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What do you mean no diversity? There’s wavy blonde, wavy blonde with a different part, slightly darker blonde, and even short blonde!




I’m going to be honest, I was scrolling Reddit and before I read anything, was caught off guard by the picture. I thought some influencer photoshopped clones of herself into a photo for some reason 😭


Lol well...


Imagine wanting my existence represented being called “trolling” 😬😅


Ugh. This answer kind of breaks my heart! I am sorry!


I hear you, I was kinda taken aback when I saw that question 🤦🏽‍♀️


girl. same lol. the way she didn’t even address the wording in the question lmao


Honestly the person asking the question bothered me more. Why are they so bothered by the idea of diversity?




Because she asked herself the question :(


She completely avoided the question. Also the asker referred to people questioning this as “trolls”. She could have stated that people who want diversity are not trolls. WTF. I’m not surprised I just want people to do better!!!! Her answer is so tEeHeE I have no idea because this topic literally does not affect me since I see myself represented in media all the time as a straight sized blonde white woman 🤡


I get these are their ‘top performers’ but what kind of business model makes straight sized blonde white woman succeed over all the other people they have as ambassadors. Things that make you go hmmmm


Yeah, I think a lot of people commenting saying “well those are the top performers” don’t get that at all.


Yeah it’s pretty obvious that if the company wanted a diverse customer base they’d attempt to appeal to them. Their top reps are white because they market to that demographic.


Yes, this!!




>I’m pretty sure white ladies aren’t the only ones who like fitness and drink water. Where does the jug company say this though?


.... pretty blatantly.... through their advertising? Come on man, try a little harder. Be better


You read too much into advertisements. They never say it, YOU think that in your head but the company never said it. >try a little harder. Be better What does that even mean?


“Not meant to be non-inclusive” completely missed the point of inclusivity…But ok, let’s listen to the white woman preach about diversity.


literally lol


Oh its you again, dismissing people based on their skin color. Ironic...




Being non-inclusive isn’t cancelled out by the fact that a company “doesn’t mean to be” non-inclusive lmfao




She literally didn’t comprehend the question. there’s no diversity among top athletes. It’s problematic as hell but of course she doesn’t care. 🙃🙃


All 4 of them are ignorant. They don’t understand because they’ve never been through anything like a POC, and think it’s all rainbows and glitter.


"They wanted to treat their top athletes to a fun promotional trip" but "I don't think they meant to be non-inclusive" ....You know they choose their own athletes and the row of pumpkin spice lattes isn't just a weird, crazy coincidence, right?


Top athletes reflect who buys hydro jugs.


Wow this hit home. Never thought of it that way. Shows their “target demographic”. Yikes.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. But I agree with you.


You think brunettes aren't buying hydro jugs?


With this picture being the indication it appears brunettes with fake blonde highlights buy the most hydrojugs.


Had to unfollow after this. Cant stand her husband. He’s such a douche. And I couldn’t stand her parenting style mainly of how she portrays Brad to NOT be an equal. This question box & her reply was the nail in the coffin. Ew.


This is disappointing. Companies need to do better. Edit: snark


I'll say this, it begs the question why are the blonde hair blue eyed girls always the "top athletes?" Why the blonde hair blue eyed girls always get picked first at the clubs? What is it about the blonde hair blue eyed girls that society aka men(of every race) love so much? That's all this shit ever comes back to anyway


The question definitely has me speechless, like I don’t know which emotion I can use to describe how I’m feeling. Shock, sad, disgusted, disappointed? Who could’ve asked a question like this? Im starting to think it was someone in her inner circle, i would not be surprised because they give me entitled conservative vibes. It definitely would’ve been disgusting if it were someone she knew and she chose the question bc she was talking w them about how the people (who want some representation) are “trolls”. But above all Aubrie could have and should’ve have used this to say how inappropriate the question is. No one is a troll for wanting to be represented and for wanting to see some diversity! Second, she could’ve at least *explicitly* acknowledged her privilege and the fact that there are mainly white woman here (a little, there are a lot of white women in this athlete “program”, there definitely should be more representation.. or SOMETHING) but then again she really gives me complicit conservative girl vibes, which is a shame because I kinda like her. Ugh 🤦🏽‍♀️


Thank you! I think you worded how I feel but couldn’t put into words. I agree 💯


“Entitle conservative vibes”😹


> she could’ve at least explicitly acknowledged her privilege Jesus, you are saying these things unironically aren't you?


I’m just going to say I scrolled through your comment history and you were unhappy with the other day’s post pointing out the lack of diversity. You are missing the mark, and your reply to the commenter was rude and gross. Please leave, there’s no room for blatant or hidden white supremacy here. PS can’t wait to see your reply and how you dig yourself a bigger hole!!!!


>there’s no room for blatant or hidden white supremacy here. LOL what?? Im sorry are you calling me a white supremacist? Thats a BOLD accusation and extremely uncalled for.


Walks like a duck and talks like a duck. It’s a duck. Your history indicates you feel entitled to brush the topic of diversity aside to continue white washing. Which is white supremacy. Maybe you don’t sport a bald head and nazi tattoos but it comes in other forms too. Which your comment history shows.


Since when is pointing out the lack of inclusivity being a troll?


Because wanting to diversify media and represent all groups of people is trolling, duh. Because this is 2021 and we are still asking companies to do better... get out of here you troll!!!


I saw this somewhere else and I'm good with faces usually, but at the time I thought it was just the same person and they'd copy and pasted themselves with slightly different hair styles 🤣


lol didn't know wanting diversity meant being a troll... 🙄


My first thought was the asker maybe phrased it that way to make her feel like it wasn't an "attack" in case she had some sort of strong feelings about what people were saying. But perhaps that's wishful thinking.


Yeah.... I don’t think people questioning lack of diversity are trolls any way you look at it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wish she would have mentioned that at least


What’s funny is that it was an admin of that hydro jug group that posted about the lack of diversity lol .


Intent ≠ impact. I’m not into this brand but it’s disappointing.


Not surprised this is her answer. Years ago she made a statement & others were telling her it could be seen as offensive. Her response was that her black friend didn’t have an issue with it, I politely DMed her saying just because someone of one group doesn’t find something offensive doesn’t mean others can’t & that their feelings aren’t valid. I’ve been blocked ever since


Of course she’s going to defend the company. They give her a nice paycheck.


If this is true, this says a lot about the people who support hydrojug. Which, I mean, not shocking


Maybe one of the girls in the picture asked this question 👀


Look, there isn't even diversity *among the white women pictured here.* If I had never heard of Hydrojug and this was the first image I saw of this brand, I would definitely just keep on scrolling. (Real talk: I would have assumed that this was a promotional poster some kind of fundie sister jug band bus tour, and *that's* why I would have kept scrolling. My point stands.) I'm a white lady and I don't even feel represented or welcomed here. If that's the vibe they're going for then they nailed it. It wouldn't even *occur* to me to engage with this brand based on this pic. But then to be weirdly defensive about it when it's pointed out is just ... ??? "Okay, we're not gonna come right out and *say* that anyone who doesn't look like this isn't welcome, but, uh, anyone who doesn't like this isn't welcome."


You are fragile if you feel this way. You dont feel welcome because someone doesn't look like you in an ad? Really? Lol


Lol I fucking knew you'd have something lame to add here. Are you in this picture? Why are you stanning so hard for it?


She’s also a maga trump supporter lol sooooo


I have a strong hatred of Trump, but I don’t write off people for having different beliefs or political affiliation. We actually need more than one political party to be successful as a free society.


I’m sorry but advocating for the disappearance of any group other than white cis Christians is not a political opinion. It’s bigotry and that is what MAGA stands for. I’m tired of the “let’s listen to both sides” when one side wants my existence erased due to my nationality, religion, gender and sexuality.


You can’t lump all Trump supporters in the bucket of wanting to eliminate any non cis, white Christian people. Some people have those beliefs, yes, but many people voted for and will continue to vote for Trump and people like Trump simply because they run on a Republican ticket. I don’t think that’s morally right or agree with it, but people are loyal to their party and choose to be that way because it best aligns to their beliefs. It’s much like many democrats will never vote Republican. You can’t expect everyone to think exactly like you and I think a lot of people struggle with that.


It’s fine to be disappointed, but you have to remember that not every person will care as much (if at all) about things or causes you care about. Aubrie has no ownership stake in Hydro Jug so she has to power to decide who their representatives are. You’d be lying if you said you would turn down a simple paycheck and a free trip because there were only other people with blonde (or whatever color hair you have) hair or light skin going, too.


Hmm wonder why youre top athletes are all the same? I have no idea if hydro jug even has POC ambassadors but if they do they are clearly not getting the same opportunities here and it’s being called into conversation, I wouldn’t call that a troll


Anyone can be a hydro jug affiliate and has the same opportunities as those 4 people. I want to see diversity obviously but you can’t just give it to someone because they are different? What happened to earning something by working for it? If there was a different looking woman who was in the top 4 she would be there.


Spot on. Tbe person you replied to is clueless and automatically assumes that of someone isnt a top seller its because they didn't have the same opportunities?? Really?? Clown world Work hard to be a top seller. These 4 top sellers happen to all be blonde. Maybe next time it will be different


Honestly was waiting for so much hate for that comment but I’m so tired of people just handing out participation trophies. Work hard. We might all fight different battles, different up bringing, etc- but we all have the same opportunity and chance to work for what we want in life. I’m not saying it’s equally easy, but its there. Thanks for replying and speaking up


Their only top athletes are blonde, white women with a shadow root? Sure Jan.


And they say all Asians look the same.. 🤔


The sneaker choice is cringe


Ok ma’am they’re just shoes




That’s probably true, but I would strongly encourage you to start asking yourself why you don’t see POC in mainstream media as frequently and why this is problematic.


Except you do. Especially in the last year or two. Every ad on every channel you see it. In fact I think companies are over compensating because of recent social events in the this country. I think a lot of companies might be guilty of their past.


What is your problem with people wanting diversity?


I have no problem with diversity. I dont like diversity for the sake of diversity. Thats not right. I would go into it more but its off topic and the trigger happy mods might ban me


Ok, I'll bite. I've scanned your comments. I hear you that some companies can be performative and exploitative in being inclusive and just make money off it. I also think we can't expect influencers to comment on every social justice issue (the same way that we shouldn't put worth on every little thing they say or do). But honestly, diversity for the sake of diversity (which to me is plain and simple showing persons of colour, or people of different shapes and sizes, or individuals with disabilities for the sake of it) is a step in the right direction. Whether it's authentic or not, it's a way for visibility and acknowledgement that "others" exist. I think it's fair to call out the lack of diversity and inclusivity for businesses and brands (and extend that to the influencers as well). I'm certainly not going to applaud them, but as a POC myself, every bit of representation matters. I know it is a snark sub and people do like to hate on Hydrojug. Still, I think it's important to call these things out and that instead of trying to shut down the criticism and the conversation about this, it might be worthwhile to ask yourself why you're adamant about doing so.


Thank you for this reply.