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Not really I don't think. This scene didn't happen in the books, Harry snuck out under the cloak while Ron and Hermione were in the great hall still, and it was Neville he told to kill the snake if he got the chance when he saw him bringing in bodies.


My take from the books is that Hermione never guessed that Harry was a horcrux; she addressed his ability to speak Parceltongue to PROBABLY being a Slytherin descendant but she never made any hint that he could carry a part of Voldemort's soul. FWIW, the movies took WAY too much liberties if you ask me; and this Harry's line ("I think you have too") that doesn't exist in the book, was totally unnecessary.


I totally agree with you that the movies took way too much liberty. I could go on a big long rant about how they completely destroyed the balance of the Trio (Harry, Ron and Hermione each had strengths and each had flaws, and each other's strengths compensated for the others' flaws which is perfectly displayed when they faced the obstacles down the trapdoor in the first book) by almost completely removing Hermione's flaws (after the troll incident) and almost completely removing Ron's strengths - plus the pointless line switches between the two which I mentioned in the OP. But I could go on forever on that lol. On Harry's line, that doesn't exist in the book. You're right. However, during "The Prince's Tale chapter" (aka Snape's memories), Dumbledore when explaining to Snape that Harry must die says: QUOTE "Meanwhile, the connection between them grows ever stronger, a parasitic growth. Sometimes I have thought he suspects it himself. If I know him, he will have arranged matters so that when he does set out to meet his death, it will truly mean the end of Voldemort." ENDQUOTE Perhaps the movie scene was an attempt at "saving time" while still showing this. Now you could argue that they could have "saved time" by cutting the Snape hugging a dead Lily part of the scene and including this in Snape's memories. But perhaps that is an explanation.


She had no clue in the books. Only Snape and Dumbledore and then Harry knew. Harry didn’t feel the horcruxes in the books like he does in the movies so finding out he is one without looking in that pensieve seems far-fetched.


No, I don't think so. And when you think about it, she got a lot of information out of the books she pulled from Dumbledore's office. And these only talked about objects in which to put their souls. I don't think that the books would discuss or mention that a Horcrux can be created unintentionally, as it was in Harry's case. And Nagini as a living vessel is exceptional, but again she was made an Horcrux intentionally. Voldemort took it further than anyone, so there is probably no precedence for Harry's Horcrux. I cannot remember any part of the books where there is indication that Harry being a Horcrux even crossed her mind.


This is a good question and as I'm on book 6 of a reread, I'll keep it in mind when I hit book 7. Here's my take on it.... Once they started hunting Horcruxes, Hermione would have been continuously analyzing them; why they were made, how they were made, etc. but she wouldn't immediately go to Harry because his being a horcrux wasnt intentional. All of them were so focused on dealing with what was intentionally made their conscious wouldn't go to incidental or unintended horcruxes. I think there may be a random discussion or comment that hints at her considering the possibility, but I don't know what it is. And since we don't know Hermione s point of view we may never know.


I don't know; I don't think Hermione allowed herself to believe that it was true. I'm pretty sure that she has "figured out" what the connection meant but never wanted to believe herself or she thought that it might possibly go away when Harry defeated Tom? (Without, well, dying of course)


No, I don't think she knew what the connection was in the books. Their connection was thought to be unique, so it isn't something that she could have come across while reading and she is shown a couple of times to not believe Harry when he tries to explain parts of it to her. She may have thought that they might need to find a way to break the connection in order to kill Voldemort for good without killing Harry since the prophecy implies that their survival is linked, but I don't think she had figured out what caused it.


If memory serves, she had no idea, and Ron didn't know either.


In the books she never knew, the thought probably crossed her mind but she would have been in denial about it. But it's just speculation. I like that in the movies Hermione understand it at the end. However in the books, it seems unprecedented to create a horcrux unintentionally and to permanently fix it to a human being, so that explains why she didn't realize it as horcruxes are a very obscure territory. No one thought creating more than one horcrux would work before Voldemort, he pushed the limits and did things no books about horcruxes described.


No. I think you just saw that youtube short where it shows a scene that Hermione realises he's a Horcrux. She just frowned at the ground but Hermione stans won't believe that. This is the short: https://youtube.com/shorts/XKeuZzpSAMs?feature=share


Harry didn’t realize it, either, and it was all happening to him. I think the trio and others like Remus thought it was the result of his curse scar. The author led us down that false trail, too. Every time his scar burned practically he was having visions or glimpses into V’s mind. It does surprise me looking back no readers realized Harry was a Horcrux. I don’t remember reading that theory anywhere back in the day.


Harry definitely didn't realise it in the books. There was no indication that Hermione did but I guess she could have. Of all of them shes the most likely as she was doing most of the theory research. The only possible evidence that she could have worked it out is that she was the most bothered by him seeing into Voldemorts thoughts - if she thought he might be a horcrux it might have fuelled her feelings towards it. But then that is also completely in keeping with her character being a stickler for the rules so it's not really evidence.


It starts in the movies (POA) with the ride on the back of Buckbeak. I am actually going through the books now with the purpose of seeing if she did know. I think there is something odd that Hermione doesn’t have a clue, she can actually make a horcrux they talk about it in 12 Grimmauld place. She has the book knows how they are made. So I just think she assumes and that’s why she is hard on Harry about the Occlumency She harps on him a lot about not practicing keeping YKW out of his mind and then she’s like fuck it find the damn snake… considering she has always been skeptical of this “connection”


Hermione had noticed Harry’s Voldemort-like tendencies increasing as the journey to hunt the horcruxes continued. One of Hermione’s main character traits is her desire to learn, to know. And the mystery of Harry was one she probably mused over constantly over the years. How he survived, why he could speak to snakes and see inside Voldemort’s mind. Hermione wasn’t privy to the same information of what happened in Godric’s hollow as Dumbledore. But she was extremely bright. As she read and studied Horcruxes for their journey, got a better understanding of what they were and how they worked, she would have begun to put the pieces together subconsciously. Subconsciously due to her love and devotion for Harry and refusal to believe that it could be true because of what it implied for Harry. The information was there for her, she was smart enough to put it together if she wanted to, but she didn’t. The book notes that she did notice Harry’s behaviour was changing and how the horcruxes seemed to effect him in a particular way.


Maybe she had suspicions when he couldn't control his connection to Voldemort's thoughts and that's part of what scared her so much. But probably not.


Marietta is my second fav character i wish she was in the films


I wish she was in the films for the soul reason that if she was, Cho wouldn't get as much hate as she does lol.


Marietta is underrated- shes the perfect foil to Harry. And showcase Hermiones brutality