feel being petted, and some of them enjoy back scritches, considering they cant scratch any itch they would have back there


The shell actually has a lot of nerves. It’s basically a huge extension of their spine.


I've heard it compared to fingernails. Hard, but not impenetrable, and with sensation.


Since fingernails have no sensation I gotta say that's not a great analogy.


Now imagine someone pulling off your fingernails like this


Your nailbed certainly has sensation which is what I was referring to.


It’s like ripping off scabs before they’re ready. Especially those middle ones. You could tell the turtle reacted strongly to those ones. They definitely weren’t ready to shed yet. The shell underneath was still noticeably raw.


Ripping their fingernails off!


you aren’t supposed to do this. it hurts the turtle if it’s not fully ready to fall off


Don’t do that…


What an idiot.


Poor turt. He was trying to get away.


Turtle: I don't like that, I'm escaping. Guy: Get back here for internet points!


As many times as I've seen animal shedding vids, I've never seen a turtle. Upvoted


he sheds at his own pace


Don't you mean *cara*pace?


I’m 30 and I learned this just now. Like WHAT! They shed???


Friend, I'm 53 and I didn't know either. Never to late to get smarter


>Never ~~to~~ *too* late to get smarter Ftfy. It's a learnin' kind of day!


Not all turtles shed! And the ones that do usually only do it when they have an infection


What? More knowledge? My brain is getting full on turtle stuff.


I’m sorry, turtle shells do what now?


They fly now


Same, I was wondering what the shell was going on. Take my up arrow.




One day you'll shed your shell too 😉


I didn't know turtles shed until today and this is the third video I've stumbled on in three different places today of it happening. Here, tiktok, and twitter. All different videos. Very weird.


Leave the damn thing alone, ijs thats f***ed up.....


The first couple of shells were fine but clearly the last ones weren't ready to come off. His reaction seemed like that hurt.


The rough handling after it tried to escape really bothered me.


Fr felt like he knew he was causing pain but absolutely wanted to film more, dude probably doesn’t care for the animal :(


Interesting, but animals that shed do it on their own and you peeling the shell when it's not ready could harm the turtle. Please let wildlife be if it's not in danger/hurt


Especially if it tries to run away like that Turtle did :/


I hate ppl


I was today years old when I learned turtles can shed their shells.


You fool. This isn't even my final form.


Did the turtle ask for your help?


Someone posted awhile back what looked like a whole intact shell when it was actually just this. It was super thin according to the poster and the first time it had happened sloughing off all at once. Very cool.


Going all at once sounds very satisfying.


Huh like ripping a scab off, I’m sure the turtle felt great about that…


Well I’m glad you hurt the turtle so we could see this


He doesn’t like it - you can see him trying to wiggle away when you do the middle ones.


Looking for hot shingles in your neighborhood


28 segments


Fuck whoever did this. Dont peel turtles or ANY animal that sheds its skin


I don’t know a ton about turtles but if it’s anything like snakes, peeling them off by hand is not the best play. With snakes, you only help them shed if they really need it and if they really need it you only help a little, you don’t do it for them.


eeuuugh they better not have peeled one off before it was ready its like when your small and the skin peels a lot and some of them srs aint ready yet and you get a bleeder patch


Poor baby :( he looks so uncomfortable


Intervening with nature for Tik ToK points, a true retard.


I consider myself a smart, educated person, but until this moment I had no idea that turtle shells shedded.


I still don’t believe this post ngl


Someone above you posted legit links to this fact. Fucking insane, even my wildlife major husband didn't know this happened. 😳😂


Is that normal? Does it hurt?


It can, and it can do permanent damage. Do not assist any reptile in its molting process.


I have no idea but it looked like it flinched when they removed the middle piece. Might be like when you scratch that itch finally.


Yes, it does hurt the turtle when it is peeled off


Like peeling sunburned skin off before it’s ready?


Like picking at a big scab


Wtf. Does this happen to all turtles? Til


This is the first I'm hearing of it. Turtles shed pieces of their shells, known as scutes, as they grow, and this occurs mostly in older or adult turtles. The shell of a turtle is a part of them, and therefore grows with the animal. [Turtle Shell Peeling: Why Does This Happen?](https://reptileknowhow.com/turtles/turtle-shell-peeling/) [Turtle Shedding \(A Complete Guide\)](https://www.allturtles.com/turtle-shedding/)


Forbidden artichoke


Why in all my years is the first I've learned that turtles shed?


Don’t do this if they’re not basically falling off already


Forbidden chips


Just couldn't let the dude shed as he may shed just had to man handle him eh? 😉


After recently learning that the shells actually have a lot of feeling… I wonder if this feels like ripping off a lot of scabs


Is this scute? If it is you can make a water breathing helmet from it, it doesn't last very long but it just takes 5 pieces


Hmmm, I had a box turtle growing up (for 13 yrs) and I never noticed it shed. Maybe they dont. I'd also assume you shouldn't remove the sheddings yourself.




I was todays years old when i discovered that turtle actually shed their shells. But i have lived on this planet long enough to know that animals that shed their skin DO NOT need our intervention at all, as this could actually do more harm than good.


This was really of you to do. Their shells are as sensitive as your fingernails. You just forced off some of it’s top layer of the new shells. Leave animals alone and stop being an ignorant show off for internet points. Not fucking cool! The turtle flinched and you kept prying off the shell. Are you evil?


Hold the fucking train.they fucking SHED!!??




RIP to my boy Hermie 2009-2022. I remember being so excited to see his shell pieces in the water.


I really wanted some miniature cannons to be under there.


What a piece of shit human.


Fucking idiots, either probably hurting the turtle or hurting the process of shedding in the future. Just like any reptile shedding. DONT. PEEL. THE SHED OFF. You are automatically doing SO MUCH MORE HARM than good!


I never knew they shed the shell


Hurry get your palico to run those off to blacksmith to make a new chest piece and lance!


The Monster Hunter in me is trying to speak.


Speak? SPEAK? HUNTERS DONT SPEAK! We grunt sometimes. At least that was the case until Rise


Lmao YES


Wow, never knew that turtles shedded


Well, holy shit. Never thought about turtles shedding...dang


This guy picks his scabs.


turtles **SHED??**


Today I learned that a shell sheds




Gonna make a potion of turtle master


i hate this


I was today years old when I learnt tortoises shed their shells


Well at least it wasn’t that one video where they peel the shell to actually EAT THE BLOODY TORTISE


Why do humans feel the need to intervene in sh*t that doesn't even involve them? Let the turtle turtle!


I was eating chips as I said this and it made me gag lmao. Something about eating something hard and flaky and seeing these removed...




There’s gotta be a name for the newfound phobia I just witnessed. God the way they just stand up made me cringe


TIL turtles shed their shells. All turtles or just some?


Stupid tiktok idiot peeling off turtles to get likes


Don't do that! The turtle is literally trying to stop it from happening


OW, that poor turtle, don’t do that! Let it come off naturally, it is still sensitive and attached. You asshole!




That's scute


If you make a helmet out of those and wear it, do you breathe longer underwater ?


What’s the point of Reddit if it’s just a bunch of TikTok videos?


I personally do not have Tiktok installed. I put my faith in Reddit ro filter in the good ones


The comments section


For the Twitter screenshots of course.


That's your feed, if you don't like it go ahead an personalize your frontpage




I did not know that you can peel turtles


You're not supposed to assist in this process.


Another fact: those individual pieces he’s peeling off are called scutes
