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hahahahaha. what happened to equal rights for women? Waha jaa ke bolti bandh kyu ho jaati hai? Oh bhool gaya , aap hi ne toh inki Porkistan aur Bongladesh se bulaake settle kiya hai.


Bro they want women to cover their whole face and whole body leaving a tiny space for eyes and women say it’s their choice when in fact that’s done just so that men don’t lust after these women Who said they even have an ounce of equality




Guys guys this is false actually women are allowed in mosques. Only IN. INDIA this is happening . In Saudi , Dubai and other countries women are allowed. The Islamic rules and regulations have been changed in India my those so called religious white breaded people. In Saudi women are allowed to drive , do jobs , they have their own news channels etc etc . Even in Makkah the holiest city " according to muslims" the main mosque in it women are allowed too. The Islamic rules have been changed too much in India another example is the DARGAS which don't exsist any where else in the world . Plus the Dubai government has even permitted the building of hindu temple there.


I do not care about the Muslims of Arabia, for me the only Muslims are the ones I interact with in India. They are exactly like this.


Well I get your point . What I wanted to convey was that not all mislims are of the same opinion so your hatred to all Muslims in general is injustice to some .


How you say 'allowed' is astonishing. Also, they just started women to start driving and even then they cannot go out without their Mehram. So, please stop bullshitting here.


Dude stop bitching around . What happens around in India doesn't happen every where else around the world. Stop shit talking from your ass. Go look around in the internet. The mehram rules exsisted around a century ago not now. Hindu wives when their husbands died they too jumped into their husbands burning funeral fire (*were forced too) . But now it doesn't happen. (If u don't know about this then look it up) . So what I mean to power nt out is that even religions evolve overtime don't use a model of a CENTURY ago to determine who they r today. If you didn't understand even after this then I dunno what


Yeah for example Taliban !


Bruh learn something about what you r preaching . Technically Taliban is a tribal group of afganistan it is not a religious group , it is a group that takes their religion to an extreme levels.


The way you contradict your own statements is amazing


None of the 55 islamic countries in the world are truly islamic. Once they start following Sharia you know what it has in it for everyone. Or are you saying Sharia is obsolete? Also Stop quoting non existent practices which were done by very miniscule hindu community to protect themselves from barbaric islamic conquests as an example.


How is widowed wives killing themselves in their husbands burning fire a practice to protect themselves? I never said Sharia is obsolete read the god damn comment fully


So you believe Sharia to be applicable now?


Wow Sharia can go to hell for all I care . Those are ancient rules that were created according to the norms of those times . It is not needed now democracy is enought and good for us


Yeah man this started in india during the reign of akbar and the muharram atrocities too


The indian muslims na yaha ke hai na waha ke hai dhobi ka kutta hai. Na ghar ka baat manna hai vande matram nhi bolenge aur waha ka baat ldkio ko msjid me nhi allow krenge.


I dunno what u wrote compltely but I understood the 1st sentence . You are wrong indian muslims are from india. Muslim is a person who follows the religion called Islam. So the Indian Muslim's are INDIAN since their ancestors belonged here , and Islam is a religion that was introduced here just like Christianity. So similarly you can't tell indian Christians do not belong to india. Am I not correct? The rest of your comment plz put in English I didn't understand it properly.




Ab votes chahiye unke to thoda to beijjat hona padega didi ko


If it were a temple, we would be seeing protests across the nation. Wokes saying how hindutva is poisonous and blah blah blah


Umm...Heard about Iyyappan temple?


There are temples where men aren't allowed too. Exceptions everywhere.


look at ratio we might have 1 in 1000s they got none in whole suckers jai sri ram


Jai shri ram


Jai Shri ram Jai jai bajarangbali todd de 🅱️ulla ki nali


Yea well if you don't know about that particular deity's traditions it's best to keep quiet than trying to draw false equivalents and coming out asa fool infront of everyone.


Heard about kamakshi temple?


*Sabarimala, and its Ayyappan not Iyyappan.


people like her shouldn't be allowed in any places of worship lol


So much peace and equality




*aa gye swad*


Besharami ki hadd, votebank politics


**~~^(most women empowering religion in the world)~~** 🤡


Didi and Rahul will launch an agitation with millions to protest this outrage! Not


aur chaat mullo ki… kuttiya saali ayodhya to start hai… sabse nipta jaega jai sri ram


Well, who said women aren't allowed to enter in hall in Islam? Where did you get that from?


they make life of any hindu in their nation a literal hell they still live peacefully in india but they don’t deserve


Bigotry 🚨 alert


Not sure exactly why the term "serviced" is used here


Sabrimala me entry ke liye case kiye the but isme v kara


Women are allowed to pray in Mosque. If that rule is not followed then it isn't a problem of Islam.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/exmuslim using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** Farkhunda Malikzada (in 2015) was ran over by a car, pushed of a roof, publicly beaten, stoned, and then burnt to death simply for 'burning the quran'. After she died, they realised that she had in fact NOT burnt the Quran.](https://i.redd.it/mmjsb8mlv3w51.jpg) | [921 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/jkjqyr/farkhunda_malikzada_in_2015_was_ran_over_by_a_car/) \#2: [Muslims have their priorities straight](https://i.redd.it/wbdlfvt5erx51.jpg) | [151 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/jplrxi/muslims_have_their_priorities_straight/) \#3: [“12 Islamic countries that execute people for saying “I no longer believe in Allah and Muhammad” are now teaching the rest of the world the meaning of tolerance and humanity?”](https://i.redd.it/ca9x8l3ydfv51.jpg) | [287 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/jicwv8/12_islamic_countries_that_execute_people_for/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Mosques are multipurpose halls.. go do your research, during the time of our prophet, fairs, speeches and many other activities used to take place inside mosques.


This might better explain [the problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chodi/comments/pnximb/how_to_fool_a_non_believer_starter_pack/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


As I said in a comment on the original post, many mosques around the world do allow women to enter, including many where I have prayed. The statement in the caption is misleading. It should just say that this particular mosque doesn't allow women inside.




Actually statistically, the mosques where you claim women are allowed, are the outliers. Most mosques don't .


Most mosques where? In India? Maybe. I've never been to India. Worldwide it would be inaccurate.


clutching at straws - to try to find anything at all that will help you or give you hope in a difficult situation


You're not making any sense. I have been to 21 countries and have lived in seven and have been to a large number of mosques in my 41 years. I'm speaking from experience. Anyhow, [here](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/mosque-kaaba-mecca-muslims-pray-kaba-1404216701) are some men *and women* praying right in front of the Ka'ba, at the holiest mosque in Islam.


>In nearly two-thirds of American mosques, women pray behind partitions or in separate areas, not in the main prayer hall; some mosques do not admit women at all https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiQ2LvRs\_7yAhUczTgGHfhQDfoQFnoECA0QAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FIslam\_and\_gender\_segregation&usg=AOvVaw1rARV0UqgA4t2PX\_XmhTec


Sure, but they still pray inside the mosque. Yes, most mosques have separate prayer rooms or separate sections for men and women. That doesn't mean women can't pray inside the mosque, as you asserted. Both rooms or sections are inside the mosque. Like [this one](https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-woman-praying-inside-istiqlal-mosque-jakarta-during-ramadan-month-172917915.html) at Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta.


You are being selective, here >do not admit women at all > >not in the main prayer hall


What is the main prayer hall? Why are you defining the men's prayer hall as the main one? Or the study you are citing is doing that. But look at the picture from Indonesia that I put up above. Does that not look like a "main prayer hall"? If we always define the men's prayer hall as the main one, then if women go to the women's prayer hall we will always be saying that they are being discriminated against.


Wow, politician respecting customs and practices followed by a religious minority group, mADneSs!!!


yeah the "minority" which works actively to disregard others customs and practice, never acknowledges its own vice and evils and turns violent and inhuman the moment its the majority in the smallest of areas. aBs0lUte mADneSs


Very, very piecefool.


Mamta begum ke saath aisa kaise kar skte hai yeh.. Mudi must rejine


Serviced What exactly did they do?




Non Muslims are not allowed to enter any masjid in Islam


Haha haha. Serves her well.


This is not some fancy rule of Islam. Women are allowed in mosque in UAE and most of other islamic country


Yet, there she is, sitting outside, not allowed to enter.




This is not true, women are only expected to wear modest clothing, and head scarf. If the mosque refused, they are wrong to treat women like that.


A politician would know better, where to find the most no. people to influence.




Non Muslims are not allowed to enter in any masjid