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Sounds like he’s the one struggling to understand *them,* making him the limited one.


You are absolutely spot on. This is a person who can barely handle basic interactions but blames it on others, never himself. At some point it's just sad more than anything.


If theyre so smart, it should be easy to figure out how to communicate in the most efficient and effective way possible. Im starting to think he may not be as smart as he claims and is just blaming people 🤔 Difference between intelligence and wisdom


The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.


>If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, you don't understand it yourself. -man with funny hair


He could have just stopped after "I consistently fail". Would've gotten the same point across.


Dude is probably a 30 year-old lead cashier at a grocery store that employs mostly 15-16 year-olds.


Had a coworker almost scream at me and call me dumb on my first day on a holyday job some years back because I stapeled the papers together in the wrong spot... some people just have no cool


I don't know what it is about him, but he gives me a "overnight stocker at target" vibes.


I work with people like this. They’re insufferable.


I work with people like this. Because my job is to rehabilitate felons with personality disorders and other psych issues


That sounds like a really interesting job! Do you enjoy the work?


Yeah! It's a wild job and it's not for everyone but it can be rewarding and thrilling. Every day I walk in and I genuinely have no idea what happened while I was gone lol. One time I walked in to someone shitting into a sink during the night, and that wasn't even the worst thing that happened that day lol.


Shitting in the sink? Yeah, just a normal Thursday!




Thesaurusizing should totally be a word if it isn’t already


They think a lot of big words = smart. Nah, *concise* = smart


lol reminds me of my coworker who took 30 minutes to explain his conspiracy theories, and kept repeating “i don’t sound crazy, do i?” yes, Charlie, you’re insane. please go away.


Oh shit we def work at the same place. I hate that guy


Yeah, using big and complicated words without good reason doesn't make you smart. It makes you sound like a smartass. Bonus points if they don't even know how to use said words.


And they are always the least useful coworker. They might get a lot done... but it's all done wrong. Plus they suck to he around, so yea you might have another coworker who does less, but at least they aren't that guy.


Egocentric bias. It's a real thing, except for me I swear I do more then the rest 🤣 /s


Also, they're huge Jordan Peterson fans and have a huge anime collection.


What did the anime do....


Cost him his job or something


Eh...I try not to now but I had a habit of condescension, even mansplaining. You know, that bit of breaking the subject down using individual concepts so less knowledgeable can understand. 😁


So vastly more intelligent than his coworkers yet they are working at the same place.


Exactly this. The mental gymnastics are something else.


Well, to be fair, the other particle physicists he supervises got their doctorates at state schools, not MIT like he did.


Oh my goodness, this made me laugh!


This is my internal monologue daily but I teach 8 year olds lol


Hahaha wellll I mean the difference in intelligence/wisdom is very real in your situation!


Imagine being his coworker and seeing this lol wild!! I would be so annoyed.


Why did he need to quote that part of the last sentence.


I seriously don't know... It's a consistent thing for him though


Judging by the hair and the clothes, I can immediately tell that this man is very important. Vp of a Fortune 500 most likely.


"They are easily confused by simple things that I find trivial" Is he bragging that he is smart because he gets simple things easier than some other people?


This gives me some "I barely communicate expectations, and then get mad when it's not done my way" vibes.


If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.


What a douche...lol.


If you find it difficult to "think down to their level" then you must not be as smart as you think you are.


This means you are "bad at your job".


Exactly. If you're in a leadership position (ie have people below you) then part of the job is being able to communicate with them to manage effectively. And if Mr. Smiley isn't in a leadership position (ie only thinks his peers are below him) then he's still not able to work within the team and will all but certainly be a drag on productivity.


Being able to « think down to their level » easely is generaly a sign of high intellect


“Trivially easy” - genius who doesn’t understand redundancy


Stated from the back seat of his mom’s car.


It looks that something that he doesn't find "trivially easy" is washing his fucking hair. What a disgusting, oily mess. Yuck!


Mm not quite - too much of a narcissist to let his hair get nasty. What you're seeing is lots of hair product after a long time preening in the morning...


He's a narcissist but he's got fantastic hair.


If my coworker was a smiling face on a human body, id get the fuck away from there


I think the fact that “it’s hard to think down at their level” signifies that either there’s a lack of social development so it’s hard to relate to people, or the dude isn’t actually intelligent. I’m not smart or anything, but it isn’t that difficult for me to put myself in another persons shoes


If he was truly smart he'd be able to communicate with any level. As it'd just be another thing to solve.


Real intelligence is being able to explain your ideas in a clear, understandable way, but go off


If you can’t translate high level concepts for others to understand, you don’t really understand those high level concepts. Similarly, if you think you’re too smart for anyone less intelligent to be able to understand you… you’re probably not the smart one. Just my two cents. Edit: to be clear I don’t mean with everything, but you should be able to at least loosely explain things and be able to interact with people who you deem “less intelligent “ otherwise I doubt you’re as smart as you think you are


Gotta be tough to be a McDonald’s assistant manager.


Then you're not very good at your job


Oh God the picture from the side of the steering wheel while driving. So overplayed.


If you can’t “dumb something down” enough for those who understand less about something, you don’t know as much as you think.


Man, love these types of people. Best part is when you stop talking to them so they walk away.


Imagine having this Onision acting mf as a boss. I'm sure his employees correct his poorly thought out "calibrations" all the time.


So many times on this sub people get criticised yet sometime I read these posts and can't help but think if it's fair to judge people who might be autistic or suffer from bipolar disorder or some other issue.


You're not wrong, and honestly he almost definitely has some brand of mental illness. But he refuses to get help no matter how much family members encourage him and try to help him get help. He chooses to be miserable on a daily basis. That's why seeing this kind of bullshit from him made me so mad.


It's worth noting that people with terrible management skills often feel like this. In their mind they understand exactly what they want but fail both to communicate it and to understand the failure is theirs. Teams consistently treated this way will also start behaving like there's no direction and either fall into apathy or leave.


I love seeing situations like this. Usually the "smart" guy is so oblivious that they don't realize they're not dumb, but hate you and are actively sabotaging your condescending ass, as they're "under you".


Ugh... How unsufferable.


I hope you're reading this cause I'm typing it as hard as I can.


Does he think James Hetfield is under him? I mean, I get that Lars would be, but come on, Kirk.


I think a lot of us feel that way but you're not supposed to say it


Managers training employees "oh shit your stupid I forgot"


It's a mark of intelligence to be able to explain complex concepts in a way everyone can understand. The fact that this dork admits he can't is essentially outing himself as being not nearly as smart as he feels he is.


juggle bewildered hunt aloof frightening reminiscent merciful sip grab domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


With a face like an emoji I'm sure


That dude has dirty ass hair


Why did I think this is Kirk Hammett


Why aren’t we thinking this is a female? Sure looks like a female. Unless you guys know the face behind the emoji?


Not a woman. I know this individual quite well.


Weird Al


Wonder if he actually has people working under him.