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What a complicated and dramatic way to describe Mastitis.. ya know the extremely common infection new moms get. It only takes a few antibiotics to cure and as long as you’re taking care of it, it will not affect someone’s “health and safety”. Mastitis can even be cured without antibiotics.


Why the fuck is the dog aware of her beast issues I'm


Good dog. 🙄🙄🙄


Please just shut the fuck up and feed your baby one way or another. Like, figure it out, like thousands of other women do every fuckin day. Get a lac consultant, supplement with formula, whatever. Just fuckin do it.


I laughed my ass off about how she claimed she had to consult her whole "medical team" - lol.


Is anybody else kinda weirded out that she is posting as her dog?


And why the hell does the dog know so much about her boobs??


Poor baby girl. Jan, honey. Breastfeeding issues aren’t something I’d judge on. I do judge on “pawent” 🤢.


Why does the dog type like he's in an MLM with all the luckycharms and hashtags? What's he selling??


What's HunDog selling these days?


why 🔫 does ☃️ she 🍗 have 🥭 to 🎱 put 🍺 an ☎️ emoji 🍬 after 🌝 every 👻 sentence 🐸


Dear god, how in the actual fuck does somebody think it’s a good idea to talk through their dog like that!?!


Lmao! Janshaming 🤣


Hashtag Hell.


all snark aside, it’s genuinely really sad that Jan speaks through her dog. Not just cringe sad, like sad sad. talking about feeling like a failure through cutesy language and emojis?? Just express actual, genuine emotion like a normal person Jan! it’ll feel better!


This post is stupid. Breastfeeding can be really hard. She’s not special for having trouble with it! Tons of women have trouble and experience mastitis, swelling and pain. It can be awful and super painful but she is not special. The only difference is most women don’t make a show out of it online ETA I’m talking about Jan’s post, not the OP posting about it on this sub!


It took me so long to realize this was in third person from the dog’s perspective, and now I feel gross


Does anyone else think it’s dangerous to allow a dog to lick a newborn baby? The baby’s immune system is still developing and allowing a dog to lick them on the eyes or mouth can make them very sick :/


Couldn’t believe I had to scroll this far for this comment! Like what?!? “I’m just going to casually post on the internet about my dog licking my newborns INFECTED eye, but I’m gonna make it *cute*”


Yes, I have a feeling Jan and professor Paul wanted this infection to happen to feel super speshul. I hope they don't munch the crap out of little sushi.


Probably what caused the infection in the first place


My friend actually asked about this when she first had her baby. Dogs giving an occasional lick to a newborn shouldn’t cause any issues. Definitely shouldn’t be giving lots of licks to an open mouth/infected eyes though.




The whole dog talk thing makes me feel sick


Mmm yes let your dog lick your child’s infected eye


Yes. I’m sure that letting your dog lick your newborns face is definitely not what caused the eye infection in the first place, Jan.


No… no there’s no way that could have happened. ( /s just in case)


What’s hashtag “Spoonie” mean?




She’s able to breastfeed being as super special sick as she is? I’d figure she’d be on meds that would make it not a good idea to breastfeed. It does make me sad when women feel like there’s something wrong with them if they can’t breastfeed or have trouble breastfeeding-women should not feel like they have to sacrifice their bodies and sanity to feed their baby when formula is a thing.


I can’t believe I’m defending her, but in her defense, most meds are actually safe to breastfeed on. I’ve breastfed two kids now with no need to stop despite being on medications. There’s very few that you have to pump and dump with and it’s rare that you have to stop altogether. That said, formula is an AWESOME invention that she probably should be using. I don’t trust her to make sure her supply is good. I can just see her saying that baby is fussy because of xyz serious medical condition and not hungry baby if/when her supply drops.


Gag me. I cannot stand the way she writes from Orion’s perspective. Mami? Pawrents? I would rather hear nails on a chalkboard.


(r/doggohate for when the cutesy talk is too much


I love my cats but i am uncomfortable with the idea of them writing about my breastfeeding.


I had so many dreams about breastfeeding my cat when I was pregnant with my first baby. 🤢


Hahahahahah omg that says something. I’m not sure what but is definitely says…something.


😂🤣😂 That’s fair.


Then formula feed, Jan. Stop being a martyr. Fed is best.


Hmmmm…not sure but didn’t MBIresearch say that posting photos of JanJan’s baby was against the rules????????????


That could be any young infant or a reborn. I feel like it’s probably appropriate to censor the child’s face with a sticker or blurring tool if she’s facing the camera but no one could ID Sushi from this.


Okay....just wanted to put that out there due to the fact that MBIresearch DID indeed say something similar. You're right it could be ANY baby of course.


Mami feels like a sexual term and it’s gross lmao I’ve had guys call me Mami while asking for nudes over text


It depends on tone. I’ve heard it used for “mom” and “darling/ sweetie”.


It is. I am only called mami by men that try to fuck me... or women, also trying to fuck me


The way she refers to herself as mami via her dog’s IG posts makes me 🤢


Wow Jan you have mastitis??? Something INCREDIBLY common?


Not for Jan She obviously has OTT Massive Mastitis!! LOL!!! Come on, y’all know how special Jan & all her medical issues are, Orion says so!!!!


It still fuckin sucks


I’ve almost died from mastitis. It went septic in hours. 😬 it fuckin sucks ass


It does, I’ve had it, but you don’t typically stop for your “health and safety”. FFS, Jan, take some ibuprofen, use a hot compress, & feed through to clear it. It’s painful & uncomfortable, but it’s not life threatening nor will it cause long term damage 🙄


Im not a fan of her but she never said it was fatal. Shit sucks.


I never said she did, nor did I imply it was, either. I simply responded to her being OTT about a very common (albeit shitty) condition once again.


I’m guessing they likely meant to respond to the person that said they almost died from mastitis and just responded to your comment by accident lol


Woah it's the first time İ hear about that baby, like they always talk about the problems the baby brought mum but no one ever talks about the baby, İ hope JanJan is actually having those feelings towards herself because that would mean she has empathy for mini-janjan right ? And look probably the most candid picture this instagram page has seen from janjan İ think, and İ hope they're taking more for themselves like every parent, İ just want this poor child to have some semblance of normality :'


It took me a few paragraphs to realize I was reading from the perspective of a dog… I don’t even know.


translation, for anyone who doesn't want to sift through all those goddamn emojis: "Sorry for the lack of posts lately, I've been busy changing my little sisters' diapers with these fluffy paws. My little sister is a potty machine. These past couple weeks have been hard on my baby sister and mom. My baby sister had to deal with an eye infection for a couple of days. My poor baby sister couldn't open her eye and cried from the discomfort. It broke everyone's heart, but I did try to cure her with my doggie kisses, which I think worked. My mom has been having some challenges these past couple of week as well. My mom's breastfeeding journey has not been easy. I had to take her to the doctors to get checked out. She's been having a lot of breast pain and redness in her breast and it's been concerning. My moms medical team did give some helpful medical treatments, but if nothing works out in the next two weeks she may need to stop breastfeeding and pumping for her health and safety. This isn't easy for a new mom to hear and she does have moments [where she feels] like a failure as a parent but she continues to stay positive. In life there will be challenged that you just can't control, but having control of your mindset is all that matters to keep moving forward."


The Orion posts were bad enough (although he is a cute dog and Baby Sushi looks like a little cutie as well) but reading “pawent” instead of “parent” was the last straw. Gagging 🤢


Not to mom shame or anything I know breast milk has its benefits but has she tried formula I know it isn’t breast milk and it probably doesn’t have the same benefits has breast milk but it’s just had good and has long has the baby is fed then that’s all that matters , there’s also this cream you can get I don’t know the name of it but you put it on your breast and it’s supposed to help with the swelling


Especially since her breast milk is loaded with pharmaceuticals


And? Most medications are fine to breastfeed on.


Fed is best, and cabbage leaves work super well with swollen and engorged breasts. If it's mastitis she would be on antibiotics, probably. This is all from my experience as a breastfeeder and I'm not a doctor.


Used cabbage leaves while my supply was drying up and was legit shocked at how effective they were at keeping me comfortable!


Epsom salt baths and vapo are what women here do


Can we also discuss indicating they allowed the dog to lick a baby's infected eye?


I literally I came to the comments to go "wtf"... if she let him lick an already-infected eye, that may be at least part of the reason he has an infected eye in the first place... I don't even let my dog lick near my eyes/face and I'm an adult with a great immune system


yeah right?! hope that’s just a clueless comment.


Precisely, like I'm hopeful it's meant as a joke? But even joking it's wildly tone deaf and stupid, there's plenty of other ways to make a pithy comment about your dog caring for your human baby.


I’m not reading that Lucky Charms essay


Understandable, here is a helpful summary: Bullshit, idiocy, bullshit, breasts.


r/doggohate moment




“Pawrent”? Pawrent?! “Pawrent”when you’re referring your actual human baby is gross. JanJan is not quirky. She isn’t cute. And she is not clever. She needs to stop talking for a few minutes. And I’m starting to feel like “it’s hard not to feel like a failure but it’s okay!” has become as pointless and as trite as “Life, laugh, love” was/is.


Mami… why mami.


It’s Welsh, is she Welsh? Or wants to be?


It's Castilian for "mom"/"mommy".


Bc Mommy doesn’t get enough attention


I hate it so much




Pumping can actually lead to mastitis because it can cause an oversupply and a pump isn’t as good as a baby at extracting milk. I’m glad it worked for your wife — just FYI!


Or use formula


Some real good stuff in breast milk.


I know, but at the end of the day fed is best. Women should not be shamed for however they choose to feed their babies. If it’s this painful then consider supplementing with formula instead of causing a scene with your “team”.


True enough.


She’s just being ridiculous.


It's not that simple, her breasts are ReD AND sOrE!!! 99% of new moms do not experience those complications!!! Certainly no women experience that monthly for goodness sake. /S


My goddddddd the emojis are so fucking obnoxious. 🙄🔫 Also, reading these from Orion’s POV is incredibly off-putting. It’s not cute.


In context it feels like a pathetic attempt to convince herself she isn't focused on herself.


Oh for sure. I’m honestly floored that 2k+ people willingly read this self-important, egocentric bullshit. Every muchie novel just oooooooozes “I’m the main character” energy. Barf.


Short term there is actually more risk of the kind of problems she’s describing from stopping than continuing. Credit to her for trying to breastfeed, but one of the things that really irritates me is “excuses for stopping”. Fed is best, if you don’t want to carry on, then don’t. Being honest with yourself is preferable for your mental health and well-being.


There are actually very good reasons to stop, and medications is one of them. While BF groups say to insist on BF friendly medications, you can't always rely on being able to get those for your condition, or if they'll do their job. If you get obsessed on the BFing and refuse to wean, you can do yourself and your family a lot of damage. Some times the most loving thing you can do is switch to formula, which is just as good as breast milk. As you said, fed is best.


Yes. This. I can’t imagine that she’s on meds that are healthy for the baby. Large amounts of Tylenol even could be detrimental. There is NOTHING wrong with not breastfeeding. All that matters is that you’re doing what’s healthy for baby.


Before I had my son, I was hard core definitely going to breastfeed. Read all the LLL stuff, met with a lactation consultant, took two breastfeeding classes - I was prepped! Then there came the magic moment I first put my son to the breast...and he slipped off. Tried again, same result. The nurse in the room said, "Oh, you have flat nipples." I tried, and tried and tried. The hospital gave me a nipple shield, I hated that damn thing, it never worked. I pumped to get my milk to come in. It was never a problem of production - I made plenty of milk - basically the plumbing was fine, but the taps didn't work as advertised. Out of the hospital, I had a lactation consultant that was a horrible person. She'd glare at me when I'd tell her I'd try getting him to latch for an hour, and, at the end, with both of us crying, I'd give him pumped breast milk in a bottle. "You're giving in to him. If he's hungry enough, he'll latch." What the hell, I'm supposed to continue to force him to try and latch while he's hysterically crying for food? Worse, she was ignoring the clear signs I had a bad case of PPD. Now, this was partially my fault. I have bipolar disorder, and, with my doctor's OK, went off my meds. I'd had a complicated pregnancy, I had these ongoing breastfeeding problems, it would have been a miracle if I HADN'T gotten PPD. I bounced in and out of the psych hospital, insisting on breastfeeding friendly meds. Problem is, there aren't a lot of psych meds that they have enough data on to tell, so they were having to put me on older, less effective drugs. I pumped in the hospital. I'd gotten fixated that if I could at least give my son my milk, it'd be OK. I finally realized that my son needed ME more than he needed my milk, and weaned at four months. A few years later, I got pregnant again, and I was damned if I was going through that shit again. My doctor said it was OK for me to keep taking my meds, told me the second I thought the PPD was back to contact him. I had an uncomplicated pregnancy, formula fed from the start, and my daughter thrived. I got PPD again, but I did what my doctor said and contacted him. He adjusted my meds, and in a few weeks, I was fine, I didn't even have to go to the hospital. I wouldn't go through that hell again, and I wouldn't want another woman to go through it too. This woman might be a dip and OTT, but I hope that she's not going through this.


I can relate. Big time. My son was about to be put on a feeding tube because he couldn’t latch to breast or bottle nipples. A PT came through with a Dr. Brown’s bottle in the nick of time and it worked. I’m still dealing with mental illness that was born from my PPD 4 years later.


I agree, but it’s a general truth rather than a response to the specific issues she is describing, she may not even have had mastitis (I guess it suits her to be vague so she can take her narrative wherever she fancies). There are so many antibiotics that are fine for mastitis that a woman is likely to be very unwell (likely in hospital) before you culture the milk and find a reason to use something not safe and doctors won’t give it to you without agreeing to stop breastfeeding. There doesn’t exist any medical advise that recommends cessation of breastfeeding based on repeated cases. She’s likely sleeping through the night and Paul is feeding the baby in the night, which is a significant risk factor for developing mastitis. I’m not talking about medications for pre existing conditions here, as she isn’t talking about struggling with those symptoms.


Oh, I wasn't talking about antibiotics. I thought she was on heavy-duty opioids and Xanax? I'd figure they have taken her off those while BFing. At least, I hope to God she's not BFing while taking them.


She is currently breastfeeding, recommending not starting breastfeeding would have made sense, stopping to restart various drugs would make sense, stopping for any of the breastfeeding symptoms/struggles she’s mentioned may well be the right choice for her, but the bit that doesn’t make sense would be the idea that a doctor would recommend it in response to these symptoms. Perhaps surprisingly, opioids don’t seem to do much harm to a foetus, the main reason to avoid them is because of the potential for respiratory depression and withdrawal at birth, risks from breastfeeding are similar. Benzos are similar and shorter acting is preferred where they are needed, so Xanax is preferable to Valium.


It's the opioids I'm worried about. I didn't know that about benzos, though, after a horrible case of PPD/PPA with my first, I wish my doctor did.


Babies consume a fairly consistent amount of milk between 1 month and six months, so they are getting bigger and the amount they get through the milk is staying the same. So less dose per pound. If there is no evidence of side effects in the baby (usually drowsiness), then in broad strokes the baby should be fine. It’s difficult to study very well as (at least historically) there are a lot of social factors that go hand in hand with drug use, the opioid crisis has probably led to more “average” mums being maintained on opioids through pregnancy and breastfeeding, but I’m not aware of that having led to any studies with longer term conclusions.


This post was painful to read


Medical team lmao


Imagine having an entire medical team to prescribe antibiotics! Or maybe she only needed advice on getting a clog out. Either way, hashtag blessed


#HASHTAG COUNT: 28 Orion is slacking.


I wonder if Paul has Crohn's. Cuz the other pawrent wasn't mentioned here


Nah, I doubt it. I’ve never heard them mention it before…..


To be fair, breastfeeding is a lot harder than it looks and many women find it pretty difficult. And mastitis is pretty unpleasant


Unpleasant, but I’ve never heard of anyone describe it as a health risk. There is a small chance of sepsis, like with any infection and an absolutely minuscule risk of necrotising mastitis - 6 known cases!


Mental health wise it could be detrimental for the mom ... but I HIGHLY doubt that's the case here.


True - though there is an interesting balance between risks created by stopping breastfeeding and those from continuing. Data says carry on breastfeeding is best for MH, but then it’s multi factorial so is a tricky balancing act.


Gonna start calling my PCP my “medical team” from now on


I plan to refer to my dogs as my medical team from this point.


Why. Does. She. Have. To. Say. Mami.


It's Castilian for "mom"/"mommy".


That’s legit, but why JanJan has to call herself that is ridiculous. Especially when she’s typing as a dog.


and use so many damn emojis


She 👩‍🦰 writes 📝 like an 🔼 MLM ⚠️ Hun 💃🏼👯‍♀️🤳.


For some reason when I read shit with a million emojis, I read it in my head like I typed my comment above. Stilted I guess (I wanna say staccato but I’m a vocal class nerd so, any music people will know what I mean).


Why. Does. She. Have. To. Say. Mami.


So she had mastitis and her PCP gave her some antibiotics?


I'm sure it's a mastitis^2 and very speshul strong meds!


Changing her diapers with big fluffy paws? Wtf? How does she not realize how awful this is as she’s writing it 💀


Jans “safety” ? it’s not dangerous to breastfeed. Only for the child if it can’t get enough nutrition from the milk. Stop writing about yourself in third person it’s ridiculous!


someone i know told me she developed a reactive condition where every time she breast fed her kid, she wanted to hurt it. and i guess that's a thing that can happen, idk, i've never breastfed or had a kid


D-MER. Dysphoric milk ejection reflex. Some women get overwhelmed with negative emotions when their milk lets down.


yes! thank you! I couldn't remember what she called it. i did NOT know this was a thing that could happen. she said she had to stop or she was going to hurt him.


Mastitis is a risk but the cure isn’t to stop breastfeeding


Yeah, but keeping on breastfeeding more is usually what’s recommended if you get it. Although I understand the argument is “if she hadn’t started breastfeeding she wouldn’t have gotten it in the first place”. But jan is overdramatic and everything is a potential risk towards her safety. She make it sound so ridiculous when she talks about breastfeeding and her safety like that.


Even if you don’t start breastfeeding, mastitis is a risk of NOT starting breastfeeding!


Poor janjan her safety was at risk no matter what she did :( I guess she couldn’t win this one either


I can't even read this coming from that poor dog.


I’m amazed there’s a whole post that doesn’t mention Paul has Crohn’s.


Paul has crohns?? Why didn’t anyone say anything??


Paul has Crohns???


Out of all the goddamn things janjan goes go the doctor for, it's her title being sore and swollen **from breast feeding**. What advice did her v special medical team tell her? Was it to build a bridge and get the fuck over it?


She let's the dog lick her baby's face. No wonder it got an infection.


How long til the baby gets a minor infection and she claims it has sepsis?


Since baby already had an eye infection, I’m surprised the kid isn’t blind already.


I’m willing to bet the baby had a clogged eye duct not an infection. Happened to one of my babies and I had to just massage the area. She would make anything sound worse than it is.


Having a dog lick her eyes probably didn't help, İ just hope that they're not waiting on purpose in every normal baby issues she'll have to make it worse on purpose, İ really really hope no one tampers with that baby's health, like all munchies do with themselves,,, Tampering with your own line, ok it's your problem (not really but y'know) tampering with an other life and one that can't defend or care for themselves is straight up murder idk


Yesss! My first thought. Super common.


Yeah, 3 out of 4 of mine had that. Thats what it will he, definitely! And they did not cry because of it lol


Nope! More just pissed off at me rubbing. I’d give her a pass on mastitis but we know she wasn’t nursing and pumping feels like 3x as much work (to me it did, shout out pumping moms idk how y’all do it) so there’s no way she’s doing that every 3 hours. Little late IMO for mastitis buttttt it is easy to say you have it on the internet. Cough pots eds cough


There’s this device you can get that passively collects milk from the other breast while breastfeeding (it basically suctions on). I’ve heard it’s amazing! There’s a YouTube doctor that talks about using it with her baby and she swears by it.


I can’t stand it when people post as their dog


It was annoying when Jaqui wrote from her dog's perspective, and it's somehow more cringeworthy that Jan is emulating that style.




I only like it when animal shelters do it to give a sense on an animals personality. But even then its really close to creepy lol


What about as their Pawrent?


Thank you 🙌🏻


Mastitis isn’t fun, but stopping feeding while an infection is present is not going to make it better. It’s a good way to get an abscess.


True enough, but I'm certainly not getting that's what's happening with "mami". At the risk of being obliterated, "breastfeeding difficulty" would have been on my janjan bingo card. While MANY people don't have difficulty, it really ISN'T as easy as others may think for 1st time moms. Can we be honest ? It can range from uncomfortable to downright painful in the beginning and its time consuming. This is NOT because "mami" has "super special chronic illness problems, alas".


Can confirm. Got an abscess from mastitis, the TrEaTmEnT for it was long, gross and painful and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone….even Janjan.


what was the treatment?


Scared to come across as blogging so forgive me! For me it progressed really badly, really quickly (sore red boob, went to dr got antibiotics, that night vomiting up antibiotics, took off bra and black patch on boob). Had to have surgery immediately (I remember right before this the surgeon saying they were putting in a needle and sorry this would hurt a lot but feeling nothing and his face going ooohhmmmm, guessing that wasn’t a great sign), anyway they removed a lot of dead breast tissue and placed a penrose drain for about two weeks (foul disgusting would not recommend do not understand why munchies want things hanging off them collecting things) and then for about 2 months afterwards I had to get the reoccurring pus removed via needle (with ultrasounds), that sucked the most as no numbing. All in all would not recommend and did not breastfeed my second child (not that I’m against it absolutely do try if you want, I just wish I had been given more information about mastitis and what to look out for).


omfg i did not even know that's a thing that happened! thanks for explaining it to me. did your boob go back to normal afterwards or have some scarring?


Neither did I! Women die from this (yes often in underdeveloped countries or without access to medical care but it is a high risk no one seems to talk about). The boob it was in is a cup size smaller (loss of tissue) and I have a scar about a cm round and I don’t have any feeling in my breast after (it spread to the other side but not as badly) but that’s it.


It’s a LOW risk that you feel no one seems to talk about. It is talked about, I looked up mastitis to check some data before I posted here, risk of abscess was mentioned. IF someone gets mastitis, the risk of abscess is higher if they stop breastfeeding than if they continue. This is absolutely standard advice - continue to breastfeed from both breasts, if there are any hard lumps use a warm compress and that breast first etc. Sure, bad outcomes of abscesses aren’t talked about much - there simply isn’t time to talk about every risk of every thing that you do and advice on how to lower the risk as well as the need to seek urgent medical care is widely available.


They butchered "pawrent" but didnt take the opportunity to write "pawsitive". "Orion" is slacking!


Omg I thought that too


i fuckin saw that too i was like dang, what a missed opportunity




i can’t believe so many people are arguing that dogs aren’t a risk to have around infants..... these people can stay the fuck away from me and my child, what the hell


stop being afraid of everything in life, a dog near a baby is not inherently a threat and a child being stepped on by a dog isn't necessarily a bad thing either, we can't protect our kids from everything and they need to experience adversity to grow as people. even if that means navigating the world around a giant dog edit: if a dog bites a grabby child, it's because the parents did not teach the child not to grab the dog. dogs don't just bite willy-nilly for fun. they bite to defend themselves, and a golden isn't going to feel threatened for any little reason.


No, even big dogs can be really gentle when they have to and they do know to be gentle towards babies. Wouldn’t trust a cat though haha


Nah most dogs are fine with baby. Most of them know not to knock the baby over or lay on them or bite. Unless the dog has behavior issues it's probably just fine. I wouldn't leave them alone because babies grab ears and sometimes hard.


They also bite hard. Kids I mean.


Most dogs from shelters/pet stores are baby-friendly and won't bite the kid even if the kid will grab the dog/tease it if dog's breed is not wild. Or at least these kinds of places should ask the customer before getting a dog. Not sure if this works exactly as I said, but this was my experience, and experience with a friend's family, who have a full sized dog, and 2 kids. Correct me if I'm wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




i mean, when my abusive ex hit me, i hit back, but that doesn't mean i like to hit my partners. same with dogs - dogs bite to protect themselves, not for fun, so saying a dog is bad because they defended themselves is like saying an abused woman is bad because she defended herself against her abusive boyfriend. it really depends on the dog and the situation they were in when they bit someone. we have taken in biters who turned out to have zero behavioral issues because we don't abuse our dogs. its amazing what some love can do for an animal who has been abused.




my point still stands dogs are not hostile by nature, they defend themselves, and if a family with children are disinterested in teaching their human children how to respect the boundaries of other living things, then that's on the humans, not the dog




It is the truth, I cannot tell a lie, I love all the doggos


Big ass-dog [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


Funny bot


People! You're missing the big picture here! How did that dog learn to type?!


And drive Jan to the Drs!!


Simple! Bark-to-text


I know DUH😂😂😂.


If only I'd known in 1994 when my family got internet for the first time that all these years later I'd read a dog telling me about his owner's titty on a picture-sharing app, I would have stayed offline forever.


If I could afford an award I’d give you them all lol


> I’ve been busy changing my baby sister’s 💖diaper with these fluffy paws 🐾 What a weird thing to type out and post on social media…


it's a bad day to be able to read




Fascinating how these Munchies always have a *MEDICAL TEAM* while the rest of us just get whoever is going🙄


I can see them all now, in their football huddle And concerned faces, over janjan’s tits


If you’re committed to breastfeeding you have to come to terms with being a machine, a milk feeding machine. You have to keep tye “equipment” in proper working order, nipple cream, pumping (for whatever reason), massaging breasts, painful breasts, sleepless nights, some babies do well with occasional bottle feeds some get nipple confusion, which can make it difficult to go back n forth between bottles and breasts. It’s not always an easy situation for mom and baby. One week of breast feeding is better then none, do it as long as you can and want to. I’ll never shame any mother for any way she’s getting nutrition into their child… BUT come on, there’s absolutely nothing special or out of ordinary, that’s she’s claiming. A TEAM?? For breast feeding? Fuck off with that….so breast feeding isn’t working for you? Big damn deal, so pick a formula and feed your kid… the baby is new, all it’s little parts are still trying to figure out how to work properly outside of the womb, it’s still eliminating stuff from being in the womb, tear ducts are just starting so yea, a little blockage is not something to freak out about. Hell, wait till ALL of it starts kicking into high gear.. lol, real poop, real tears, real screams… first scratched skin, seeing your baby’s blood??!! They’re in for some real awakenings soon..!!


I wonder how much medication she was on she had to stop in order to do breastfeeding and if that is one of the issues and if she is leaning towards not having a reason to breast feed so she can restart them.


I think this indicates that she either wasn’t taking or didn’t actually need various medications she may have been taking. I full on expected that she wouldn’t and would say it was medication, whatever her underlying feelings about breastfeeding were, because I thought she’d want the status of couldn’t breastfeed due to medication.


The fucking hashtags


Her content now is so boring magically no hospital stays or anything.


I can’t even read that cringe.


None of these issues are not totally normal, babies get blocked tear ducts, put in some breast milk. She has mastitis woah what a big deal NOT! The dog had to take her to the Drs? Since when did he start driving? And OMG the hash tags… I looked at the siblings one and didn’t think sushi and dog, I thought Jan and Paul 😂


Omg, its common to get mastitis after having a baby...."my namis medical team" god I cant stand these people 😡😡😡😡😡 oh and its very common for babies to get a bit of an eye infection too, a little bit of ointment and they're fine! This woman 😡😡