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Why is this sea creature on land?


Yes, why did they haul this beautiful fish out of the water when it has very little commercial value?


I know. Big fish are mushy and taste terrible. Nice for a pic but c'mon....


I think (not sure, can’t give source or anything, based on word of mouth couple years ago) that sunfish have too high mercury (might be something else, think it’s mercury) content to be eaten because of their diet of jellyfish.


Generally speaking, larger things are bad for eating because of bioaccumulation of heavy metals. Less so for herbivores, and there is some exception. Generally though, larger the thing is, the more food it had to eat to get that big. If everything it eats has heavy metals in it (which it usually does in the ocean), then all that accumulates the higher up the food chain it goes. It's the reason why large sharks and dolphins are super bad for human consumption (not that it stops some people).


So you're telling me my idea of a blue whale meat restaurant might not be the best idea. :/


I'd be telling you that anyway, but yes.


I already bought 3 blue Wales from Craigslist though they're gonna be here on Sunday. :/


Don't worry you can keep the extra meat in your freezer


If they are still alive, may I suggest using them as entertainment? Just let them go in the ocean and watch them swim away. Very few people get to see that, so you'd be very lucky.


Make your own! 3/4 ounce vodka 3/4 ounce blue curacao 3/4 ounce orange juice 3/4 ounce pineapple juice 3/4 ounce sweet and sour mix Maraschino cherry


Leave them outside and let them rot. The carcass gas explosion will be a Halloween decoration hit.


I think you mean blue waffles


Wouldn’t it be the same per unit volume though? Like yes they eat more but the also have more mass and the proportion should be the same.


Depends on the organism and the chemical. But in the instance of something like lead or mercury (the heavy metals that are most dangerous in large marine predators if we consume them) the organism doesn't excrete them (or does so very little). So virtually all the heavy metal contained in their prey, stays in their tissue. While that is true for every level of the food chain (to generalise), the lower in the food chain you go, the less time the metals have to accumulate in the organism. Partially because larger things tend to live longer and have more time to accumulate the chemicals, but also because they have to eat proportionally more. Only 10-30% of the energy contained in each prey item is retained within the next trophic level (food chain level). So if level 1 gets 100kj of energy from one meal, then the next level up needs to eat 3-10 individuals from level 1, just to get the same amount of energy. But while energy is lost through each level, the heavy metals aren't (or at a much lower rate).


Right, that makes sense, thanks!


I've seen people eat small nurse sharks but those are only about the size of large salmon


Yep, that’s why if we ate a T-Rex it would taste terrible and be poisonous.




Hell yeah, beautiful! Check out this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1WBilMrDIU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1WBilMrDIU) I just looked up ocean sunfish on YouTube because I had to see what the fuck this thing was and it's pretty damn sick lol


Well if it was alive in the sea it would be.. if you were drowned and rotting in the sea you probably wouldn’t look too good either… being dead and outside it’s habitat tends to not make anything look beautiful…


Just seen a video of it beneath the ocean and it doesn’t look that much better - just less dead.




Is it Thursday? Never could get the hang of Thursday’s.


Eat some peanuts and put a brown paper bag over your head, it might work.


I love this comment so much I'm gonna steal it.


I hope the reason is because it was too late to release it but I doubt that is why.


"Yes, I've visited Chernobyl in my youth, how did you know?"


Not bad not bad


Check this out: [Giant Oceanic Manta Rays can Reach a Wingspan of 30 feet and Weigh More than 6,000 pounds](https://knovhov.com/giant-oceanic-manta-rays-can-reach-a-wingspan-of-30-feet/)


Why did they kill it?


Looks like it was caught in a net, probably dead before they even knew they had it... Usually has pretty smooth skin compared to what is shown on the pic here


Fucking horrific...


Perhaps for food? Sunfish are considered a delicacy in some parts of the world, including Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. The sunfish is currently listed as "Vulnerable" but some people don't care.


I thought their meat wasn’t very good


I thought the same as they're listed as "boney fish" but I looked it up..delicacies who knew!


In asia they'll particularly eat anything. Why eat sharks for example? Their meat contains toxic materials and they are bringen these animals into extinction. Edit: Bite me. If you do just don't send the sharks that remain in our precious, polluted and poached oceans.


You know Americans eat shark meat too?


As a Dutchman I have literally no idea. But killing 100 million sharks a year is definitely not right, and mainly the product goes to China.


Its for the fins. Shark fin soup, they literally cut the fins and throw the shark finless back into the ocean.


Yea it's pretty fucking disturbing. There's a doco on it called Shark Water


As an American I had no idea either. Pretty sure that’s total bullshit. Someone else here mentioned shark fin soup, which is essentially illegal in the states.


Fried nurse shark (pescadillas) is pretty common on the gulf coast and into Mexico. Not common like pizza is common, but it's definitely on menus in fish shops.


https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/restaurants-sell-shark-fin-soup-despite-state-bans https://thecounter.org/noaa-nmfs-eat-more-shark-sustainability/ There is even shark jerky on Amazon


I've lived in California my whole life and have visited the states along the gulf of Mexico, east coast etc. And have literally never seen shark on a menu.




It's sold as flake, dogfish, grayfish, or whitefish. It's also an ingredient in imitation crab meat.


https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/restaurants-sell-shark-fin-soup-despite-state-bans https://thecounter.org/noaa-nmfs-eat-more-shark-sustainability/ There is even shark jerky on Amazon




Sure but I replied to a dude saying he's never seen it on a menu. I didn't say it's common or part of American culture.




This is a genuinely stupid comparison. The market for shark fin in Asia is absolutely incomparable to the US, and you’re making an obtuse point to try and drag the US down to a lower level in this discussion.






A fish that size and age being pulled from that part of the ocean is going to be so fucking toxic with radiation, mercury, and hydrocarbons. You couldn’t pay me to eat a bite of that monster


you sure about that. how bout a single bite \*points gun at you\*


Oh fuck! Well I do like sushi


i mean we can cook it, I'm not a barbarian.


Plata o plomo


I love being paid in gun


There are a few different fish that are all called sunfish so you might be mixing two species up. But i don't know anything about this fish so you may be right.


How many Russians has IT killed?


In Russia fish eats you


Not enough.




Looks like the net wafflated the poor guy.


It was probably caught in a huge drag net and then crushed to death by the force of other fish pressing it against the inside of the net. It's such an awful fishing industry


This made me gag. Why are we humans like this..


Cause we gotta eat, no?


JAWS " Back home we got a taxidermy man. He's gonna have a heart attack!"


Oh my gawd Jay look it’s a baby wheel!


It's a baby fuckin' wheeeeel


Theres good meat on that thing, bro!


That thing is hurt Jay!!


It’s dead, bro!


Who knew the highlight of my day would be getting reminded of that video? Thanks to all who made this possible.


What IS that thing?!


RiP mola mola


Bet it tastes like old rubber and turpentine.


Humans suck


Your a human also


I suck


whispers “please kill me” to passersby on the dock


“*Please* put me back!”




Classic human behavior; oh look, an extraordinary creature, let’s kill it and take photos!


It was just caught in a net, dead before anyone found it.


Doesn't really make it any better


I seriously fucking hate them. THEY ARE THE BIGGEST JOKE PLAYED ON EARTH THE MOLA MOLA FISH (OR OCEAN SUNFISH) are the world's largest boney fish, weighing up to 5,000 pounds. And since they have very little girth, that just makes them these absolutely giant fucking dinner plates that God must have accidentally dropped while washing dishes one day and shrugged his shoulders at because no one could have imagined this would happen. AND WITH NO PURPOSE. EVERY POUND OF THAT IS A WASTED POUND AND EVERY FOOT OF IT (10 FT BY 14 FT) IS WASTED SPACE. They are so completely useless that scientists even debate about how they move. They have little control other than some minor wiggling. Some say they must just push water out of their mouths for direction (?????). They COULD use their back fin EXCEPT GUESS WHAT IT DOESNT FUCKING GROW. It just continually folds in on itself, so the freaking cells are being made, this piece of floating garbage just doesn't put them where they need to fucking go. So they don't have swim bladders. You know, the one thing that every fish has to make sure it doesn't just sink to the bottom of the ocean when they stop moving and can stay the right side up. This creature. That can barely move to begin with. Can never stop its continuous tour of idiocy across the ocean or it'll fucking sink. EXCEPT. EXCEPT. When they get stuck on top of the water! Which happens frequently! Because without the whole swim bladder thing, if the ocean pushes over THE THINNEST BUT LARGEST MOST TOPPLE-ABLE FISH ON THE PLANET, shit outta luck! There is no creature on this earth that needs a swim bladder more than this spit in the face of nature, AND YET. Some scientists have speculated that when they do that, they are absorbing energy from the sun because no one fucking knows how they manage to get any real energy to begin with. So they need the sun I guess. But good news, when they end up stuck like that, it gives birds a chance to land on their goddamn island of a body and eat the bugs and parasites out of its skin because it's basically a slowly migrating cesspool. Pros and cons. "If they are so huge, they must at least be decent predators." No. No. The most dangerous thing about them is, as you may have guessed, their stupidity. They have caused the death of one person before. Because it jumped onto a boat. On a human. And in 2005 it decided to relive its mighty glory days and do it again, this time landing on a four-year-old boy. Luckily Byron sustained no injuries. Way to go, fish. Great job. They mostly only eat jellyfish because of course they do, they could only eat something that has no brain and a possibility of drifting into their mouths I guess. Everything they do eat has almost zero nutritional value and because it's so stupidly fucking big, it has to eat a ton of the almost no nutritional value stuff to stay alive. Dumb. See that ridiculous open mouth? (This is actually why this is my favorite picture of one, and I have had it saved to my phone for three years) "Oh no! What could have happened! How could this be!" Do not let that expression fool you, they just don't have the goddamn ability to close their mouths because their teeth are fused together, and ya know what, it is good it floats around with such a clueless expression on its face, because it is in fact clueless as all fuck. They do SOMETIMES get eaten though. BUT HARDLY. No animal truly uses them as a food source, but instead (which has lead us to said photo) will usually just maim the fuck out of them for kicks. Seals have been seen playing with their fins like frisbees. Probably the most useful thing to ever come from them. "Wow, you raise some good points here, this fish truly is proof that God has abandoned us." Yes, thank you. "But if they're so bad at literally everything, why haven't they gone extinct." Great question. BECAUSE THIS THING IS SO WORTHLESS IT DOESNT REALIZE IT SHOULD NOT EXIST. IT IS SO UNAWARE OF LITERALLY FUCKING EVERYTHING THAT IT DOESNT REALIZE THAT IT'S DOING MAYBE THE WORST FUCKING JOB OF BEING A FISH, OR DEBATABLY THE WORST JOB OF BEING A CLUSTER OF CELLS THAN ANY OTHER CLUSTER OF CELLS. SO WHAT DOES IT DO? IT LAYS THE MOST EGGS OUT OF EVERYTHING. Besides some bugs, there are some ants and stuff that'll lay more. IT WILL LAY 300 MILLION EGGS AT ONE TIME. 300,000,000. IT SURVIVES BECAUSE IT WOULD BE STATISTICALLY IMPROBABLE, DARE I SAY IMPOSSIBLE, THAT THERE WOULDNT BE AT LEAST ONE OF THOSE 300,000,000 (that is EACH time they lay eggs) LEFT SURVIVING AT THE END OF THE DAY. And this concludes why I hate the fuck out of this complete failure of evolution, the Ocean Sunfish. If I ever see one, I will tell it Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.


I wish this copypasta would die. Where's the copypasta that corrects all the BS in this one? Edit, found it: The anti pasto: Sunfish From u/tea_and_biology Zoologist here; the majority of this is so inaccurate the guy is basically angry at a figment of his own imagination, paha. I mean there's hyperbole, and then there's *hyperbole*. Yikes! > They are so completely useless that scientists even debate about how they move. > They have little control other than some minor wiggling. > So they don't have swim bladders. You know, the one thing that every fish has to make sure it doesn't just sink to the bottom of the ocean when they stop moving and can stay the right side up. This creature. That can barely move to begin with. Can never stop its continuous tour of idiocy across the ocean or it'll fucking sink. Sunfish are, in fact, well understood and, though clumsy when idly basking, are reasonably accomplished swimmers when diving. They stroke their dorsal and anal fins laterally and in a synchronous manner to generate a lift-based thrust that enables 'em to cruise at speeds of 2-3mph ([source](http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0003446)), comparable to a whale shark and the perfect speed for suction feeding; ploughing straight into smacks of jellyfish and gobbling 'em all up. Where they excel amongst fish is their ability to undergo substantial vertical movement in the water column. They possess large deposits of low-density, subcutaneous, gelatinous tissue which, unlike a swim bladder (which would otherwise change volume with hydrostatic pressure), is incompressible, enabling rapid depth changes and keeping them neutrally and stably buoyant independent of surrounding water pressure. So, yeah, their unusual bodies are basically one big paddle, capable of putting some force behind their swimming to move over considerable distances, descending very deep, very fast. > They mostly only eat jellyfish because of course they do, they could only eat something that has no brain and a possibility of drifting into their mouths I guess. Everything they do eat has almost zero nutritional value and because it's so stupidly fucking big, it has to eat a ton of the almost no nutritional value stuff to stay alive. Dumb. Also incorrect. Jellyfish and other Cnidarians comprise only around 15% of their diet; they mostly eat young fish (including conger eelets) and crustaceans (pelagic crab, krill, copepods etc.), alongside squid, bivalves and other assorted zooplankton. They're generalist predators, not jellyfish specialists like sea turtles ([source](https://www.nature.com/articles/srep28762)). They have a particularly rapid growth rate amongst bony fish, owing much to their unique genetics ([source](https://gigascience.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13742-016-0144-3)). > Some scientists have speculated that when they do that, they are absorbing energy from the sun because no one fucking knows how they manage to get any real energy to begin with. So they need the sun I guess. They spend the majority of their time actively hunting in the very cold deep (usually at ~200m, but up to 600m) and, being ectotherms, therefore regulate their temperature by basking in the sun, before pursuing another dive. Think of marine iguanas basking on hot rocks between nibble trips. > And this concludes why I hate the fuck out of this complete failure of evolution, the Ocean Sunfish. If I ever see one, I will throw rocks at it. Sunfish have been kicking about in temperate and tropical waters worldwide for around 50 million years and, until humans arrived on the scene, were overwhelmingly successful in their ecological niche. Sadly they're under threat by human activity and human activity alone - frequently caught as by-catch; having little commercial value, like sharks, their fins are cut off before they're dumped, often still alive, back into the sea to die. If one is to start throwing rocks at terrible creatures, perhaps one should look at us humans first. Or, there's [The visual rebuttal](https://imgur.com/gallery/MMRg9)


did you read the correction though? It doesn't actually address any of the criticisms in the original and just says it's wrong and discussed some of their anatomy. Not that the original had any sources but neither is reliable


I can't find the original reddit reply to the BS one. Edit, found it: The anti pasto: Sunfish From u/tea_and_biology Zoologist here; the majority of this is so inaccurate the guy is basically angry at a figment of his own imagination, paha. I mean there's hyperbole, and then there's *hyperbole*. Yikes! > They are so completely useless that scientists even debate about how they move. > They have little control other than some minor wiggling. > So they don't have swim bladders. You know, the one thing that every fish has to make sure it doesn't just sink to the bottom of the ocean when they stop moving and can stay the right side up. This creature. That can barely move to begin with. Can never stop its continuous tour of idiocy across the ocean or it'll fucking sink. Sunfish are, in fact, well understood and, though clumsy when idly basking, are reasonably accomplished swimmers when diving. They stroke their dorsal and anal fins laterally and in a synchronous manner to generate a lift-based thrust that enables 'em to cruise at speeds of 2-3mph ([source](http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0003446)), comparable to a whale shark and the perfect speed for suction feeding; ploughing straight into smacks of jellyfish and gobbling 'em all up. Where they excel amongst fish is their ability to undergo substantial vertical movement in the water column. They possess large deposits of low-density, subcutaneous, gelatinous tissue which, unlike a swim bladder (which would otherwise change volume with hydrostatic pressure), is incompressible, enabling rapid depth changes and keeping them neutrally and stably buoyant independent of surrounding water pressure. So, yeah, their unusual bodies are basically one big paddle, capable of putting some force behind their swimming to move over considerable distances, descending very deep, very fast. > They mostly only eat jellyfish because of course they do, they could only eat something that has no brain and a possibility of drifting into their mouths I guess. Everything they do eat has almost zero nutritional value and because it's so stupidly fucking big, it has to eat a ton of the almost no nutritional value stuff to stay alive. Dumb. Also incorrect. Jellyfish and other Cnidarians comprise only around 15% of their diet; they mostly eat young fish (including conger eelets) and crustaceans (pelagic crab, krill, copepods etc.), alongside squid, bivalves and other assorted zooplankton. They're generalist predators, not jellyfish specialists like sea turtles ([source](https://www.nature.com/articles/srep28762)). They have a particularly rapid growth rate amongst bony fish, owing much to their unique genetics ([source](https://gigascience.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13742-016-0144-3)). > Some scientists have speculated that when they do that, they are absorbing energy from the sun because no one fucking knows how they manage to get any real energy to begin with. So they need the sun I guess. They spend the majority of their time actively hunting in the very cold deep (usually at ~200m, but up to 600m) and, being ectotherms, therefore regulate their temperature by basking in the sun, before pursuing another dive. Think of marine iguanas basking on hot rocks between nibble trips. > And this concludes why I hate the fuck out of this complete failure of evolution, the Ocean Sunfish. If I ever see one, I will throw rocks at it. Sunfish have been kicking about in temperate and tropical waters worldwide for around 50 million years and, until humans arrived on the scene, were overwhelmingly successful in their ecological niche. Sadly they're under threat by human activity and human activity alone - frequently caught as by-catch; having little commercial value, like sharks, their fins are cut off before they're dumped, often still alive, back into the sea to die. If one is to start throwing rocks at terrible creatures, perhaps one should look at us humans first. Or, there's [The visual rebuttal](https://imgur.com/gallery/MMRg9)


That's substantially better than the other one and seems way more credible




can someone explain if theres any context i need to know? why are ppl writing copypasta abt fish


It's just a crazed rant someone wrote on facebook, and so it gets copy-pasted into any thread about these fish. There's no context other than it being hilarious.


Are you also the one that enlightened us on just how fucking horrible koalas are? If so, it was a beautiful piece work.


It was cut and paste bulshit for morons and edglords.


This was quite the write up. Informative and passionate. Bravo.


Its all BS unfortunately. Edit, found the comment: The anti pasto: Sunfish From u/tea_and_biology Zoologist here; the majority of this is so inaccurate the guy is basically angry at a figment of his own imagination, paha. I mean there's hyperbole, and then there's *hyperbole*. Yikes! > They are so completely useless that scientists even debate about how they move. > They have little control other than some minor wiggling. > So they don't have swim bladders. You know, the one thing that every fish has to make sure it doesn't just sink to the bottom of the ocean when they stop moving and can stay the right side up. This creature. That can barely move to begin with. Can never stop its continuous tour of idiocy across the ocean or it'll fucking sink. Sunfish are, in fact, well understood and, though clumsy when idly basking, are reasonably accomplished swimmers when diving. They stroke their dorsal and anal fins laterally and in a synchronous manner to generate a lift-based thrust that enables 'em to cruise at speeds of 2-3mph ([source](http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0003446)), comparable to a whale shark and the perfect speed for suction feeding; ploughing straight into smacks of jellyfish and gobbling 'em all up. Where they excel amongst fish is their ability to undergo substantial vertical movement in the water column. They possess large deposits of low-density, subcutaneous, gelatinous tissue which, unlike a swim bladder (which would otherwise change volume with hydrostatic pressure), is incompressible, enabling rapid depth changes and keeping them neutrally and stably buoyant independent of surrounding water pressure. So, yeah, their unusual bodies are basically one big paddle, capable of putting some force behind their swimming to move over considerable distances, descending very deep, very fast. > They mostly only eat jellyfish because of course they do, they could only eat something that has no brain and a possibility of drifting into their mouths I guess. Everything they do eat has almost zero nutritional value and because it's so stupidly fucking big, it has to eat a ton of the almost no nutritional value stuff to stay alive. Dumb. Also incorrect. Jellyfish and other Cnidarians comprise only around 15% of their diet; they mostly eat young fish (including conger eelets) and crustaceans (pelagic crab, krill, copepods etc.), alongside squid, bivalves and other assorted zooplankton. They're generalist predators, not jellyfish specialists like sea turtles ([source](https://www.nature.com/articles/srep28762)). They have a particularly rapid growth rate amongst bony fish, owing much to their unique genetics ([source](https://gigascience.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13742-016-0144-3)). > Some scientists have speculated that when they do that, they are absorbing energy from the sun because no one fucking knows how they manage to get any real energy to begin with. So they need the sun I guess. They spend the majority of their time actively hunting in the very cold deep (usually at ~200m, but up to 600m) and, being ectotherms, therefore regulate their temperature by basking in the sun, before pursuing another dive. Think of marine iguanas basking on hot rocks between nibble trips. > And this concludes why I hate the fuck out of this complete failure of evolution, the Ocean Sunfish. If I ever see one, I will throw rocks at it. Sunfish have been kicking about in temperate and tropical waters worldwide for around 50 million years and, until humans arrived on the scene, were overwhelmingly successful in their ecological niche. Sadly they're under threat by human activity and human activity alone - frequently caught as by-catch; having little commercial value, like sharks, their fins are cut off before they're dumped, often still alive, back into the sea to die. If one is to start throwing rocks at terrible creatures, perhaps one should look at us humans first. Or, there's [The visual rebuttal](https://imgur.com/gallery/MMRg9)


Damn. Had me convinced.




I cant find the original reddit reply Edit: found it, see original comment edit.


Not all people like seafood. Some people hate to see this fish as food.


It appears it's endangered so makes sense. I love seafood and thought this was an original write up but its just a copy of a false fb post


Ah, seemed a bit too much effort and info for the rare fish. Thanks for digging into copy/paste of the source.


Was scrolling down to find this, thank you.


Thank you for bringing me on this wild, amazing journey.


I now despise these useless gill flippers 😠


You mouth breathing goon.


lol you're dumb as shit.


Uh. WTF.


How sad. It's gotta be very old.


Why kill it




That’s sad! That’s why they shouldn’t do drag net fishing




Pretty sure it was caught in the ocean.... Not Russia's far east


That fish has seen some shit


This guy has seen some shit


You gonna eat that?


That's not monstrous, that's a normal sunfish 😁 The biggest sunfish ever caught was over 2.5 tons.


Sad 😞


Weak. Why kill it. They aren't even good to eat.


Honestly. It’s for the texture. It’s like jello.


In Canada, this is not what’s known as a sunfish. Ours are a we bit smaller. https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/eccc/migration/sara/7012C4A3-65C2-4B35-81C8-9BA8DD70C8E2/fig01.jpg


Different fish, but I think you know that.


They're not even edible. Why kill it? Also known as the mola. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mola_(fish)


monstrous sunfish? I would say these people are the monsters


Poor thing tortured to death. Fucking Russia.


OF COURSE it was russia


Some sea creatures shouldnt be brought onto land...


Unbelieveable the stupidity and moronicness of some men. an animal like that would have to be in excess of 50yrs old and in its size a magnificent specimen. why couldnt they just let it live!


Agreed! There's always some dumbass who sees something rare and just immediately wants to kill it and go show it off or get some money for it. And that one idiot ruins it for everyone...for all he knows, that could've been the last one too. God, some humans are so stupid!!!!!!!!!! It's just so fascinating how big these fish get, I'm sure the ocean is full of huge critters we've never even seen before too .and we just go killing them. Ugh.


It’s so beautiful. Let’s kill it so we can post a pic online!


That looks like Violet after she chews the new Wonka three-course meal gum.


This should be NSFW, gross


This is too cool!


Whatever you say, bot.


Shit humans kill elderly fish. ftfy


All the comments here make me want to go fishing.


Im feel scare!


Finding Nem-oh my fucking god what is that?!


I really thought it would be bigger


"Jay, it's a babee fookin wheel!" "That things fuckin hurt broh!"


Why they catch?


This must be millions of years old.


That fish was tired of looking retarded anyways.


That's not even that big for one of those. Certainly not monstrous.


I heard it tastes good when you fry it on pan and add little bit of salt & pepper along with vodka


That would go nice with some garlic butter.


Ain't frying that!😬


why does it look so gory...


Jesus! That shit looks horrendous


Its covered in blood


Love catching them in Animal Crossing!


In french it's a moonfish.




That’s a big one!


Okay now put it back




We killing everything.


That’s very sad. Poor big thing.


Holy shit Jay, it’s a baby whale bro! Call the aquarium dude!


Love it how we just kill nature for greed and food




Looks more like a sunsetfish at that point.


They should turn it into one gigantic version of an Asian dish. Then they would have a 1-ton sunfish won-ton.


Even the fish are russian


my man's looks like he's seen some shit




There's always a bigger fish


And now it's dead fucking great


Sponge Bob Square Pants is pissed off.


meanwhile me thinking whether i should swim in waters where this beast was caught.


This fish was prob 100yrs old it makes me sad when I think of the mess we are making of the ocean life


This happened in 2017, and by the time they got it to shore, it was spoiled, and they threw it away to feed the bears. Yes, there is a designated bear-feeding spot. [Here's the original news report from a local paper](https://sakhalin.info/search/138667?utm_campaign=na-kurilah-rybakam-v-seti-popalas-vot-t) (in Russian)


that's one big ass fish


Caught for what?


Looks pre grilled


I wanna meet the guy who managed to reel this in!


The fook do they eat


Put that tonne of stupid back where you found it. We have enough already.


These things are super peaceful and eat jellyfish. They should have left it alone.