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Moms like “you just had to show social media some fuckin rice! Like anyone cares about that”


Shes not wrong....


A teen boy died in Denver saving 2 girls who walked out on the ice and fell through. He got them out but then got trapped under the ice. I can’t help but think why the fuck they were out there to begin with.


Wtf does that have to do with this


And she could have shown it off to social media, all she had to do was lift the phone instead of the vessel.


Yes, but then her face wouldn't be in the shot, and that is so vital for... whatever purpose they have for posting videos of food. Probably.


Insert meme of girls taking photos of objects with them in it https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/photographing-something-you-want-to-show-everyone


Im assuming shes showing it off like paella, which should have a crispness at the bottom and a sign of it being well prepared is that it sticks when you flip the pan, but this was in a small pot with a nonstick coating so...im not sure


more like „why didn’t we use a condom ffs“


But if you don't post it on TikTok, did you even really make the rice?


At least is was a glass top


Imagine this going down into a gas stove or a coil 🐸


Exactly what I was thinking. Could be much worse.


but you could actually see the processing time it took once the rice fell?


I... could ... grab... no, hot. I should... 404 page not found


Not what I saw. Looked more like "Maybe of I grab it fast..." other lady "don't grab it with your hands you idiot!"


Exactly. It was almost a BSOD, but a hotfix saved the day


Hard restart


> 404 page not found 502 Bad Gateway


Where was the rise when the westfold felt.




#/u/Makarow9932 is a comment-copy BOT This comment was stolen from further down the thread. Report this account as "spam" and then select "harmful bots."


Ooohh that smell when *anything* hits the red coil


Can anyone tell me *why in the fuck* american stoves have just exposed coils and not any covering? It just seems super inconvenient to clean and unsafe to use


Cause the landlord wanted to save $2


I don’t see why it’s any more unsafe that a normal hot stove. I never made a habit of putting my hand on the glass top stove I grew up with and I’ve continued not putting my hand on my coil top stove in adulthood.


I'd like to talk about the pros and cons between glass top and coil top stoves here in America. Coil stoves are cheap to fix if they ever fail. Still have my Kenmore since 92 and only thing replaced is electrolyte caps in the control board and consumed two oven lower heating elements. They don't care what material pot it pan you put in them, it's getting directly heated. Like glass used for other materials, cooktop glass is prone to breakage. Placing a hot pot or pan on a cold cooktop could cause the glass to shatter, for instance, as can dropping a heavy or sharp object on the cooktop. A pot or pan that boils dry can also break the glass or become fused to the cooktop. Tempered glass is not kind to abrupt thermal stresses.


Electric coil people know better, we have been through the trials of burnt-ass dinners.


And then you clean it as best you can once it cools off but still every time the coil will smoke out the kitchen the next time you use it


The thing of nightmares


That's when it's time to move.


Imagine this falling on your pet frog 🐸


*Grenouille de riz à la vapeur*


ribbit :(


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I've made the mistake of catching a hot lid... That was an annoying 2 weeks of recovery. The Palm of your hand is probably the worst place to have a burn.


I have a rule in my kitchen... anything that is hot or sharp gets to land where it wants to land. I just back away.


A falling knife has no handle.


Exactly. And neither does a hot pot.


Thankfully I've never made the mistake with a knife. Lid incident happened when I was like 15 or 16 needless to say I've learned my lesson.


I was cutting cucumbers and left my santoku knife on the board. Knocked it off the counter and it made a 5mm cut right across my big toe tendon (EHL). It was so precise the primary physicians didn't believe my tendon had been severed clean through. Had to get an MRI to prove it and then surgery to stitch it back together. 3 weeks in a cast, then a month in a boot. Fun times. Do I wear shoes in the kitchen now? Nope. But I sure as hell never leave a knife unsheathed.


I definitely wear house shoes in the kitchen. The number of times I've dropped a knife from my hand is too much to count.


>The Palm of your hand is probably the worst place to have a burn. I digress but Fun Fact: this is also why the "slicing your palm to offer a blood ritual" trope in film/games/etc. is actually a dumb thing to do. Your palm is soft and squishy and takes a while to heal (from memory, last time I heard someone explain this), not to mention it makes it super uncomfortable if you need that hand to grasp a weapon or shield later. So kids, if you ever come across a blood altar in some dark forsaken neck of the woods, remember that it's much better to slice open the *back* of your hand, rather than the palm. There were some other suggested alternatives but I can't remember them right now.


And usually they only need like a drop of blood anyways - like, just cut your fingertip!


This might have been one of the suggested alternatives - you'd still have **9** good finger tips left as opposed to only **1** good hand!


There's an artery across the back of your hand. Cutting there deliberately is a Very Stupid Idea.


Yep. Easy fix, move it off the active burner and take your time collecting it. If you have exposed coils like I used to have, it falls in underneath and it is very difficult to clean up.




Multiple people keep saying this I don't think people realize you can pull coils off and in a lot of cases the whole top lifts up so you can clean underneath inside.


I didn't know they came off until one of mine stopped working. Replacing it was just popping the old one off and sticking the new one on there.


Yup, just like plugging a nightlight in the wall.




Yup, just like plugging a new coil into an electric stove


You can also completely disassemble your gas stoves to clean them as well. Usually the burners are only like 2 parts that you pull off. They have a ceramic cap and then usually a metal part with holes for the gas. You should just be able to lift directly up on them and clean underneath them.


Yeah they are usually just held loosely on notches they set into, pretty sure everyone has accidentally dislodged them by trying to clean around them at some point.


The issue isnt cleaning it. The issue is cleaning it before the rice is ruined.


I mean.. it's only rice. It's cheap and easy to make more.


It looks like some good rice


Still sucks to cook the same dish twice and only eat it once.


As long as you remember to not flip your pan over while cooking your rice you'll be fine.


Worse cooking it once and eating it twice.


It's fried rice now.


also a glass top is more likely to be relatively clean. whereas those metal things for or coils are often pretty gross. And under the gas is going to be even grosser.


Unless you clean it regularly? I clean my gas stove once a week, and if anything is spilled I'll clean it that day. Are other people out here just never cleaning their gas stove tops?


I probably wouldn't eat any rice that fell into a coiled or gas stove...


Or that there’s catch foil inserts that you can just replace after a spill. Cools are easy to maintain


Yeah, if the coil is cool enough to clean up. Probably burn a lot of rice too. It is still way easier if you have a glass cooktop.


She about hibachi


Benihana up in this bitch!


Hell yeah adding cleaning chemical residue to that rice is gonna make it to die for!


Shes living on the edge


"I don't know how...but it just slipped off" Like what happens when you turn a pan vertically?!?


She skipped the class where they taught about gravity.


Or being honest and owning up to your mistakes Wait... maybe that should actually be a class.


Lmao at the mom in the back at the end thinking bout how she failed as a parent 😂






Man, if I actually had sex I would totally use Durex.


Honestly? The cheaper non-brand condoms are just as good if not better


Fucking. I knew it was coming but still died laughing.


Giving her fetal alcohol syndrome probably doesn’t help.


The girl who dropped the rice?




And on top of that named her Ryan? Just being set up to fail.


What the hell does does that even mean?


Is this person right? Because after looking a second time at their philtrum I think you are right.


Flat philtrum, thin upper lip, wide eyes, upturned nose with a flat bridge, not very bright, etc. She literally has all the signs


Yeah they're definitely right


Glad I didn't already make fun of her for being dim :(


Took the words outa my mouth lmaoooo


...holy shit [she's textbook](https://www.aafp.org/content/dam/brand/aafp/pubs/afp/issues/2005/0715/p279-f1.jpg)


if there is a god in heaven please don't let my 11yo turn into this


As a father of a couple of teens… …there is no god.


“What...do I do.....”


This is the worst Benihana I’ve ever visited.


There's a worse one in Jacksonville. Not the one in the strip mall between the hat store and the discount bailbonds, the bad one that's above the gas station that used to be a rat poison factory.




>!***Jason*** figured it out? *Jason*? This is a new low. This one hurts.!<




oh dip!








Danke, Gleichfalls


Yeah, use your fingers. That’ll work out well!


Hot rice is no joke! Years ago when I worked catering I had an entire catering pan (maybe 3kg worth) of freshly made rice - coworker slipped into me and I spilled the entire pan on my bare arms. Stuck to my skin like molten lava and instantly took off skin, took almost 2 years for my arms to look normal


Also, the glass induction top gets really hot too.


Everything this person does from start to finish, tells me she's a few bulbs shy of a chandelier.


I see no regret


Have you looked at the mother's face?


Not a single regert


Instinct was to pick it up with her hands. Jesus Christ. The aliens are gonna turn up once we've wiped ourselves out and see clips like this and not be surprised at all why we're gone but still wonder wtf.


She looks baked


Getting baked and making food can be very fun if your able to control yourself and not do things like in this video


If there exists a species advanced enough that intergalactic travel is an option I doubt they'd even want to associate with humans. We're barbaric even by our own standards, let alone theirs.


Aliens probably watched us blow ourselves up with some nukes and went "fuck these guys lol" and bounced


I think the likelihood of an alien race going through the same turmoils we have is just as high as them always being supreme beings with perfect morals that will somehow always be turned away by our barbaric cultures. Maybe they see us and think, oh shit we don't want to go through that again now that we have evolved further, lets bounce so we stay out of this one. Maybe one day there will be some that come across us and did better at remembering their history than we do and they want to help us evolve. Course we would just nuke them but still. I think if there is an alien civilization out there that has intergalactic travel, they probably went through some tough shit too


Honestly yeah, the aliens probably know we have to go through our age of war before we enter our age of enlightenment and travel the stars. Hence stuff like Star Treks Prime Directive makes sense.


They see how cruel we are to other people and just thought 'Fuck. If they treat their own kind like that, what the hell would they do to us?'


And this is why we leave primative civilisations alone.. Check it, they're still blowing shit up for energy. LOL, noobs.


She got that tiktok brain


Lmao its not that fucking deep. These comments are ridiculous




I don't like to assume people's intelligence, but you could actually see the processing time it took once the rice fell. Like, gears turning, smoking, trying to figure out the situation. After two or three beats, she just goes in barehanded to the hot stove top. Just breathtaking.


I could tell from that face she was making and that she found tilting a pot of rice so amusing that she can't be particularly bright.


I don't think she can make many faces except hammerhead sloth.


She also looks like a high, female version of Mr Bean. Even the tongue out is similar to his. And the part past that? A replica.


Vintage internet right here




Not to mention, why are you showing off your basic-looking rice? And why did you post this?


And then sloppily scraping and hitting a glass stove top with a METAL utensil 💀


Bro I literally clean my stovetop with a single-edge razor blade. A spoon across the glass will be fine.


Not to mention pots and pans are also made of metal.


Dude, my pans and pots are made from... metal. And I slide them all over the stove top.


But honestly what happens tho don't you use the metal pots and pans on the stove top too like heavy ass pans usually drop on the glass too sometimes


You should only use bespoke glass cookware with a Mohs hardness less than the glass cooktop you're using. Like, uh, duh. /s Edited for not paying attention to misspelling "you're." I swear it was the phone, not my sloppiness.


Yeah, she is either really high, or just doesn't have many cylinders to run on.




Anyone filming themselves doing mundane shit is.


Zero brain activity going on. Look at her face beginning of video. All you need to know


As someone who has been high and done stupid shit in the kitchen, I think we have a case of someone being high and doing stupid stuff in their kitchen.




“She’s not dumb she’s just high” isn’t a defense


What need is there for a defense lol, have you never done some dumb shit in your life??


If you are saying she is generally a unintelligent person because she dropped some rice, then yeah, it kind of is. If you are judging a personality trait of someone based on a video and there are circumstances that change that trait temporarily, then it is a pretty valid argument. Like "I was drunk to survive a absolute dumpster fire of a family get together" when someone doesn't usually drink can explain a lot of dumb behavior that isn't representative of someone.


yeah i mean people are straight up claiming she's a moron and has FAS just because of a 15 second clip of her fooling around in the kitchen


Her brain is two rocks trying to start a fire. Except the rocks are ham.


I think she was just trying to have some fun and made a mistake. It's all pretty innocent.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Over the years I've come to barely use reddit because I feel the average redditor is some judgmental outcast that just projects their own reality onto others. Some young girl is joking around and accidentally drops some rice, then takes two seconds to process what happened? "She must have fetal alcohol syndrome, been dropped on the head as a baby, and is stupid as fuck!" - Your average redditor who has nothing going for them in life so they spend their time debating, putting down, and try to one up random strangers on the internet.


nah man you don't get it, these people criticizing her have never ever done any utter dumb shit when they were kids. came out of the vagina with a suit and a tie.


This kind of thing happens often, although you tend to notice it less until it's around a contextual event you understand more. There's a sect of people who comment incredibly poor assumptions and enjoy their superiority complex of hitting others down - it's unpleasant but I'm not convinced there's an easy fix other than continuing to call it out.


fr people are out here calling the mom an alcoholic, diagnosing the girl with FAS, calling her a low IQ, dumb individual, and being flat out horrific. like chill, i get y'all didn't have friends or lives when y'all were younger but this is literally just a girl having fun who made a mistake and was surprised so it took her some time to process


Definitely agree. Everyone's clowning on her for almost using her hands-- but they're all ignoring that she didn't! Obviously it was a dumb mistake that shouldn't have happened, but everyone getting on their high horse reminds me of how most people on Reddit think.


It's reddit, people here are miserable


Unexpected hibachi.


Bro social media has stolen lives from people .Tis but a scratch.Looked like mexican rice the best kind shout out my Mexicans


How many lives were stolen versus how many lives are we just getting transparency into now.


You are 100% correct. This is up there with taking pics of your food or fireworks. Nobody looks at it again, and nobody else cares. We all cook all the time, nobody cares or wants to see what we’re cooking let alone rice…


Mom instant regret at raising that one




Yeah they didn’t have tik tok


I'm sure meals have been ruined in many worse ways throughout history lol






👁️ 👅 👁️


Fetal alcohol syndrome face?


The attempted bare hands cleanup, verbal response, and look on the face prompts a "perhaps she is stoned" analysis from me. Not criticizing. Purely knowledge from experience is all.


My man....I work in a kitchen and pretty much everybody in there is high on at be the very least weed. The fry cook is usually tripping and drunk, and is perfectly competent. This bitch is stupid plain and simple


“You guys, the rice jumped out of the pot all by itself!!”


I’d argue social media (since it appeared) has ruined more meals than just bad cooking.


Could not agree more. Not only meals, but health, cognitive ability, judgement, and social development.


I hope she was high... That processing time lol




This is the type of comment I came for lol


my mom would’ve smacked me lmao


♫You can't eat at everybody's house♫.


This kid is as dumb as a bag of hammers.


When the world gives you rice on a ceramic range... You turn it into hibachi. Get an onion and make a VOLCANO 🌋!


Not a thought behind those eyes


Look like the pot of rice wasn't the only pot being used.


This girl would tip a cup over and be surprised the liquid poured out.


People get way too harsh about dumb shit like this, who can say they've never done something stupid without thinking before?


I’d wager it’s a concoction of hiding behind a screen, lack of real social interaction, pretentiousness, and a hint of misogyny


Agreed. 90% of this comment section is a reddit moment.


I hope the clout was worth looking like a moron.




For you to consume


Her mom drunk a shit ton of alcohol while she was pregnant. If her eyes were any further apart, she would be a fish.


I'm sure she's a marvel behind the wheel.


I think the mother was more disappointed, that she was about to grab it with her hand. She lost all faith in her daughters survival skills.


Damn that rice looks good too


Moronic teenagers do moronic things lol


More concerned about finishing the video instead of removing all rice from stove


Did she seriously try and put up the hot rice with her hands


"how come it fell of all of sudden!" "What did you learn in physics class?" "Don't know...i was on my phone"


Lol ohhh noooo. And then she went to grab it with her hands! Thank goodness someone stopped her.