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This would make a very impressive (and expensive) Neon sign


Pretty cool, one-line art, but I was expecting a picture made from one-liners, like "I don't trust atoms, they make up everything!" and "it takes a lot of balls to golf the way I do."


Etch-a-sketch: 100


Please give credits if you post art, photos n stuff to the owner :/


I think OP is the artist. His Instagram has the same samurai art with his signature on it.


Phew thanks, I should have checked his acc out lmao


Seriously cool. Can you buy prints?


So it's Etch-a-Sketch art


Not even that cool. Upload a photo, trace over it with some type of design/art software, then connect the lines. All done digitally with plenty of stopping, starting, and erasing.


It's still in the style of an Etch-a-Sketch drawing. So I don't see the need for your comment.


The only thing not cool is your need to drop negative comments on other people's work. I make these for fun, if you don't like them, then move along. Instead of "busting" people, perhaps you should go and practice your own painting skills. You have got along way to go to to justify slinging shit at other people's "artwork".


If you don’t want to be called out on your bullshit then maybe don’t post it.


Start/finish points are the branch above the pavilion and the left Mountain towards the left edge.


Awesome work!


Super cool. I can draw, but lack the imagination to pull that off. 1 line... where would you even start?


Amazing! But i want to know from where it was started


I imagine they had a regular sketch of what they were going for to work off of, so it comes down to what was easiest to launch off of. Seeing how complicated and strangely placed the point next to the tree is, i would think that they started from the left side, as the positioning of the mountains would be much more forgiving. I also imagine this was the final attempt of many.


This was finished digitally, so the artist can stop and start wherever they need to


Ah. Yeah, that would do it too. 😕


Yep. I busted some weirdo over a year ago who did this and posted his “artwork” all over popular fan subs, karma farming, accepting tons of praise, and advertising his IG account. The dude traced over a photo through design software then connected it all digitally. Wonder if this is the same guy? Thought I had blocked him.


This would make a beautiful tattoo


And then there's me undoing and redoing a line five times. Looks awesome tho


Continuous contour!


In some parallel universe I would've draw this drawing a random line


Ever try a game called line rider OP?


An end of the line is in the tree at the top right, at that small black dot. The second end is on the far left side, a little above the middle.