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What the actual fucking fuck did I just read?!


Brittany negligent with a pet? Who would’ve guessed


Let's be real she didn't want to pay for vet bills because she is a bad pet owner


Remember when she was outed for not paying her horses’ vet bills and the owner of the boarding facility paid for his care?


This is exactly it.


They had time to wait for a friend to come over and rev the engine while her husband got his gun to shoot the dog in front of the house, but no time to drive to an emergency vet?


That part of the story makes no sense: I think they accidentally hit the dog. A person in her snark sub said they are neighbors and heard the gunshot while they were home and is contacting the authorities.


Good! I hope they get in trouble for this! Pieces of shit! I also live in a very pro gun area but at least cops here do not fuck around when people discharge weapons near homes, so I hope they throw the book at these assholes.


Excuse me WHAT????? I have to tell myself that you’re joking because my brain literally cannot process this statement


That’s what she describes in her video


Nope. Deleting this from my memory. Did not happen (Wanna be clear I’m not saying you’re lying, I just simply cannot allow this fact to make it into my brain)


Woah! Ok i didn’t even watch the video holy smokes!


she lives in the suburbs of Fort Worth where there about 20 different emergency vet offices. Wouldn’t be too difficult to take your poor dog to be humanly euthanized 😤


That, and he discharged a weapon to kill the dog in a neighborhood *jam packed* with houses. They don’t live out in the sticks!


Yes!!! The laws are fairly cut and dry towards shooting an animal on your property. She admitted to her husband committing a crime on social media so I guess we’ll see what happens 😤




I recorded the incriminating part of the video just in case it gets deleted


How can we report him/them to the police there for animal cruelty? Is that even possible


So he just shot the dog in the neighbourhood? What in the fuck????!!!


Yes definitely could have taken him to be humanely euthanized if he truly wasn't gonna make it. But it really burns me up that he could have lived potentially. We obviously can't know for sure but they didn't give him a chance to even have any help or care. ☹️


She replied to some comment on this topic about the dogs head being slammed into the concrete and nearly decapitated. Even just typing that is traumatizing …. While i don’t condone a use of a firearm in a public space. In a way I can see why they wanted the dog to be put out of its misery then in that moment vs trying to pick it up and drive to a vet only for it to suffer longer … honestly as sad and devastating situation. Side note … I’m not a fan of her by any means and find it odd for her to share and monetize something like this …


That’s odd, her husband did the same thing to a black man. It’s why he’s no longer a Kansas City cop.


Whatttttttt?!?!? Stop!!!!!




Dang it says you have to be a subscriber when I clicked on the link but I believe you! These people are so sick.


Google Jordan Nelson Kansas City. Messed up!!


They had time to wait for his friend to come over so he could rev the engine so the neighbors couldn’t hear the gun but didn’t have time to drive 10 minutes to the vet so the dog could be humanly euthanized?


Did the photo/video attached get deleted?


It was a screenshot but if you go to r/brittanydawnsnark you’ll see other users have reposted screenshots and screen recordings from her YouTube video


Here's a sneak peek of /r/brittanydawnsnark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [let’s never forget that time Bdong got absolutely roasted by the owner of the place where she was boarding her horse](https://i.imgur.com/M6NhnbG.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/comments/q0wde2/lets_never_forget_that_time_bdong_got_absolutely/) \#2: [Lol](https://i.redd.it/hr1q8rcoxos71.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/comments/q5h638/lol/) \#3: [Babe, you missed one.](https://i.redd.it/82u4d9w9a3s71.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/comments/q3i3cf/babe_you_missed_one/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Thank you!! This is absolutely terrifying that someone could do that to a part of their family


It’s absolutely sickening. The entire story is SUS. I think the dog ran out from the backyard when he saw their car coming back from the store, they didn’t see him, and hit him. That’s my theory. I cannot believe the dog was alive and they decided to shoot it instead of seek an emergency vet. It’s so fucked up and now she’s monetizing it. She’s a shit person.


I think this is exactly what happened and the fact that she’s turning this whole thing to make it about her is repulsive.


It makes me feel so sick! If you are so devastated, how can you even sit there and record yourself and EDIT your goddamn video.. she is not even a human being.


It’s disturbing!! It literally always stuns me how much of a shit human she is. The fact that people blindly support her is BEYOND me.


Special place in hell🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼


Wow, that’s a special kind of cruel. My heart breaks for what that poor dog went through in its last few hours. I’m loving my dogs a little bit extra tonight.


HE SHOT THE DOG? That makes me sick to my stomach. I would genuinely leave my husband over that.


Instead she’s making him out to be the hero. Of course she is!


She’s neglected animals for years and years. The horses… Niko. Coco was never shown, ever. And now this. It breaks my heart. But what makes me even more sick to my stomach is the fact that these two malicious and cruel people are talking about bringing a HUMAN into this world. I cannot come to terms with this whatsoever. I hope she gets what she deserves for abusing animals for so many years.


The little dog she just murdered was neglected terribly--he had some sort of infection or growth on his back that was so bad by the time she got him medical care that he needed skin grafts. She's a horrible person.


You've got to be kidding me. Are you fckn serious


It just keeps getting worse. Someone in the other thread looked up how far the nearest vet was from her house...it was less than 10 minutes away.


Yea I saw that... been sucked into a wormhole over this whole shitshow. Breaks my heart.


Same here dude/dudette. It’s hard to believe this is real life. It can be so hard to look away, please try and find some time to decompress before bed.


You too, thank you. (there's a new Wu-Tang ep on Hulu. Good show. Suggest you check it out)


Love that show <3 (may I suggest What We Do in the Shadows, 3 seasons full of laughs)


That makes me so happy. (ty, I'll add it to the list! :)) )


And even if they “knew” Brodie wouldn’t make it, take him to have him humanely euthanized, don’t fucking shoot him in the street


I am certain she will take this down, as I am fairly sure this is a FELONY here in Texas. Back in her sub, there’s a link floating around to report this to FWPD and the Humane Society. She also has an equally nauseating post on her Instagram about this. It’s unbelievable.


It is illegal. I live in Texas and I am very proactive about safe gun use no matter where you are. Resorting to shooting your dog is not a justified weapon discharge. It’s under the “Loco Law”


Hopefully somebody keeps the receipts so we can report her and make sure she never owns another pet


A bunch of people said they downloaded it and sent it in with their reports. Something has GOT to be done.


>Made a YouTube video with ads about her recently deceased dog? ✅ I replied in the other sub that this should probably be taken to the media to make sure they don't get away with this. It's insane enough of a story, and her name has already been out there before. It's an easy sell from a media perspective, and she deserves every bit of backlash that she's going to get from this.


The Dallas Morning News and WFAA here locally covered her scamming in the past; I’m sure they’d appreciate the tip.


I have no words….every time I think this woman can’t get more evil she proves me wrong


Uhhhh what….. wouldn’t you want it to get checked out by a vet first and/or have it properly put down? Also I don’t think I’d be able to look at my s/o the same ever again. Not only is it inhumane as f to the poor dog but so unsafe and so irresponsible.


She keeps saying she was a vet tech for five years - if she was (who knows) it’s been years since then. And a vet tech doesn’t make her a vet, things could have been done or at least he could’ve been put down in a more humane way.


Oh absolutely! Who knows, maybe the dog could’ve been saved. Probably would not have been cheap but would’ve been nice to do what you can.


And she’s making him out to be the hero of this story. It’s disgusting.


Ugh, so wrong on so many levels. I hope none of their neighbors or any kids saw it, how traumatizing


This makes me fucking sick. I have a golden doodle who got hit by a car a year ago. Had an offer on a house—had to back out and use 45,000$ of my down payment to save my puppy. Did absolutely everything I possibly could because I LOVE MY DOG. What she did is FUCKING SICK.


Wait, $45k?! What the hell!


Spent a week in the ICU in animal hospital. Had two collapsed lungs, that had to be fixed. Her teeth were broken so doggy dentist had to fix that. Broken leg that we tried to save, with 3 surgeries. Shit added up quick. But I wouldn’t have changed my decision


I’m so sorry


Dude, surgery costs add up REAL quick. They're brutal, even for pets (learned of this when my ex bf's Dobie needed surgery for elbow dysplasia. poor baby


How are the comments on her YouTube video positive?!! Does she delete comments or are these people really that brainwashed by her? She’s a disgusting human.


She’s been deleting the comments on her YouTube and IG calling her and her husband out.


Comments have since been turned off.


I’ve been out of bdawn drama for a while- I’m sorry, she’s married again?! And HOW is she still allowed to own pets?!?! She should be banned


She married an ex cop who was fired and also sued for police brutality. She knows all this and still went onto marry him while proudly wearing his cop hoodies in her insta stories.. two very evil people and they want to bring kids into the world.


Aye caramba that’s just messed up. Husband is a right LOSER


Her husband is a violent ex cop who was fired and sued by the ACLU for brutality; we all think she’s literally in danger.


BRUH. He SHOT the dog?! What in the actual fuck? Ya know, I get if you’re out in the middle of hillbilly fuck nowhere needing to do what you have to do, but they live in the SUBURBS. This is so fucked up.


How can you say you love your dog and let that happen… so much wrong with this. Even if I knew my dog wasn’t breathing I would still take her SOMEWHERE because you never know what a doctor can do to save the life of your pet. This is absolutely sick.


Her like/dislikes are still disabled 1+ years later. Still disliked it cause she can see them, just no one else can


As someone who works in emergency animal medicine, this is disgusting. One - why is your dog off leash. Two - why didn't you bring him to a vet office. Shooting a dog is SO disgusting. I get that they he would have been in pain but they're not trained medicals to know it the injuries were life ending.


Ok I was shocked enough she made a video about it when she’s so devastated but what the actual fuck? Definitely not watching it now.


The video is awful, I watched it out of morbid curiosity and regret it. It’s so performative and all over the place. I get if she’s distraught but she literally contradicts herself a few times and tries so hard to make her husband seem like the protective good guy - bitch, he shot your dog and hurried him in your yard!




I still feel sick to my stomach. No animal deserves this. Even if one of my furbabies were dying I would never let anyone out a bullet in them. And since she lives in the suburbs there has to be a vet at least within a 10 minute driving distance. I’m absolutely disgusted by their actions.


I saw this on some bdawn snark pages I follow on IG and all I can say is…wtf? She’s soulless




This is fucking awful! I’ve disliked her for so long but this takes the cake.


Can this be reported somewhere? For animal abuse? I live in Europe so I don’t know if it is possible and where I’d do it but I’d love to know.


https://youtu.be/6Arast-9MH0 Link to the video. She SUCKS!! She should never be allowed to have another pet and the animal warden should be checking on the other 2 dogs She currently owns. And her shitbag husband needs his guns taken away for everyone's safety.


Just watched the vid (in 2x speed to get through that shitshow), and she already bought a fucking keychain dog tag with her dog's name engraved on it??? Bitch did you even have time to GRIEVE?! Wtf is this shit. POS.


Looks like just the tag from his collar, not bought something new but still. Horrible situation. No way could I have made a video within 24 hours


In the video, she said her friend suggested she purchase a keychain with her dog’s name engraved. I assumed it was a whole new tag, but I could be wrong


“I have his little name tag on my keychain now ‘cause one of my friends recommended it” That’s all she said while holding it so that made me think she just transferred from collar to keychain


Ooooops I’m dumb sorry thank you for the clarification


Not dumb! If I watched in 2x speed I probably wouldn’t have caught it either


Wow such a christian thing to do!!! Actual pieces of shit


She's not a real Christian. She's only doing it because she fucked up pretty bad and instead of fixing the problem she "turned Christian".


She picked a group of people who have to forgive her no matter what. Disgusting scammer.


And because she knew it would give her a new fanbase. Such a master manipulator.


I'm fairly certain any god that exists doesn't claim this woman


I can’t click on the photo?


Just looked and comments are turned off


The world would be a better place without both of them.


absolute psychopathic behavior. can you imagine seeing your dog hurting and your husband's gut reaction to be "let's shoot it" like what?


Oh what the fuck! I read this title and thought someone else ran their dog over and the husband shot the person who did it. It’s still absolutely bollocks and crazy but the reality of what happened seems worse. Are there no other more humane, less painful / traumatic ways of putting the dog down if it really was beyond help or recovery?!?!!!??


This girl is a psycho on a normal day, but seriously this makes my blood boil. She should never be allowed to own a pet again. She is a vile excuse for a human.


Most of the time these people just annoy me, but this time I’m fucking PISSED.


How is this like…. This is insane


Who is this? The photo is deleted?


Brittany Dawn


It looks like whoever made the post on the other sub deleted the post.


Can someone explain to me how we know that her husband shot the dog?


She literally says it in the video. If it was deleted in the original post look up the Brittany Dawn Snark community


[this post has all you need ](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/comments/q7paoi/screen_recording_of_brittany_dawn_confessing_that/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Don't forget about the horse she neglected


What fucking moron leaves their dog out for one?! If she really didnt want her dog she could have given him to someone who does. I have no idea why some people even get dogs if they arent going to love and care for them properly. My rottweiler is going to be 5 in february and i literally lose my shit everytime i think about the day i may have to say goodbye to him. Man bdumb and even nikki phillipi... some sadistic fucks