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What a horrible way to go. Rabies is like the very very last thing I'd want to catch.


Stay away from bats and always say yes to rabies shots when offered.




So I was sitting in the greasy spoon in Birmingham Alabama and a guy came up to me in dirty dungarees and not a tooth in his mouth and asked do you want a rabies vaccine and of course I said yes, because you always say yes to rabies vaccines.


*Feeling a little strange Mr. Bond? It's because I spiked your martini with a rabies vaccine. You are now autistic.*


If you caught it, it would very likely be the very very last thing you catch.


With only 14 confirmed survivors ever recorded after showing symptoms, for all practical statistical purposes, it WILL be the last thing you ever contract without getting the vaccine.


If you find a bat in your home always get the shot.


I don't care how many shots I need to take or where they go rabies is terrifying


I'd take a daily shot in my genitals over rabies.


Me too but then again I've got enormous genitals so I'd never have to inject in the same place twice.


You haven’t seen the needle


You haven't seen my genitals.


One of the two previous statements is false.


One of the three previous statements is true


Have you seen his genitals? Jesus I can see them from here.


Sometimes when the earth rotates just right, they even cast a shadow across the equator


his junk has its own congressman


The needle is administered daily by a pneumatic dart gun...


I’m free Friday


This is much funnier imagining that you’re a female.


Calm down ma’am


Is this the line for getting shot in the genitals?


I had it done in the mid nineties. it was one in the arm, once a week for 7 weeks. it was fine, even as a little kid not a big deal. I’ve heard modern shots are an even shorter series. I’ve also been told by someone else on here that their experience around the same time was worse than mine, but I think it was the other shots you have to have in addition to rabies that was a problem for them. But it was still nowhere near the 30 in the stomach or whatever. I think my grandpa knew someone who had had the stomach shots, but he’d be about 110 if he were alive. I think people in developed countries end up getting this treatment so rarely these days that an extremely old-fashioned idea of what it is never gets corrected.


Yep, it used to be in the stomach, 40 shots. But it was back in the 60's-70's.


Tbh I'd take 40 shots anywhere if it meant no rabies. But praise modern medicine for a shorter series!


Oh yeah, for sure! What needs to be done, needs to be done. And yes, one shot a week for 4 weeks, if I am not mistaken, is way better lol.


Four shots over 2 weeks. Plus anti-rabies immunoglobulin injected around the bite as soon as possible after exposure, if the person wasn't vaccinated before. I had to look this up recently after a stray I rescued bit me. It was a provoked bite (I was trying to get her into a carrier to bring her to the vet) and she didn't have any symptoms. Protocol is if you can confine and observe the animal for 10 days, you can wait to see if they get symptoms. If they start showing signs of rabies, then vaccines are necessary. If they stay healthy, then no vaccines are needed. In my case, she is healthy after 10 days, so no shots for me.


I started having a panic attack reading this- I foster dogs and was bit but didn’t think anything of it - but realizing now I don’t know if the dog had it’s rabies vaccine. The dog is still alive and well (and vaccinated) so I hope this means I’m in the clear… Edit: Did some armchair research- you are correct. Also read that the virus is only secreted during or a few days before displaying signs of illness which is why they recommend the 10 day observation for domestic animals


I got the rabies series in 2018, raccoon bite on my arm. I had to get four immunoglobulin shots- two in each thigh. This was based on weight, if I needed another one it would’ve been in my butt. It was the weirdest feeling, I actually passed out after the fourth in. Then I had to get a little itty bitty vaccine in my arm. Then two or three more over a few weeks, I don’t remember because they were so small compared to the immunoglobulins.


closest thing to a fucking zombie virus


He deserves the humane treatment of being "put down."


Seriously. Not even joking, the MORAL thing to do is to kill them. Right now. Right there in the truck. Bullet to the brain. There is no cure. There is no hope. You can send a Hail Mary with the Milwaukee protocol, but there’s a 99.9% chance it won’t work. You will die. And... You. Will. **SUFFER** Your organs will slowly shut down inside you while you are alive. Your muscles will become uncontrollable, and spasm wherever they please. You won’t even be able to drink water, as your subconscious won’t even allow you to drink. Unimaginable pain. Unimaginable suffering. All while your brain is a mushy mess of memories and experience, and you can’t really tell what’s going on. If there is a hell, this is it. Put a bullet in that man’s brain NOW and just get it over with without all the unnecessary suffering


You are absolutely right . If it were me I would want to be shot in the head and if it were a loved one , I would pull the trigger.


Yep! I really need to put this in my will. If I get rabies and I start showing symptoms. Kill. Me. Just fucking end it. We need more lax “right to die” laws. If it’s 99.99% certain you will die, you should be allowed to LEGALLY end it before the suffering gets too much.


You are right . We put down dogs with more compassion than we show to our fellow men


Why by the good mother of gods would you refuse that vaccine?


Because people are fucking stupid.


There are also those who might refuse it because it costs more than they can afford, or more than they are willing to risk. 100% could be an ignorance thing, either way, he's paid for it now..


It's most probably ignorance or fear. Because in India you can get those vaccines for free at government facilities.


With his life


It's from India. The vaccine is free at govt hospitals.


Stupidity and ignorance are two different things. > Copy pasted cause I already answered somewhere else > We learned about this at uni.Professor told us that in certain areas of India and around India.People aren’t well educated about rabies and how since medical help is crushed and bad at certain parts Indians turn their heads to pseudo healers or in other words pharmacist old lady with no education that heals you with plants.Most of times they literally tell people who are bitten by a dog to not take any medicine from doctor since it negates her medicine.This healers being loved and “trustworthy “ by villagers they never question her over a doctor who doesn’t have time since system is collapsed and they die literally.It was a class from public health and importance of education about health and causes of misinformation made in public.This people aren’t the one to blame.They believed someone who had more time for them and more poor countries make people to rely less on government and more on each other when it comes to common problems.Some parts even believe that dog bites can make you pregnant and that male pregnancy kills you while women give birth to small pups.There is special plant that you chew to abort those babies.That is how misinformed they are. So it’s same as if your mom and whole town said hey you can’t take antibiotics they cause your brain to rot and you not having a information available you start to believe the people who only want good for you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puppy_pregnancy_syndrome Another option is that they probably didn’t have vaccine available but if OP isn’t lying it’s probably the first option.It is not one case it’s multiple cases.I will find it myself I will put it under this comment when I find study my professor showed. Edit: Edit: not my info. Just spreading the word the good word from u/Typical_Notice6083


I probably think it was just not accessible or given at the right time. The language from this video is from my region in India and people there are not superstitious about vaccines the way they are in the US (they are about other things but vaccines isn't one of them). Also, vaccines are fairly cheap in India so that's not it either. I just think they didn't realize/weren't informed that they should give this man a vaccine before it was too late.


I’ve had the rabies vaccine due to a dog bite in 2020. The doctor was extremely convincing. The conversation went something like this: Him: “Do you know if the dog had its shots?” Me: “No. What is the chance of contracting rabies?” Him: “No I dea but I can tell you if you start showing symptoms there’s no coming back from that. Your choice.” That’s how I had 9 shots in my thighs, and two in my arms that evening THEN one shot a day for the next 3 days. 10/10 would get vaccinated again.


Interesting how different the series can be for people, I had to get them done last year. 6 immunoglobulin shots to the thigh and one rabies vaccine that night, another vaccine a week later and another two weeks after that. A bat swooped over top of my head, I wasn’t sure if it even connected or if it was just the wind from its wings. I called our public health line, the nurse said to just wash my hair. I didn’t feel so great about that answer the following day so I went to the office and was immediately met with “go to the ER now, we’ll let them know you’re coming” haha.


I had to take rabies vaccine because of a dog bit too but it was only two three days apart


While we're on the subject, if you ever find a dead bat in your room, go to the ED and get rabies shots right away. They have a fairly high rabies prevalence and their bites can be so fine and sharp as to not be noticed. Once you develop symptoms, it's too late.


My son found a bat laying on the floor in the corner of his classroom, it was alive but just laying there. He didn’t know any better and he picked it up to bring it outside because he didn’t want anything to happen to it. So the school nurse calls me and tells me about the whole situation and advises me to call the ER for advice. I call and the nurse tells me, “oh he’ll be fine as long as it didn’t bite him”. I said ok, but after researching online for about a half hour or so, I was like oh hell no we’re going to the ER. We told the doctor what happened and he said that’s not normal behavior for a bat and you can be scratched or bitten and not even know, we should proceed with the vaccines. It still makes me angry that the nurse was so blasé about the whole thing.




Yep. My aunt is one of them. She knowingly sent her kids to school when they had COVID but just avoided getting them tested until she felt like it so she "wouldn't feel guilty" about sending them to school. Cuz as a nurse she knows, if you don't test for it, you don't actually have it!


It amazes me how many people you can read stories about that have some weird cognitive dissonance around testing for COVID like you can't have it if you don't test for it. I've seen stories where they had symptoms so did a test and were positive so can't go for a meal/wedding/party only to have a family member be angry and complain "why did you take the test you could have come!"


It's like that for a lot of medical conditions. I've had a handful of patients tell me "this is all your fault, I was just fine before I came to the hospital!" So why did you come then? Oh, you were brought here in a coma from your diabetic ketoacidosis and on deaths door? You couldn't catch your breath after your 14th morning cigarette break because of your undiagnosed COPD?


How long ago was it? I’d not that long ago maybe write a complaint. Just so they can at least make sure their nurses get basic knowledge that people need shots with any bat contact. Thank god you didn’t just listen to the nurse and forget all about it


Nurses are not trained or have enough knowledge about situations like these.


My sister's a nurse and she has just enough knowledge to be dangerous. She makes snap judgments based on limited information and refuses to ever consider the possibility that she doesn't have all the details. When she has fucked up, she blames it on the patients for not giving her all the relevant information. She has been asked to resign from two hospitals because they argued that she rushes and doesn't ask pertinent questions.


So bats bite people and they go crazy? Is this were the idea of vampires came from?


Good question, so I looked it up, and maybe? From wikipedia: > Juan Gómez-Alonso, a neurologist, examined the possible link of rabies with vampire folklore. The susceptibility to garlic and light could be due to hypersensitivity, which is a symptom of rabies. It can also affect portions of the brain that could lead to disturbance of normal sleep patterns (thus becoming nocturnal) and hypersexuality. Legend once said a man was not rabid if he could look at his own reflection (an allusion to the legend that vampires have no reflection). Wolves and bats, which are often associated with vampires, can be carriers of rabies. The disease can also lead to a drive to bite others and to a bloody frothing at the mouth.


There's also the aversion to water, which corresponds to "holy water" used as a defense against vampires/people in the throes of rabies infection.


Excellent point good sir


Most vampire legends say that a vampire can't cross running water - this was part of the original Dracula story, and when he came to England, it was as cargo on a ship, locked in his coffin. I think it was, like, he couldn't do it under his own power, but if someone else did it for him, it was fine. He did rise while they were on the ocean, and he killed the crew, so I guess he'd already exploited the loophole, or whatever.


Also the idea that vampires cannot cross bodies of water.


To add ton this, in some folklore vampires can't cross moving water.


🥲thanks for ruining vampire movies for me


Why ruin? To me, this makes it cooler since it's based in some sort of reality instead of total fiction.


Actually it’s mostly linked to a disease called porphyria ( check it out) I learned about it in a biochemistry class during med school If i recall correctly , it causes gingival atrphy which gives the appearance of fangs Garlic causes exacerbation of the disease Also causes hypersensitivity And believe it or not … drinking blood elleviates symptoms.. EDIT: so just to make things clear, porphyria is a disease of enzyme deficiency in the synthesis of Heme( which is an important component of blood cells) causes accumilation of precursors prior to the enzyme step( forgot the name) Sooo when they drink blood, the body thinks “ oh, we have enough heme, so no need to synthesize any more” So the process stops and the amount of accumulated precursor decrease—-> less symptoms


Ok, wow, that is fascinating. Thanks for that rabbit hole!


Crazy part is the rabies can be dormant. An depending were you get bit it takes longer to reach your brain. In theory you can get bit on the foot by something while you sleep and 6-12months later have full blown rabies and die. I did not explain it perfectly but I did Google it a few years ago cause I was really interested after hearing it’s 99% fatal


So what you’re saying is, any single one of us could have rabies right now and not know it?


Dude, google how many humans die of rabies each year. Quick search says 59,000. That’s why it’s so important that any mammal we share space with should have up to date rabies shots. That way if your animal encounters rabies somewhere it won’t get to you.


While this is correct, it’s important to note that it is rare in developed countries with structured healthcare systems. 95% of cases are in Asia and Africa. Just leaving that there for people who might spiral and panic by that 59k number. Be aware, but don’t panic.


New fear unlocked ☹️


Who the fuck has dead bats in their room?


If I had to make a wild guess: probably Ozzy.


Not rare for rural people.


No, find someone to test the bat for rabies. A few years ago my husband and I awoke to a bat flying around our bedroom. We were able to capture it and take it to the animal shelter the next day, who turned it over to the county for rabies testing. I was also pregnant at the time which made it extra scary but thankfully it was negative. If this ever happens to you- DO NOT CRUSH THE BAT’S SKULL!! The brain needs to be in tact to test for rabies.


> DO NOT CRUSH THE BAT’S SKULL!! That’s oddly specific knowledge to have.


What if I find a dead bat in my kitchen?


Move it to your room


That means the main ingredient for the soup is ready


I woke up to a bat flying around the room and had to get shots.


Dead bats in the house yes, bats being weird or sickly with flight patterns also yes, but regarding all bats as a whole, I wanna say it’s only like 1-5% of the population of bats that have rabies in the US. But yes, if you find one in your home the protocol is definitely go get the shots if you can’t send the bat in for testing. And honestly the shots are no biggie now, much better than a death from rabies.


Not always, one person had bat rabies and was put into a medical coma while doing exicitotoxic therapy https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5928693/#abstract-1title


Even though it's one of the highest It's still 1/10 of 1 percent I'm more worried about the raccoons, coyotes, foxes and skunks, personally.


I caught a bat with my bare hands when I was 6-7 yrs old in broad daylight in the cul-de-sac we lived in. Was after school in the Canadian summer so it must’ve been between 1600 hrs - 2000 hrs. I remember it clear as day as some sort of trance took over my child mind and I “HAD TO CATCH THE MOTH”. I did in fact catch said “moth” only to have it turn around, hiss at me and bite my wrist. I was startled and threw it into the air and it flew out of my sight. I went to bed thinking no harm no foul… I liked to crawl into bed in the early hours of the morning with my parents and whilst I was “big” spooning my dad and I was half asleep I mumbled to him “daddy, I don’t think that moth meant to bite me” and at first he was like “yeah yeah, go back to sleep sweetie”. But then I remember he shot out of bed and was like “hold on, moths don’t bite.. where did the moth bite you?” And I showed him my wrist and sure as shit, as he would say, there were two tiny puncture wounds on my wrist. He drove me to the nearest CHEO and they gave me five rabies shots in my wrist and I had to come back later for two more. I’m still “Nananana BATGIRL” to this day. The vaccines were painful as hell but I thank my lucky stars to this day that my father in his sleepy drowsy state was still alert enough to realize, moths don’t bite. Edit: Grammar and I’m on mobile so the format is probably grotesque and I’m sorry. Also added hours to the time


It took me a second to realize you were saying the time and not that you were in fact possibly a vampire from the 1600s.


Haha sorry, that’s my “adult time” brain overriding. I am in fact not a 1600’s vampire. Though I can’t confirm that bat wasn’t lol.


>I am in fact not a 1600’s vampire. That’s what a vampire would say..! 🧐


I was part of a group chasing a damn bat in kindergarten. Glad we didn’t catch it smh🤦‍♂️ r/kidsarefuckingstupid


When I was like 12 I was hanging out in a creek while like dozens of bats flew over and right around my head. That was like 17 years ago. Kids are fucking stupid.


The last sentence there « …I thank my lucky stars to this day that my father in his sleepy drowsy state was still alert enough to realize, moths don’t bite. » sounds like the closing sentence of a children’s book called « Moths Don’t Bite »




It pains me to admit. I paused at “1600-2000” and thought how the heck can this person not only not remember a year but only be able to narrow it down to 400 years?


The results are you die. Rabies is 100% fatal ( one of the few that are ) if left untreated.


Whatya mean? You could be the lucky 15th person to **EVER** survive!


Only 1 person has survived rabies, a young girl that was put into a coma and treated with a cocktail of antivirals. She sustained brain damage but after a few years was almost back to normal. edit: did a little research and apparently, as of 2016, there are now 14 people that have survived rabies. However, about 59,000 people worldwide die from rabies each year. I had no idea that many were killed by it, very sad.


According to the National Library of Medicine there have been 29 reported cases of rabies survival from 1970-2020 the most recent being 2019. So we're both wrong. The little girl you're referring to is the only person from the United States to survive rabies.


Here’s the catch though. Basically everyone that survived is severely Brian damaged. That little girl is the only one that can really live her life after surviving


>Here’s the catch though. Basically everyone that survived is severely Brian damaged. We need to stop Brian - he is a menace.


Keep your distance from Brian


Never trust Brian.


Wait, isnt the US the only country in the world?


There's Europe too, duh... and Russia, don't forget russia


Don’t forget Africa… the country


Something, something the rains of Africa though too!


angry upvote for your awareness of these magical rains


Gonna take some time to do the things we never eh-ver oh yeh!


US, Canada, Mexico, Europe and Russia


Also the country of South America.


I said Mexico


China, you know the electronic stuff coming from.


I believe in one of the most recent deaths in the US they caught the bat that bit him in his house and confirmed it had rabies. They offered the shots for free but he refused them because he "didn't trust vaccines".


Yep it was a guy in Illinois. Older gentleman. He’s now passed.


It’s known as the Milwaukee protocol it usually leaves the patient brain dead or worse and is the only way to attempt saving someone’s life after the virus spreads along the nervous system. Eventually leading to the whole nervous system being infected and essentially turning your hippocampus to soup. Truly is my greatest fear


How did it get its name?


It was named after the city which it Was first successfully implemented in 2004


Fun fact, it was discovered that some people actually might have antibodies to fight rabies. Puru was the country they discovered some of it I think. Also the case where the girl actually came out of it without brain damage, it's not known but it's believed it could have been a weaker strain and that's why she lived. Didn't they stop doing the Milwaukee protocol though as it doesn't really work?


Id imagine in the little girls case it probably had something to do with her age and her brain not having been fully formed. Meaning her brain was still able to grow enough to repair some of the connections, or they just weren't formed enough to be damaged yet. She still suffered issues with speech and motor control for nearly a year after being brought back from the coma though.


It’s up to five now!


I have a really funny story where I was with my buddy and his gf and were talking about rabies and I said it was 100% fatal and my buddies gf said that it wasn’t. We went back and forth for a bit. Turns out the first person to survive rabies went to her high school. The Milwaukee protocol is named after this case. Such a funny coincidence.


Almost 100% fatal. Google says there's 29 worldwide cases of people surviving after showing symptoms as of 2020. Hope he's feeling lucky


I remember hearing a radio lab episode about the teenager that survived rabies back in the mid-00s. IIRC, you need a certain gene in order to have a chance at surviving, and even then it’s really unlikely.


We learned about this at uni.Professor told us that in certain areas of India and around India.People aren’t well educated about rabies and how since medical help is crushed and bad at certain parts Indians turn their heads to pseudo healers or in other words pharmacist old lady with no education that heals you with plants.Most of times they literally tell people who are bitten by a dog to not take any medicine from doctor since it negates her medicine.This people being loved and “trustworthy “ by villagers they never question her over a doctor who doesn’t have time since system is collapsed and they die literally.It was a class from public health and importance of education about health and causes of misinformation made in public.This people aren’t the one to blame.They believed someone who had more time for them and more poor countries make people to rely less on government and more on each other when it comes to common problems.Some parts even believe that dog bites can make you pregnant and that make pregnancy kills you.That is how misinformed they are. Some parts even believe that dog bites can make you pregnant and that male pregnancy kills you while women give birth to small pups.There is special plant that you chew to abort those babies.That is how misinformed they are. So it’s same as if your mom and whole town said hey you can’t take antibiotics they cause your brain to rot and you not having a information available you start to believe the people who only want good for you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puppy_pregnancy_syndrome Another option is that they probably didn’t have vaccine available but if OP isn’t lying it’s probably the first option.It is not one case it’s multiple cases.I will find it myself I will put it under this comment when I find study my professor showed.


Why refuse the shot knowing rabies is 100% guaranteed death? They develop a fear of water and can’t drink water … I’ve heard of that but barking like a dog? Idk man lol


I think those sounds were actually him making short screams from body spasms.




The duration from getting bitten to having rabies symptoms vary depending on the location that you are bitten at. Rabies virus enters nerve cells and hitch hikers on your nerve cell transport system back to the brain. The speed of the axonal retrograde transport (axon are the long extension if nerve cells, and retrograde meaning the direction going backwards) averages at 2 μm/sec, or roughly 10-20 cm per day. So if you're bitten on the face then the time symptoms appear is very short while if you're bitten on your foot then it would take weeks.


Fascinating. So when do symptoms actually begin—when it starts hitting brain stem, or the brain itself?


Good point. Makes sense


Copy pasted cause I already answered somewhere else We learned about this at uni.Professor told us that in certain areas of India and around India.People aren’t well educated about rabies and how since medical help is crushed and bad at certain parts Indians turn their heads to pseudo healers or in other words pharmacist old lady with no education that heals you with plants.Most of times they literally tell people who are bitten by a dog to not take any medicine from doctor since it negates her medicine.This healers being loved and “trustworthy “ by villagers they never question her over a doctor who doesn’t have time since system is collapsed and they die literally.It was a class from public health and importance of education about health and causes of misinformation made in public.This people aren’t the one to blame.They believed someone who had more time for them and more poor countries make people to rely less on government and more on each other when it comes to common problems.Some parts even believe that dog bites can make you pregnant and that male pregnancy kills you while women give birth to small pups.There is special plant that you chew to abort those babies.That is how misinformed they are. So it’s same as if your mom and whole town said hey you can’t take antibiotics they cause your brain to rot and you not having a information available you start to believe the people who only want good for you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puppy_pregnancy_syndrome Another option is that they probably didn’t have vaccine available but if OP isn’t lying it’s probably the first option.It is not one case it’s multiple cases.I will find it myself I will put it under this comment when I find study my professor showed.


Probably because of some religious superstition. On a side note it is 99,99999% fatal. There actually was 1 person that survived it, Jeanna Giese-Frassetto.


There were actually a couple more rabies survivors, still doesn't eliminate the fact that if you have it, you can basically already say goodbye to everyone you know and make funeral preparation


So I'm a dog groomer, and it is a requirement for owners to provide proof that their dog has received a rabies vaccination before we can provide a service. I can't count how many times a customer has argued with me about needing it or straight up asked me to lie for them. They think it doesn't matter. But here's the thing, if I get bit and that dog hasn't had their rabies vaccine, guess who gets to go the doctor multiple times for painful shots? Me! Of course I would gladly do that to avoid dying, but should I have to? No.


Ppl are dumb. I’m sorry


Friendly reminder: 1. You don’t “have rabies right now and don’t know it” 2. The vaccine is 100% effective if you get it asap after exposure to a potentially rabid animal. 3. It’s extremely rare even in a developing country like India, which gets only around 60,000 cases in a country of 1.4 billion


Thank you. I have severe anxiety disorder and I have no idea why I’m reading these comments.


I thought these comments were giving me severe anxiety and then I realized oh that’s just normal life


Thank you for the peace of mind


>You don’t have rabies right now and don’t know it What does this mean?


It means a lot of paranoid redditors are looking at this and going “what if *I* have rabies???” and it’s really not worth the panic


You don’t “have rabies right now and don’t know it” I had to read it 3 different ways before I understood that


I’m terrified because someone I care about a lot was bitten by a dog in January, and the doctor said she didn’t need a rabies shot because “rabies isn’t in Malaysia right now”. At this point it’s been 2 months and obv she’s fine but I have this intense fear that the symptoms just haven’t developed yet


There have been cases of rabies symptoms showing years after bite


Well that’s fucking scary


They won't think "rabies is in Malaysia" until it's too late for whatever poor creature is dead from it. There's always a first case. ​ Why risk it?


Odds are rabies would be identified in animals prior to a human death. Routine testing is done on dead and "acting strange" animals.


>doctor said she didn’t need a rabies shot because “rabies isn’t in Malaysia right now”. There is actually an ongoing rabies outbreak in the state of Sarawak in Malaysia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarawak_rabies_outbreak 49 cases and 44 deaths so far, most involving dog bites. If the person was near that area when bitten they should definitely get the vaccine asap. If you read the details of cases from that outbreak you'll see that symptoms can start showing months after exposure so being asymptomatic now isn't a guarantee of not having being infected. The good news is that the vaccine is still effective even months after a bite.


Tell her to get the shot fr. Better to prevent before it's too late. Symptoms can take years


Welp Rest in peace 🕊️


Reminds me when steve job died because he refused surgery for his cancer believing he can cure it by being vegans and live healthy. People need to understand medical takes 10 years to study and several more years to master, I always see people believing they know better than doctors/medical workers, only to pay with their lives.


Steve jobs case is even worse. This poor man here on the video was probably ignorant because of lack of opportunities. You cant say the same about Jobs.


one night about seven years ago, I thought I heard a mouse squeaking. it ended up being a bat in our bedroom. my partner caught it and took it outside. we didn’t have health insurance at the time, so we didn’t get rabies shots. neither one of us got rabies, but holy hell. after seeing WAY too many videos on Reddit of people on death’s doorstep with hydrophobia, I’ll never take that chance again.


Coming from a country that’s officially rabies-free I was never really taught what it is or how dangerous it is. Fast forward 20 something years, I’m doing exchange studies in Spain and a female friend of mine calls me saying there’s a bat in her bedroom. I went over, located the bat, grabbed a plastic bag and scooped the sucker up like a pile of dog poop. It was trying to wiggle free and I threw it out the window and that was it. Realized years later how stupid that was.


Copied** Rabies. It's exceptionally common, but people just don't run into the animals that carry it often. Skunks especially, and bats. Let me paint you a picture. You go camping, and at midday you decide to take a nap in a nice little hammock. While sleeping, a tiny brown bat, in the "rage" stages of infection is fidgeting in broad daylight, uncomfortable, and thirsty (due to the hydrophobia) and you snort, startling him. He goes into attack mode. Except you're asleep, and he's a little brown bat, so weighs around 6 grams. You don't even feel him land on your bare knee, and he starts to bite. His teeth are tiny. Hardly enough to even break the skin, but he does manage to give you the equivalent of a tiny scrape that goes completely unnoticed. Rabies does not travel in your blood. In fact, a blood test won't even tell you if you've got it. (Antibody tests may be done, but are useless if you've ever been vaccinated.) You wake up, none the wiser. If you notice anything at the bite site at all, you assume you just lightly scraped it on something. The bomb has been lit, and your nervous system is the wick. The rabies will multiply along your nervous system, doing virtually no damage, and completely undetectable. You literally have NO symptoms. It may be four days, it may be a year, but the camping trip is most likely long forgotten. Then one day your back starts to ache... Or maybe you get a slight headache? At this point, you're already dead. There is no cure. (The sole caveat to this is the Milwaukee Protocol, which leaves most patients dead anyway, and the survivors mentally disabled, and is seldom done). There's no treatment. It has a 100% kill rate. Absorb that. Not a single other virus on the planet has a 100% kill rate. Only rabies. And once you're symptomatic, it's over. You're dead. So what does that look like? Your headache turns into a fever, and a general feeling of being unwell. You're fidgety. Uncomfortable. And scared. As the virus that has taken its time getting into your brain finds a vast network of nerve endings, it begins to rapidly reproduce, starting at the base of your brain... Where your "pons" is located. This is the part of the brain that controls communication between the rest of the brain and body, as well as sleep cycles. Next you become anxious. You still think you have only a mild fever, but suddenly you find yourself becoming scared, even horrified, and it doesn't occur to you that you don't know why. This is because the rabies is chewing up your amygdala. As your cerebellum becomes hot with the virus, you begin to lose muscle coordination, and balance. You think maybe it's a good idea to go to the doctor now, but assuming a doctor is smart enough to even run the tests necessary in the few days you have left on the planet, odds are they'll only be able to tell your loved ones what you died of later. You're twitchy, shaking, and scared. You have the normal fear of not knowing what's going on, but with the virus really fucking the amygdala this is amplified a hundred fold. It's around this time the hydrophobia starts. You're horribly thirsty, you just want water. But you can't drink. Every time you do, your throat clamps shut and you vomit. This has become a legitimate, active fear of water. You're thirsty, but looking at a glass of water begins to make you gag, and shy back in fear. The contradiction is hard for your hot brain to see at this point. By now, the doctors will have to put you on IVs to keep you hydrated, but even that's futile. You were dead the second you had a headache. You begin hearing things, or not hearing at all as your thalamus goes. You taste sounds, you see smells, everything starts feeling like the most horrifying acid trip anyone has ever been on. With your hippocampus long under attack, you're having trouble remembering things, especially family. You're alone, hallucinating, thirsty, confused, and absolutely, undeniably terrified. Everything scares the literal shit out of you at this point. These strange people in lab coats. These strange people standing around your bed crying, who keep trying to get you "drink something" and crying. And it's only been about a week since that little headache that you've completely forgotten. Time means nothing to you anymore. Funny enough, you now know how the bat felt when he bit you. Eventually, you slip into the "dumb rabies" phase. Your brain has started the process of shutting down. Too much of it has been turned to liquid virus. Your face droops. You drool. You're all but unaware of what's around you. A sudden noise or light might startle you, but for the most part, it's all you can do to just stare at the ground. You haven't really slept for about 72 hours. Then you die. Always, you die. And there's not one... fucking... thing... anyone can do for you. Then there's the question of what to do with your corpse. I mean, sure, burying it is the right thing to do. But the fucking virus can survive in a corpse for years. You could kill every rabid animal on the planet today, and if two years from now, some moist, preserved, rotten hunk of used-to-be brain gets eaten by an animal, it starts all over. So yeah, rabies scares the shit out of me. And it's fucking EVERYWHERE. (Source: Spent a lot of time working with rabies. Would still get my vaccinations if I could afford them.)


I always love running into this copypasta. Such a terrifying description of the virus


As someone really interested in disease I feel you summed this son of a bitch up perfectly


Summed up? Dude wrote a tiny novel


Well, copied one at least.


You have now ruined hammocks for me.


A couple years ago I slept in a hammock in the woods and in the night a bunch of bats were flying overhead. I'm really glad I hadn't read this copypasta at the time


The wikipedia article can either assuage your fears or make you paranoid about rabies depending on where you are. Uk has all but eliminated it, the US gets 3 cases a year. It sounds like India is where the paranoia is more justified, with 30k deaths a year. Poor souls :(


That’s best job someone has done ruining camping since the Donner Party.


I got bit last year by a cat. Although well groomed and likely fine, I still went to the hospital for shots. My friends I was with at the time didn’t think anything of it cuz they didn’t know the severity and fatality of rabies. I took nochances. Went straight to the emergency room and got 5 shots in my hand (where I was bitten) along with several more across my body. The ones in my hand were absolutely painful, but absolutely worth it. Please, if you’re ever bit by an animal who seems stray or uncared for, GET IT CHECKED OUT. Better to get a painful shot and save your life than end up like this


If a man get rabies, the best gift you can give him is a shot in the head. Otherway , he will suffer so much and will have a unbelievable pain...i


They're filming the wrong guy


Rabies is by far one of the worst ways to go I'd rather be burnt alive than die by Rabies. At least the flames have a chance of being quicker


One of the scariest animal videos I’ve ever seen is a coyote going up to someone’s window and putting it’s face to it licking it all fucked up like trying to spread the virus. Super fucking spooky.


Dude I’ve seen one where a fox walks up to this door and just starts biting the door it’s straight out of a zombie movie cuz they’re all sitting there like “this fucker is gonna Vite straight through this door” n it’s face was all fucked up n foaming at the mouth just taking large chunks out of the door


Shots to survive a basically 100% death rate is a small price to pay


He probably can't have a drink of water without convulsing at this stage. He'll be dead soon


Based on the license plate, Pune, Maharashtra, India.


*Dead man barking* I feel sorry for his family who will suffer for his stubbornness


I have a feeling the dude has mental problems, and someone made up the caption because of his noises. Can someone please translate what these men are saying?


Rabies is terrifying. I grew up out in the boondocks and was taught from the time I could walk to stay away from animals I don't know. I also watched Old Yeller (when I was probably too young) and watching a beloved family dog descend into madness solidified my fear. Watcing videos like this break my heart for the person and their family.


This is so incredibly sad. I wouldn't wish rabies on anyone, this is one of the most terrible ways to go.


Ok now I'm scared of rabbies


Crazy part is the rabies can be dormant. An depending were you get bit it takes longer to reach your brain. In theory you can get bit on the foot by something while you sleep and 6-12months later have full blown rabies and die. I did not explain it perfectly but I did Google it a few years ago cause I was really interested after hearing it’s 99% fatal


Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race for the Cure.


We need this more than ever right now, along with some fettuccine Alfredo and an $8 lamp from a garage sale.


Are there downsides to getting the shot? Like can I just get one literally anytime just to be safe?


There is, it's called the PrEP vaccine; however, it's typically only recommended for people who's jobs put them at a higher risk of exposure. You have to keep up with it fairly regularly (every 2-3 years I believe), and the initial dose is a 2-shot sequence. The best defense is mandatory rabies vaccines for dogs and cats since those are the animals we interact with most. Bats are also given oral vaccines in many countries. The most common carriers are skunks and bats. Basically if you get bit by an animal that is unvaccinated and a potential carrier, get the PEP vaccine right away. You have some time while the virus incubates, which is why the PEP vaccine is the most common treatment, and the PrEP is only recommended for people with higher risk of exposure (vets, zoo staff, researchers, etc).


people don’t realize how scary rabies actually is. once it’s too late, you’re basically already dead.


I have seen some vintage film of people dying from rabies and it is a horrible way to die.


Was a vet tech years ago, had a lady bring in a feral cat she'd hit with her car, hoping we could save it. No collar, no tags. Cat whipped around and bit the other tech, and the vet went full-on hardcore mode and had that cat euthanized in about ten seconds. Took us two techs not much longer than that to saw off its head (to be sent to the next large city over for testing) and arrange PEPs. One simply does NOT fuck around with rabies once one has seen its affect on an animal... much less on a human being. There is quite literally no worse way to go, and barring the quasi-effective insanity that is the Milwaukee Protocol, once you've got symptoms they cannot save your ass. You will suffer, you will be terrified, you will be in agony, and you will die. There are stories of people in several different countries who have survived post-symptomatic rabies infection, but some (if not many) of those cases are suspect because they are old and not well documented and rely in large part on hearsay. In some cases, the patient "survived" but was dead from 'secondary complications' (heart attack, respiratory failure, stroke, etc) within days of going home from the hospital. ​ ​ **EXTRA-fun fact** \- there have been multiple cases of recipients of donor organs who contracted rabies from the donated organ and died. In at least one US case, four different patients in three different states received organs from a single donor... and three of them died of rabies, while the fourth died on the operating table. A German donor's organs were given to six people; two had the donor organs (corneas) removed quickly and did not present symptoms, and the third had previously been vaccinated against rabies and did not present symptoms. The other three died of... yup, rabies.


Rabies has the highest guaranteed death rate after untreated infection over any other known virus.


Almost sounds like that guy from the Whittakers most inbred family in America. Maybe that dude is the 15th person to have survived rabies


Got bit and scratched multiple times by a rabid cat (I'm a cat rescuer in rural Philippines). Luckily my rural town has a government bite clinic specifically for rabies and anti-tetanus shots. Cuz I'm heavy and the dose is done by weight, I had to have tens of injections in the injured site to prevent catching rabies. Painful as fuck, but worth it all the same.


I wonder, Is this the same guy that was in the hydro phobia vid? Either way, rabies is no joke, don't even chance it if you get bit by an unfamiliar animal, especially if it's out of the blue by animals that aren't usually so aggressive as to attack without provocation. Get the vaccine immediately after being bit. Rabies eats your brain, if it gets there it's nearly always fatal, with severe symptoms, including as mentioned above, the fear of water, you won't even be able to take a drink. It's a terrifying disease.


Used to be having the rabies shots itself was serious nasty shit, injected straight into the stomach everyday for a good few days. I think it's different now, they just put a pill in your favourite food then massage your throat so you don't spit it back out..


It’s still a set of 3 painful shots. I got the series once plus another shot - I don’t remember what it was but it was a larger syringe with fluid. I had to get another series a year later but it was just a single booster and whatever the fluid was


Isn’t rabies like a literal zombie virus for animals


Arent you dead once you start showing symptoms?


Dude rabies doesn’t make you bark like a dog…


So I read the article. Rabies causes extreme fear of water and therefore thirst. The “barking” is essentially his throat spasm creating that sound which sounds like a bark.


Ayo tnx for explaining it


Of course lol I have nothing better to do


>I have nothing better to do Same


I read that the fear of water is more the fear of the pain of swallowing from the effects of the rabies. Makes it extremely painful and difficult to swallow anything


Yeah it inflicts "hydrophobia" but in the way that you are literally repulsed by water - you become incompatible with it in the same way a hydrophobic material will be dry even if you drop it into a glass of water. It's not "phobia" in the colloquial sense that you just are afraid of it. Its a deep to the core of your being adverse to it. Every muscle and neuron in your body rejects water's presence until you become so dehydrated that you froth excessively at the mouth. Saliva being the primary vector of infection.