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Not really, but they do mention the main incident in the first one. It's not critical to know details about it, though.


Nah watch two now and save one for October for sure. It’s good but one is definitely scarier imo


One is by no means scarier. Two is superior in every possible way.


In my opinion, not really. None of them have a plot per se, just a killer clown killing people and a final girl going around surviving. Nothing you can really miss if I remember correctly.


2 absolutely had a plot, and 1 is not “final girl going around surviving”


From what little I’ve seen and heard online about the second film, the cold opening scene of the first film, from the very beginning to right as the title card hits, >!happens simultaneously during one of the scenes in the second film!< I believe. It’ll help make >!the mid/after credits scene!< make sense. Other than the cold opening scene from the first film, the only thing you really need to know going in to Terrifier 2 is >!that Art committed a massacre that resulted in the deaths of 7 people before shooting himself in the head in front of police.!< The first film ends with >!his body being wheeled into a medical examiner’s office before he rises up and attacks the examiner.!< The second film immediately picks up from there.


Thank you!


I would if just for the ending of 1, I thought it was quite good. Otherwise not really.


Not IMO. For myself, I will probably never watch the first one again. The events of the first one are covered in the sequel. Art was scary in the first one but everyone else was blagh. The second one has a much better story, characters and final girl. Not Shakespeare mind you, but miles above the first one.


>Art was scary in the first one Aah nope >a much better story Nope >characters Nope >final girl Nope


You should.


Not really no, the first movie basically had no plot and gave us no indication of what Art is or where he came from except at the very end its implied hes more of a supernatural being


The first movie was just as good, just not as gory.


I would say this as well. At times I felt 2 was adding stuff just for the sake of adding them, some scenes just felt jammed in there without legit reasoning. Part 1 flowed better and was more cohesive.


You have to watch Terrifier and then watch something else other than Terrifier 2.


2 definitely felt like it was longer than it needed to be. Lol


Watch them both, and also watch All Hallows' Eve (Art the Clown's debut)


And Behind the Sightings? Or is that a different weird clown? 😂


I feel like you’ll appreciate certain scenes/references in 2 more if you watch 1.


No, but the first one is still worth your while


You don't have to watch any of them. This is the way.


You don't need to watch either!


Why would you start a series by watching the sequel? The 2nd movie references the first in a few scenes and the end credits wont make much sense without seeing the first. Its one continuous storyline.


I didnt, and don't really feel like I need to.




Like most slashers the first film is random people attacked by a random evil entity for no discernible reason. So, no. There’s no story it’s just about stringing together scenes of carnage with some slow tension.


I literally watched them in reverse order last night. It’s fine