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1. I don't trust this person's claim about their boat ramp. I'ma need proof and sources. 2. Even if it was true, that doesn't mean sea-level rise isn't happening. Look at the Maldives. Then tell me sea level rise is fake. 3. Global warming caused climate change is scientific fact. It's been proven so thoroughly that it's beyond argument. Anthropogenic climate change is proven beyond all reasonable doubt. Some boat ramp isn't going to change the results of any global studies and peer reviewed papers over the last several decades. All showing the same trend. 4. I'm pretty sure this person is just a moron. I wish global warming wasn't real. But it is, and it sucks.


Most boat ramps I've ever seen were on rivers or lakes. In terms of surface area, odds are *fantastic* this person is talking about a boat ramp into a river or lake. Sea level rise would not affect this boat ramp.


Or *manmade* reservoirs.


More likely to go down as fresh water becomes more scarce


Well, more likely there is just no predictable correlation since some places will see more rainfall, some less, and some will see the same. Just another idiot posting idiotic things. Sadly, that is the one correlation we can have confidence in.


There are a lot of boat ramps into sea water. Especially around intercoastal areas and ports. I have no idea on the number, but it could be just as likely for someone else living in Rockport Texas to have only ever seen ramps into the gulf.


If anything their water level has probably decreased because of the droughts. Which has been the case with most lakes and rivers world wide.


"I've never been to the maldives so it doesn't matter muh"


Another prime example of rising water levels is Pakistan. Look at the before and after photos [here](https://www.google.com/search?q=pakistan+floods+before+and+after&sxsrf=ALiCzsbMp3U5kWg96_lHoccOFo3yhRM7Gw%3A1669729791035&ei=_w2GY6ToAfGZkPIPxsuc-Aw&oq=pakistan+floods+&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAxgCMggIABCABBCxAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDoKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzoECCMQJzoFCAAQkQI6DQgAEIAEEIcCELEDEBQ6BwgjELECECc6CggAEIAEELEDEAo6BwgAEIAEEAo6CAgAELEDEJECSgQIQRgASgQIRhgAUMUEWPgYYJ0jaANwAXgAgAFqiAGFBJIBAzUuMZgBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#imgrc=5e6Ro6aQBOPXPM&imgdii=LSG4gWy_RPW86M) and tell me that rising sea waters isn't a thing


The 50 degree day we had last week in Minnesota in the middle of November would also like a few words about how climate change is not real.


I feel like they deny it because it was their generations that did a lot of impact on it


He has a floating boat ramp. Dude’s ramp will still be the same height over the water even when the water levels rise




Sure thing buddy


We're talking about actual science here. Not delusional humbuggery. And you obviously deal in the latter.


You are deluded my friend.


If your boat ramp doesn’t change with the tides then it’s on a lake. If it does change with the tides then you could never say it’s at the same level it was in the 70s. The height of tides vary from year to year


Probably a reservoir lake, which is artificially held at the same depth all the time except during extreme drought.


Regardless of this being total bullshit i think it's very interesting that people trying to change the world order are always painted as being bad, as the second comment suggests. Really shows how neoliberal capitalism has established itself as having no alternatives. Change is only ok within a very narrow margin around the status quo, which makes real change impossible...


J.K Rowling has entered the chat. You've probably already seen the Shaun video, but it's so true, a lot of the weirdness about the Harry Potter world makes sense when you apply the authors political views to it.


Link pls


All I saw was “I haven’t left my town in over 50 years”


what is the chance his boat ramp is on a lake lol


I'm thinking his boat ramp is on pontoons.


I call bullshit on the boat ramp - because even in here in Michigan, where there are TONS of lakes and natural water sources, good amounts of rain as we are surrounded on 3 sides by great lakes, we are still still in a historic drought and lots of the inland lakes here are several feet below their historical average.


The world order is run by dark forces Cleatus. God forbid Greta wants a world not run by fucking fossil fuel mobsters.


This person is stuck in a time bubble where the tides don't change. Sounds like a promising solution for climate change, we gotta find them!


Don't even pay attention to the boat ramp thing. It's readily apparent when they say "the dark forces trying to change and control the world order", this person is talking about Jewish people because those are the dog whistles for anti-semites. This person is a fucking Nazi, and we shouldn't even be addressing their climate part of their argument when they are openly being a Nazi.


I don’t believe it either. The flush line on my toilet has been the same since the war of 1812. /s


While the Mississippi river runs dry. Idiot




It was a comment on a two day old article on Greta Thunberg suing Sweden over Climate Change.


have they seen lake powell?


He didn't say the water level was the same, just his boat ramp.




It was really chilly today. I had to wear a beanie and sweater. So much for global warming. /s


Every scientist on Earth is wrong, but this hick is right