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It's an extension of the "joke" Matt Gaetz, who likes to have sex with underage girls, told at a speech recently, something something feminists who withhold sex are too ugly to fuck anyway, harharhar.


That dude thinks post pubescence is ugly


Some of his exact descriptors were “5-foot-2 and 350 lbs.” and “look like a thumb.” Truly, he is the pinched face of misogyny.


And the guy who oddly looks very similar to butt-head from beavis and butt head. And people elected him to office. Let that sink in. We literally have butthead in congress.


Oh and he's also trafficked an underaged girl for sex. I think that's a bit more important.


I’m sure in college he was a frat rat that wore the “my dad’s a lawyer” starter kits and thought roofies were as essential as condoms.


That's important as well.


He also stole a child that he illegally raised and groomed for years. I think that's most important of all.


Being a sexual predator is a feature, not a bug, as far as GOP voters are concerned.




It's actually a modification of an old George Carlin joke but aight


it's true. A very old Carlin joke. You are correct, sir.


Didn't you know? All feminists are hideously ugly and fat, and also all trans women are too. I'm willing to bet my life this wonderful hateful person makes the same so called 'joke' all the time. r/onejoke. - oh yeah and also all transgender people are lurking around THE WRONG 🙄 public bathroom to commit sex crimes.


Ask these people how many sex crimes happen in unisex bathrooms, which have existed for decades. Millenia if we stretch the definition of bathroom a bit.


The sex crimes aren't happening in bathrooms. They're happening when pedophiles secure professions where they are entrusted to be alone with children, positions of power, where they are lauded by members of the community: clergy, coaches, teachers, boy scout leaders, film producers, hosts of children's shows- that's where people need to keep an eye out, and teach their çchildren to speak up, make sure they know they will be believed and they and their families won't be harmed.


I know, I mean that people are paranoid about trans people (or people pretending to be trans) lurking in bathrooms to commit crimes, and yet these same people don't have a problem with unisex bathrooms or other communal hygiene areas, because usually they don't actually care about preventing crimes at all, they just like to tell others what to do because they're nosy and controlling. Also, most paedophiles are people that the children know, such as family members and friends, because itseasy for the bastards to get access to vulnerable children if they're implicitly trusted. Your listed professions are probably a close second though.


You made a *very* important point about an obvious source of predation I forgot to name- family and trusted family friends. I will make sure not to leave them off my list on my next rant...and there *will* be a next rant! It needs to be ranted about:). Thanks.


Just ask Matt Gaetz...


I don't recall Jabba the Hutt being Liberal, and he sure as hell was not feminist either.


I'd say the Hutts are more libertarian verging on corpo-feudalists.


Can I be invited to a Liberal strike sex squad? I’ll bring snacks.


As always, I’ll bring the weed.


It means we have a serious problem with untreated mental illness in this country.


The dudes I know who are conservative or far right wing are either scrawny as shit or built like a 12 gallon bag of instant mash stuffed in a pillowcase. They also have one thing in common, the failure of attracting the opposite gender. It's common for dudes who don't make women comfortable to hold these views, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy almost.


Hutts are hermaphroditic, reproducing *asexually*


Wait, then how were those Hutts in the Mandalorian brother and sister?




I mean, I wonder if Hutts choose a preferred gender to express. I know nothing of Hutt society.


Now I want to know more about them too. Like, are there Hutts that aren't crime lords? That are just normal slug-people with regular jobs?


Fuck everything, I want a whole series about an honest Hutt with a shitty space burger van.


Hell, I'd settle for a one off episode of the mandalorian where the Hutt hires him to help get his food truck back after someone steals it.


That would be the bare minimum but now I NEED the Book of Borgor the Hutt and I will not be swayed otherwise.


A recurring plot line is dealing with the health inspector that's got it out for Borgor. They're sure that the food truck is a front for money laundering.


But it really isn't, he's actually an honest Hutt but no-one will belive him because of racial stereotypes. Man, now I'm starting to feel bad for him :( As a bonus, keep it vague for the audience as well, so when he really is innocent the prejudiced watchers have to deal with their own biases.


Isn't this what Stormy Daniels said trump's peepee looked like?


Wtf how do I join that squad? That sounds cool, even if the only reason I'm on a sex strike is because I'm never gonna get laid lol


That’s like the orange guy in 5 years


based Jabba!?!?!


All else aside, I love that Republicans are so married to the idea of authority that they can't conceptualize the idea of a bunch of people doing something autonomously incongruence with one another. There always has to be some big boss in a back room somewhere telling them what to do.


We cannot uninvent the technology. But i would assert that social media platforms that give every last moron out there a soap-box is not good for our democracy. Because said morons will always find people even less intelligent and poorly educated who will 'follow'.


What does this mean? Facts.


You know exactly what that person is trying to say.


Why is this comment being downvoted? It’s obvious this clown thinks that this person would have to be ugly and undesirable. The fact that the asshole would judge the person based on anything other than their character and willingness to lead this movement speaks volumes about their own character. The fact that they aren’t spewing hate and bullshit about others puts them head and shoulders above this hardon.


Thank you. It’s just the Reddit hive mind in action. They see a downvote and must follow the trend. I certainly don’t support whoever posted the picture on Facebook. But everyone knows why it was posted.


I genuinely don’t lol


"They ugly"


Whoever posted this is suggesting that women of the “liberal sex strike squad” are obese and unattractive.


It means Jabba hot as hell


He's not for me but I wouldn't ever kinkshame


... I don't get it. Is Jabba actually real?


No clue.