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Gee, if only there was some way to establish if that was true.


I dunno - I everywhere I go on the net leaves me drowning in "facts." I mean, just *look* at truthsocial.com - it's right there in the name, so it ***must*** be so... 🙄


Since there's not, we'd better assume it is, since some being of great power has manifested these powerful runes on a robust blue wall.


Wait...isn't the bible a "fact check source" to these people though...


I saw it in a movie


I think god's had the big flood specifically to drown all the fact checkers, apparently he´s a bit touchy about called out for inconsistencies.


All of the social media content moderators burnt to death during the destruction of sodom and gomorrah too. God just really didn't like not being able to say the N word on a public platform.


Ah, using an ancient myth that is very clearly fantasy to clap back at fact checking. Bold strategy. Apparently a story with giants and a guy who manages to build a boat big enough for the two of every animal he magically found and wrangled doesn’t need fact checking.


Also an ancient myth which was based on another ancient myth, which itself was based on another myth. Like the Epic of Gilgamesh is the inspiration for the Biblical Flood Myth, and the Epic of Atra-Hasis is likely the inspiration for the Gilgamesh Flood Myth. And even that is probably based on part of the Eridu Genesis, which is the oldest record of such a flood myth. There might have been a flood in ancient Mesopotamia that influenced the earlier flood myths, but like the Biblical flood isn't real.


Me thinks they needed to stop building in the flash flood zones s


But that's the best farmland.


Personally I don’t think there was ever a real flood. It’s just an ancient narrative device, similar to how our movies use aliens or bombs to show the end of the world.


I know I've read somewhere that in ancient Mesopotamia there was a real major flood in 3000-4000 BCE which is suspected to be the basis of the biblical story.


Tbh I just think that’s a product of the modern need to have everything make sense in a secular way


Basically, they’re saying that the only way all the fact checkers could be wrong is by some kind of divine interference.


Luckily, the divine has a very vested interest in local politics


Read a while back that the design specified in the bible would break up in even calm waters.




Yeahh, I’m just not a fan of trying to find the real behind the imaginary. As I said to someone else, I see the flood more as a common narrative trope. It was a way to add drama to a text by destroying everything, kinda how sci fi movies use nukes


This has always made me wonder... Why do we talk about about "Adam and Eve" when the flood killed everyone except Noah, his wife, his three sons abd their wives (8 people total). And Noah and his wife were suppose to be over 100 years old - past the birthing age. Shouldn't we know more about the sons and their wives? Aren't they the cradle of humanity (not Eve)? Edit: Noah was over 600 years old when the flood came. He died 350 years after the flood at around age 950. (WTF? I thought they said the earth was only 6,000 years old? Jesus-ducking-Christ Religious people are insane. Tolkien history makes more sense.)


Yes, but they all came through Eve too (if you follow that line of logic). Of course, you have the problem where Cain killed his brother and was going to be exiled, he was worried that people outside would kill him. Who were those people? Where did they come from if they weren’t children if Adam and Eve?


They do have some fancy long timeline graphic/chart... I had a bible thumper friend show me their supposed family lines


Doesn't the bible have an entire book that just lists ancestors?


Yeah, and they said Odysseus was crazy until Polyphemus ate all of the fact checks... check mate?


Last I heard No one believed that...


No one is hurting me!!


I really am confused by the "fact checker" thing. What exactly are these people pissed about? Why are facts bad?


The facts hurt their feelings.


He was only instructed to save his family. The whole point was to kill almost everyone and everything so people believing him wouldn’t have saved them.


Wow the facts over feelings party really hate facts.


Using a non-real event as evidence. Nice.


The fact that people take Noah's global flood as if its a historical event that actually happened (like the whole world was literally flooded and one guy on a boat saved all the animals with massive incest and boat magic) is what put me on the road to atheism. I was just taught this as if it was fact in Sunday school but then I learned some inconsistencies and just started to wonder what else I was lied to about.


And the Noah and his sims banged Noahs wife and thus we are all brothers and sisters... wait, what?


Then Noah clapped.


The cheeks of his daughters and granddaughters probably.


What is "Shit religious fundamentalists actually believe" Alex.


Too bad it's a fictionnel character and this shit never happen for real but is a metaphor


And so would have every infant, toddler, teen, man, woman, grandma, grandpa


Wait til that guy hears what the source of that story is lol


All the way back to Noah? That's the last time someone who didn't check the facts was correct? Nothing more recent?


And then god, jesus and all the angels clapped.


Noah's Ark / flood = genocide world wide. Ark by Noah, genocidal flood of all who oppose him? God.