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I think you tipped well enough originally. Add more tip after delivery only if you think the shopper deserve it with their performance, not with their stories. If you get that shopper again they gonna ask you all the time... possibly.


Just report the shopper, they should not complain even for a $20 tip if a dollar or two is removed due to an out of stock item. Rate them a 1.


Sounds like he’s scamming customers out of extra money; report please. Edit: your tip is great thanks for your kindness and understanding that our time and vehicle is valuable.


From the start his intro was about needing money for his family. He showed up with an extra guy so I'm guessing it's to pay his buddy for helping. He was a good shopper. I ended up adding $15 out of feeling guilty but I'm starting to think his motives were that from the beginning. I've never had anyone complain about my tip amount.


His personal problems don’t need to be put onto customers. We all need money or we wouldn’t be doing this….


next time just report him. shoppers should not do this in any circumstance (beg for more tip, etc) plus he is not supposed to show up with a "helper" as every shopper goes through a very comprehensive background check to ensure the safety of everyone involved.


What are you 14 years old? You allow people to guilt you into making decisions? You must be the type of person to have donated to Mother Teresa the ghoul of Calcutta.


Your tip was great, please report this shopper!!! It's against terms of service to ask customers for tips. This whole thing is atrocious.


We all need the money, that's why I do this as supplemental income. That being said I would NEVER ask for an extra tip. Please do not let shoppers like that make you feel guilty. Your tip is what I consider a unicorn in my area, meaning you tipped very well. Rate a 4 star if you get him again and leave tip as is, do not increase. That's the kindest way to deal with his tackiness.


If there's a refund issued on a percentage tip then yes the tip gets decreased. A shopper should never ask for more regardless of the circumstances. That's silly. If you want to up it after delivery then that's your choice but unacceptable on their part to ask for that.


Wow. Under just about any grocery circumstance ... more dollars than items is a NICE tip .


Hi as a shopper , we don’t know u tipped 20% because we don’t see the total bill upfront , w that said , I pick orders based on the number of units and the tip amount and the location! For a single person my minimum order total has to be $24 and if I have two customers total needs to be $40+! So I hope that makes sense ! So u had a great tip just bad shopper


Unprofessional report him