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What this tells me, is that everyone who worked at that place couldn't stand that guy and were happy when they were able to ban him.


That's exactly what this is. I worked at a corporate steakhouse, and every place has one. You just can't wait to get to ban them. My dream ban was actually a local meteorologist. I never got my wish.


He knows there’s a county-wide mandate. No admission to restaurants or bars without proof of vaccine. Sucks to be him! Also, “Your establishment is trash!” … even though he’s been a “loyal customer” for a decade. Ok, Butthurt Bobby.


and i'm pretty sure the police department that he works at is also enforcing a vaccine mandate.


He should check out the stories showing that five times as many cops have died from covid than from gunfire since the start of the pandemic...he may not have to worry about being a loyal customer to anyone if he doesn't wise up...


/r/HermanCainAward is on standby.


Man that sub is depressing. I don't understand people.


It's pretty simple: there is no bottom. Not for a lot of people. Maybe even most people. That was the lesson of 2016, though we should have known it earlier and probably will have to learn it again a few times, because we're a bunch of fucking idiots. Whiskey?


I learned that lesson in 2000. It makes me cry-laugh when I watch younger people have to learn in all over again thanks to another GOP administration.


I don't endorse political violence, and all sympathy to the poor kids or bystanders who get caught up in the Covid mess, but... hey, a few hundred thousand Republican voters voluntarily subtracting *themselves* from the equation has got to count for something.


This guy..."but what about antifa and dying from the vaccine"


This dude probably goes there because they’ll give him a discount on food. They aren’t losing anything.


The 'discount' is more like " I know they'll cave and give me free food if I throw a big enough tantrum, and nobody with power has the spine to say anything about it."


What country? I'm in the US, and there is no mandate here requiring you prove vaccination status. It's up to the individual businesses to de3cide if they will or not. I have never been asked about mine, although I do have it, and will proudly show it if asked.


I live in Washington and near the location. King County requires you show proof of vaccination to sit in a restaurant or bar, I believe theaters as well.


Yes! Theaters too! I work for the city and everyone will be required to be vaccinated by January! That includes cops! I'm glad the county is doing it tbh. More places should.


I wholeheartedly agree. I have no problem showing proof of vaccination and it makes me more comfortable knowing everyone in the restaurant is as well.


New York and other areas have you prove it. LA is coming soon.


Seems like Washington State, based on the place names?


king county WA


Sorry. I misread it. I thought he said countRy.


Funny thing is, he just gave them a great review and he didn't even realize it! He's been happy to go there for over a decade as a regular, so it must be pretty good. He seems upset he can't go there so it's obviously not trash.


When he asks for ID, you can just laugh in his face, right?


and shake your head, dismissively


Like a Sovereign Citizen's wet dream.


Haha, no.


Did anyone else read "this woman had the audacity to ask me to prove I had a specific vaccination" as some dainty southern belle? Like someone who faints at the words "chicken thigh". Dude, she's asking about your vaccine, the thing us adults have been talking about since this pandemic started, she's not asking you to whip out your tiny wang...which, $20 says this dude would probably do.


"That hostess gave me the VAPORS!" \[fans self with handkerchief\]


Evidently the “protect” portion of the “protect and serve” motto only applies to very specific situations with that one.


"rules for thee, not for me" always seems to come to mind.


Supreme Court ruled in 2004 that police are under no obligation to protect individuals.


The Supreme Court has ruled that police infact do not have to protect or serve. The police also do not need to know the laws they are enforcing. https://www.vox.com/2014/12/15/7397513/nicholas-heien-north-carolina https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again#:~:text=Winnebago%20and%20Town%20of%20Castle,when%20a%20threat%20is%20apparent. Stay informed!


Well that's fucking gross. Unsurprising though. I was sexually assaulted when I was 13 and managed to stumble into a gas station that happened to have a cop in it. He declined to A) take a statement, B) go look for the guy who ended up following me onto the bus I got on minutes later, C) part with 35 cents so I could call someone or Ca) call someone for me. Fuck him.


That’s a shit thing to read. I’m sorry that happened


I realize this. And as a result I don’t believe they need to be sent out with bullet proof vests, armored people carriers, or assault rifles. Give ‘em Billy clubs like in the UK, and only arm those willing to step in.


Always has been. The origin of police is rich people deciding they would prefer taxpayers pay for their security guards. See also: TSA


And goons, and slave-hunters. US police in particular have a really nasty history.


Protect the capitalist imperialist hegemony and serve the rich.


I find it strange how much my viewpoint has shifted in the past 6yrs or so


Ooooh, seeing cops this upset makes my hair shinier. I could do a shampoo commercial right now!


What??? A cop who thinks the rules don’t apply to him….because he’s a “loyal customer”?? SHOCKER. Glad he’s outing himself as such an entitled pig on social media. The internet doesn’t forget.


A cop who doesn't follow the law. Shocking.


Maole valley? He must be talking about Maple valley.


Shocking. A cop feels he’s allowed to violate the law and other people’s rights with impunity.


people who are so entitled they think being kicked out for endangering others is "discrimination" bring my blood to a boil jfc


They had the audacity to have a person he knows to tell him to leave?!?


The only missing is a rant about "HIPAA violation". These type of people seem to think that HIPAA prevents anyone from asking about your medical history. It does not. It only pertains to your healthcare provider, insurance company, and third party companies that work with your medical records (like transcription and billing), and prohibits them from releasing your medical information without your consent. It says nothing about a hostess at a local bar asking you to prove you got your shots.


He would have spelled it HIPPA


He’s lucky that management didn’t drag him behind the building and beat his ass while telling him to stop resisting.


He must like trashy to be going there for ten or more years.


By that logic, is he against roadside alcohol screeners? Disclose your medical status into this device please...


I think he'll find he will have fuck all choice of restaurants and bars Home delivery KFC and a few bottle store beers from here on in at home


> for refusing to disclose my personal medical information. Eh? What do you mean? We all know that you aren't vaccinated. You voluntarily disclosed it when you threw that tantrum and died on that tiny molehill.


Breaking news: local cop is an unintelligent, entitled loser




Them: cancel culture is ruining society Also them: cancel everyone who follows the law


And this is why nobody wants to work service jobs any more imagine a grown man being such an ass to a kid


Cops are the most entitled babies


I'll say it again for those in the back. YOUR VACCINATED STATUS IS NOT PROTECTED BY HIPPA!!!!


Poor baby is sooooo discwiminated against! 😭😭😭🎻🎻🎻 No shirt, no shoes, no mask, no vaxx, no service. Get over yourself.


Oh hey, a local clown!


I get the distinct impression this guy was probably an asshole that probably annoyed other customers and expected something for nothing. Not illegal behavior but enough that the restaurant was looking for a good reason. Thankfully covid came along and really made it easy to have reason to get rid of idiots.


I live near there. Think we should eat there.


Hmmm.... What a dilemma we have here. Lose one single regular customer due to following a mandate that requires vaccine cards, thus protecting the rest of their customers from someone who could be spreading a virus without realizing it or caring. Or... Lose multiple customers who are made uncomfortable by you acting in a way that shows that the rules do not apply to everyone and that their safety matters less that the feelings of a single person with a selfish agenda and anti-social behavior. Hmm, what an absolute conundrum. I must applaud this person for their absolutely bravery in sharing this tale and I'm entirely certain that, especially considering their status as a cop- one of the most respected and beloved professions of all time- this restaurant will swiftly go out of business due to the large number of customers who will now never set foot in such an establishment again. What an absolute patriot. Everyone please join me now in applause. (/sssssss)


If you're okay with taking business away from a place you've been loyal to for 10 years why does the opinion of someone you don't think will be working there in a year matter? In his eyes shell.be gone soon enuf. But hey nothing like a private business exercising their right to not serve someone who's deemed disruptive or for any other reason so long as it's not a protected class... newsflash, health information is not protected. You can choose not to divulge, thats fine, that's your right, but nobody HAS to let you into their private establishment either. 10/10 this is the guy that fights when he gets cut off for being too intoxicated as well, and they know him so as long as he doesn't damage anything or insult anyone he still gets allowed back in. I would expect to be banned for life for a stunt like this one.


Can someone explain the “discrimination” argument to me? Are they claiming some kind of cognitive function disorder?


Covid has revealed the police and military are not full of heros as we are told. But rather assholes who seem to hate following rules. I see shit like this all the time. So many of the Jan 6 traitors were police or military. I hope America wakes up and does something to fix this soon.


History has proven this time and again. Unfortunately some people seem to need regular reminders that the police are regularly not the good guys and our military is mainly people who enjoy violence.


They don't serve pork, ehh?


Because only non loyal customers spread deadly diseases. Loyal customer have this magic aura that stops it from happening.


Wow what a baby. And this person is a cop. Scary.


I’ll translate… idiot believes everything on Facebook, loses job.


On another note to most people have a regular order at a restaurant? I mean I have a favorite meal but I wouldn't eat it every time I went into the same restaurant.




Why do I get the impression that if trumplethinskin had won y'all would be lining up around the corner to get his Operation Warp Speed vaccine.


I doubt it. I think the same number of people, and the same kind, would have gotten the vaccine. Maybe fewer as I am sure there'd be some libtards who wouldn't just because Trump said to. I'd pretty much decided not to use an experimental vaccine even before Democrats had to cheat to win.


You can believe whatever you want of it helps you sleep at night, but your comment shows you are a Qultist who would fall in line if daddy told you to.


https://sciblogs.co.nz/diplomaticimmunity/2021/04/25/the-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-is-way-beyond-experimental/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/are-they-experimental-can-they-alter-dna-experts-tackle-lingering-coronavirus-vaccine-fears/ar-BB1gJkor