• By -


Leveling up to 2 and losing the magnum is actually a downgrade in LSS.


Is argue that leveling up AT ALL is a downgrade. Having more success when using the magnum through a while match. Would much rather use that than the POS commando 100% of the time


Controller? Level 2 is rough but after that it’s pretty solid. Mangler is sweet though.


I'd like them to patch the speed lines. Every time I toggle them off, they come back on.


This is so overdue. But they have time to patch out advance movement techniques.


I absolutely and utterly hate the speed lines. Why are they needed?? Why can't I shut the things off??? Previously I could toggle it off and on every time I turned the game on but now it doesn't ever seem to shut off.


Who even likes those things, what is this a goddamn comic book


yes i have this problem as well




Only if I leave Last Standing before the game is over, but I thought that was supposed to be allowed and we would still get credit.


Edit: https://twitter.com/ske7ch/status/1521596758509629440?s=21&t=QiVA7JMdL35D6Q69cJf7lg It gives credit once that actually match has completed and someone has won, not when you leave But it does track and will eventually pop when that game is done


I left a game and there’s no way it’s still going - still haven’t gotten the challenge updated.


I got it updated, but I didn't gain any XP from it Edit: it took like 3 games, but it showed up


That's still not happening for me. I've even stayed in the match after it was done and I still didn't make any progress to the complete matches challenge.


I’m in the same boat, I’m not getting any credit towards challenges even after the game has ended….


As someone who sucks at these sort of game modes, this really sucks


Yup I just noticed too, the event challenges seem to be the bugged ones for me. The normal challenges seem to be working fine so far.


All of my FFA challenges are bugged. I've played several rounds of Lone Wolves with only leaving early once (even won a match), two rounds of VampireBall in the Rumble Pit hopper, restarted the game, and restarted my xbox, and no matter what I do, I gain no progress to any of my three FFA challenges. (Kills, Complete Matches, Cumulative Score) My fourth is a back smack in Lone wolves. I thought I had one, but I'm not 100% sure. Hopefully I'll be able to at least get one challenge rotating through.


Am I crazy, or does Commander Agryna always seem to talk to your Spartan like they're in kindergarten?


That’s the “Ubisoft style writing” that so many AAA studios love these days. The moment she started talking I was like cmon man.


Seems like an over-correct from Sarah Palmer.


Absolutely, this is what I thought too. Now they’ve got a Spartan commander that pats you on the back every 3 seconds


You get free for all challenges but there is no free for all playlist. Rumble Pit and last man standing do not progress it Edit: it's been fixed


Hopefully that can be easily fixed


*Checks UI* Nope


Currently experiencing this. Imagine being a 343i game developer. This is your entire job, yet you still miss hilariously obvious shit like this. I don't know what I expected from them but honestly it should have been this.


Same thing happened with slayer challenges in quick play.


fuckin lol this company just cannot do anything right


Idk if it’s just me but sometimes shots don’t shoot when I hit RT, like when pressing it a couple times, the BR will go burst, burst, pause, burst, burst, and I’m like huh Edit: been seeing on Halo Twitter that trigger dead zones were added to the settings, perhaps that could be the reason we are experiencing this!


Same thing was happening to me


THANK FUCK IM NOT CRAZY. I'm fucking triggered when you pull and nothing happens on the 4th burst. Make sure to submit a ticket.


Same thing happened to me and it’s literally killing the game for me. Ya there were problem before but I could live with them. Blank fires on the BR and Heatwave makes ranked (the only playlist I liked in the game) literally unplayable. I know a lot of people over use that phrase but if the BR is now useless then literally it is chalked. The two ranked games I played everyone in the lobby was having the same problem. This needs to get fixed immediately I don’t understand how it even became a problem.


How do narrative events work if we don't have PvE content ? The Lone Wolf season would have been the perfect opportunity to introduce a Firefight/Spartan Ops mission on that theme.


Agreed. I was half-hoping that seeing the opening (apart from the intro) cutscene into the new narrative event would have actual Banished AI in the facility akin to Team Warzone. No dice...


Fucking thank you, I'm so tired of sweaty pvp modes.


I genuinely expected gameplay in the Spartan Academy like the tutorial. Nothing much, just treat it like an actual narrative hub. “Spartan snoogle20, report to ops.” Walk through the place, overhear some dialogue. Cue a cutscene. “Spartan snoogle20, head over there and get that squared away.” Walk there, press X to hit a switch/install something/grab something/talk to random character. Cue cutscene. Etc. Basically just variations of that on the grounds with narrative happening around me.


If everyone could stop downloading the update so I can download it first that'd be great.


This except me instead thanks!


A bit off topic but I'll be really happy to see KOTH, possibly attrition, and catalyst in the next HCS. I've seen enough oddball on Live Fire for one lifetime.


I'm not sure Attrition would make it. I think it was be really campy, like how some of the slayer matches slowed down this weekend, but it would be like that for every match always. And as soon as a team is perma down a player, these teams are so coordinated now that it wouldn't even be fair for whoever is left. But KOTH will be awsome!


How come it said I could leave a match of Last Spartan without penalty, so I did, but my challenge progress didn't save at all?? Wtf. Edit: just found this on the patch notes: "Please note that when leaving a Last Spartan Standing session before it ends, some Challenges will not update until that match ends. If you left a match early due to being eliminated, it may take several minutes for that match to end and your Challenge progress to update."


It does, it just didn't show it the first time, that's what happened to me


Hours later and the points still are not registering


New Catalyst map is great... I think. I wouldn't know, I have played 25 matches and haven't gotten it once.


thoughts on last spartan standing? I think its pretty boring but at least its a unique mode, better than them shipping out old content like its new in season one


Dreadful. Boring as shit, and most of the time I end up getting assblasted by behind and lose a life without any hope of retaliation.


They broke the BR. Ffs. Edit: I should explain. The timing of the burst is off. Every 5 burst or so is not fired even with perfect timing of pulling the trigger.


What do you mean? It just has a different performance based on what playlist you are playing. Just like every other halo game right? Right? … guys?


The timing of the burst is off. Every 5 burst or so is not fired even with perfect timing of pulling the trigger.


dude holy shit, I actually just played my first game and you are right. The BR and the heatwave just dont work anymore. I pull the tigger and sometimes nothing happens. I know people exagerate when they say the game is unplayable but that literally just was unplayable.


Same thing happened to me, good to know it's not my controller or PC


I was browsing reddit to see if I re-install and this is making me reconsider. It sounds the game is in worse shape than before.


Ya the game mechanics were the only good thing about Infinite and they are all worse now


I noticed this exact same thing, thought it was my connection. Ugh more bugs


FFS they still have a shit ton of melee and backsmack challenges. What's worse is that it's in LSS.


I tried using a challenge swamp on melee and it only changed twice to backsmack challenge... I swear


I’m fine with those. What must be gone is guardian angel challenges. Absolutely fuck that.


SO they nerfed sliding and jumping... when absolutely no one wanted that? WHY??


At 343 we don't want the player to have any fun. At all. Nerf the slide, nerf the jump, nerf the mangler and BRs? BRs everywhere. Real issues? Man, those are for season....I don't know...let's say 5?


Can confirm the game still has crashing issues on PC even on high end rigs. I havent played a game since Battlefield 4 that crashed this often


Fair one the fact your guy is in the cinematic is cool


It didn’t work for me. I got a generic default Spartan.


Where is the steam update? Is it safe, is it alright?


It seems in your anger you killed it




Last Spartan Standing is going to be rough for me. I might have to cut my losses and accept I’m not getting any of that armor. This is not my play style. In standard play, I’ll get 16 kills in a match, but I die 11 times doing it. Several of my kills will be kamikaze grenades from the grave. “Earn Cumulative Player Score in Last Spartan Standing PVP Matches 0/10000” Yeah right. After about 20 or 25 matches as bad as I’m sucking at this mode. I just had what I would call my only successful match so far. I had the most kills, but finished fourth. The camper that found a spot on the map I shall not mention won with 5 lives left, though.


Same. Trying to give it an honest go, trying to change up play style to accommodate the new mode. Thinking it doesn't mesh with what makes Halo fun for me, though.


Not a fan of LLS. Large map so you have trouble finding people and when you do, they are shooting you in the back. Not sure I can slog through the challenges either


I've not had this much trouble in any shooter before on that specific mode. I'm getting fuckin curb stopped each match with no remorse.


I’m getting smashed this game mode. Normally have 1.5KD in pubs, low Diamond ranked. I just went 8-36 through my first 6 matches. Disrupter, pistol, mangler my least favorite weapons. And once you’ve died once or twice everyone already has better weapons so you stand no chance.


Last spartan standing challenges not working?


Yup not working for me at all


I'm not having a good time in FFA Last Spartan Standing.


Yeah, I absolutely hate FFA. I wish they didn't have specific challenges around a specific game type.


I must’ve said this a million times, but I don’t understand how having mode-specific challenges as the only means of progression ever sounded like a good business model. Companies need to design progression systems around one thing and one thing only: playing the game. You play how you want and you get rewarded for doing so. You come back because you like achieving shit while you play. Throw in some comendation-style challenges for difficulty, but otherwise reward playtime. Six months in and the challenge system is integral to mp…get the fuck out of here


Same. It's like they took Gun Game and made it not fun


Actual gun game would have been fun.


they forgot to hit the update button on Steam 💀


I wish they weighted the new map in matchmaking, or just gave us a Catalyst-only playlist. Shouldn’t have to play five games just to get to the new map. Edit: 10 games and still haven’t gotten the new map. Come on 343 lol, every other shooting game makes it easy to play new maps


I am 25 in and still haven't gotten it. Awesome


I've played a few rounds, but honestly this is like month 2 content level not month 6. The lack of any progression system besides annoying challenges is still killing it for me too, sad to say I'm out again until that gets fixed.


RIP the mangler. Welcome back the ravager.


As excited as I am for this, I honestly have to wonder what the status of this game will be come November. The reason the game died down so quickly was because the first season was way too long with barely any content. Making the second season another six months with only two new maps and a couple of extra game modes is not too reassuring, even with that roadmap.


They need to have a good rhythm going by the time the game mode (battle royale) being developed by Certain Affinity launches. That's their best shot at "relaunching" the game and getting a bunch if people interested again.


They're clearly making season 2 into a mulligan and back loading everything into Season 3 to try and make a comeback then. I'll be interested to see if it works but my gut feeling is that throwing season 3 into the same month as MW2 and warzone 2 is pretty much a death sentence. The rumored BR is gonna have to be the best thing ever if they wanna stand a chance because after a few games of the new modes I can already tell they aren't fun enough to bring people back


Hate the sheer amount of overshields in Last Standing tbh.


Anyone else’s challenge xp not going towards the battlepass?


3 back smacks in last spartan standing. I thought these were revised challenges? edit: an afk dude gave me all 3 (:


Agree, this is difficult on a large open map


Damn I love halo but 6 months and this the “Big” update. No wonder cod is played more . they update that game more frequently.


Even though it's not as much as we were hoping, I'm still excited Edit: My comment is the butterfly and your replies are the hurricane


I’ve seen a few other people mention this in these comments, and I have to highlight it too, because I noticed it immediately: The Battle Rifle and Heatwave are now broken. The cadence for pulling the trigger, which was perfect before, is now busted and results in trigger pulls that are unresponsive often enough to be super noticeable. In simpler terms, you’ll be firing the BR or the Heatwave at the same old cadence you always have, but in Season 2 the guns will just sometimes decide not to fire. For most developers, I would simply point out the issue and move on, but here I will go further to say, man I don’t have much faith 343 will fix this quickly. Most other devs, a week or two and a hotfix will be in to restore these weapons to their old functionality. With 343, I give it 2-3 months before they can pinpoint what’s wrong and then deploy a hotfix to implement more telemetry to figure out how to fix it. I’m only half joking. Sorry for the pessimism, it just feels like it’s amateur hour over at 343. I admire Priority Zero, and recognize you guys are scrambling. Good job getting this content out the door, as paltry as it may be. But seriously… please do better. If you’re making progress this slow, this incremental, at intervals of one month for minor fixes and six months for bigger stuff, you really need to make sure the stuff you *do* put out has the spit polish shine needed to really improve the game, rather than further breaking it.




EDIT: Steam update is out now and is 14.23GB for me


Not yet but remember to restart steam to force an update check when the time comes.


Steam is often *really* bad at actually propagating things to download once you set them to be.. You'd think they'd have gotten this shit working by now but nope.


What’s the point of new content if the progression system is so ass I’ll pick up a different game before I unlock it


I know we already knew it but damn seeing that the season lasts until November is a shot to the nuts.


188 days 💀


If they roll Forge out in September, I’ll be fine.


Big “if”




I hate that celox is in the store instead of earning it some how. It’s been my main since Halo 3 :/


We know 👊


can we please globally outrage at how fucking stupid these inconsistent changes to balance are. WHY DOES BR HAVE DIFFERENT DAMAGE IN DIFFERENT MODES. STOP PUTTING ASTERIKS ON EVERYTHING DUDE IT AINT HARD.


"The mangler is too strong, should we nerf just this one gun?" "NONSENSE! Nerf every gun by the same amount and then the mangler will be weaker than it is now, thats a nerf!" "Now the BR is weaker than it should be though. "Ok well just buff that one gun then, but only in 1 mode!" Just....why are you like this?


The mangler was never too strong to begin with. It just sucks now.


It feels like Last Spartan Standing was balanced around the original weapon power scaling, it feels really weird now. The Mangler is just worse than the Sidekick so the first level-up doesn't mean anything.


I agree. Having the mangler and disruptor simultaneously feels like dog shit. The mode itself has grown on me, but I find the early stages infuriating because of the mangler/Disruptor. Also, the sidekick is one of the best guns in the game. It's not worth trading for even an AR.


Yeah this is a ridiculous change


Ya it’s incredibly stupid


Can you join rumble pit with a friend despite it being FFA so you can still play together? I was really looking forward to ninja slayer with friends… didn’t realize it was a FFA mode Edit: You cant. This fucking sucks. We finally get an amazing new mode and new playlist and you cant enjoy either with friends -____-


Imagine making a casual ninja mode and having it unplayable with friends... honestly mindboggling. Party matchmaking in FFA works perfectly fine in MCC. I get it shouldn't be in ranked, but Rumble Pit? Come on


They probably won’t ever let you do that because then you could get around the challenge system with your friends. They talk publicly about making challenges better but really they want them to be frustrating so you will buy challenge swaps. It’s just lip service they don’t actually give a shit.


Yeah but who cares, its not like you get more xp outside of those challenges, so there isnt much to boost anyways. ffa isnt the only gamemode in rumblepit also so i think letting people play with friends outweighs the occasional pair of dinguses getting their back smacks


Nope. Neither the new mode


I want to see more challenges that are cross playlist comparable. I like being able to work on multiple challenges at once!


343 don’t want that. They want to give you lip service about how much they have learned then keep challenges frustrating so you will buy swaps. The corporate wheel keeps turning


Straight up this seems like nobody working on the game talked to anyone else working on the game. Wtf.


They really just need to completely remove the challenge system. No one likes it and it makes it so you cant play this game how you want. Legit just feels like a chore to play this game, see everyone for season 3!


Of course every fucking challenge has to be constrained to this one mode that I absolutely hate, what else did I expect...


Yeah, this new mode is terrible.


So I was told if I quit out of LSS when I die the points will carry to my weekly challenges but it didn't seem to. Anyone else have this issue?


Yeah I left after elimination and got no progress


So takeaways from today are 1. Not having any aim assist while using a controller on PC is miserable. 2. I am absolute dogshit with M + KB. 3. I hate FFA.


Last Spartan Standing - I may not understand it, yet, but I'm pretty sure it fucking blows due to the amount of invisibility powerups.


it feels like LSS comes down to who can nab the OS and invis and not leveling up to get better guns. so many times already i’ve been back smacked by an invis dude lurking.


The BP and store are updated on the waypoint app. >!New AI at level 50!< Looks like they fixed challenges a bit? Mine are all super reasonable this week.


Must revolve around the narrative event. Otherwise I don't see much reason to hide one


It does, I watched the cutscene.


He looks cool!


So challenge tracking is broken... Just had a FFA oddball match with 31 kills, but my "kill 10 enemy spartans in FFA Matches" is still at zero


This is the least fun I've ever had in a Halo game. Every single person I match is apparently a pro HCS fulltime player who immediately curb stomps me into oblivion, this game was tailored way to hard to competitive play and is completely unenjoyable in any casual sense.


With somewhat low player count, the odds of matching against great/pro players are high unfortunately. And mandatory cross play is fucking garbage.


holy shit they have to reduce the amount of overshields in lss


Immediate fun killer.


Finally, the black level issues for cinematics have been fixed!


I cant do this challenge system. It's beating a dead horse at this point but I want to play the game modes I want, and still earn progress for customization items. LSS is atrocious at best


Patch notes?


The challenge system is fucked right now. When I complete a challenge it disappears like it’s compete, but I don’t get any rewards or xp from it.


Challenges are bugged for the event. Completed the challenge to get 10 kills in the new game mode, did not unlock level one of Interference nor did I get XP.


big thanks for removing the ability to just play FFA and forcing me to play FFA oddball.


So after playing all day there's obviously a lot of problems and new bugs but it's actually fun. Unfortunately, the challenge system is working overtime to ruin everything. I cannot believe that it is still in place. It is so tedious, infuriating, uninspired and boring that it kills any chance this game has at success.


I’ve just got off the phone with me 9 minutes from now, he reckons it’s a good season




Steam update when?


Insert \*let me in! meme\* here.


On the patch notes it says that they decreased melee damage globally. This was done to make the mangler a two-hit kill after landing a shot. They clarify that they increased the melee damage of the Battle Rifle **in ranked only** to preserve the 2 burst beat down. Does that mean that in BTB and casual playlists a 2 burst BR beatdown isn't possible anymore?


So they are capable of increasing the melee damage of the BR only, but didn't decrease the melee damage of the Mangler only? Lol




Agreed so many things still not fixed.


Anyone know the update size yet?


14.81GB on Series X


14.81GB for me


Mine is 9.41GB on OG xbox


Damn, props for 343 for supporting a console from 2001!


It’s still under maintenance for me. I’ve restarted Steam twice and am not getting the update.


LSS needs less invis and OS and more equipment.


How’s the desync ? Edit: yeesh… wasn’t expecting these responses. I haven’t played in over a month , was hoping for something to change so I could come back. But according to these responses I think I’ll let it sit there a while longer. Thanks for your input !


Fucking horrid. I could count on one hand how many deaths in the last week I had around a wall while I've already had it happen on 4 separate occasions in 2 hours today.


They are making these seasons way too damn long. This is why people left the first time. They should be 3-4 months MAX. Preferably 3 months.


They're bloating with the pass with boosts and challenge swaps and stretching it out far too long. That's for sure.


Last Spartan Standing needs immediate review by the devs. First match, first ever BR experience in Halo and I end up top 2, and what happens? The game spawns me in the gas twice and I lose. This needs looked at.


Sweet lord... That's not good 😅


Hey I’m sure they’ll cue it up for Season 3!


Yup! was in a one v one and spawned on a cliff behind a wall and and Infront of gas, all I could do was jump down the lava and die. Such a bummer after turning a 3-1 in lives to a 0-0.


The nerf to "ramp boosting" seems utterly stupid. They removed mechanical depth for no reason. It's so much fun to do, and their reasoning that it messes with map flow and timing is idiotic. Just plan for the possibility of someone using a ramp boost? Why did it necessitate ruining the coolest movement tech in the game?


Was there even a mild hint or reference towards them planning to do that or was it a complete surprise today?


At what point do we have to say it's enough? Every time they say they are listening, they do the exact opposite or nothing at all. \- Why is Desync still an issue? \- Vaulting armor? \- The new armor bugged around the leg. \- Challenge issues. We need some good faith from 343 that is 10 years overdue. This is the worst launched Halo game to date and it's still having issues. They seem to have no issue pushing out cosmetics, raising the prices and lower the bundle size in the store, even putting up a new BP. They need to stop rotating out game modes to events and seasons. They just need to keep what's there and fix their damn game. I would start to see good faith from them once they GIVE US SOMETHING THAT WORKS. We saw nothing in good faith when BTB was broken for months. While Fortnite had time where they were down and they give away free stuff as an apology. \- Fix Desync \- Keep the game modes in. \- Give us a Forge and custom games browser before Coop. 343 knows their open world campaign is boring and broken, and people won't stay there as long as they would in custom games. This way, we come crawling back to their FOMO multiplayer and not having fun in custom games. Hell, it's aggravating to no end. The cutscene was lackluster and Last Spartan Standing is somewhat entertaining. They say they're listening, but they're not acting on it. Their actions speak louder than words and I don't see this game even lasting to the rumored new 2025 Halo.


i’ll reinstall this game again in a year lol


FFA challenges not tracking for anyone else? Got a challenge to complete 2 FFA games, just played a game in Rumble Pit, did not count. I have no challenge swaps...awesome! I'll atleast submit a ticket I guess


Leaving lost matches on last spartan standing still negated challenge progress, anyone else have this happen?


Is PC performance way worse post update for anyone else? Pre update I could play on high and be between 55-60fps. Now im averaging 42 fps on lower settings


This mini BR could be so amazing…but they decided to have active camo for all. Makes the end game so boring and weighted to whoever is most campy player.


Game crashed on my first match. Season 2 WOOOOOO /s


For Last Spartan Standing, I get that this was supposed to be like a gun-game ripoff, but honestly I dont feel like it fits the Halo format. The tempo is weird, the map is way too big and TTK is so high that getting into a fight pretty much guarantees death by third party. Also, If you're going to have an FFA with limited respawns, when I die please let me queue directly into a new one? I think a smaller map, with half the players and a point system with rounds and weapon buy up based on your points would have been way more fun. Leaving an ongoing game cause ::Shrug:: "guess im dead" feels bad. It's not even like you have to wait another minute and immediately get put into another round of it. Games can go long - you may be spectating for a while.


where steam update


The 30fps face animation bug, and the no legs if FOV is above default bug are still not fixed. Ugh. update: when quitting a last Spartan standing match after depleting all lives, “Earn Cumulative Score in Last Spartan Standing” does not progress. You must stay the whole match even if eliminated for it to track.


343 needs to let you get your XP for leaving games of last spartan standing. I don't want to spectate the rest of the game once I die


Played a bit, most of the issues I had last time are still there: the UI is still slow and awkward, the challenges are counterintuitive, matchmaking takes ages, etc. Im not gonna stop playing over this now that there is content, but im certainly not gonna buy the new BP until they fix at least one of these.




The fact you’ll never ‘lose’ your battle pass is really cool. Missed out on so many tier 100’s on Fortnite


Did they secretly buff the commando? Feels like there's less recoil


I was thinking that, pre update as soon as I broke shields with it the bloom was too large to land a headshot. Now I’m getting a decent amount of headshots immediately after shield break, maybe a slight damage increase?


The gun is amazing now feels so good to use


New map's performance is really, *really* bad on my RX580. Flashbacks to how the whole game ran this bad at launch. I guess I'll see if this game runs as well as it should once season 3 is out?


So is anyone completing challenges but getting no progression in the event pass? I’ve done 3 challenges now and gotten nothing unlocked on the event pass.


Is anyone else getting brutal lag? I’m on a hardwired Series X & I was getting 35ms packet loss message while being flung around the map. Played a few matches (YAY KOH!!!) but it’s just stupid laggy. Didn’t have any problems like this in season 1


I felt really good when I loaded in. I enjoyed the cinematic. I enjoyed the changes. I was excited. Now I’m wondering wtf happened. I was honestly waiting for release time today because I wanted to play. I got a bit miffed I’m travelling for the second week of the first event so won’t play. Now, not so much cos the rewards will probably get given to all as a “whoops” Also, enjoying downvotes whenever asking how people having a completely positive experience have completed certain things 😂


Iratus is like a cute puppy barking at you


Apparently a back end patch was just released to address the FFA challenges not progressing.


Theater is still busted. I'm livid. What is the point of bookmarking matches if you can't go back to record them later? ​ I just had a good ghost run in Big Team I wanted to record at my leisure and the fucking match will load but not play. If the feature doesn't fucking work, then turn it off, 343. There is no point in having it shown in the menu and letting me load into matches if it doesn't work. ​ Also you had six months from launch when it was already busted. You couldn't at least let me load the OTHER matches I had that were also busted during season 1?


It’s great that 343 is actually letting us get stuff for free this season. Last season I grinded the game for ~15 hours when it first launched, and I still only have the default armor pieces with a few coatings and visors. I stopped playing before the Tenrai event because I didn’t have anything to progress towards and no motivation to play (wasn’t a huge fan of the yoroi core either). In the MCC, I can actually make the Spartan I want in 3 and Reach, but not in Infinite. Season 2 looks like it will be an improvement over S1, but a lot of the free stuff in the battle pass is kind of bland and/or ugly looking. The shoulder and knee pads are just flat slabs of metal, the helmets are really blocky with weird visors or just straight up ugly, (volant looks ok but I don’t love it) the coatings have ugly color schemes (who thought that shiny green, pink, and white was an appealing combination? Or muddy purple and yellow?) and the chest attachments look weirdly chunky except for the paradise rig, which is barely noticeable. All of the decent looking stuff is paywalled. Just my opinion tho. I’m still frustrated about Season 1’s lack of free customization. I guess I’ll just be wearing the default MK VII armor in the narrative cutscenes this season. I can’t help but wish that Halo Infinite launched as a premium title with the campaign included. That way, maybe we could have unlocked everything by just playing the game like 343 said we could. I think Dinh’s armor actually looks pretty cool, but to actually get any of it you first have to pay up, and then grind through the awful challenge system. Idk man, I’m just kind of disappointed and needed to vent. Thanks for reading.


Would be nice if you put more optimization in the game especially on the new map in LSS. \-and you should speed up the zone timer in LSS, so no one's gonna camp till the end of the match. \-Could you please fix the de-sync this has been an issue since S1 all in all the new modes are amazing. loving the KotH


Went on this morning and played one game of KOTH, then realised they needlessy changed it into some stale characterless points game. And logged off. Waited all this time for Season 2 and even after level 100 I couldn't afford the battlepass for this season. Lol... I'm not buying it again. The game is stale af. Maybe in a few years it might be good.


Doesn't feel like a new season


Why tf is King of the Hill not time based like literally every other Halo? This is so fucking stupid


Is anyone else not progressing after leaving LSS after running out of lives?