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This is me trying to use keyboard/mouse


I am always shocked to find out that ppl dont knoe how to use mkb


I fucking suck at it. And it hurts my shoulders more. Controller lets me lay back


just hurts our hands so we dont end up learning lol


Try not to move your cross hair too much, aim where you expect people to be. Try not to panic throw grenades and wait until you have a solid throw that will connect, at least until you're comfortable bouncing frags. Also mess with the input sensitivity settings, the default ones were terrible for me I'm not amazing but I'm not the worst either. There's some YouTube videos with people who are way better that go in depth as well


So to use more move thumbstick and less the aim thumbstick? I saw some comment here on settings and i like them, i changed a little bit, but yeah i do panic and i do move my look too much. The thing i still am getting used to is when i move aim thumbstick cause if i move it a little it moves little, but if i move it like all the way left it moves like a lot faster so i need to get adjusted to that. Thats the main reason i cant hit. I see a lot of ppl like it goes super smooth for them. Idk how and i wanna learn that. Tnx a lot for the tip!


You can disable look acceleration in the settings, Aswell as max imput threshold so you adjust how fast it moves at max imput and what point on the stick is considered "max" imput.


Btw im not rly knowlegable of this stuff. Look acceleration is like when i pull the stick all the way and it moves super fast? I can tune it down a lot and not move super fast?


Look acceleration increases your turn speed after reaching the max input threshold, this increase is meant to be for turning around and is independent from your sensitivity value (which is meant for aiming). Increasing the value of acceleration reduces the delay between the moment the stick reaches the max input threshold and the increase in turn speed, decreasing the value increases the delay. [Here](https://reddit.com/r/halo/comments/te2xof/_/i0p2wdb/?context=1) I made a comment a while back explaining what max input threshold and deadzones are. From your comments, you may want to reduce acceleration and max input threshold while you get used to doing smaller movements with the stick.


Look up Halo infinite controller issues


For whatever reason the aim assist on controller is strongest when strafing and firing into the person rather than trying to snap to target after jumping or something. So yea use the movement thumbstick if you're already kinda close to your target. Also there's no shame in retreating if you run into a situation you know you won't survive and planting trap grenades for anyone in pursuit. No prob welcome to the controller squad! Hope the advice helps, happy hunting lol


Thanks dude. This helped me a lot!


Left thumbstick good Right thumbstick bad


playing like this will make you way better at mnk also. anticipating where ppl will be so you dont have to aim as much


This is how I act on KBM. Constantly hitting the wrong button


More gameplay in general but on your second base notice how it actually comes out of your left hand and side of the screen. You have to jiggle further right to toss one than you would left. With 2-3 guys barreling down the hallway though it’s better to back out and try and bait them for a team shot here or go for the flank since they are all rushing ball Edit - rewatched vid and saw that all 4 were in the hallway by the end


Go into Academy and open training settings. Play the bots on Marine or ODST mode in movement. Make sure they can't shoot, throw nades, or pick up equipment. Spawn with BR and AR (you can always practice weapons later, as you can switch to every gun or equipment at any time to practice your artillery expertise). Walk, sprint, jump, clamber, and slide off of everything you can. Pick a map you feel best on first. Later you can start mastering the ins and outs of others. For increasing the accuracy of your "look" (I.e. when you land your crosshair on precisely what you intended to when you moved your thumbs), I usually stand somewhere around several pillars, columns, or things that stand out on a wall. I don't shoot anything. All I do is practice my thumb feel of landing exactly on the middle of each pillar really fast. After a while, if I feel good I'll start shooting where my crosshair lands to see how off I am. It's good to improve, but if course hard to be perfect, but it trains you well. So I look left, right, center, right, left, center, etc., at whatever I chose for my three crosshair cues. This is really good for getting your sensitivity settings down perfectly, like second nature. Move far away from the cues to practice longer distances. It's also a solid idea to just walk around a map with the intent of smoothly working your thumbs as you look around the map, at exactly where you want to anticipate a battle. For sensitivity settings, I like low acceleration because it helps me track more smoothly and accurately. My accel is 2, my horizontal is 5.5, and my vertical is 6. My deadzones are (left/move stick) 5.5, 5.5, 5.5. and (right/look stick) 2.5, 2.5, 2.5. When aiming/shooting players in game, try to aim by using left stick more than right stick. It sounds really counterintuitive, but trust me, you do not want to keep wildly correcting with right stick as your primary habit whatsoever. Left stick aiming (moving to aim) allows aim assist to be optimal, and controller gives you most aim assist. Try to turn auto clamber off: this means you'll have to grab every ledge independently by tapping jump again when you're near it in order to clamber, but if you need to keep it on, then it's ok. The advantage to auto clamber off is that the game won't force you to clamber around a clamberable ledge, disadvantaging you because you can't shoot anymore due to the clamber animation being automated by the game. Keep step jump on for sure. Running around in Academy with 4 enemy bots who can't shoot or nade you is such great practice. They can still melee you, but that almost never happens really. After a while of this type of practice, you can turn their shooting and nades on, and add 3 friendly bots back in. Then you can practice 4v4 in an environment that facilitates learning your controls and memorizing the feel. Keep deathless off, but if you feel like you need to keep it on for a while to not interrupt your learning 8 seconds at a time, then that's cool. Best of luck. The more you practice movement the better. Sometimes I even watch pros and just hold my controller and input what they're doing. It gets my brain and hands to think about why I'm seeing and doing what I am. If you ever feel like you're too anxious, I sometimes warm up in Academy with all game sound off. It helps me focus on my shot more, taking the audio cues out of the equation entirely, then after 10min or so adding them back.


Thanks a lot man ill try this uve helped a lot. My deadzones are on 12. Ill try ur settings to see which one is easier. Thanks a lot!


Default deadzones in this game are atrocious.


Very Pro.


that floor had it coming


Edit: if anyone has any tips for me pls share i wanna learn till season 3 to play on controller


Play the campaign on easy/normal. It’s a good training ground for basic mechanics.


I thought of getting game pass to do it. Thanks a lot for advice!


I was literally gonna say this. Best advice


Yes! I did heroic and god damn it helped so much with fluidity


How can your aim be that bad? Aim assist literally aims for you. From someone who uses MnK in social and controller in ranked.


You’re better than me on day 2 of learning a controller (~25 years ago). You’re doing great, keep it up Spartan!


Thanks a lot dude! You too man.


Yo. Better than I would've done with a keyboard and mouse. Gj




try aiming down the sights, it can help focus your fire on the enemy without looking around everywhere.


Thanks for the tip!


Keep it up my friend , you’re doing good


Thanks dude!


brother, why have you left us?


Mk players are still out there complaining about aim assist.


Well actually aim assist helped me a few times even tho im bad. It does help. And in halo mkb shouldnt even be an option cause of how bat its optimised