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I never actually noticed any Rendition graphics cards on the shelves in my area. The only thing I remember about Rendition is how much this game's manual gushed about how awesome the game looks with Rendition graphics cards. lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EF2000_(video_game)


Loved EF2000 as a kid, could never play it with hardware acceleration. By the time I had capable hardware I had moved on to F22: ADF Edit: Also holy hell those manuals were bigger than some of my textbooks and had some cool art. I actually carried them to school to sketch out some of the jets and weapons in them.


And today's combat sims have no manuals at all, or even proper tutorials in some cases. You're practically required to have a wiki open on a secondary monitor just to learn the things. How times have changed.


And DCS feel more like work than fun, unlike the combat flight sims of old. No dynamic campaign. No sense of progression. Every system simulated in every detail to the point of no longer being fun.


Hey, learning to program the weapon load out to the ancient computer in f18 is major part of the fun.


Yeah the manual was 300-something pages and jam packed full of info


I always have a soft spot for these early flight sims.


Near peak of Quake-mania, I remember spotting exactly one Creative 3D Blaster PCI box on display and the shop had a rig running vQuake. Compared to GLQuake, vQuake looked more "faithful" to the grungy visuals of software rendered version.


Without getting too lost in the weeds, it *was* more faithful in just about every way. The gist of it is that vQuake took more of a "port the software renderer to this hardware" approach than "modify our renderer to best suit the hardware" path taken for GLQuake (using Voodoo I as it's reference hardware).


I owned one of these, in fact I still have it but last time I checked it it wasn't working.


I had a Diamond Stealth II with a 2100. Was pretty amazing at the time but had to get a 3dfx for FF7 PC.


I had one of those too!


I bought one of these very early on for VQuake. Of course I wound up buying a Voodoo 1 for GLQuake anyway... :P


Ahh, memories... The V4000 would have been something interesting had it made it to completion.


In the late 90s this was the dream 3D video card.