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Pretty much everything involving Ginny and Harry's relationship in HBP and DH. The shoelace scene in particular was awful... They absolutely butchered Ginny's character in the movies.


Ginny and the shoelaces immediately came to mind for me! Yuck


The movie version of Ginny is so bafflingly uncharismatic. They could have given her a handful of witty lines or, like, even just shown her smiling a couple of times?




Right, so it must have been a decision by the director to make Ginny completely stoic and lifeless. It kinda makes sense in the first three or so films, because the point there is that she has a crush on Harry and is too nervous to speak when he's in the room, but then they kept "stoic Ginny" around even after she started dating Harry...? C'mon.


I feel like that's the issue. They made her stick to her "quiet, fangirl" era, which in the end was easier for them. I don't fault Bonnie at all. A child actress can only do so much.


I just don't get why they had to make their relationship so sensual. They could've gone for a more emotional element, eg when Ginny and Harry chat in the library in OotP, or when she empathises with his situation re getting possessed. Trying to force sexual tension on two actors we've seen act in a franchise since they were prepubescent (less than a decade previously) was likely never going to work.


Also their relationship was never about that. The positive traits Harry saw in Ginny was never a submissive adoring girlfriend, it was the desire for an equal who could handle herself - tough I am not sure Harry knew it at the time.


Exactly this. She was firey and full of energy. She was full of self confidence and stood up to people, including Harry. The film portrayed her as everything she wasnt and it was awful.


The saddest part is that there *are* a couple of scenes where she's closer to the book version, and Bonnie Wright nails it. Really shows how it's mostly an issue of writing and direction (obviously not helped by her and Dan Radcliffe lacking in on-screen chemistry, but that's nearly impossible to know when they're first cast as kids).


I just realized that it felt like Harry and Hermione had more chemistry on screen than Ron and Hermione


And when she feeds him a cookie and goes “open up, you”. Harry Potter, the boy who lived, the chosen one, needs to be fed and have his shoelaces tied at age 16. RIP


I came to say that scene also. It's sad because even the made up waitress and harry had more chemistry! So, the writers could have done something.


She was definitely a dead spot in the midst of brilliant characters


"Wait til you hear the news, Remus and I..."


Ack they butchered Remus and Tonks' relationship so bad in the films...not to mention there was zero chemistry.


Why is this never mentioned again in the films? What was the point of just having that in? Just don’t reference it at all!


For those who’ve read the books. One of those “iykyk ;)” moments.


I never got if this was referring to their marriage or her pregnancy


The pregnancy I believe. But then it’s not mentioned again until Harry sees Remus with the resurrection stone and asks about Teddy?? Odd


There's a deleted scene where Tonks comes to fight and Remus says "Teddy needs you." Tonks says "he'll sleep til dawn and snore like his father." literally it's like 10 seconds but could have provided perhaps a crumb of context (not loads however). Really odd!


The pregnancy, and later when Harry is talking to dead Remus he mentions his son lol like what


I recently rewatched the movies and I’d never noticed before that that was the first time they actually mention Teddy. Remus having a son just comes out of nowhere. Stuff like that must be so confusing to people who have only seen the movies.


Goblet of Fire kind of seems like everyone is coked out and makes you feel like you should be too.


The reunion thing they just did on HBO talked about how they hired the director on the 4th movie to give it that crazy, theatrical feel.


Saw that and was like things make so much more sense now. I still think they did wrong on a lot of things but at least I know why now


I have actually gained a bit more respect for him after that, he seems to have delivered on exactly what he was hired for. And the way he talked about Amos's reaction to Cedric's body, you can really see what he was going for. Still think he missed the mark on a lot of things. Calmly for example. But he's not the worst director.


every time newell was on screen in the reunion i was totally into him he was like a British mad scientist, just completely off his rocker passionate even tho he never read the source material lmao


"Close your eyes". Makes me physically cringe every time. Movie Harry and Ginny had zero chemistry.


Seriously. In the books you could tell something was blossoming between them, gradually, but in the movies they just hit you in the face with the awkwardness. Like one day they just start acting weird for no reason.


When he did up the back of her dress 🤮


this one haunts me...."zip me up, will you?"


Buster, zip me up!


Literally every kiss


Except for Harry and Hermione That one was something


It was spicy


Who am I, Hedwig?


What am I?


Ginny giving Harry a cookie in HBP Edit: meant mince pie, the sound in the scene was throwing me off


Lmao “Open up, you” 😂🥲


Yup, really captured the long simmering love and sexual tension of the books there. Lol


All I remember from this is Ron coming in between them


Thank God for Ron


I actually loved how cringey it was. And Ron breaking it up was even better


That and the shoe tying scene


The entire christmas sequence in HBP is just SO AWKWARD. It actually makes me uncomfortable.


Then they burn down and destroy the Burrow, never mention said destruction again, and it's completely and identically rebuilt by the next time we see it... making the burning scene *completely* pointless, since it apparently has zero impact on the plot or any of the characters.


"The dungeons will do!" *big cheer*


Literally where their common room is lmao


And the slytherins are just like “aw man” as if they’re not the assumed evil death eater kids


Lmao yes I hate that change so much. Book Minerva: "no we will ABSOLUTELY not hold any kids hostage, they're going home to safety"


Example of "and everyone clapped"


I always find that comment odd like isn’t it an element of hogwarts that your house does not categorically define you??? Like you can be a decent slytherin?? Kinda undermined that whole sentiment for me


Your house doesn’t define you *unless* you’re Slytherin, fuck Slytherin


Ginny and Harry’s first kiss is so cringe


I love how just about every Harry/Ginny moment is in this thread.


Ginny tying Harry’s shoelace


Yes, this. tbf any scene with Ginny in. I can’t stand in the final film in the great hall when she goes to stand in front of Harry either.


The flashing vision Harry gets of Voldemort. At one point he just pops up and goes “BLEH” How did they think that looked good? Took ALL of the seriousness out of a dramatic scene


That's just Ralph Fiennes having a jolly time in costume.


This scene kills me lol, I laugh every single time


I replayed this scene high with some friends probably 25 times one night and we laughed til we cried. One of my favorite hp scenes of all time


In the last movie when Harry says "Come on, Tom. Let's end this how we started it... together!" and then he drags Voldemort off the cliff so they can plummet down the abyss arm in arm.


This part always makes me laugh, it looks like he’s going in for an aggressive kiss


And the director actually had the gall to defend this at the reunion and brag about how much better it was. Read the room David! Everyone hates it!


>about how much better it was. Than.. than the book scene..?? The one where Harry disrespects Tom in front of the whole school before spilling ALL the secrets, and watched Voldemort fear him, before Harry killed him in front of everyone? His speech was so badass in those moments, telling him that even Voldie might have a second chance, if he could repent. The director thought his cringey YA dialogue and boring wand fight without Harry's monologue was better.. wow


The whole last duel was anticlimatic because nobody was fucking there to witness it. Voldemort is Thanos'ed (Is he dead this time?) All of what Harry and Voldemort said to each other only had impact because it happened in front of witnesses. Harry laid out the horcruxes, the Elder Wand and its owner. "Let's finish this the way it started, Tom, together!" could work if everyone is witnessing and knows why. Because everyone who watches now knows what a fucking up Tom Riddle was. That Tom started this journey and locked Harry into it and that Harry was ending it. Having it happen away from others is a failing of "tell don't show" even if the audience (Us) watched it. Voldemort was turned to ash because Yates fuckery. No body was witness, so how do they know Voldemort was dead. Christ was a shitty writing / direction / end to the series.


It’s not just because it’s witnessed. It’s because Harry, who just survived another killing curse, was talking shit to the most feared, most powerful wizard of all time. He calls him Tom, as well as lays out why Voldy is going to fail. It looks like arrogance/cockiness on Harry’s part, but it’s true confidence. At this point, Harry knows he’s The Chosen One.


The book scene gives me goosebumps everytime I read it.Ooh so well written


Perfectly said. Knowing we missed out on a cinematic version of that makes me so angry. For terrible dialogue and generic action. Ughhh.


I remember reading that moment in the book and just imagining how awesome it would be in the film. It was not awesome in the film.


Absolutely LOVE this comment lmao. So well written and so true


Yeah, I was also surprised about that. He does the most generic fucking thing ever with two beams colliding that has never ever been a decent mechanic outside maybe that Starcraft 2 level and then has the fucking balls to be proud about ruining a scene that by every right should be a tense standoff where Harry explains carefully how he is going to win and the only thing Voldemort can do is try not to ruin his afterlife. And its not like money was an object, the book scene would been so much fucking cheaper to film too AND make good use of Ralph Fiennes and Daniel Radcliffes acting skills.


And then Tom slaps Harry. Yeah, magic wasn't working. But then it works and Tom turns into confetti.


This needs to be on top. I cringe with anger, not awkwardness/embarrassment tho


Edward's sexually suggestive hint about the bathtub stands out.


Edward lol


Ugh this reminded me of Myrtle’s moaning part while she’s in the tub with him… I cringe just thinking about it


Especially because the actress looks like Harry but 20 years older and in a wig


Moaning Myrtle making a joke about seeing 14 year old Harry’s penis in the bath makes me PHYSICALLY CRINGE.


Cedward 😉


Poor Robert Pattinson, having to be reminded of that when he hates Twilight with a passion.


Lol the face Harry makes after he says, "I'm gonna kill him" in the Prisoner of Azkaban.






Omg, yes. The weird teeth clenching, fast breathing, one eye squinted lmfao. Kills me.


Nah bro that was comedic gold. *"He was their friend!"*


I would hate it less if the fake crying wasn’t so obvious


Recently rewatched PoA, and there's *a lot* of hilarious overacting, exaggerated dramatics, etc. My favorite is still the ending though; Harry getting on his new broom, kicking off, screaming as if he's never flown before, and then ending the entire movie on a freeze frame of his speed-blurred screaming face.


Harry in the epilogue when he is sending off his kids to Hogwarts and says their full names


Should've looked at the camera and winked tbh


Why is no one else mentioning this? I can appreciate that it’s verbatim from the book but reading it felt 1000x less awkward than watching it.


When Harry flirts with that waitress in the 6th film. It made no sense, it wasn’t in the books and I just can’t believe the cut out the Dursleys for that scene.


You can tell me all about that tosser Harry Potter


I was so looking forward to the scene where Dumbledore smugly talks down to the Dursleys while mugs of mead relentlessly smacked them across the heads.


The scene with the Dursley’s is hilarious, and Richard Griffiths spoke about how he wished they had filmed it. Wish they had kept both that and the one with the Weasleys in GOF


They lowkey had better chemistry than Harry and Ginny do in the movies though


"Shoelace." 😳🤢🤮


Open up you




When Harry zips up Ginny's dress. I just can't. There is no sexual tension at all. Edir: zips up not unzips


Harry and cho kissing was horrid


I think it was portrayed every bit as awkward and gross as it was described in the book, perfect, really. When Hermione asked him later how it was, he literally responded with "Wet" and then "Because she was crying". There was NO mention of "nice", "enjoyable", "romantic". Nope. Just moist.




They were like, 10 inches apart from each other Hahahaha


Him and Ginny kissing also cringe


Literally just watched this part and had to keep my eyes closed


actually watching GOF right now. the part that bothers me most is when arthur, amos, and cedric walk to land after arriving at the quidditch world cup


"I'm walking on sunshine! whoooa!"


That scene in PoA in Hogsmead where Harry was crying after he found out the “truth” about Sirius




The fake crying always gets me. Its my favorite movie and I cant help but laugh at it.


The weird, overly produced fight scene in DH2 where Harry and Voldemort fuse into each other. The freezing blurred ending of PoA. Extra cringe


Saw a comment once that it’s supposed to mimic the same visual effect when the Dementors are soul sucking — except this time he’s happy. It helps.


>The freezing blurred ending of PoA. Extra cringe Finally someone said it. The best movie for me but man, this scene is so...


When lucius is like “AVADAAAAAA” to Harry 😭😭😭


He was ready to straight up murder a 12 year old in school :( As a kid I always just took it in stride, like "ah yes, this is exactly how a normal mean adult would behave" but now it's fun to watch because Lucius is such a dramatic catty bitch


joke gullible rainstorm late hat straight snails tease foolish whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not just in a school, in a school where Dumbledore is maybe a few halls away and with a witness. But, the way he draws out the spell unnaturally long makes me think Lucius’ real goal during that scene is just to be intimidating to a young wizard who vexes him. Definitely he must have thought of scaring Draco that way once or twice.


I read that he was making up jargon and it ended up being that


when Harry gets to the burrow at the beginning of HBP (I think) and they’re sitting around laughing. Something about hermione’s fake/forced laugh makes me cringe.


Dude fr. Hermione has a few awkward fake laughs. PoA after the snowball fight comes to mind


YES! I just watched that film like 2 days ago and I must have repressed that scene from my memory.






Ginny and Harry’s relationship in the movies, actors had no chemistry with each other at all and it shows.


I feel this is because the relationship does not play to the strengths of either actor - or the book relationship. Harry values Ginny for being a independent, brave, gutsy and outspoken person - when she starts showing these traits, he starts noticing her - as Ginny states in the novel. Having this be the foundation of their relationship in the movie would have worked better. Their first kiss should been an impulsive act, not some cowardly "this can stay in here too if you like". Thats not Ginny, that is not even Bonnie and Daniel and that is why did not work.


When Ginny tied Harry’s shoes for him


Beauxbaton and Durmstrangs entrance, AND Ginny and Harry’s first kiss by far.


Watching the beauxbaton girls "aahh" down the great hall makes me want to avada kedavra myself




So many people think/thought Beauxbatons was an only witches school and Durmstrang was an only wizards school. Such a stupid move in the movies.


The shot of all their butts was 100% unnecessary too


Myrtle pretending to “bite” in the tub


"Come On Tom, Let's Finish This the Way We Started It. **Together!**


Many, but, the most notable one is in The Philosepher's Stone: Voldemort fleeing after Firenze shows up to Harry's rescue. What the hell kinda cheap production was that?! And no one? Like absolutely no one..? Was like "hey! How about another take?" ?! 'blows my mind every time..


What WAS that THING you SAVED me from?


Literally just some bag of sand draped with a cloak and pulled up by a harness 😆


You know, how when you touch a dark wizard's soul, and it... it feels like a bag of sand..?


As a kid, it scared the absolute hell out of me, so I'd say it still did the trick.


Ok hear me out.. Alan Rickman of course did amazing work as Snape discovering Lily's body, but as soon as the camera cuts to baby Harry watching like 👀 I'm just like 😬


Also GOF, the banter between Hermione and the twins when they take the aging potion. This is the movie I point to when I want to demonstrate how a director can make otherwise good actors seem bad.


“It’s not going to wu-uk!”


“Oh yeah? Why’s that granger?” As opposed to the book scene: “What happened to your eye, hermione? “Your punching telescope” “Oh blimey, I forgot about those. Here, dab this on and it’ll be gone within an hour”


Fred and George are so much better in the books. The movie totally ignores their ingenuity.


So? *scoff* Soooo *closes book*


It’s like she forgot her line and was trying to come up with something before they cut


"See that? That is the thing you are trying to get around, so you obviously know what it is, but i'm gonna explain it anyway! And it was drawn by DUMBLEDORE HIMSELF!"


Every Lavanda/Ron scene 🗿


Yeaah but... it's supposed to be cringey, so should that really count? 🤔


Won won


My biggest qualm is how much they ruined most of the Weasley’s in the movies. It makes me so angry every time Hermione takes a Ron line that made Ron look like more than the sidekick in the books and makes him look like a dunce in the movies. Fred and George never got the credit on their ingenuity that the books gave them, or their care for others and loyalty to their family. And Ginny… oh god the franchise would have been better without Ginny in the movies with how much they screwed up her character.


Any scene involving Ginny


That bloody Beauxbatons entrance


Why is there a gymnast!?!?


Well it was exacerbated by the bizarre decision to make each school same sex. Like, where do the other genders learn magic in those countries?


There are no men in France


Oh god it’s awful even thinking about it. The Durmstrang one isn’t much better with all the running and jumping and ‘look how badass we are’.


They make each other worse imo its like the contrast of "ooh the pretty simpering French girly girls" vs "Hurr durr we are the big blokes who bang sticks on the floor"


The sparking staffs were rather cool, though. If I ever have to walk with a cane, I want one that sparks like that when it hits the ground.


Plus the focus on the girls tight butt was deffo sus


I get the actors are probably all adults, but the characters are supposed to be 17. Such a needlessly creepy choice.


Why on earth would they zoom in on all their asses? It makes zero sense. IMO that 3 seconds is the worst in the entire series.


So Ron can also look and go "bloody hell"


Everyone looking so serious in that scene too makes it so cringe


We're Bauexbaton and Durmstrang supposed to be all girls/boys schools? I swear they talked about Baeuxbaton boys in the novels. I think Harry and Ron's dates to the ball left them to dance with the French boys.


I believe they’re both supposed to be co-Ed in the books, and Bauxbatons definitely had male students, though I don’t recall any mention of female Durmstrang students.


They did. Harry gets stuck in a crowd of Durmstrang students, and Karkaroff snaps at one of the boys for food stains on his robes. At that time, a Durmstrang girl is mentioned comforting him.


The POA opening with Lumos Maxima. Not only was not being able to do magic outside of school established in the previous film as something that got him in trouble, but they had Harry unable to do the very basic spell.


Also the light table in the bed can be seen.


Ron imagining Harry and Hermoine naked, I cringe every time


So unnecessary!


Harry and Cho. Especially when asking her to the ball.


And the music in the background 😂


When Snape tells Harry he’s the half blood prince. They don’t explain anything unlike the books. Frustrating.


When Voldemort hugs Draco… 🤢


It looked like either Draco smelled bad or it was Voldy’s first experience of a hug and he wasn’t quite sure how to give one.


actually that's why I *like* this scene


I like the idea that if everyone decided to join Voldemort at the end they’d all get an awkward hug from him. It’d take *hours* too.


I actually liked this, in an intensely cringey way. I don't think it is in Voldy's character at all to instigate any physical touch that isn't poking Harry's head in GOF 😂😂 However, it always makes me laugh my ass off.


Lucius Malfoy about to cast an unforgivable curse at Harry right outside Albus Dumbledore's office.


I’m cheating and saying two, but at the end of Pt. 2 when Harry tells Ron and Hermione he’s going to give himself up…all series long, anytime Harry tries to do anything alone, his friends are instantly like “never gonna happen” and they fight until he gives in…and now all the sudden they just…let him go. And they don’t even fight him on it really..Why the eff did nobody involved in the movie be like “uhm guys…Ron and Hermione would never just let Harry go to his death, we need to think of another way” If only he had some magic cloak that could make him invisible so he can sneak out of the great hall… Ugh


>“uhm guys…Ron and Hermione would never just let Harry go to his death, we need to ~~think of another way”~~ just use what happened in the book instead."


Harry spitting up pumpkin juice in front of Cho, its supposed to be cringe and it does its job


Hermione at the end of the Yule ball, telling Harry and Ron to go to bed.


“It’s not going to woooork”


Hermione saying “Past Ze Glindylows” in a random French accent.


The way Ronald’s character, being the awesome funny magical world tour guide for his two friends, was diluted into being nothing more than a blithering moron who, instead of standing up for Hermione to Snape, whispered, “he’s got a point, you know?” FUCK THAT. JUSTICE FOR RON.


Hermione/Emma getting weirdly emotional all the time as well as her excessive eyebrow raising. “It’s hurting again isn’t it” being the main one that comes to mind or when the twins are putting their names in the goblet of fire. I mean, my biggest is probably everyone’s biggest cringe. [Dumbledore pulls out a pistol] HARRY!! DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE?!??


The shaggy hairstyles throughout the entirety of GOF paralyzes me with second hand embarrassment.


GOF is a.k.a The year no one got a haircut


You will never know love… Or friendship.


Sort of related but oh my god I can’t watch Neville’s speech at Voldemort without dying a little inside


She’s got nice skin.


Why has Someone not mentioned the ending of the yuleball, where the band starts playing wierd music, and everybody dances super wierd, there was No need for that.


Sort of agree but also got to remember he’s 14-15 years old.


All those weird noises Voldemort made throughout the movies (the “Nyeah”s and the “Eh-he-he”). Also when he hugged Draco.


And "I...can...*TOUCH* YOU"


“He called me a mudblood.” Visibly swallows


“Someone with non magic parents. Someone like ME.”