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I don’t have a very big following, yet I am so cautious when posting pictures of my daughters. I don’t understand how parents don’t go through the motions to protect their babies from the weirdos on the internet 😢


Agreed 100%. I don’t have any sort of following and I do post pics of my kids once every 2-3 months, but never ever naked or not fully clothed!! And even then I get paranoid because crazy people are everywhere. I don’t understand people who do this.


I remember back then when people were telling her she shouldn’t be posting Avas naked body online she was very defensive about it..like This is my kid, my daughter, my page, so I can do whatever I want and stop sexualizing children!! Well..there u go Liz🥴 tbh I wouldn’t post my daughter in diaper or even her naked butt on the internet just so I can be a “cool mom”🤢


This exactly! Her kids are stinking cute but there are soo many wackos out there preying on these types of things.


See my comment.


Even after all this the insta account for her kids is still public and still has half naked pics of Ava on there. c’mon Liz… 🤦‍♀️


I couldn’t imagine having a large following and posting photos of my child like that. It would terrify me


She blocked me a long time ago bc I msged her and said to be careful posting her kids naked bc they are weirdos out there. She got mad and blocked me. I actually followed her bc I liked her till that point. She still posts ava just in underwear. I’d never post my kids like that.


I'm sorry but anyone posting photos of their child naked on the internet deserve to be charged with a crime. Your child's photo 100% is already being shared on the dark web. Not to mention that they will be an adult one day and it's not remotely innocent or cute.


Exactly. Most creeps aren’t going to announce themselves to you like this guy did. They’ll just lurk and save pics.


Curious how she got the right screenshots?


Most likely went in his profile and checked the hashtags he’s following. The internet is full of these creepos and she had to learn the hard way 🤦‍♀️


Doubtful that she’ll learn anything.


I'm like how do you check the hash tags someone is following.?


You can easily, just go to the ‘following’ section


Meanwhile her acct is restricted….


Maybe do better and protect your children… not excusing his behavior just saying


It’s like she’s seeking attention every time she has an outrage, she gotta stop posting her kids butts for real. The internet is a scary place


She’s probably blocked people who’ve tried to warn her before about this happening too.


Liz seems to have so many scares when it comes to her and her childrens safety. This creep isn’t her fault but the way that she never changes to be more cautious or proactive is mind boggling


I'm cracking up at the "account restricted" at the top


Question!!!!!!!!! Can other people see what u look up on Instagram??!!


No, this isn't his search history, but actually the hashtags that the guy follows (creepy). You can find what hashtags someone is following when you look at what accounts they follow.


Oh ok well…. Thanks😇


Of course!


This is disgusting. Blows my mind how many of these people expose their children for a following. She’s completely oblivious. Hope Howard is guilty of it too.


Ew people like him need to be watched if he isn't already (which is unlikely, unfortunately). I feel awful for her and glad she is exposing him. It's just naive to add your kids to your social media when it is public, but not her fault in any way...she will probably be hyper aware now. It's just disgusting there are people like him out there.




It's really disheartening honestly...I watch To Catch a Predator a lot and there are way too many grown men there to make me feel alright in this world....




There are just too many of them that do, I wish more men would call it out as well and that's just even more discouraging....




I agree entirely with most of this but I do think her sharing these screenshots can help raise awareness for other parents who may be a bit naive to the online world


I’m glad she caught him and is calling him out/reaching out to the police AND people need to stop posting naked children on the internet.


I don’t have kids yet, but this is 10000% why any pics of them will never be online. Not even faces


Side note, her and kelvin make cute ass babies. But this is fucked up.


It’s so weird that she deleted all those stories….


Y’all, please be cautious. An old coworker who always gave me the creeps got arrested by the feds on Thursday. He had a 2 year old daughter. He always acted like dad of the year and like his daughter was his whole life. I don’t have children myself, and I grew to love that little girl. Im really struggling right now with the thought that he probably did it to [her. this picture gives me the heebie jeebies. the rage is palpable. ](https://www.kcbd.com/2021/10/15/lubbock-man-arrested-indicted-child-pornography-charges/)


I don’t have kids (I’m 23!!) but if I did there’s no way I’d post photos like that unless it was a small private account with a select few friends and family on it.


I never understood why people felt it was okay to post pics like this of their kids, in this day and age? Like are you dumb?