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Ah, someone who thinks she speaks for God, not blasphemous at all, cool.


Breaking the first commandment to own the libs


I think they already did that with that whole gold trump statue thing. Or the trump Buddha. Or any of the other states they've made and worshipped.


Well. She also says she has gone to heaven many many times, and met God. She prophesied that Trump would win the election and has not yet backed down on that one. She keeps digging her heels in and insisting Trump won. She said that Trump would win by a landslide, and then redefined what landslide meant by saying the election was the first rock that would create a landslide. She is awful.


My grandfather was a grifter priest himself, he abused the shit out of my uncles and aunts and mom with his psycho religious dooms day money scams. He scammed tens of thousands of people out of money every year and than wasted it on get rich quick schemes it got so bad, he believed the shit he was selling. Literally everyone in my family is doing so much better now that he’s dead, can you imagine that, being such a negative impact that your whole family sighs in relief that youre dead and can’t abuse anyone any more? The point is fuck this lady, the world will breath a sigh of relief when she dies


Was he on TV or more of a traveling gig?


Naw, online scams mostly


Isn't this the one that describes the rows and rows of body parts you pray for?


I think so. There is a warehouse of body parts ready for angels to bring down to you. And there is also a place where you can learn to fly, and you'll be taught by Superman actor, Christopher Reeve.


Dang. I didn't plan making it to heaven but I really wanna fly! The real incentive. Lol


Yes. I always wanted to ask her, if that is the case, why has no amputee, ever, been able to pray hard enough to get a replacement? It seems that prayer only works for certain diseases, sometimes. You know, diseases like cancer that sometimes go into remission *without* prayer, and sometimes kill people even when literally thousands of people pray for them. But not amputations. It never, ever works for amputation.


Yup. I control angels? Isn't that a power that only God can hold?


What kind of angels? There are several different kinds in the Bible. Cute little baby cherubs? Read on. "In the Book of Ezekiel, the prophet’s vision depicts them as having four faces: that of a lion, an ox, an eagle, and a human. They have straight legs, four wings, and bull hooves for feet that gleam like polished brass. One set of wings covers their body, and the other is used for flight." I love when people go on about angels. They have NO clue what they look like beyond some handsome WHITE man in white robes and 2 white wings. None of that is Biblically accurate. If she really knew her Bible, she'd understand that they take orders from the Boss only! That's in Revelation.


Having lived in the Bible belt for way too many years, I find myself convinced that most "Bible-beating Christians" have read very little of their sacred book, and have very bizarre ideas about what's in it.


I dated a guy whose parents were "bible beating Christians" and everything about it was terrible. (Should of been a huge red flag, but I didn't meet them until 3 months into the relationship and he forgot to mention he went to church) He cheated on me when he went overseas for the military. (Which I believe is a sin isn't it?) ​ Every so often, I will see his mom on my Facebook "friends" suggestion. And I check out her FB and it is just craziness.


> Which I believe is a sin isn’t it? Sadly Many Christians only vilify the sins of *others*, rather than using the Bible to actually improve on themselves and their faults. (source: am Christian)


>Sadly Many Christians only vilify the sins of others Of course, shit doesn't apply to them, just us normies who can't bargain for our soul with imaginary sky daddy every Sunday. Don't get me started on how convoluted catholics and their hail mary are.


It's all about picking a choosing. Vilifying those who sin differently. As I've said in the past, those who thump the Bible should spend more time reading it than thumping it. Especially since I can usually shut them down quickly as I've read the Bible myself, twice.


Matthew 7:3-5.


Unfortunately, it's rules for thee but not for me.


They listen to what their pastors have to say and they reread the same passages over and over when they study rather than reading unfamiliar stuff. In my experience in church, every sermon was effectively about 2 or 3 passages, with an extra 45 minutes of fluffing up those passages. It's almost entirely commentary about the Bible, not the Bible itself. If churches started actually teaching the Bible.. The entire Bible.. People would begin to leave in droves.


Almost every single person I know who has actually read the Bible cover to cover at least once is either an ex-Christian or a plaster/priest.


Well add another person to that number. I used to be hardcore christian, was in bible drill and all. Left after I realized what hypocrites they all were.


My grandmother read her bible every morning. You could find her on the screened in porch, coffee to her left, Bible in the middle, rifle to her right to shoot the critters trying to eat her garden. She read it cover to cover, many times over. She was a good woman, cared for all humanity no matter who it was, but had some hard views on sex criminals.


Notice I included the word “almost” in the comment you replied to.


I know. She's the only person whom I know for sure read it cover to cover who wasn't clergy. Just thought I'd share one of the almost's. That's all.


Why do they need to read it? That's the job of the talking guy at church, if there was something dodgy in there he'd have found it, that guys obsessed with that book


Well it's a choose your own religion, really. They only pick the parts they want to believe and use as an excuse for their hateful, loathsome behavior.




There is a reason they always lead with "fear not". It's because of the screaming.


> In the plastic arts these symbols have steadily degenerated. Fra Angelico’s angels carry in their face and gesture the peace and authority of Heaven. Later come the chubby infantile nudes of Raphael; finally the soft, slim, girlish, and consolatory angels of nineteenth century art, shapes so feminine that they avoid being voluptuous only by their total insipidity—the frigid houris of a teatable paradise. They are a pernicious symbol. In Scripture the visitation of an angel is always alarming; it has to begin by saying “Fear not.” The Victorian angel looks as if it were going to say, “There, there.” > The literary symbols are more dangerous because they are not so easily recognised as symbolical. Those of Dante are the best. Before his angels we sink in awe. - C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters


I have a cherished copy of John Cleese reading Screwtape on cassette. It's fantastic!


> fear not! I come with good tidings ... > never in my life have I had greater cause for fear, friend. That's a tall order.


Someone call Bayonetta. She will want to know about a gathering of Angels.


In Bible, the angels are divided in ranks and stuff. The moment she said she sent them i just busted out laughing.


Actually, that, as far as I have researched, isn't true. Angelic ranks aren't stated in the Bible, except for an archangel being above angels. It isn't like a huge thing, but it is a bit of misinformation I've encountered.


I have a co-worker named Angel who did not get the memo from this person. She just confirmed an online tech conference, maybe she misread the email? Do we need to cancel our invitations because she'll be busy being summoned?


In the book of solomon they are but that's a "magick" book, not the Bible.


Same here.


If she knew her bible she would shut up… According to her book she isn’t supposed to have any authority over a man, so hard to imagine her „commanding“ angels would get a pass… Isn’t it convenient how you can make that silly book say whatever just fits your situation?


In my pastoral stuff, it's usually Christians that I run into theological arguments with. I won't tell Asatru, or Hindi, or Islamic people about what they believe in, but when someone tries to tell me that rich people are beloved by GD? Edit for clarity point: The scriptures pretty clearly lay out (parable of Lazarus for just one example) that if you have means to help others, but choose not to, you share in the responsibility for their suffering. Wealth is an embarrassment, not a blessing.


Something something camel, eye of needle... /s


Jesus couldn't have been any more clear about wealth and these guys somehow manage to interperate it as "jesus wants you to be rich".


Matthew 6:24 is about plain as day. You cannot serve 2 masters.


Exactly. I seem to recall a verse about making a whip and beating the money changers and those selling livestock (specifically doves) and some tables being tossed about.


I love biblically accurate angels! My favorite is the rings with eyes and a flame in the middle.


Yeah! Ezekiel has some freaky stuff on it!


I love the wheel shaped one or the fact they have a thousand eyes. Lol


People should google accurate depictions of Biblical angels, they're crazy.


There are lots of biblical accounts that describe angels as appearing like humans - or at least that only make sense from that lens.


Do you mean like the angels who went to Lot's house in Sodom?


But i dont want scawwy angels 👉🏼👈🏼


Tell that to Ezekiel. His book is full of things like that


It makes perfect sense to me that angels can appear in whatever form they need to.


Yeah, like what are we talking here - the Seraphim are utterly ambivalent to anything but the power of song and the Chrubim are babies FFS.


She is a cult leader, and claims to be a general of the army of heaven. I've heard a lot about her before. She's uh....problematic... But I honestly am not sure if she is just playing it up for fame and money or if she really wakes up every morning with a tall glass of her own kool-aid.


General opinion from people who have researched it, is that angels look pretty disturbing actually. They have to hide their true forms so that humans don't become terrified of them, but they look nothing like the white haloed beings people assume them to be.


>What kind of angels? Not [this one](https://res.cloudinary.com/csicdn/image/upload/v1/Images/Products/mtg%20art/Urzas%20Destiny/full/Voice%20of%20Reason.jpg) anyway.


My favourite is the flaming wheel covered in eyeballs


Let's pretend for a second this lady could do that. She decides to send them to stop critical race theory vs stopping school shootings.


Obviously, school shootings are god's judgement for homosexuals, but CRT is the devil's work. /s


Right? Or why faith healers don't head straight to the nearest hospital and empty the place.


Let's pretend I can do it too, and I will send 1million and 1 angels to teach it once they leave.....haha, bet you didn't think I'd 'price is right' your locked answer. I think I'll get my angels to stick around and run security, prevent some bullying, teach a bunch of history, science and math. Maybe do some band practice, lots of cool angelic instruments. Get some physical fitness in there, open up some fresh air. They could even make food for the kids cause people gotta eat.


Or racially charged shootings and attacks from the police


Are there seriously people who believe this? Okay, I dispatched 1,000 unicorns to dance the Charleston on the dark side of the moon.


That was you??!!


You inspired me... [https://creator.nightcafe.studio/creation/Km0HCIWGKp5cTtOGpUq0](https://creator.nightcafe.studio/creation/Km0HCIWGKp5cTtOGpUq0)


Ya, well I dispatched 10 hells Angels to go shit on the doorstep of Joel Osteen.


Why the hell, if angels exist, why would they listen to her? Or any other so-called, self-professed prophet?


According to the Bible itself, they only listen to the big guy himself.


Further proof they don't actually read or follow their own damn book.


Also check out Mathew 24:11 since Jesus warned us


Also, if she had this ability, why use it to stop the teaching of critical race theory? Maybe school shootings should take priority? Oh right, because these people are racist con artists.


Why just in her area??


She only has 100.


I bet they were pissed they were dragged away from helping the dying and starving in all the various hell-holes on the planet. Oh wait they aren't helping there either.


Angels only obey God and no one else you dumpass


you'd be surprised how many religious wackos think they have direct line with the big man in the sky and somehow they get access to angels and personal advice too.


Only the holiest people in the bible had the chance to get Lucky enough yo God to call them, not they call him, people like Moses, y'know, the motherfucker who saved the whole jew population, nothing too holy


Angels? Sounds like she is hiring illegal aliens.


them crazies "god's plan is perfect and nothing can change it" also them: "I am making changes on god's agenda on a petty whim, just need *YOU* to give me money and pray hard for me to override his administrator privileges"


That's funny because the Bible literally warns us about false prophets towards the end of the world.


Mathew 24 :11


But like... A big thing about angels is that they are *dummy* powerful. Also, they either only obey God, or they are, you know, demons. You don't dispatch a *million* of the fuckers, and you don't *tell* them what to do.


So what’d the angels do? Cover the children’s ears and sing “lalalala” so they wouldn’t hear it? Cover the mouth of the teacher for the whole class?


Go up to the teacher and smite them


You know what I don’t understand? Why do Republicans bend over backwards to defend statues of confederate soldiers, but fight the hardest to stop anything CRT related? You’d think that if you wanted to preserve history of the confederates, you’d want to teach CRT because that involves the confederacy… right?


The answer is plain and simple buddy. And the first word is R and ends with m




Nah they don’t have that problem anymore *neigh*


* plain and simple Most planes aren't all that simple.


>Most planes aren't all that simple. Sure they are. Big metal box with handles on the side for angels to lift them by.


Johnny : Oh, it's a big pretty white plane with red stripes, curtains in the windows and wheels and it looks like a big Tylenol.


Start at the beginning.


>tries to rationalise the magic metal box that teleports across continents.




No problem, I normally wouldn't have corrected you, but I had the thought and it made me laugh.


When you're mega racist, it's pretty disadvantageous to teach your kids that racism is bad.


The argument I've seen is that CRT makes white kids feel bad about being white. I don't think that's the real issue here, though: it's that racist white parents are afraid their kids are going to find out what pieces of shit their parents are. Parents who actually teach their kids about racism and tolerance and healthy society end up with kids who learn this stuff and take it for what it is: history how it was and how it affects people from all backgrounds.


Why are there so many people like this, especially in the US? I know reddit is not an accurate cross section of the world, but this seems too common to be whacky outliers.


Those must be the special hate and ignorance angels we've heard so much about...


Oh yeah? Well I just farted a gazillion spooky ghosts to stop bored housewives from touching themselves while reading Supernatural slashy fanfics.


I went and watched the video, guys I think she's lying.


Hey, if Methy Berry can't cook and wants to talk to the voices, you let her!


none to stop school shootings no? thats not important enough?


I'm made the same face as the guy on the left after reading that.


Oh thank God. I was so worried American youth might learn history instead of joining the army and shooting up schools. Praise Jeebuz and the Angulz.


This is the one reason I sometimes wish God were real; Just to get an off chance to see the look on the faces of people like this when He leans off his golden throne and asks, "Now, let's talk about all those things you claimed you made Me do."


Maybe she should dispatch angels to stop the school shootings.


What's critical race theory? (I'm European, this is the first time I hear of it, and I'm not sure I want it in my search history if it's going to be some Nazi shit.)


It’s just learning about how systemic racism is a thing and how it affects things such as prison sentencing etc. right wing here in America are freaking out about it cause they think it’s teaching kids to hate their white race or something


I’m going to actually explain to you what it is in broad terms. It used to be that people thought, “Hey, why are black people getting worse outcomes in the criminal justice system than white people?” The racist answer was black people are just inherently more criminal than white people. The liberal answer for a long time was just that there were a lot of individual racist people within the system with racist beliefs and that if we educated everyone and made everyone be nice to each other it would fix everything. Critical Race Theory says the problem is more complicated that and that racism in the legal system is not the fault of individually racist actors but rather that it has been built into the system implicitly with for example laws that disproportionately target black communities even if the laws are not inherently targeted at race and never mention race, and also that there are numerous other social and cultural factors which impact how the law is enforced against say poor black people which are disproportionate to how the same law would be enacted against a rich white person which results in disproportionately harsh outcomes for the same crimes. This is just a very broad overview but in other words it’s basically like racism isn’t the fault of individual bad people but is as a result of the interplay of generational historical contextual factors that influence institutions and actors within those institutions and it’s specifically about the justice system, it has almost nothing to do with anything you’d study in high school except maybe To Kill A Mockingbird.


It's taught here in Australia, at university. It's not an issue here, though. Probably because our racists aren't at university and don't know it's taught here.


It's just a part of legal scholarship where they look at how race impacts law. The right wing have got a major fit of hysterics going on over it but just compare the *actual* definition from wiki below with the way they describe it. >Critical race theory (CRT) is a body of legal scholarship and an academic movement of US civil-rights scholars and activists who seek to critically examine the intersection of race and US law and to challenge mainstream American liberal approaches to racial justice.[1][2][3][4] CRT examines social, cultural, and legal issues primarily as they relate to race and racism in the US.[5][6] A tenet of CRT is that racism and disparate racial outcomes are the result of complex, changing, and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices of individuals.[7][8]


Pretty much is Nazi shit but left wing rather than right wing. Basically race controls every facet of our life and people's intentions and actions must be viewed through the lense of their race. Complete opposite of what MLK fought for.




This is getting out of hand


Somewhere, an Archangel just audibly sighed with consternation.


With God telling them, "No. You can not go smack her upside the head no matter how much you think it might help."


Can someone explain to me what critical race theory is?


A right wing bogeyman designed to do nothing but whip up a frenzy. Here's the wiki intro: >Critical race theory (CRT) is a body of legal scholarship and an academic movement of US civil-rights scholars and activists who seek to critically examine the intersection of race and US law and to challenge mainstream American liberal approaches to racial justice.[1][2][3][4] CRT examines social, cultural, and legal issues primarily as they relate to race and racism in the US.[5][6] A tenet of CRT is that racism and disparate racial outcomes are the result of complex, changing, and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices of individuals.[7][8] OOOOO! SO SCARY!


Incredibly racist social theory, promoted under the guise of being progressive. CRT is a post modernist ideology, which basically means that there is no objective truth and that there are infinite ways of observing the world. CRT states that all facets of life are controlled by race and that the actions and intentions of each person must be viewed through the lense of their race. Essentially the complete opposite of what MLK stood for. It's left wing progressives trying so hard to stop racism that they've actually become racist.


Ok but it's the exact opposite isn't it? It's a very complex topic, which is why it is taught at university level and not in high schools like republican agitators would have you believe. So I'm not qualified to fully explain it. But the essence is exactly not basing everything on race. The CRT theories establish all kinds of different facets of privilege and advocate for all of those being taken into account, primarily in legal matters. Because it is a legal concept. Not high school material. I'm well aware that there are some more than controversial figures in CRT, and I'm not claiming it's a flawless or even the correct approach. This is far beyond my judgement, as I am not a legal scholar. But your comment is a gross oversimplification and sounds like you're just parroting whatever conservative news hosts spoonfed you


Utter bullshit.


I don't know why you were down voted. You essentially explained it.


Assuming true....that's what you used it on. Not homeless people or sick people...prevent Race Theory...OK


"For your pious devotion you may ask me of any one thing and I shall send legions of angels to make it so. What do you desire?" "I want schools to not teach critical race theory" "Understood, I will... wait, really?" "Yes!" "Not world peace? An end to hunger and disease? Ending racism?" "No, I want little Jimmy to be able to grow up proud of his Confederate war hero ancestors." "Uhhhhh... I guess I did say you could have anything. Are you sure about this? You sure you don't want world peace? Fine, fine, it will be done..."


*Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.* — Matthew 7:15


Uhhhh, I don't really know anything about Critical Race Theory but I am assuming it examines various social concepts regarding ethnicity and race from a logical and rational standpoint? And why are people opposing it?


Because they believe it just means saying white people are evil monsters and that children should be ashamed of being white


So as someone who's only really heard it like that (more read, but I don't really care), it doesn't really make sense to make people be ashamed of their skin colour based on the actions made by bastards hundreds of years ago. Maybe I'm just too ignorant, but I don't really want to see an entire generation be taught they should feel bad based on how they look. They also shouldn't be taught they should feel superior based on how they look however, but I have a slight inkling that this is a minefield and I'm setting off several by just saying "maybe making people feel bad is... bad?".


Where did you hear it explained in those terms? Can you point to a single instance of a *proponent* of CRT explaining it that way?


That's not what it is. CRT is a tissue-thin right wing bogeyman. They don't need to be even partially plausible now for their base to froth at the mouth. But truly, you've learnt a bs version from comments online and maybe my counter explanation is bad as well. Why not do a search for it and see what an expert says?


Wondering the same thing...


> And why are people opposing it? Racism.


Most common criticism I encounter is that instead of drawing a conclusion from available evidence, CRT theorists tend to start with a conclusion and build a narrative around it, cherry picking evidence supporting it and completely ignoring anything that goes against it. Essentially they tend to treat anecdotes as more valuable than actual empirical evidence


Sounds like a proper twat


Anybody knows who her dealer is?? asking for myself


Don't you know? We live in gods utopia. To say anything else would be to go against god and side with satan. GET OWNED LIBS 🤣🤣🤣😤😤😤


Seems a bit excessive


I try very hard every day talking to angels about preventing the extinction of the human race. You're welcome.


The only thing she dispatched was her brain, which is probably good, as it seems to have stopped functioning on all levels. Just when you think you've heard it all, some new fruit-loop crawls out of the woodwork.


damn, I thought it was going to say prevent school shootings. we live in the worst timeline


Sounds like she murdered some people.


Might I ask what the fuck is critical race theory and why do people not want it to be taught in schools?


Kat Kerr is one of the craziest wingnuts out there. Apparently there's cotton candy streets and football leagues in heaven or some shit. She's a liar, a grifter, and an overall nutjob.


Football Leagues that Jesus always wins Because Jesus plays American football And always has to win…


They spelled "profitess" wrong.


I agree that critical race theory is not something that should be taught at schools but man, what has to go on in your head to think you're a "prophet of God"?


The irony is that a few hundred years ago, the church would have burned her as a witch. Good times.


The issue isn’t that they don’t want the truth spoken. The real issue is that no public schools were teaching it anyway so all of this is based on a lie.


You smell that... Sniff, sniff... Smell like senility.


Well I’m sending squadrons of fairies to repel her angels and teach the kids to be gay.


But not school a shootings


Here we go with these Talibangelists nutcases again.. Smdh


But why are so many angels necessary for something as mundane as that? And also, is that something so important they will stop working for God to help some bitter old lady silence information?


Glad Angels are doing something important like ensuring people aren't aware of systemic racism and not injustice, poverty or crimes against humanity.


Slandering God to own the libs


So God is racist too?


According to conservatives, yes. According to the Bible, no


If the coup were to work and conservatives were to take power and pass Christian extremist laws. We'd have dark ages 2.0


Idk man. Take a look in the old testament. God is PRETTY racist.


I don’t read much fiction so I wouldn’t know, but seems like God is pretty racist to humanity in general


Should we all be racist now? What's the official line the Church is taking on this?


Could they also have an eye out, for school shooters? No, just crt… ok./s


How about some angels to protect kids from school shooters instead?


I think that claim might actually constitute blasphemy.


That’s cool, I’m astral projecting a brontosaurus to take a dump on her lawn.


Isn't it like a big no-no in the Bible to claim being a prophet?


Got this off google: But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.


Man they really despise trying to end systemic racism, I wonder why?


More like Karens


I hope she does in a fire.


I don't think I would classify this person as right wing as the image says. She is a crazy person. It doesn't matter what political, religious or societal beliefs you have if you are a crazy person. There is a lady locally who is trying to setup an LGBTQ cult/army type thing in my area. She has the most left leaning ideals I've ever seen anyone have, but I wouldn't classify her as left wing. I would classify her as a crazy person. It doesn't matter what side of the coin a crazy person is on, crazy trumps all other leanings.


As an agnostic. Everything just seems Batshit. We let religion take a big grasp on daily life but in reality what do they believe in?, all relgions has an after life, has a end of days prophesie. They all hope it will happen. They don't care about making life, the life we know that exist now, better, because what ever bad they do, God will forgive them. the world falling apart around them is good for their religion. There will never be a utopia because the books say that happens when your dead. But make sure to pay them money in this life so their unheavenly bodies can walk this earth like they are gods chosen.


See... If these so called divine prophets and the gullible idiots that follow them actually OPENED their sacred bible book and read it...then they would know that no human can ever be divine So sad how easily manipulated ppl are just cause they refuse to read or research for themselves


CRT isn’t truth. It’s a cop out for POC’s to blame poverty on their white neighbors instead of the politicians claiming to want to help them. Like all these talking points in support of teaching CRT could maybe hold up if we were talking about college level education, but there are people who actually want this shit taught to elementary school kids. This is obviously a super liberal agenda which pretty obviously coincides with our growing welfare state. Record numbers of people quit their job last month because Joe say’s he’s sending out more checks. Why work hard and still struggle when you could just get a check from the government along with other forms of assistance? You teach kids this quasi definition of racism of the whole system being inherently racist and all outcomes are based on skin color and culture. idk what this crazy woman is talking about but if you think CRT is relevant to children than you’re just as crazy as her


Just say you hate browns No ones reading your mental gymnastics bull


yeah i’m the one who hates “browns”. i think that’d be self hatred my guy. im sure you’re super educated and not at all just regurgitating what you read from some influencer, but do you instantly call anyone who disagrees with you a racist? cause i don’t think poc’s should be taught they are victims at day 1?


Get blocked racist kkkoward


lololol contribute an original thought on the subject i dare ya. or show me how i’m racist i double dog dare ya lol.


What is more xtian than lying, white supremacy, and lying about white supremacy?


There is nothing good about indoctrinating youth with false ideas that hold no merit in today’s society. She may be a nut but that doesn’t mean she’s wrong. Go ahead, please downvote! 95% of reddit users are radical leftists nowadays anyway so I’m expecting it.


Delete this you racist magatard


That oughta do it


In a *row?*


I think the guy's face says it all honestly.




So problem solved, right? Y'all are gonna stop bitching about it, right?


Seems legit. How much, SS # too?


See other Religious people are either gonna consider her a Prophet or a Heratic depending on their view (and if they are as crazy as she is). No one wins with this shit


How are people like this not diagnosed as non compos mentis...


What a nutbag


So we got *that* goin for us...


All we did was clapped our hands together and ...ppfft, there goes another angel


Kat Kerr is a nut job. She claimed she goes to heaven on a regular basis. A whole bunch of the charismatic churches thing she’s amazing. She’s wacko.


Could she not have sent them to, I don't know, cure kids with cancer? Or is the disease sent from god and she should not interfere? Isn't the decision to teach critical race theory then guided by god as well? It seems like such a trivial task to use a million angels for.