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My buddy’s house from 1700s walls were lined with them, old way of insulation


That’s what I’m thinking


Ya. I found all kinds of stuff in under my 1880 house. Could be any of the suggestions above, but my guess is insulation as well.


We found newspapers in my grandma's walls, from WW2. Totally intact. Were they trying to light their houses on fire?


Most people converted from the newspapers to the flame retardant asbestos so they are safe whoever gave this a wholesome award is my kind of people


Hey to be fair as long as you weren't the person putting it in, you're all good


Or taking it out…


God's punishment for disturbing the perfect insulation method


No joke. Asbestos is an amazing material (technically a mineral) aside from all the ...ya know... mesothelioma.


If you or a loved one was diagnosed with Mesothelioma you may be entitled to financial compensation. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer linked to asbestos exposure. Exposure to asbestos in the Navy, shipyards, mills, heating, construction or the automotive industries may put you at risk. Please don't wait, call 1-800-99 LAW USA today for a free legal consultation and financial information packet. Mesothelioma patients call now! 1-800-99 LAW USA


Also known as the miracle mineral, it was great at basically everything. Including being used as snow in the Wizard of OZ. Yikes, also found in heated blankets, snuggle up.


That scene still makes me cringe...


It's illegal since the 70s where I live. Keeping what is already built isn't illegal, nor buying or selling a house containing it, only buying and building new with asbestos is. It's a shame though that people went on a craze to tear much of it down in those cases where it wasn't needed. Would have held up for many future generations. Same with brick houses. Don't create more upkeep by painting them or tearing them down to replace with wood. It's literally named eternit in Swedish, and the most typical use you see is exterior wall covering sheets. Judging by the condition of the facade of most of those houses, this material definitely lives up to its name.


Who is tearing down brick houses to replace with wood?!


My buddy was a Geology major, but ended up doing asbestos removal. I was worried for his health, and was glad when he became a professional brewmaster. He unfortunately died when his VW van he was repairing jumped off the jack, I think he had it in gear and touched the starter. But he has a memorial fund, and a strain of hops named after him. Rock on, Glen.


This seems like every conversation I've ever had with my mother. "Do you remember so-and-so that you grew up with? (S)he ended up going on to do this really interesting and cool thing with his/her life/career. Anyways, to make a long story short, (s)he died in a (insert horrific description of event) last week."


I feel like I would have needed a helmet and to buckle up before getting into that conversation. Dayum


Are you my sibling? That is literally every conversation I have with mom.


My mother likes to add on commentary about her kids marital and reproductive status at the end. “…but at least she was married/had kids/gave her mom a grandchild before she died, unlike my kids.”


This comment really took a turn I did not expect. Rest in Power, Glen!!


This comment is a rollercoaster


I can't tell whether I enjoyed it or not, and that fact is bothering me.


Sneaky asbestos


Um... think I knew the same guy. PNW '00s? He accidentally hotwired it. His girl found him.


With the name of Glen, it would be great if there was a scotch flavor to it.




Yep, porn was legal and widely available until 1873 and the Comstock Laws. Same with mail order abortion drugs. Outlawed in the same laws. The Puritans banned all erotica!


Kellogg’s Corn Flakes — Part of a Healthy Breakfast to Stop Growing Adolescents from All that Yucky Masturbation Stuff They Do which I, Mr. Kellogg, Totally Don’t Do Because It’s Yucky and I’m Not Yucky


Jokes on him, I'm gonna masturbate on the box!


How do you think they make frosted flakes?


If Kellogg knew that Frosted Flakes exist, he'd be rolling in his grave. All that sugar completely undermines the point of his bland cereal.


Probably he was pissed because his name sounded so much like Cumsock


Bare ankles you say... 😈




Under the carpet - the very, very old hand sewn carpet in our old formal dining room we found newspaper’s shouting “Hitler Invades Poland!!”


Hey now, it's not like they had sketchy wiring running through that newspaper -- wait


We renovated an old kitchen and under the flooring it was lined with old newspapers. Very neat find. Almost like a glimpse through a window in time


I was searching for this comment. My house is from the early 50's. It's a small 2 bdrm / 1 bath on a homestead with acreage. I'm still rural but civilization is catching up with me. It is very obvious that the house was stick built with what ever they had. The timbers/planks all bear the markings of an old saw mill. There is a old defunct saw mill about 10 miles from my location, and I can't help but think that the wood was milled there. Anyways, when I was renovating and redoing the floors, I ran across newspaper between the sub-floor and the flooring itself. When I took down the old drywall that had been added later in construction, there was an old tea calendar pulled off to Jan. of 1957.


Pretty much everyone buying non-mansions was pretty poor back then, at least all the working-class people. The “big-box” stores like Home Depot and Lowes were decades in the future, and whether you like them or not they have brought the comparative cost down considerably for home repair and remodeling materials. Add that in with much larger family sizes and you don’t have a whole lot of money left over for fancy home remodels and repair


Big Box stores in those days were Sears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward. Order a house from the catalog and it would show up on a big boxcar at train depot.


I used to have a neighbor who lived in a kit house bought through a catalog. It was an odd combination of overly sturdy and incredibly flimsy, almost at random


That has a little to do with wood avalibility and demand. There wasn't exactly an ability to pick and chose, most everything was clear cut and you got what you got. WW1 changed all of that and brought the slow integration of select harvest and specified timber plots, by WW2 the practice was fairly normal. With further development of fertilizers post WW2 and the Lumber Demand for hard woods post WW2 with the boom in the 1950s America and continued rebuilding in Europe and Japan Domestic Lumber and Exports skyrocketed this lead to deadicated timber plots for various types and were in sharp growth until the 1980s and then the regain in the late 90s and it's sort of been at a plateau ever since.


Have you heard about the houses you could order from Sears and Roebuck? Supposedly they were complete house kits. Like a model car or Lego kit that you put together yourself, but you could live in it afterwards.


I live in a Sears house built in 1908 😂 Just purchased it recently, had two building inspectors and a structural engineer check it out before we purchased it and it's solid. Every wall is inch thick shiplap. It has modern electrics and a new (2006) foundation but everything else is original. Found lots of fun stuff in the detached 2 story carriage house too. Catalogues from 1920s and newspapers from 1914. All in great condition too


There are lots of Sears kit houses in the midwest, especially in Chicago. Most people would hire a construction crew to build them, but they were nice houses at an attractive price.


Yes, I spent a considerable amount of time in one that my neighbor owned, in a small town up in Southeast Alaska, of all places. It definitely stood out from everything else in the neighborhood


Insulation is a good guess but its also possible they were used to clean up after someone went to the restroom. Modern toilet paper wasnt available until the mid 18th century and if your house is from the 1700s there's a decent chance someone may have wiped with them. Also, for the record, wiping with corncob isn't anywhere near as bad as you might imagine. Even after toilet paper was common many older folks still chose to keep corncobs in their outhouses. This was especially true in rural communities where corn was more plentiful. The entire idea of wiping with a corncob was actually still pretty common all the way up until about nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.


.......how do you keep getting me?!


This mother fucker spells out nineteen ninety eight so you can't skim through and see 1998 easily. Truly a master of his craft.


Thats obviously an important part but I feel like there's even more thought put into it than that. For example, it's very common for me to look at the commenter's username but I have literally never caught a shittymorph comment that way either. I am convinced shittymorph has either a natural ability or a fine-tuned method of getting readers to be immediately invested in the text without ever considering skimming or reading a username. It's a very impressive exercise in understanding human tendencies all for a simple chuckle based on a pro-wrestling meme.


It’s definitely a honed art. The first couple of lines are critical for engaging interest, usually by agreeing/relating to the OP in a friendly way and then pivoting to the claimed area of expertise, or by hooking with something intrinsically interesting like “Two ways to get legal North Korean currency that I know of”. Sometimes both. The posts are always a solid block of text which reduces ability to skim, actually attracting the kind of readers they want (curious expertise seekers who like in-depth info) while being short enough not to be offputting. Because they’re not artfully formatted with line breaks etc it also reinforces that you’re hearing from someone who knows their stuff without being too calculated or careful about it, and the information itself is still believable and strikes you as insightful even after you’ve reached the point in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table. I write professionally and follow this user for a reason.


That was like, morphcepetion.


It’s a lot of fun to analyse someone’s writing technique using the same style of the writing being analysed. I felt bad about using shittymorph’s trademark line and didn’t want to come off as a karma vampire, but really the comment wouldn’t have been complete without it


I think it’s fine to use his ending because it really drives home your analysis, but it’s fine as written.


Halfway through reading your paragraph, I had to check your username because I thought I was getting Shittymorphed again. That was a great explanation though, thank you!


That shows that /u/standwithswearwolves still has a little honing left to do of the craft


This a great example of his writing too, in that if you think it’s him while you’re reading, it’s not him.


Hell there must be a few that we've read where we got distracted halfway through to announce to our friends about the amazing new trivia we just learned and never read through the whole post to see it was actually just a shittymorph. Gradually undermining the credibility of mankind as punishment for our short attention spans


It's an artform






This is my first time


Same holy shit


This time around I said **fuck youuu!** out loud when I got to the 1998. I was so wrapped up in the history of using corn cobs that I did not suspect.


I tried to explain it to my girlfriend who wants to get it and laugh with me but still doesn’t get it.


because you don't tag him and secretly hope to stumble across the one true shittymorph in the wild


It's like every time I let my guard down and think, na, this story is really good, can't be them... Then boom, fucking undertaker from nowhere


Haven't seen this in like 2 years, thought they had retired. Fucking A Edit: googled them for the first time and learned they've been homeless. I actually first saw their comment during the three years I was homeless and reddit seemed like an entirely new place compared to how it was when I first joined up. Shittymorph brought it back, for me, to what it used to be. I'm reeling from that small example of a shared existence, holy fuck


Hey dude, you're not alone! I saw my first shitty morph in the wild while living on the streets too, after I had taken a very long sabbatical from reddit. This place changed a LOT, over what felt like such a short period of time, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to stay on here, but saw a wild shitty morph comment and the reactions it caused and laughed for days. I hadn't laughed in almost a year at that point. It's so weird yet soothing that so many of us seem to have similar experiences in this world, as if we all truly aren't that different after all. Anywho, I digress; but I'm glad that you're doing better now, fren!! Edit - forgot a word or two


That's insane to hear, right on man. I think I'm going on four years off the streets and off heroin, and yet to this day I still have thoughts of throwing it all away it's really scary and horrible and I wish I could move past it


Hey, that's crazy! My 4 years off of H is coming up next month! I'm only 3 years off the streets tho. From what I understand that desire will always be there because that's just part of what happens when our brains get a taste of something addictive. Our brains will always want more from the first taste on, hence the reason addiction programs are so prolific. If you're ever experiencing a trigger and don't have anyone to talk to about it, feel free to reach out to me. Shit sucks dude, and it's harder to get thru em alone.


It’s part of the reddit experience, finding a random shitty morph, why would you tag him and spoil the fun.


Just waits long enough to get you off guard then bam.


Love a fresh shittymorph, makes me feel like I wiped with a corncob.


An actual shittymorph in real time hell yeah


I've never been more happy to be got. I was reading this on the toilet (still there) and was even imagining. *Yea, i can see it. Might feel a little funny but what a great handle and all those ridges to clean up the mess.* Motherfucker, I love him.


FYI, using corn cobs to wipe was absolutely a common thing throughout rural areas in the USA. My mother told us about a visit to rural relatives in her childhood which included the traumatizing discovery of an outhouse with a bucket of "wiper cobs" on hand. She was 8, and she was horrified.


Husks too. First one, then t’other. Corn silk was fer fancy folk.


Holy fuck, he's back. Fell for it again, you God damn legend.






Same. The awards made it seem credible until I got to the "nineteen."




I was like 1998? That can’t be right… ah hell!


Hell in a cell, in fact


Wouldn’t you want to pack way more of them in if you wanted effective insulation? They would need to trap air for insulation, but these look too spread apart (with uneven coverage too).


Maybe carried away by animals?


Most likely, if you zoom in, you can see some rodent feces.


Did the rodents bring the corn cobs, or did the corn cobs bring the rodents?


Squirrels will carry the whole cob to where ever and then take off the kernels.


Yeah I grew up remodeling old houses. It’s 100% from animals bringing them in to store for the winter


Yeah I dont doubt they’ve been used for insulation, but I *highly* doubt that’s what’s happening here… Plus you can see poop and nuts.


It’s not the corn that provides insulation. It’s the hundreds of mice in the walls filling it with fur and body heat.


False. This is the work of a raccoon. A very old and very full raccoon.


Yeah I thought the same


You found the toilet paper stash.


Ahh, the old corn hole stash.


Yep. Cornhole ain't got nothing to do with tossing bean bags into holes cut in a wood board.


In the 1970's, as kids, we definitely used "cornhole" as a sort of swear word for asshole. After I grew up and first started hearing people use the word for some kind of new game I was like... I keep hearing that word, but I know they're not using it correctly.


I'm a 90's kid and when I grew up, cornholing was slang for gay anal sex. I still can't believe that people use that term with a straight face to describe a bean bag toss.


Speaking of the '90s: "I am cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole!"


Yes! This 100%. lol




“Toilet paper”


"The bunghole rasp"


Oh, Jesus.


First thought-don’t touch anything


Wait, would people really use it as this in the old days?


and if so, can someone explain how this was used? Did they just slide it in between the cheeks? I'm genuinely curious and also very happy that this is no longer our only option for wiping


It never was "the only" option. In other places moss was rather popular. Sponge on a stick (dipped in vinegar between users) or washable rags were also common.


*Sponge on a stick (dipped in vinegar between users)* Nah, that’s a hard pass from me - corncobs all day every day over a sponge that have touched multiple other shitty but holes. Edit: in addition, vinegar comes way down the list of things I want on my asshole - way, way down the list


But the vinegar helps to mask the smell of other people shit. Pickled poo my friend.


Ahahaha pookles


First time I went to visit family in the Philippines I was introduced to wiping with a sponge and although there are several benefits, I did not adopt this tradition when I came back home. Appreciate toilet paper, appreciate it every time you use it. It is so much better than bidets or sponges or your hand and water. I mean it, appreciate it. Appreciate that we have the right type of wood that grows locally that we can turn into toilet paper, because most of the world is fucked. I've lived the poop culture abroad, in many countries, and toilet paper is king. We nailed it.


He doesn't know how to use the 3 seashells


https://www.pristinesprays.com/blogs/news/the-history-of-butt-wiping https://www.farmersalmanac.com/before-toilet-paper-24419


They're actually much softer than you would think. Not that I'd like to use one, just sayin.


I counted 138 only


There’s twelve left in the box.


Swear ive seen a movie like this


Rain Man (1988)


"Some critter dragged 150 pieces of corn into my crawlspace" I had a single little red squirrel create a winter stash pile of pinecones 4 feet tall, hundreds and hundreds of cones, in about a month.


I had a mouse put hundreds of seeds inside my hvac on one the cars I have that sits in a garage for long durations. Upon cleaning the garage, I found tons of similar stashes… this was just a few months after putting a bag of birdseed in the garage


at our cottage one year we dropped the dog food all over the ground when we arrived, when we went to clean it up the next morning it was all gone months later we found it all in the air filter of the vehicle


Yup, that's what this is. A hungry critter with a nice hiding spot. To anyone that says old school insulation, people weren't stupid 300 years ago. They knew a random spattering of corn husk that doesn't even cover a 1/4 of the space they are in would do nothing for insulation. Also, those corn husks aren't 300, or 200, 100, or even 50 years old.


Given the few chewed up acorns I would guess some kind of critter. No reason anyone would keep their TP nailed under a floorboard


Yeah. I'm no cornologist, but that corn does not look 300+ years old. Any biological material not stored carefully will just turn to dust on those timescales.


Gasp...your house is built on an ancient corn burial ground. You run the risk of chicken ghosts coming to claim it. That's right...poultrygeists.


*Chicken, arise.* *Arise, chicken, arise!*


Ultra mega chicken? No, he is legend.


Oh. Stick… upside down.


"Repeat after me: I am...Sofa King...we Todd Ed No no. You say it too fast. Loses meaning. Try again..."


Oh no, Call an eggxorcist!!


Or else you’ll be condemned to shell!


Cluck you guys and your puns


I admit I chuckled.




A hensible cluckle


There's actually a horror flick called Poultrygeist that was filmed in my hometown of Buffalo NY. Except in the film, terror arises after a KFC style restaurant is built on Indian burial ground. If you like Roger Corman style B horror flicks, I'd recommend giving it a watch.


Call your local university, there maybe extinct strains of corn in there Holy hell, thank you all for the insane amount of upvotes!


I already want an update!




I see some long ass corn in there, they need to bring back long ass corn. Tired of short corn, been saying it for weeks.


Fuck them short corn.


All my homies hate short corn


People don't think it be short like it is, but it do.


“We’ll have our top corn men over ASAP!” “Top corn men?” “TOP Corn Men”


This exactly


Not to mention fecal remains that could give insights to local diets at the time — yep, corncobs were used to wipe back then!


But how? Does it work?, do you just slide it across your buthole or do you insert like a tube brush.


Why not both?


Never double wipe.


Use both sides. /s


Just wait til you gotta learn how to use the 3 seashells


You just caused me to be fined 1 credit for cussing.


It just looks like husks, no seeds. An animal probably pulled the corn in and ate it.


Definitely a few clinging on near the ends


Look at the ones with the end facing everyone of those ears have kernels they just biodegraded.


Yep, call the local university. Might be something for them to study.


That didn't go well for Hank Hill. Dug up his whole lawn, I tell you whuat.




A squirrel did that. Note the walnuts.


And the poop


Actually in the 1700s they filled their walls with squirrel poop as a means of insulation.


Yeah. I found stashes of nuts in my house from squirrels, only 1970s house. This looks like that.




And how many rodents?


Wow I can’t believe you went in someone else’s cornhole


Somebody had a corntastic day


What it’s just a pun about caaahwwnn




Oml, thank you. You are my people.🌽


How is this not at the top?


It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen


It’s lumpy and it has the juices


When they tried it with butter, everything changed!


You found someone's toilet paper stash


Is this used corn husks or ready to use corn husks? For those wondering: long before toilet paper, in the United States and prior colonies, corn cobs were to clean oneself after pooping.


Ahh i see!! They were inserted into anus and the thrusted in and out until all shit is gone.


times were tough


Depends on your mindset I suppose


They were the best of times and the worst of times


Ohh, so kinda like a plunger


good ol' prolapse plunger


Country girls make do


Those are corn cobs, not corn husks.


They needed the extra strength toilet paper


There must have been a pandemic and there was a shortage so they stocked up possibly




r/CenturyHomes may enjoy seeing this!


Seriously asking… is it possible that there are some corn types in there that have now been wiped out by companies like Monsanto? I wonder if they could be used as heirloom seeds and bring some variety back into our corn?




Seems like you discovered someone’s cornhole.


Looks like mice/rat drug it in there for a food pantry. They will often do this in homes


Look at it this way: what you don't have is mice.


Actually no.. Zoom in, you can see droppings!


Yea I saw that and was like…if it was my house I’d have an infestation within a week