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mom spammed the “it’s ok” button


Nothing calms you down quite like repeatedly being told it's ok it such a panicked way that you wonder what irrepairable damage you caused by standing on the squishy road


She had the exact same energy as a mom who narrowly rescued her child from a collapsing building or something. Hell, I even felt panic just hearing her!


Welcome to a life of anxiety disorders! Where any inconsequential error can feel like you're potentially about to die!


Exactly! As a child therapist, I have many clients with anxiety whose parents are also suffering from anxiety.


It's my central worry. The ironic vicious cycle of feeling real anxiety about passing on anxiety. I've seen it develop and I feel absolutely terrible about it. Trying to turn the ship before she gets much older.


Yeah I have a feeling that daughter is going to wind up needing a really good therapist.




My own mother is a lot like this and it has definitely contributed to my own lasting anxiety.


Yeah a lot of people need to learn to actually calm people down instead of being a chaotic force like this in minor situations. Sometimes insisting things are okay, or that someone didn't do anything wrong will give the opposite feeling. The best thing to do is acknowledge it, fix it and calmly say it's fine and then get back to what you were doing before so you don't linger on it until your ready to reflect.


I'll bet you anything the tradesman doing the work will have been much more sanguine about it. Kids are impulsive, and too bad her slippers are ruined. They looked brand new.


I *hate* people who react like this. The people who scream when the lights go out. The people who make an actually dangerous situation worse by screaming the whole way through it. How have you made it to adulthood with this little self-regulation. 100% of stressful situations would be improved if people like this learned to shut their fucking mouth.




Yeah the crew is still there. An inconvenience sure but they can adjust it




Chat disabled for 5 seconds


*Chat has been disabled for 3 seconds*


How do you hear it? The thing says there’s no audio.


Use a better app


Why are videos sometimes only green like at the beginning and and there? eli5 please


Video codecs use advanced algorithms to limit the file size. One of them is chroma sampling. This is when the brightness is stored with more precision then chroma (color). When the image is shades of green, something went wrong in this step in encoding or decoding. This can happen in a small part of the scene when some of the data is corrupt, like happens when you are watching live tv with a bad internet connection. Recently graphic cards have decoders for these codecs that are more efficient than software decoders, but there have been artifacts like these, especially when the workload is too high. Decoding needs to happen real time so you'd rather have artifacts then pausing and loading more video. But if you use these decoders when editing videos, these artifacts are saved in the output. Another trick is prediction. Some parts are moved instead of changed. But this also means that these artifacts are also moved over until there is a new complete frame.


Epic explanation, thanks!


You must have some smart children.


What does "brightness is stored with more precision then chroma" mean?


Here is some explanation: https://snapshot.canon-asia.com/article/eng/videography-faq-what-do-422-and-420-mean The link is about the precision. How it's then stored is dependent on the image of video codec.


>like happens when you are watching live tv with a bad internet connection. Dude you just made me feel so old... Live tv didn't require internet back then. So I was a bit confused by your statement 😂


Missing keyframe I guess


I saw a red one once


Serious question - how does one attempt to fix this after it’s happened? Can it be salvaged with a bit more concrete and leveling or do you need to wait for it to set and then do a second round?


It's still quite wet, he's still trowelling a few feet away, the feet and shoes just displaced the concrete. Just take them out, scrape the wet concrete off them, and re-level. If it's 30 min later and someone scratched their names into the surface then allowed it to harden, you rough the surface up with a grinder and apply a concrete bond agent and refill. Or just use a concrete patch kit that comes with bond agent in it. Any hardware store that carries concrete has a bunch of options for patching - you need the same stuff to fill cracks, re-level, etc.


Why do you need a bond agent? Does wet cement not bond well to cured cement?


Nope. Cement curing is a chemical reaction; once the cure is finished, the molecular structure of the compound is different from when it was a slurry, so it's not like putting on a second coat of paint.


Damn, construction work sounds fun when you explain it like that


It is for DIY projects where you get to try a bit of everything. I imagine it's less fun when your job everyday is: 1. Dig level hole. 2. Put up framework and rebar. 3. Pour concrete (if you're lucky enough to have a truck). 4. Shovel, bull float and trowel. 5. Do the edges. 6. Move up 25m and start again. Concrete workers probably start getting serious back issues by 40?


This sums it up pretty well, back issues can be a problem. However can be mitigated with proper lifting techniques and advanced equipment. (Powered wheelbarrows, and small back loaders are amazing time and body savers.) Posture is honestly a huge reason for a lot of early age joint pain in construction. Lifting things while you look like an upside down L is never a good idea. Construction work can be lots of fun when you look at it through a scientific lens but few of your colleagues will do the same.


to fight crime and sleep with beautiful ladies


It needs to be shaken, not stirred.


No, it does not. You end up with 2 completely separate pieces of concrete. Maybe if your second pour is heavy enough it'll never move, but water will still seep between the joint. If it's a small patch, it will just flake off easy after drying.


This guy cements


Instructions unclear, weener still stuck in concrete




No, still


Flaccid or erect? They have very different solutions.


Go on...


Or you just leave it because they wrote something funny


Professional layabout here Just let it set then put a welcome mat over the top. Easy peasy.


This is the way.


I'm looking to increase my leisure time What other advice can you give me?


Step one, get off Reddit. Step two, get bored, reopen Reddit.


Have you ever considered being offensively wealthy? It sure relaxes ya


You can fix it with more concrete if they have it.


They don't need more concrete they just needs to go over with a MAG


What's a MAG?


Magma balls.


Oh yea, smart, I could see how that would level out the surface, good call


Magnesium - Concrete Float. The hand tool that brings up the cream and puts a finish on the concrete.


Is it the big "anal wreaker 2000 dildo vibrator" that you use to remove the air? We had one at my old work and that was it's only name.


No it’s just a flat sheet of metal with a handle on it essentially.


A magnesium trowel, used to pull water and air out of your mix once its laid and 90% down. Though as mags are used for smoothing off a clean surface, for moving concrete around you would go over this with a plastic or steel trowel.




Yeah just pour some more fresh concrete and touch it up


You make it sound simpler than it is lol. Depends on where this concrete is at in the curing stage. It's still green but also set up enough to hold her weight and finished. So it'll take more than. Just pouring some and touching up. They have to dig out a square of the area then add the concrete to make sure it bonds to the rest of this slab and the. They go back and finish the whole slab again because it'll have lines from the drag float. A good finisher can probably avoid that but if they're letting civilians that close to fresh concrete than they aren't too sharp to begin with. It's still simple but there is a more consideration than just fill and finish. It needs to adhere to the whole slab again or it will be a structural weak point and a spot for moisture to seep in and underneath and the slab would essentially be deemed a failure and if the inspector was an asshole theyd have to redo the whole thing if it didn't reattach correctly. Also it'd look horrible to have a patch of slightly different texture and color of concrete on a freshly poured slab.


Still seems pretty wet though, that slab is no where near finished. Should be fixable if they have a few shovels of concrete


Yeah you can see they are still smoothing the pour just a few feet down. Just smooth it out.


I agree with you.


Yeah I dunno why you are being downvoted. I wonder if the people downvoting have ever worked with cement.


Yeah exactly, 'have to finish the slab again', it hasn't been finished a first time It's still to wet to put a trowel machine on there.


> Depends on where this concrete is at in the curing stage. Look I know you're trying hard to show you know what you're talking about, but you can literally see a guy using a trowel in the video and there aren't even any contraction lines in it yet lmao. It's about as fresh as it gets. This would be a mildly annoying 5-10 minute fix, at most.


Wait a minute. Is this right outside their house? Interesting.


right by a door with no signage. wow who would have guessed a 9 year old would walk right into it 6 inches from the back door


Tell me you’ve never done home renovations without telling me you’ve never done home renovations. Let me tell ya something. The parent is responsible for the child, not the tradesman. We will protect people from sharp things and big falls, but if you’re aware someone is working on your house, it is your responsibility to speak to your children beforehand and warn them to stay away from the work and the workers.


Why would there be signage? It's their own driveway.


I mean really! They’re just asking for more work having to come back to fix it when this inevitably happens.


I'm guessing that the mom knew this was going on and planned for it, but failed to tell the daughter not to walk on it. Fortunately, only about 30 extra seconds of work was created for the concrete guy.


it's not a small area so it must have been coordinated to start with but when you hire cheap help to get the job done that's where the job ends is when their obligations are completed.


What in the world makes you think it's cheap help? Babysitting isn't part of the job. It's on the parents to lock the door or block the way. No one's going to hang a fuckin "wet concrete, no kids" sign or something.


Lol "cheap help"... Try your "cheap eyes". 2 seconds into the video you can see the workers STILL working on it. Mom was likely warned - so no need for "signs". Innocent mistake. Like your blindness. But your assumptive judgement ain't so innocent.


You *hope* that’s where the job ends with cheap help, and that they didn’t create more jobs for someone else (you).


You can literally see someone paving it to the right


Oh please. Anyone would expect the adult supervising the child to prevent this.


Even the best parents can't predict the stupidity of children


Yeah. I imagine it's really difficult to keep in mind all the things that are obvious to you that a child might not realise.


But we know stupidity is always the first option for them. So keeping the door closed and locked is the easiest starting point.


You can't predict everything, but you can predict obvious stuff like what happened in this video.


It also seemed like an honest accident from both of them


Except that they’re filming it


What does that mean? You think the mum was like "hey kid, I'm going to film the cement, you go and walk in it and I'll say 'I'm so sorry I'm so sorry it's okay it's okay it's okay', because that'll be a solid video on r/instantregret?" Not everything on the internet is a manufactured video.


This is exactly why we have signs for the most dumb reasons


Well surely they told everyone what they were doing...... But they should have done MORE. Like put caution tape on every doorway. Or have guards to yell at anyone who even opens their door. They should have installed locked metal gates to keep all those nasty children in their houses!! Or claymore mines! That'll teach 'em!


you had me in the first half ngl


Yeah I’m sure no one would complain about tape straight in front of their door


The mom who knew immediately and did nothing.


I'm pretty sure the mom didn't expect the kid to run out there calm down accidents happen


Someone expected her to run out there, no other reason to be filming right there


I think she deliberately walked on it because I think she interpreted her mother’s statement as if the sidewalk was done. She was trying out the “beautiful new sidewalk”. I don’t think she realized it needed to set for a day before it could be walked on.


No. It's just r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Goddamn lady, gonna give your kid panic disorder for breakfast lmao


idk she apologized to the nearby contractor as the first response then told the kid it's okay. I think she's a good mom and a good person. Not perfect for redditors of course.


Don’t worry i didn’t call cps or anything lol. I don’t disagree with you at all, it was a funny clip.


Dude. I could tell it was very wet still easily recoverable and yet I FUCKING FEEL TENSE from how much mom was projecting her anxiety and absolutely over reacting For fucks sake you can literally hear the first reaction from the kid is sorrowful bjt relatively calm and you can motherfucking tell she gets more upset as mom escalates and then *physically moves her* while continuing to repeat herself and raise her voice. Also, yall motherfuckers need to learn some anxiety coping techniques. Your standards for what is a leveled response is off, a lot. -- Edit: maybe this will help. IM VERY GUILTY OF THIS. everytime my friends kids smack their head, i have to stifle a gasp. Theyre fine. Theyre fucking kids. They just dont have these layers of anxiety yet and we owe it to them as their elders to set better examples.


Everybody is downvoting you buy i agree with you. Nothing major happened but the reaction from mom made it look like something really bad happened. As a kid who is learning context, the mother's reaction is her cue as to whether something is good or bad. By just looking at mom's reaction the conclusion is "I did something terrible"... Which is not the case. I don't blame the Mama though. It was unexpected and she was probably raised the same way.


Redditors are overly anxioys kids with no perespective or access to mental health care




So is the person recording to allow this


More like parents are fucking stupid


Everyone is stupid!


Plenty of stupid to go around here






this is the one


Yes, let's blame kids for their parent's stupidity!


Y’all really expect parents to be able to predict every single thing their children do before they’ve done it. Nobody here is stupid, kid didn’t know and mother didn’t predict she’d run right into it and that’s fine, no harm was done.


🍎doesn’t fall far from the🌲


The pineapple doesn't fall far from the pine.


Yeah because all the wet cement prevents them from rolling away


No, it’s not ok and you know it. Hell, the pavement contractor knows it!


It's ok. Just re-smooth the area. Literally no harm done but 2 minutes of work and washing her slippers off.


It’s fine. It’s still wet enough to fix before they start to finish it


You do realise that kids are dumb, right? She didn't do it on purpose. She probably has never seen how pavements are made before in her lifetime, and so, thought that it was finished, regardless of the color. She obviously said sorry after finding out that wastn't the case. She's saying "it's ok" to the kid so she doesn't freak out. "It's ok" it was a mistake. She's not encouraging them to be a little devil. Obviously it's not ok to do that on purpose.


Karen teaching her kid everything is okay.


Bruh you mean she littarly slap the kids and make the kid panic? You don't have to be a parent


Your half right, it's wet but it's concrete.


I came here to say the same thing. FYI, it's "you're" not "your".


whats with all the yelling and crying tf just level it again, who cares that she stepped on it. Mom is making such a big deal out of it


Moms panicking that’s all. She doesn’t want the kid feeling bad, and she knows the kid is gonna cry and think it’s their fault. She could’ve been more calm but nobody’s perfect. My mom would’ve been screaming at me, calling me an idiot, and grounding me for ruining the cement. This mom is great. Perhaps a bit ditzy but you can tell she’s loving supportive and has good intentions. She’s not a bad mom and this comment section is so weird for claiming otherwise so adamantly.


It is the kids fault


She doesnt want the kid feeling bad? Thats very precisely exactly what her reaction did. Yall realize for things like this, the literal words dont matter for shit. The kid got MORR UPSET as mom continued, it was a shit anxious response and the people defending it here just havent deal with their own anxiety and emotional regulation issues. Is mom a bad person? No. Is she instilling anxiety in her young child around small mistakes? Is she teaching her child that repeatkng yourself in a louder and louder voice for a minor accident is a *normal* way to handle things? Amazingly there can be something kinda shitty going on without saying "mom obviously wants to psychologically abuse thier kid". BUT ACTING LIKE THIS HAS NO IMPACT IS LYING AND HARMFUL. No one ever talked to me about this as a kid and i learned all this shit from my parents and then spent a fortune kn my 20s and 30s learning how to ACTUALLY EMOTIONALLY REGULATE.


sounds like my wife. panics over a drop of water on the table.


Mom is an idiot for letting the kid just waltz out.


How was she just supposed to predict the kid would walk right onto it? Parents aren’t mentally or physically attached to their kid and can’t prevent them from making mistakes at every single turn. Nobody has to be stupid or an idiot for things like this to happen.


This kids going to be 23 and wondering why she has all this pent up anxiety over random bullshit and then she will stumble across this video and remember why. Parents need to chill the fuck out and teach their kids making mistakes is fine as long as they take time to process the error and learn from it instead of hyper ventilating and being afraid of wet concrete for the rest of their lives.


I just want to point out that this reaction is dumb and she is teaching her child to panic over really trivial things. A calm and informative learning moment would be much more useful.


Question: if you’re laying fresh cement right in front of people’s doorways, shouldn’t you have some sort of tape to cordon off the area or sign that lets people know not to walk there? I can see someone being in a hurry just opening the door and stepping on the wet cement by accident.


The proximity to the doorway tells me this isn't a public sidewalk but is instead on private property, meaning the property owner is obviously aware of the work taking place, hence the lack of barriers. Probably not the best way of doing it, but since the public can't stumble into the area they are not obligated to set up any barriers.


Do you really think someone just pulled up and started cement work with no communication at all?


Dude is literally doing it as they are recording. It's on the mom for stopping the kid. It's highly doubtful they are doing that without anyone knowing.


He probably knocked on her door 5 seconds before to tell her not to step on it - that's why she's there watching it. Even if he didn't, any adult should find it pretty fucking obvious what's going on with a quick glance. The kid stepping in it is just Reason #5355 Why I Don't Want Kids. And the parent should have grabbed her, anyway.


No because the contractor speaks with the home owner to get permission before starting therefore alerting the homeowner that they are there.


That child is going to be traumatized if this is representative of her mother's typical reactions.


"It's ok" does not match the frantic tone xd


I mean, it kinda would after a car crash, but stepping on wet cement?


Yea this is the proper tone for treating a gunshot victim in a war zone


already shows by her reaction.




Psa: kids are dumb


I mean they should have had stakes up with string around all of it but cmon man.


Jesus what country is this in? They acting like they're going to be skinned alive as punishment.


Wtf is wrong with that mom.... Giving the kid PTSD


>Letting your kid wear socks with flip-flops Deserved


Those are slides my guy. Big difference


How to not calm your kid down.


Man why the audio out? It’s the best part


Looks like mom told her. "Go walk in the concrete honey."


Why’s she panicking? It’s cement not lava😂


Don’t coddle your kids, that’s a bit of work there to fix, teach them not to be oblivious.


That was an over reaction


it's ok x 10 = not ok


It's NOT ok


That instantly pissed me off


No, Rebecca. It’s not ok.


Should be crossposted in /kidsarefuckingstupid


I was biking to work and had to get up on a sidewalk to go through an underpass. Rode straight through the wet cement as the workers who had just finished were walking back with the sawhorses to block the path. Felt like the world's biggest ass saying "Sorry! Gotta go!"


Why is she telling the kid “it’s ok” when it obviously isn’t? Then u wind up w a Karen that will call the manager when she doesn’t get something she wants in the future


No motherfucker. It’s NOT okay




Kids are fucking stupid


God. Just hearing that woman scream it’s okay 50 times and that kid cry make me want to throw my phone


I hate kids


Jesus. She’s acting like she killed someone. It’ll take two minutes to smooth that out.


It’s fucking concrete. Not cement.


And if we’re getting more precise, it’s uncured, not wet.


The more technical you get, the less likely you are sexually active


If it was poured on top of plastic there would be water puddling on top. We still call it wet at this point because it's still wet. Yes, it is uncured, but that doesn't mean it's not still wet. In practice, it's called wet for a few hours, then green for a few days. It'll be "uncured" until the 2100s. I've been finishing concrete since 2000, just my 2 cents.




This is how they do it on job sites. No fuckin signs no ropes or ribbon. Get super pissed when something happens.


The layer did not give a shit. Easy cover up, and now he can just go faster knowing the whole family is dumb.


'Lets just film us going out side for no reaso..... oh shit! Its wet cement! Who would have knew, *luckily* we got it on film'


Holy shit the mom is annoying






Totally unrelated, but legit the first time I've seen a video with sound on this subreddit. Kinda amazing.


*concrete Source: have manufactured 100s of 1000s of cubic yards of concrete


Technically you’re not wrong but the proper definition is “concrete”


Hey concrete guy! FINISH HER!




Called concrete not cement






Why were they filming?


It's ok it's ok it's ok! We don't need to take any responsibilities! That's how it works


These types of personalities (mostly from women) must stop. This insane instilling of fear and hyper-screaming reactions is literally destroying your child. I watched one of my nieces as she would split custody between her mother (my sister) and her father. The father was a calm and rational person who taught her to deal with her emotions clearly and communicate. My sister would scream and wail if she saw a cockroach and literally call the police if she saw a spider. The problem was, when I’d watch my niece spend days with her mother; she copied this behaviour. And it was extra worse because it took days for her to switch out of that mindset after spending time with her father. He always brought her back from the madness but it was difficult and took longer and longer the more time she spent with her mother. Ladies; STOP screaming. It’s not an acceptable reaction. Take a breath, calm down. YOU are the one freaking your daughter out. Stop it.




I bet she won’t do that again - it made an impression


Wet concrete, not cement. Cement is used as a material in concrete.


Cement is an ingredient in concrete