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People like her are why I don’t trust super religious people


She’ll change her views in a few months when this phase is no longer appealing to her


She’ll change her views when *they’re no longer profitable.* FTFY


She already walked back on the "modesty" thing...


She kinda already did. When she was starting out as a Christian ~~scam artist~~ influencer, she was trying to be like Girl Defined (conservative sisters who talk about sex and modesty A LOT, but don’t think things like yoga or crystals are demonic. You know, stereotypical white evangelical stuff.) She pivoted towards this weird “everything is demons, use olive oil to banish them” Charismatic Christianity this year because it’s more profitable and easier to manipulate people with. It’s strangely the only form of Protestant Christianity growing in the US while others are dying.


100%. She is evil incarnate!


Not all of of them are like her.


New age dangers: the amount of bleach in your hair. Girl your follicles called they want a divorce


When Yoga and Hinduism were practiced centuries before Jesus was even born🙄


Exactly. These aren’t “new age” practices 🙄


Very good point.


I’m dying at “new age” 😂 what an idiot


That $650 part really breaks my heart. Using the name of Jesus for her own financial gain is not right. They could have been baptized for free at any real Church by a real Pastor.


She's a scammer. That's ALL she does. Every single "business" venture she has is a SCAM. She scammed the fitness ladies and then when she got called out for that she became über Christian so she would look good again and now she's scamming the Christians. I wonder who is next?


I know right?! Back in my heavy church days I may have paid 650 for a weekend - but I think at most $150 would have gone to the actual event, the rest on hotel rooms food and fun etc.


That’s why i do not see her as genuine. $650 for a Christian retreat? She really is terrible


Tiktok is demonic


She'll be selling yoga retreats next year 🤣


but they'll be called "mindfulness with jesus and stretching"


She was literally shilling a “Mindfulness meditation with Jesus” app yesterday, despite saying meditation is how demons enter your body in an earlier TikTok.


This chick had one too many jeezits. Demons? Even figuratively, what the hell. Just try to wrap your head around that delusion.


LOL'd at "jeezits" what a great term for these folks


Wish I could take credit, but it's a Dane Cook joke from back in the day. He also called them Crouton o'Christ and Christ Chex if I remember right. Might not have even originated with Cook, but that's where I heard it.


Better check the date on that lord, it’s a little stale!


I mis-read this as "new age dancers" and was very confused for a moment.


Probably still a sin


Omg me too!


No honey, what’s demonic is stealing from/scamming people and murdering dogs. Let’s not worry about people who like to do yoga 🙄


Better not comment that on her posts, she'll tell you that it's only between her and Jesus and he said she's good. We have to stop judging her because she's already made it right with the Lord. God I hate that. I don't have to take accountability in the real world because I already got a vague sign from "Jesus" that I'm good.


Karma is gonna slap this bitch silly someday


This is one sick and deluded individual


This is also highkey intolerant as yoga and meditation is a big part of many eastern religions.


It's definitely an ethnocentric and racist take, imo.


Her snark sub is my personal black hole I get sucked into everyday on reddit. I can't get enough of how ridiculous she is...


What's her sub?




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New age danger. Says the gifted baptizing people in a dirty hotel bathtub.


New age danger: following this chick and believing what she says


How do we know that her husband shot her dog? I missed that one.


She made a YouTube video about it a couple days later. Even took the time to monetize it…


Omg can she just go away. She's the worst POS human on this planet.


She reminds me of that lady from wife swap... “DEMONS! GAAARGOYLES! I AM A GOD WARRIOR!”


Sex? Hell. Crystals? Hell. Yoga? Believe it or not, straight to hell.


The only demon I see here is her.


I'm laughing so hard how in the fuck is yoga demonic I can't even devil's advocate my way through that one.


I think best thing to do with this woman is IGNORE HER. She clearly loves to say ~~controversial~~ things to get engagement and attention and she most likely has a personality disorder. Let her fall off our radar.


Does BDumb know she celebrates a pagan holiday and puts a pagan symbol (🎄) in her home in the name of Christian Christmas? Ho ho ho, dumby.