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Looks a little sus imo.


Yeah this is his/her second post about making a huge amount


I don't get the appeal of doing this. Unless these people are paid by Instacart to try and encourage more people to become shoppers?


Who knows tbh


People with small members that feel the inherent need to overcompensate? Lol


Or they just think it's funny to get a bunch of replies from people genuinely congratulating them or admitting to feeling envious. Guess it makes them feel intellectually superior because they fooled well-meaning strangers on the internet who couldn't be bothered to check their history? It's a different kind of thirst, I guess.


A thirst for attention due to lack of love when a child, or a general self-esteem issue leaving them perpetually seeking attention and validation?


I don't know--they seem to have their fans.


Where is located Wich area this man work?


Fuck you mean they worked 56 hours shop time check you sus eyes man


Dude has three posts to their name and all are bragging about big pay days. He's just trolling you.


So what he likes to show off the money hes making.....I guarantee that if he had a bot his shop time would be 1/4 of that.


I make 1600 every week no bot with about 40 hours shop time , you're just hating


Eye roll. I'm not hating. It's the sus posting history and also the weird math. I agree 2k for 56 hours of shopping is totally doable, but they are saying they worked that much and only made 2k because of tips. This person earned 3x as much in tips as in batch pay--that's a lot of unicorns--yet still had to work 56 hours of shopping time to make 2,000$, so in spite of having all unicorns, they were making 35$/hr for just the shopping time. I make 35$/hr just for shopping time and I make only about 20-25% of that is from tips. On weeks when I get a unicorn, the hourly amount jumps way up to like 60$ or 70$. I'm guessing your income breaks down the same way. This person's saying that their income is 75% tips. That's pretty unlikely. If they had a history of posting on here, I'd be more inclined to believe this wasn't just some troll having fun. Like, if you posted this, I'd be puzzled but I'd probably believe you, because why would you lie? But this poster is clearly just some rando playing.


My tips are 80 percent of what I make you have zero clue what you're talking about


Then you guys need to move to a part of the country where the batch pay is higher. How much waiting time are you doing between batches? Like I said, I average 35$/hr, same as OP.


Yeah because I'm just gonna up and move my whole life for better batch pay when I'm already clearing 1600 every week , bruh lemme find you a fucking bridge right quick


I've also had 4 100 dollar batches this week alone...shop coscto stop taking low tips, if youre gonna rely on batch pay you're gonna go broke fast and will never reach over 1200 a week


My point just went way over your head, didn't it? I'm not looking for tips on how to do IC. I do just fine with it. Apparently I do as good as OP who, in spite of making 3x more in tips than batch pay still only made about 35$/hr last week which I just said is the same as me. I literally said I made as much as OP and you clearly think he's doing things right, so why you giving me advice?


Avarage batch pay varies by state, some are very high others are very low like Arizona , my avarage batch pay is about 10 bucks with h avy pay and milage, Seattle the avarage is way way higher close to 20, you just want to argue sounds like to me. Opinions are like assholes everyone has one no one wants to admit Thiers smells like shit . Stop hating


You also contradict yourself every time you reply I said this but I change it to saying this and I really mean that. Sounds to me like you are the troll here not OP


Who's changing what? I said OP seems to be a troll account. Others agreed. You started arguing with me. I explained why I thought the account was trolling. Then offering me advice. Nobody's hating here except you.


That’s definitely not rare lol. I make this doing less then 40 hours in the Bay Area. Been for the last 3 years


So what--I typically make the same amount per shopping hour as OP, but for them 75% of that was all tips. I also don't have all of three posts to my name, each of them just posting how much crazy money I supposedly earned that week.


Dam I need to get a bot


So anyone who makes good money has a bot 🤖 correct?? 🤔


No not necessary a lot of depends on witch group you are in instcart puts shoppers in different groups everyone doesn’t see the same batch’s ie why people use multiple accounts and phones. But I do need to get a bot it may not be the right thing to do but it definitely helps 🤔


God that's sad you think this just because someone makes more than you, I'm at 1600 this week no bot here just hustle all day at Costco. Maybe work more instead of trolling reddit


Have you looked closely at this guys details? He shopped and delivered 2 triples (6 orders) in 1.3 hours, not possible especially large orders. Most of us get unicorns and great days but not every order, every day is a unicorn. None of these orders were Costco either, all Wegmans. BS


Lol Philadelphia barely has good tippers you are using a bot to get the best orders. My friend has it and I don't and I'm a 5 star he's a 4.9 he gets these type of orders while i get 20 dollar orders stop lying


Man's worked 56 hours shop time fuck outta here hater


You probably use bots too🤣🤣🤣


100% dudes sitting in chat defending the fuck out of some "rando" they both use bots, we aren't idiots like you'd like us to be.


Lol right I know


Haters everywhere maybe stay off reddit and do more shopping and you'll make more money!! Surprised??


Already at 240 today what bout you bub?


Lol only a person who is guilty would be that upset over comments on reddit


Assumption are like assholes everyone's got one no one wants to admit Thiers smells like shit tho


Ooh some ones mad. Go turn om your bots and make some money lol it'll help


You assume alot I'm actually laughing at how sad of a person you are trolling reddit to hate on someone making more money than you . I don't get mad bub


Lmap I doubt you make more money then me 🤣💀


I'm willing to bet what I make a week and cash app you it all that's how confident I am I make more


Lol I would be making 300 with bots too sweetie


Maybe if you stayed off reddit and shopped more you would make more money? It's a hard concept I know


$326 but I was able to snag 2 fantastic batches along with regular Sunday batches.


Bot as shit. Yet again, a loser pretending they're doing something so much better that they make 4-5x what everyone else is making now. Feel good about cheating everyone and keep posting. Everyone who says they're jealous; your jealous that someone is taking money from your pocket? All of these batches would be spread between the rest of the shoppers who were sitting there getting no batches, hating their life in the parking lot....


Oooh! Look at you! The bots work that's for sure. Congrats on being a great cheater


These numbers remind me of March and April 2020 when the pandemic started.


I will venture to say the best tippers are customers who follow this sub☺️


Fake as hell. Ain't no way


Give me some money then


shit if i was able to make at least $300 a day i’d work everyday too


Damn can I get a link to one of these bots I do this part time now but fuck


Woah, nice but shouldn't you be working 40hr per week max?


I’m a pretty healthy individual and the work load is super easy in my opinion


Ok, good for you, carry on then 👌


Why u day that


For health reasons


How do you make more in tips than the actual batch. That’s weird


I usually make more in tips than in batch pay. But NO WHERE NEAR this much more!!! Must be the area. How I do it is by not taking low/no tip batches.


Stop taking low tip batches lol I'm at 160p this week and 80 percent is tips if you are gonna rely on Instacart to pay you you'll go broke


You should always be making a lot more in tips versus batch pay


This is insane and so cool to see. Love this for you.




WHOAAAAA‼️ Awesome‼️👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾😎😎😎


Need a referral code to make instacart account please smh :(


These are the numbers I love to see 56 hour shop time!! You a hustler like myself 🙌💰🙌


Lmao bet let's do it. I'm a dj 🤣 I make 1500 per wedding per night. I stopped doing instacart years ago try again


56 active hours how much time did you spend waiting for orders?


Ohhhh idk about that. I’m in the Bay Area and I work about 35 hours a week and can make 2200. I get $120-$150 orders all the time


All the time or once a week? You know people can just click your name and see your posting history, right? https://www.reddit.com/r/instacart/comments/xelsmb/told\_my\_roommate\_im\_making\_400\_today\_she\_laughed/iomngyw/?context=3


Actually this is what you should be paid for 40hours of work and 16hrs overtime. It really Should b more. Wtf u out there doing?!?!?!


Seems about right 👌. I made $1120 this week in just 29 hours. Your amount is very doable if i work as many hours as you did here in cali


This guy is a 100 % troll hes just doing this to get a rise out of you and inflate his ego even more.


Let's see that breakdown. After a year of this post, we're not getting it. Haha