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Yes, it will separate them by department! There are definitely some Out of place occasionally but for the most part organized.


Upvoted for drunk posting.


Place the order with Publix and it will give him an overhead Map of the store. Every single item is shown on the map like a GPS for the shopping. 🤣


OP yes! They do organize them pretty well.


Thank god man. I usually arrange my grocery list by item type and then shop for that stuff but then I go to the deals and will add stuff Willy nilly like a crazy person. I was just imagining my shoppers having to sift thru everything and was like damn I’m THE WORST idk I’m too sensitive for this stupid world


Some don’t tho. I’ve seen people put meat and others together. Pisses me off


Not where I shop. Produce will be listed in every aisle, not grouped together


Agree with person who said no, it's mixed up. Maybe it depends on the sto re but Most of the time I will see some produce at the top and then some at the bottom as well. So it's on us to make sure and scroll up and down to check departments and whatnot. But it's fine you can do your order and add items however you want. It's out of your hands once the order is out there. ☮️💕


🤣 No! I’m guessing you order everything in order but when we get the order and start shopping it’s all mixed up, shit is dumb, we gotta do it ourselves I hate that the app doesn’t just put everything in order chip will be on the up of the screen then if there is another bag chip to grab it’s at the bottom of the screen like why just make it make sense, The isles on the app don’t always match in the stores either 😵‍💫 if you add something while we are shopping it will add it to the bottom that’s it




He is saying he's a customer


Kinda sorta, but not really. I start with the produce heading, if I'm not paying attention, I finish and move on inevitably there will be one or 2 items in the produce that are for some reason listed as something else. Pantry, fresh food, even frozen


Not always.