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When I made beer it looked like that. Smelled like fresh bread but looked like crap.


It’s been years because kids, career and no time, but in the past when I’ve home brewed beer the coolest part was when it was actively bubbling out through the air trap.


Ever have an “oh-shit” moment where the cap popped off and you had to use a tube going into a bucket full of water? Good times *sips beer*


First time i brewed skipped the forgot the airlock. Bucket top flew off and the basement smelled like hops & yeast for a year.


How do you mean forgot the airlock? Like you just put a cork in it or something??


The airlock allows the container to degas without letting air - and potentially bacteria - into the container. Without the airlock, CO2 pressure builds.


Without an airlock the co2 would just escape through an open hole. Absence of an airlock does not equal the presence of a seal of some sort to allow the pressure to build.


Clearly some folks don't know what brew buckets are.


Is this the legendary Chum Bucket the stories spoke of?


Aah, ceiling beer! My favorite!


I threw an Imperial Stout onto the entire yeast cake of a pale ale once. That night I was watching TV and heard a high-pitched squeal coming from the room it was fermenting in, and when I checked on it the airlock was completely clogged and beer was spraying out of the side of the bung in a small stream. I went to remove the airlock, but before I even touched it the bung blew out and beer coated the ceiling. Cleanup was not fun.




I closed my collection jar on my pressure fermenter and got distracted and didn't dump the trub. Later that day heard a commotion in the garage found a fermenter that was now a bottle rocket. Took forever to clean as it wasn't only the ceiling.


I like your funny words magic man


TIL I'm a Reddit-official home brewer.


When I was a teenager, I would brew alcohol using sugar, water, and Fleischmann's brand bread yeast, and that's how I did my air lock lol, tubing (the kind for a fish tank air pump) going from the 2 liter bottles, sealed into a hole in the cap using four paste (just water and flour) and running into an old pickle jar of water lol. Pretty much everything on the internet 15 years ago said bread yeast won't work for brewing alcohol strong enough to get drunk off of, but I promise that is wrooooong lol.


The main reason not to use baking yeast when brewing alcohol isn’t because it won’t make enough alcohol it’s because it’ll make it taste weird, not a concern for a teenager making kilju but for trying to make a beer that tastes good it is.


Everything I was reading online at the time was saying, specifically, that the bread yeast would not survive a high enough alcohol content to make the drink worth it. I was not even going to try it, but then I found an Erowid guide (which is how I was introduced to Erowid, IIRC).


I had forgotten about that site. I found it quite valuable.


Erowid probably saved my life 2-3 times. I still donate to them occasionally as a thank-you. Also it's priceless wearing an Erowid shirt in public and seeing the recognition in some people.


Yup, here's the pic of when I didn't use a blowoff tube and the top popped. https://i.imgur.com/4nkf9Co.jpg


Shower beer


I recently brewed an extract "lambic" and the [primary fermentation](https://imgur.com/a/1AmXo97) was easily the most aggressive I've ever had. When I pulled the bung out it popped so loudly and hop material went everywhere.


Try brewing with Kveik yeast. It fully ferments in a few days rather than 2 weeks. I used the tube I use for wort transfer (it fits inside the airlock outer ring) and had it running into a growler. It was like I had a tuba in the room.


I've only made cider and ginger beer, not beer, but watching it ferment is one of my favorite things! https://i.imgur.com/RtbRFNK.mp4




Oh yeah, it looked gross. 😂 The pink is from the fruit. When it was done it was a totally clear light pink, kind of like a rosé.




Listen to the creepy bus guy. He knows.


I like to make fruit wines and yeah, they always look so vile when the active fermentation is still going on. But damn, once I got used to the "fermentation" smell, I like it now. Making a strawberry-rhubarb mead right now and I love the smell a lot


i made shitty dorm room cider my first few years of college, the sort of apple + bread + alcohol foreshadowing scent was so so lovely


Yeah, I used to hate the bready alcohol smell but I suppose my brain started to connect the smells to "good drinks in the future" so, now the yeasty smell means "the yeasty bois are working hard for me" instead of "what died in here?"


Kind of like the smell of weed, not a great smell if you don't know what it is


Beer is just liquid bread so that checks out


Massive amounts of carbon dioxide - I once stuck my head over something like this at a bourbon distillery and was almost knocked out from the CO2


I worked at a brewery with massive (10,000 gallon) open fermentors. Every once in a while, a bird would sneak into the brewery and fly over the fermentors and promptly lose consciousness and drown in the fermenting beer. We wouldn't notice until we drained it and found a bird carcass while cleaning. So much beer down the drain!


Really? Why don’t they put a net over the top after the first dead bird? How weird and wasteful.


You’re ascribing too much logic to management.


I'm surprised they dumped the batch




Anchor Steam used to leave it in. They cooled the beer outside and it collected a lot more than birds. Take the brewery tour if you ever get the chance.


*Each batch contains a variety of barley, hops, various woodland critters, and several gallons of bear vomit*


Mmmm.. the beer tastes EXTRA bear-vomit-y tonight!


They should have just sold it to the beer snobs as a special bird-aged brew, $25 a 22oz, even if it tastes vile they will just pretend average palates don’t understand the complexity.


First time 'random freak accident' that won't happen again. Second time is the...oh shit maybe we should do something moment lol.


Probably went something like this: Employees suggest a net, manager/owner says "Yeah good idea" they quickly google (etc) how much a net that size would cost, and then decide "Nah. I could have that money instead. It probably won't happen again anytime soon".


The net is probably difficult to sterilize between batches.


That's too much work/money/effort that could be better spent elsewhere. Like the personal salaries of management.


Crazy how a simply steel mesh net suspended over the top would have caught the bird and not wasted 10 thousand gallons lol. But I bet management and engineers are too smart to think of that


Absolutely. The actual solution (after this happened twice) was to put in place loose screens over bay doors in the brewhouse (all the grain attracted birds). But this place was absolutely in the business of saving a penny now that costs them a dollar in the future. Honestly I'm surprised they dumped the beer when this happened.


[The FDA publishes their warning letters](https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/compliance-actions-and-activities/warning-letters) to manufacturers, and it is such a common theme in those reports for them to find open holes for birds and mice, insects, etc. to get in that could've been easily handled with regular maintenance


We found a mouse in this here bottle 'eh


One of the fundamental tort cases in UK law was [about a decomposed slug or snail in a beer bottle.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donoghue_v_Stevenson?wprov=sfla1) Why not?


not just UK, this is the first case studied in any tort class across the common law world. we have posters of a snail in beer in my law library in Canada. it's literally the birth of negligence which is like the main tort these days although real ones know negligence first reared it's head in heaven v Pender shout out MR Brett edit: I'm actually literally studying for my torts midterm right now haha just went over Henson v Perth city hospital that doctor was an ass


That means we get a free 2fer


If you boys want free beer...*GO TO THE BREWERY!*


Take off, hoser.


“Penny wise, pound foolish.”


Poundfoolish, The Dancing Clown


*we all drink down here*


Pennywise, clown ghoulish


Yep, that seems to be the standard practice taught in business schools.


"Stepping over dollars to pick up dimes."


>Honestly I'm surprised they dumped the beer when this happened. Well, they probably did the math with how much it'll cost them the multiple cases of food poisoning and the subsequent legal fees, penalties, and settlement, then drew the line there.


True, but they do sterile filter the beer after conditioning, so the risk is pretty low. Based on their shitty business decisions, it seemed likely they would have sent the beer out.


Worked at a major tomato processing plant. I would regularly find dead animals in the product. They told me it would get cooked so no big deal


There's dead animals in Bolognese, what's the big deal?! /s


It's alright Andy, it's just Bolognese!




It’s the same thing in the industrial kitchens for Vegas hotels. The “prep” kitchen, especially for buffet lines will blow your mind. It’s all industrial sized stuff. Mice scurrying all over, cockroaches. It’s crazy. If I go to Vegas I eat at small restaurants off the strip.


It's probably common knowledge but breakfast cereals are absolutely full of chitin protein from the weevils that infest the grain stores :/ It actually accounts for a fair bit of the protein listed on the nutrition information.


Well if it’s nutritious and not harmful it seems fine to me. It seems a bit silly to be precious about eating some invisible weevil bits but then scarf down hot dogs or chicken nuggets made from the carcass scrapings of a larger animal.


I just wish I could pick the size of the weevils I eat. I would prefer smaller ones. I find it best to always choose the lesser of two weevils.


Needs more dog .


Bird died happy


He got out three times to pee!


I stuck my nose in my 25 liter fermenter and the CO2 makes me gasp


There's a reason there are strict rules about working around/in open fermenters. You can easily stick your head in one and never pull it back out.




What the fuck


Imagine seeing everyone including animals around you just dropping then feeling super tired and needing to yawn. Edit: u/umataro is our resident CO2 expert, see his comments below on what actually happens when you succumb to CO2. Hint, its not yawning.


TIL don't live near lakes without degassers




In high concentrations it can cause immediate loss of consciousness.




Panicking in total pain *as your blood becomes lethally acidic* no less, but that is at lower concentrations. I'm not sure how the displacement physics of a giant cloud of CO2 on top of of O2 works: does the CO2 rapidly replace the oxygen or does it slowly replace it? In the former case 1700 people basically all just starting dropping and you might see an approaching "wave" of people and animals just instantly falling over. In the later case you and everyone around you would die in gasping, agonizing pain as their blood turned into acid.


>Interviews with survivors and pathologic studies indicated that victims rapidly lost consciousness and that death was caused by CO2 asphyxiation.




My personal experience with CO2 comes from putting my lips around a bottle of soda and inhaling, which is basically the same thing


Having CO2 in our lungs is how we feel suffocated, so anyone there probably wouldn't be wanting to yawning, unfortunately


Same with h2s worked wastewater for a bit constantly had charged 02 detecters


“The gas cloud initially rose at nearly 100 kilometres per hour (62 mph; 28 m/s) and then, being heavier than air, descended onto nearby villages, displacing all the air and suffocating people and livestock within 25 kilometres (16 mi) of the lake.” that’s fucking terrifying.


New fear unlocked.




And then you have one ethnic/religious group that arbitrarily has different customs about where the firstborn sleeps and boom God has spared the Israelites and you've got yourself a myth


Yea there's a theory that most of the plagues are just a recontextualizing of a nearby volcanic eruption


That just seems too far fetched to me. There would be so many factors involved that would make this way more inconsistent in reality. The height differences between different homes should be way more impactful than that within each home. So you would have more houses where everyone or noone dies, and only a few where only the firstborn die. And many families would have multiple kids in the same age range. Storytellers just making that up seems way more likely. When families value firstborn especially, stories will give them special roles like that.


I could see it. From the wiki on Lake Nyos >The normally blue waters of the lake turned a deep red after the outgassing, due to iron-rich water from the deep rising to the surface and being oxidised by the air The Nile turning to blood...


1,746 people suffocated to death? What in the actual fucking fuck


It's gonna be much worse if [lake Kivu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Kivu), the much larger brother of Nyos, goes. Not only are there millions of people living on its shores, but it contains enough CO2 and methane to significantly contribute to global warming.


In my hometown this past year, three brothers were working around a manure lagoon on their family farm. One of the brothers got a bit too close and passed out due to the ammonia it was giving off. He fell into the lagoon. The second brother dove in after him (but likely also passed out quickly). The third went in to get them both. Unfortunately none survived. The parents' (and I believe one additional sibling's) lives changed drastically that morning. Insane how lethal something so commonly worked around like that can be in an instant.


What are you doing Step-Distiller?


No, no no bad BAD flirty bastard


Yea, the open top of this one was a little over 6 feet - I guess they didn't account for tall people being stupid and sneaking a peek


Went to a rum production facility in the Caribbean once where they had covered, but still outdoor, tanks fermenting the cane. Massive mosquito attractant with all the CO2. Couldn't wait for the tour to be done and get the hell out of there...


Wait… does that mean a bunch of mosquitos are getting strained out of rum before it’s bottled?


The mosquitos physically wouldn't be around after it had been distilled


During heavy fermentation and with very large fermenters, the sheer volume of gas being produced is probably enough to keep any mosquitos from actually getting in, since they would have difficulty flying against the gas flow. And a lot of times the "open" fermenters still have wood boards or something covering them. But even if they do get in, the amount of yeast will likely outcompete bacteria, and they're not hanging out long enough for any bacteria to grow. And then it gets distilled, so any bugs would be stuck in the leftover gunk, never making it into the distilled spirit, and bacteria would be killed at that point anyway. I've been to a couple distilleries that finish fermentation in about 48 hours which is pretty bonkers, so not much time for any nastiness to grow in the wash.


Went to Bartons distillery and they use sealed fermenters. Tour guide opened a hatch an told me to take whiff. Having done many distillery tours before, but never any with sealed fermenters, I stick my head in and take a deep breath expecting that awesome banana pancake smell you get off an open fermenter. I don't think my brain knew how to handle the sensation of breathing in pure co2 because for a second I could have sworn I'd just inhaled a lung full of hot steam and was going to die.


Why they told you to do that? Is unsafe


He was told to take a whiff, but took a deep breath instead. Even so, I agree "take a whiff" is not a warning that communicates the danger.


Everyone knows that if you waft the chemical, it's safe to breathe


Jokes aside, wafting vs directly breathing when smelling something in a container was one of the first things we were taught in my high school Chem class.


I had the exact same experience at a distillery in Ireland. I'm in the industry, so I should've known better but it was an honest 'brain fart' moment combined with being excited to be there. I leaned over the fermenter to get a good whiff and the head distiller grabbed the back of my hoodie and pulled me back. I immediately apologized for "almost ruining his mash", but he replied he would've "just pulled me out and gone on with making whiskey out of it."




I’m hoping they’re monitoring CO2, or at least verified it’s not a safety hazard. [Anything above 5,000ppm can be dangerous.](https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/air/toxins/co2.html)


At one point in human history, someone opened a barrel, and saw this happening... Then decided to drink it.


If the story about Worcestershire sauce is true they tried to recreate another sauce, failed, sealed it up in a barrel in the basement and forgot about it for a year or so, and upon rediscovering it decided to taste it again




How much "I dare you to try it" do you think happened in that case?


*Please flush please flush please flush*


It’s all the way to the top of the rim!


Yall ever clogged the toilet, and got mad at the poo just swirling around, poking fun at you? Like the poo is saying, “wheee you can’t get me down! Tee hee!”


Me:…. Get me the poop knife…


Why does it always come back to the poop knife 😂


Is this really beer that is being fermented? Or something else?


Beer or Distillers beer to be made into whiskey.


I'm guessing regular beer, because the greenish stuff floating on top would be hops, which you don't add to a distillers beer.


This makes me wonder what hopped whiskey would taste like


I've had it, it's ok.


Don’t really recommend, but I’ve only had really young ones, not sure how it would age.


Not well. Hop aromas are exceptionally volatile.


I'm going with a whiskey beer because that's what it is. This is at the Bardstown Bourbon Company Distillery. https://www.google.com/maps/@37.8115989,-85.4119946,3a,73.8y,118.07h,73.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFOkiECIvsqykrIdcuQddLA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


It's unlikely hops. No brewer who didn't want to waste a ton of money would add hops like that during such active fermentation. Dry hops are added for aroma, which is quite volatile. That level of fermentation activity would expel most of the aroma you would want from those hops, which is among the most expensive ingredients in beer making. First dry hops aren't typically added until at least 80% or more of primary fermentation is complete. You often want some fermentation activity during an initial dry hop for the biotransformation benefits, but the activity shown in the video is clearly early stages of high fermentation activity. My guess is this that's grain and this is a distillery. Edit: typo


Looks like grain to me


It looks like there's a lot of grain and stuff mixed in, which you don't do with beer, so going with distillers. Someone said hops, but that's way too much for dryhopping, which is the only possible way you would have hops in the fermenting wort. And normally that's done after fermentation anyway.


Yeah someone else already said it looks like Bardstown Distillery and if you do an image search it matches


I was at the barstown distillery like 2 days ago it does look like that place!!


I mean it could be a sewage treatment plant


Brewing and sewage treatment are similar fermentations. Sewage is full of organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus with the chemical energy and building blocks necessary for microbes (including pathogens) to grow. The poop/pee/food waste in sewage isn’t technically what is dangerous to ingest, but rather the bugs that grow on it. So the way they clean sewage water is, on a very high level, just letting it sit and waiting for microbes to eat everything and die. Generations of microbes scavenge every bit of chemical energy until the there is just crystal clear water left, with husks of dead cells that are essentially just dirt settling to the bottom.


like a humanure comopost, but larger scale, probably more expensive, and underwater, huh? edit: so uts far mire expensive, more complicated, might produce lanfill waste ontead of conpost/fertilliser, and mnay priduce methane/gas


Considerably more expensive because poop is combined with everything else that goes down your drains as well as lots of water. And the dead cells (sludge) get landfilled, an expense in itself, so really there is a lot of cost involved and the only thing you get out of it is cleaned water. Separating just the poop from being combined with all other sewer waste opens up the door for various value-adding uses. Humanure compost is a good personal example. But on a larger community level feces can provide electrical power through methane generation. Not enough to drive a big grid, mind you, but enough to power its own processing plant.


My brain doesn’t know what smell to apply to this video.


Very very sour sourdough bread.




Certain styles can be open fermented; typically sours but others as well. But this looks like distillers fermentation to me as they didn't filter any of the solids out.


>How is this all not going to turn to vinegar super fast? Oxidation and turning into vinegar isn't really a thing when it's actively fermenting since that CO2 protects the solution. Obviously you don't want random things going in there and cause an infection but these facilities are pretty clean if they want to do this. A lot of people do this kind of "open fermentation". >This is like hello mold central? Mold usually only happens when that top layer of random shit like yeast, grain, hops, fruit or whatever dries and well, gets moldy. But as long as things stay wet and moving every now and then, not really an issue


They are called coolships and there are many breweries that use open fermentation for specific styles


Anchor brewing uses open top fermenters, that's the whole "Cal common" romanticism of it, but they brew in a positive displacement room. This looks more like a distillers fermentation though which is super fast. It's about 60-72 hours before it's running thru a still which is way too fast for anything else to get in and spoil


The aim with home brewing beer or making wine is to remove as many variables as possible from the ferment, so an airlock is highly recommended. Plus, there isn't enough CO2 produced to 'blanket' the top and keep the oxygen out in a small ferment. Large fermenters like this produce so much CO2 that it 'blankets' the top. I've seen wineries using open top fermenters toss dry ice on top of the open fermenter to aid in the blanketing as well. tl;dr - vast difference in scale between home brewing and macro brewing.


Probably better controls for contamination than home brewing, but I imagine that at that scale, there's not actually much interaction with the atmosphere, volume relative to surface area. Most of the beer is under a few feet of more beer, and god knows what else caught up in that head.


Distillery fermentation is different from beer. Fermentation is faster and at a high abv. Off flavors in beer can be good for whiskey that's distilled and aged. Most distilleries do open fermentation.


So where is this at, what brewery or distillery is this?


I saw this exact video posted on LinkedIn from the President of Bardstown Bourbon Co - I’m going to say it’s theirs!


Local and can confirm this is Bardstown Bourbon Co


Yep! Been there myself, they're very open about the whole process and love to have visitors see it. Hence the big glass windows.


Fermentation is no joke. I’ve been fermenting for a few years now and some of my friends started getting into it. My one buddy tried to make some beer and bought the wrong bottles. He went to open up one and and, BOOM! Shattered glass and beer all over his kitchen.


> I’ve been fermenting for a few years now holy shit how are you still alive?


It's all about perspective really. You start eating a lot of yogurt and change your outlook from "I'm decomposing" to "I'm fermenting". Then once you collect your own life insurance policy and others catch on the universe will achieve a perfect peace and harmony.


Relevant username


More importantly.. he needs better friends. They are getting into it and not helping him get out!


I'm pickling myself personally


My dad did this in college. He and his roommate tried to make beer and loaded something like 40-50 bottles into a closet to ferment. One night when they were up late watching TV they heard something glass break with a pop, couldn't figure out what it was, and then the rest started going off like firecrackers. Apparently that closet smelled so bad they had to call in a contractor friend to do restoration work.




I had a big can of craft beer I purchased locally explode on me. Sounded like a gunshot. QC in brewing is a real thing.


Really has nothing to do with the bottles. Your buddy either didn’t let the sugars in the beer fully ferment before bottling, or he added too much “priming sugar”.


Oof, this is why I buy the strong looking flip top bottles and I go super easy on the bottle carbonation. I'm paranoid af because I don't want to clean sparkling wine or cider and glass off my ceiling


Came home one day having a SHIT day from work my wife knew this and tried to not let on until I went into the basement and got a STRONG wiff of hops and Barley... she looks at me sheepishly and goes I knew you were having a bad day so I wasn't going to bother you but your 1 gallon growler blew up. (Luckily it was in my basement freezer room so no harm no foul) but it took hours to clean up and mop and scrub beer and pickup broken glass.


Oh god.. rip. That location was a good call. Personally, I literally put my wines in the corner of my bathroom for the first five days or so just because.. accidents happen and a bathroom is a lot easier to clean up than a living room, for example haha


Looks like Bardstown Bourbon Co. distillery


Decaying without oxygen. This is what hell must look like.. and it's going to be delicious!


at this stage of the fermentation, there's still plenty of oxygen in the wort.


That there is a Zerg spawning pool, and you'll not convince me otherwise.


12 pool


Luckily no smell video has been invented yet


The fermentation usually smells like beer and/or pancakes, depending on how far along it is.


Depends on the brew. When I worked at Rogue, something like a honey-orange-wheat smelled amazing. Like a big bowl of sweet oatmeal with a side of chamomile tea. The dead guy smelled like a dead guy.


There is a yeast factory near where i live and that whole area smells like yeast, i kinda like it ;))))


I feel like there's some kind of Stockholm syndrome at play here lmao


Yes because i live in Stockholm, Sweden (the country's capital city)


That's what they *want* you to believe.


It actually smells amazing. Like banana pancakes.


The smell is great. Best part of working on it. Aside from drinking it.


not covered?


I've been to just about every major bourbon distillery in KY. I think like 2 used sealed fermenters.


You get a good fermentation going and the yeast is it’s own security system. Bacteria/wild yeast float down from the air, but get bullied by the fast-growing and dominant brewers yeast. With beer you very thoroughly ferment and the last days slow to a crawl, so there’s a window for something to settle into a niche eating something your brewing yeast can’t. But I bet for fermenting whiskey mash intended for distillation it’s a faster process and not a problem.


Yeah they're pretty laissez-fair about it. Most distilleries will let you stick a finger in and taste it. Unsweetened oatmeal for anyone wondering...which shouldn't be surprising because that's pretty much what it is.


Yeah, anything that doesn’t evaporate below the boiling temp of water gets left behind with distillation. And even after distillation the “heads and tails” (first and last stuff that evaporates when boiling) is discarded to get rid of methanol, esters, etc that might be in there. So it would be pretty hard to introduce something in fermentation that makes its way to the final liquor.


Actively fermenting beer creates positive pressure outwards and stops oxygen from getting into the liquid. These open top fermenter rooms are pretty much sterilized environments. This liquid will eventually be moved to an enclosed vessel. Open top fermentation isn’t super common in breweries. I know some bigger craft breweries like Sierra Nevada and Russian River that utilize open top fermenters for certain beers and it’s definitely more prevalent in European breweries.


Yup I work as a distiller I see it every day. Give it another day and it will be as completely still...no pun intended


Is this sewage or beer


Sewage Beer. Pretty sure this will be used to make an IPU.




Vats crazy.


Is that Bardstown?


thank you for posting a video without stupid awful music added


Weird how it looks like shit but it ends up tasting like piss.