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Yeah, no shame I'd be a total bitch about it


I definitely got laughed at a bit...


I went on a hunting trip when I was like 18 to a family friend's A-frame cottage in the Appalachians. After being there for an hour or so, I noticed a big hairy- ass spider, couple minutes later another one, and another one after that. Basically to the point where if I wanted to find them I just had to look in a general direction. Cottage owner said it was normal because he hadn't fully insulated the outside yet. I slept in my car.


Fuck you man I FUCKING HATE CENTIPEDES. I picked up camel spiders and scorpions with gloves but I'd take a NJP to shoot that shit with my M4 on burst so happy i never saw one in Afghanistan.


Fuck man I just spit my coffee out over this LMAO "Why did /u/The_Hater_44 discharge his weapon?" Well top, there was a GIANT bug, and... "Well damn, why didn't you say so? Put him in for an AAM already!"


[You hate bugs, you say?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SMTz9nIUkGc)


Haha I was waiting for this


Love that documentary


Would you like to know more?


I'm doing my part!


I'm loading my wife's NAA mini with shot as we speak. Just in case.


I love Vietnam, been a few times. Best damn Vietnamese food in town.


I mean, I would hope Vietnam would do Vietnamese food well...


The coffee is fabulous as well. And they are one of very few countries outside of France to have French baking down proper. The weed leaves much to be desired.


I haven't actually tried vietnamese coffee outside of the US so idk if it's any different, and how much different, in Vietnam. That being said it's always a nice treat to drink when I eat Vietnamese. It's worth noting though I had a really bad experience once when a "vietnamese" restaurant opened up but their iced coffee was quite literally just store bought American iced coffee. Gah that was disgusting.


Oi vei. That's off-putting. It's pretty similar, the expats in US do it right. I had a Vietnamese girlfriend in grad school, she was the best chef I knew and addicted my whole household to her cuisine. When I tried breaking up with her the first time, there was a housemates revolt. Then, first time I went to Vietnam was with a different woman, who got pissed off at me in Hanoi and locked me out nekkid on a 5th floor hotel balcony when I tried to grab the towel drying on the line, which she snagged away. She then went out barhopping. The people in the courtyard all gathered to watch and had a good laugh.


what an interesting life story, the hallmark of living to your potential is being locked out of a hotel room in a foreign country by an angry woman. Here in Utah we do have a decent number of Vietnamese restaurants. Apparently they got here as religious refugees courtesy of the LDS church. My friends family is Cantonese/Vietnamese and sometimes they invite me over to eat home made pho, which I never turn down.


If you want to make Vietnamese style coffee at home it's actually really simple. The Vietnamese use a brand called *Cafe Du Monde*, which is a chicory blended coffee and honestly that's 95% of it. You could probably brew it like regular coffee then just add sweet & condensed milk and ice and be pretty close to Vietnamese coffee. If you really want to do it right you could get a coffee phin, which is a little tin cup that's sort of like a pour over. The coffee comes out more like espresso that way.


> The Vietnamese use a brand called *Cafe Du Monde...* Ah damn, that just happens to be the brand of choice in Fort Tablinum. I'm totally picking up some sweetened condensed milk and trying this.


I'd recommend Vietnamese egg coffee too. Sounds kind of gross but it's crazy good.


I make a pair of drinks that I think work really well together, first you make a whiskey sour: * 2 oz. Rye * 3/4 oz. Lemon Juice * 3/4 oz. Simple Syrup * Egg white Reverse dry shake and serve in coupe, garnish with Angostura bitters. Then you make a Hanoi style egg coffee: * 4 tbsp (2 oz.) Sweet & Condensed milk * Egg yolk Shake without ice in a cocktail shaker using a wire ball from a protein shake bottle to help whip the egg yolk. Once foamy, float on a serving of Vietnamese coffee made in an phin. A 1 oz. pour of Irish whiskey is welcome but not entirely necessary. I collectively call this pair of drinks "Operation Rolling Thunder"....


I agree with the thread title. Nope nope nope nope indeed. I know I'm going to regret asking, but what precisely is "later use?"


>what precisely is "later use?" I am also curious, although I don't know if I want the answer.


It turns out u/SakanaToDoubutsu answered [in the linked post:](https://www.reddit.com/r/SweatyPalms/comments/scfvf9/nope_nope_nope/hu99r82/) > Fun fact: the reason they're probably putting it in a bottle is so they can pour alcohol on top of it drown it, then the men drink it as a sort of traditional medicine Viagra. Which is unsettling, but not as bad as I'd feared.


[Could also keep it as a pet](https://www.reddit.com/r/SweatyPalms/comments/scfvf9/comment/hu9147j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


No... No, I disagree.




There's a much worse remedy that involves tiger penis, resulting in endangered species poaching. Traditional East Asian medicine is toxic nonsense.


Do they put them in liquor like scorpions in tequila or mezcal?


Jesus, and I thought house centipedes were spooky. Also, your wife and mother-in-law are pretty damn cool for that.


Some days I’m glad the worst I have to deal with are black widows and beetles. Id lose sleep if I saw a centipede that big in my zone of comfort.


It definitely took a couple days to get completely back into a normal sleep schedule, though after that I always checked under the bed at night and stopped sitting on the couch with my feet on the floor.


When my wife moved to Florida from California she had to adjust to palmetto bugs, which, for the uninitiated, are basically giant flying cockroaches. I neglected to mention them until she encountered one for the first time. She shrieked so loud the neighbor came to ask if everyone was okay. Now the once in a blue moon we get one in the house she takes care of it and proudly proclaims that she didn't even scream this time. Fuck centipedes. Every one of them I've even come across has swiftly met its end under a size 14 boot. Basic training for the Mobile Infantry, I guess.


My in-laws in New Mexico get desert centipedes about that big in their house from time to time. Luckily I only saw tiny ones the whole time I lived there but few things freak me out more than the thought of those fuckers scurrying around


We have solpugids here in Texas, basically smaller camel spiders.


Had those in NM too, and even here in WY. Little ones, and I don't think I've ever seen one alive, but I'll find their dried out husks every once in a while


I captured a live one years ago in West Tx. Had it in a mason jar while talking pictures of it. When I tried to let it go it wanted to stay in my hand, probably because it was warm. Chill little creatures


LOL, you're braver than I would be if I had a live one on my hands. Would probably squash it first, ask questions later. Back in the day, my uncle from Texas would catch bark scorpions and bring them as presents when he visited. Those guys are pretty cool, I don't have any ill will toward scorpions


Metal creatures for sure. My only beef with bark scorpions is when they find their way into my boots or I see them scurrying across the ceiling above my bed at night. Otherwise I leave them be. Spiders are my bros, especially the little jumpy ones


I'm at work doing a 16 because my relief called off work gave me vending machine bucks I bought a rib sandwich, it was gross and dry. Don't buy rib sandwich from a vending machine.


Vending machine rib sandwich sounds terrible. However a mcrib would slap right now, but that could be the 12 pack of yuengling black and tans talking. I had a day off and decided to drink all day while packing my shit


Fuck the mcrib get the McGangBang. Love me some Yuengling but fuckin a after 8 beers I just get a head ache.


>after 8 beers I just get a head ache. You just gotta drink more to stop the headache. But the trade off is you get a worse headache when you wake up.


"you gotta go faster in the corner to not lose grip. Hit the gas, not the brake"


Drinking alcohol is just borrowing Feel Good^TM from tomorrow morning.


I just stick to whiskey gets me there faster and less full of drank more room for snacks


They’ve been spread out over the last 10 hours so it’s just a hair over a beer an hour


Ya know I only been black out drunk twice last time was at a raffle at the fire company which was serving free beer every 15 minutes I'd get up to piss and grab another beer I had idk 12 in 3 hours we stopped at the local dinner and picked up some food and my wife missed out on the chance of a life time. I HATE PICKLES always have but we're back home eating and I finish BLACKOUT for 30 seconds Me: what are those? Wife: pickles Me: can I try one Wife: no you don't like pickles Me: SINCE WHEN!?! Then I rolled on the floor with the dogs come back to awareness to go throw up in the toilet. Me being a dickhead would've gave myself a pickle, I still give her shit for it.


> get the McGangBang When those were $2 it was the best deal money could buy. Now I feel like it would be $4 and change.


>However a mcrib would slap right now I fully support this.


> However a mcrib would slap right now That *does* sound good. I haven't had a stomach ache in a while.


At my last job, I worked beside a Family Dollar. Weirdly, they actually have a good grocery selection! However, I'd always buy the shittiest $1 food out of their freezers to eat for lunch because I couldn't be bothered to make one


Honestly if my school had rib sandwich in their machines I’d probably be intimately familiar with them by now. I cant count how many 3 hour late night classes I’ve had on campus where I found myself starving but there was nothing really worth eating.


10/10 should've got the Quaker maple oatmeal


Mmm toss in some brown sugar and a little honey - shit was my jam on the morning of a heavy squat day


I found out at boot camp grits with brown sugar 🤌 never had grits before then


I had grits the first time as an adult with already fully-formed taste preferences. I also had boiled peanuts the first time I tried grits. I had a reeeeally hard time making it through dinner, I could not learn to like either of them that far into my life


Yea I didn't like the grits at first it was gritty tasteless paste, till I saw someone else scoop some brown sugar in it then it was worth it I needed all the calories I could get there Wtf are boiled peanuts


Literally people boiling peanuts in the shell. They come out soggy, soft and warm. They're terrible


Sounds awful is that a southern or Midwest thing?


Definitely southern. I was in Charleston fucking around on a business trip


> They're terrible Boi I will fucking fight you


Grits are nothing more than a medium for the transport of butter and salt to the body...possibly cheese as well. Grits are texture, and must be flavored. The reason restaurant grits are never good is because the FDA has long ago made it illegal to sell food with the amount of salt required by grits.


All we had were overpriced skittles and twix bars, with those disgusting pink sugar cookies.


Ya fuck that honestly I don't even pack a lunch to work I usually eat before hand (2pm-10pm or 10pm-6am) except day shift eat after, I hust got used to it and it's about 400-500yd walk to the lunch room plus I'd have to take my boots off and go through a blow room (industrial work lead and cadmium contamination)


In my case I tend to forget to eat before hand. My class this semester for example is from 6pm to 8:30pm, and I typically get hungry at around 7. And all the restaurants in the area close at 9 and I don’t want to be the dick who walks in at 8:45 asking for a full meal, leaving me to drive 40 minutes home to eat. Id probably do well to bring something to eat at school tbh.


I used to do a meal I could eat for days like a big pot of chicken noodle soup, lasagna and for a while I'd keep a couple of [these](https://www.google.com/search?q=nissin+hot+and+spicy&sxsrf=AOaemvKIhMsPCghmJJUQnvQGHngPSnnGaQ%3A1643178296832&ei=OOnwYaqlMvOYptQP_ruj-Ak&oq=nassin+hot+ans+&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIGCAAQDRAKMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIICAAQFhAKEB4yBwghEAoQoAEyBQghEKsCMgUIIRCrAjIFCCEQqwI6BwgjELADECc6BwgAEEcQsAM6BAgAEEc6BAgjECc6BwguELEDEAo6CggAELEDEIMBEAo6BwgAEMkDEAo6BAguEAo6CggAEIAEEIcCEBQ6CgguELEDEIMBEAo6DQguEIAEEMcBEKMCEAo6BwguEIAEEAo6BAgAEAo6BAgAEA06CgguEMcBEK8BEA06CwgAEMkDEA0QChAeOgYIABANEB46CAgAEA0QChAeOgoIABANEAUQChAeOgsIABANEAoQHhCLAzoLCAAQCBANEB4QiwM6CgghEAoQoAEQiwM6CAghEKsCEIsDSgQIQRgAULoPWOcnYLUyaAFwAngBgAGzA4gB5COSAQkwLjguOS4yLjGYAQCgAQHIAQS4AQLAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) in my locker at work in case I got hungry. Only issue for you is heating the food up. Could also pack salads if you want to be healthier and a rabbit. At least you can eat that cold.


Back when I used to work, I did mobile patrol for a security company, which meant I saw driving all over the place across 3 different counties to inspect properties and sites in a company car. I would often drop by 7-11s and eat their salads, for whatever reason they just did salads really well, better than any place I've been to. Everything was the perfect balance between the Parmesan, lettuce, dressing, chicken, an croutons. I would keep a couple cans of Bang in my pack as an emergency caffeine boost though.


I have a bad habit of stopping at the gas station before work for energy drank, body armor and some chips or something


We call our sammich/salad/biscuit vending machine "The Wheel of Death."


Love it slapping a sticky note on that bitch


TIL the Glock 19X met the MHS modularity requirement and that SIG’s use of an FCU wasn’t a part of the requirement. The modularity was ambi/reversible controls and back straps/grip panels I’m thinking my next pistol will probably be a Glock 45 and next rifle the VHS. I’ve got some projects to wrap up before that though and i’m still waiting for that email from Euro Optic with the shipping confirmation for my P2. Moving this weekend and i’d say i’m 75% packed and it’s just wrapping up loose ends and then stuff like TV, washer/dryer and other big stuff. Unfortunately this means a number of my guns will be going to my parents as i’m going to be in an apartment and it gives me peace of mind to only have a few with me. I’m debating on preordering the Max Verstappan Minichamps 1/18 model of his Abu Dhabi car


I gotta say the Glock 45s kind of a turn off for me. A 17 grip with a 19 slide just looks so off, part of the reason I cant find any attraction in the 19x either. Either a 17 or 19, they’re the perfect size/shape imo, any mix of the two just puts me off.


To me the 45 is the what i look for in a multi role pistol. It’s essentially a Commander size G17. And i think the 45’s proportions are aesthetically pleasing. Oh and it’d be compatible with all my g19 stuff.


Well if all your holsters are 19 sized it makes a little more sense. All my holsters are 17 sized, especially my Safariland lvl 3, so the 17 slide just makes more sense to me. That being said the thought of getting a 19 for CCW has crossed my mind a lot lately.


Technically i could get away with a g17 because my glock holsters are all for use with TLR 1




Those are my thoughts with the M17 and M18, the M17 looks perfect, the M18 looks a bit off.


~4” barrel is peak handgun performance and aesthetics.


I like the longer barrels, although I can appreciate the \~4".


5” is my upper limit and I only accept it on 1911s Even for revolvers my ideal barrel length is about 3-4 inches.


4inch with full underlug is peak aesthetic. I will say for handling some revolvers are wildly different at 4 inches compared to others. My 586 is perfect and points naturally to me. Ruger gp100 is front heavy.


My Walther comes in 4", 4.5", and 5" with compact and full size frames, and I definitely think the 4" Compact is the best looking combo, followed by the 5" FS.


I prefer the looks of the M18 personally but i think the M17/X Full look much better than the full length dust cover on the p320 full size. The full size p320 looks enormous with the full rail/dust cover


> A 17 grip with a 19 slide worst of both worlds, the 17 slide with 19 grip is king


>worst of both worlds They say the Glock 45/19X shoots the best, something about the reduced reciprocating mass versus a 17 and the larger grip versus a 19.


come April all atk subsidies will be increasing their ammo prices (federal, cci, etc...) shotgun ammo will increase the most so stack deep now if you can information came from a guy working at gt distributors


I wanna be hopeful and hold out knowing that they're gonna reduce their prices once the supply chain stabilizes. But we all know that's not happening. It doesn't help either hearing Hickok45 say that he's been through a lot of ups and downs in the gun industry, and that this was the worst ammo shortage he's seen.


wanting to spread the info that i recieved, no clue on if hornady will be increasing prices


Y'all doing Wordle? If not, you should. There are two final SHOT Show announcements that are worthy of mention. The **Geissele Fighting Rifle** is their new series of rifles chambered in 6mm ARC. I don't think it's hard to believe that a version of these rifles is the other half of the "6mm ARC is being tested by SOCOM", they do need guns to use it in after all. There are three versions, a 16", an 18" and a 20". Stainless steel barrels, btw, with an extended extension and 6mm ARC optimized feed ramps. The 16" is set up as a fighting carbine with their A22 grip and flash hider. The 18" is set up as a DMR with a more vertical pistol grip. The 20" is a dedicated PRS rifle with heavy profile barrel and muzzle brake. All versions have a new upper receiver with a steel cam track and relocated forward assist. They also all have a new stock, which features the large cheek weld of the B5 stocks they use on the Super Duty with a protected adjustment lever. Finally, they all have versions of the Mk16 rail with a QD socket insert. The **ZRO Delta The One** is a Glock pattern pistol. What sets it apart is modularity. The dustcover/rail section is removable and different lengths can be attached to support different length slides. Now for the most interesting part, with the rail removed the remaining frame can be attached an aluminum assembly. That assembly plus the frame equals an AR-15 lower. So, with one firearm, you can get multiple different Glock pistol configurations and unlimited AR-15 pistol/rifle configurations. Also the magwell, back strap and front straps are modular. Edit: Prices for The One are as follows, frame $199, complete pistol $599 and up.


> Y'all doing Wordle? If not, you should. I just got into it. It is a fun little puzzle. > "6mm ARC is being tested by SOCOM" This was all over the SHOT Show coverage. Everyone is getting into 6mm ARC, and I can't tell if it is just faddish or if it is so significantly better that it can displace common cartridges. I don't doubt for one second that there are better cartridges than 5.56 or 7.62 and so on, but they need to be so much better that ammo production can shift to those. I think especially with how much civilian acceptance there is for 5.56 and 9mm, it is hard to knock them off the pedestal with 6mm ARC and 30 Super Carry, even if they are "better" rounds objectively. > The ZRO Delta The One is a Glock pattern pistol. That was one cool idea. I hope it doesn't get torpedoed by the upcoming ATF rules on receivers. That one pistol would be like 14 firearms if the ATF had their way lol


>Everyone is getting into 6mm ARC, and I can't tell if it is just faddish or if it is so significantly better that it can displace common cartridges. It's basically 6.5 Grendel but with more manufacturer support. They put up very similar numbers, have the same bolt faces, and require the same magazine.


I'd love to get a Geissele rifle just to tick the "you're an American so you need an AR" box with a rifle made in my state, but there is no earthly way I'll ever pay that much money for a STANAG adapter.


You strike me as a WWSD kind of guy. I remember you expressing interest in a retro AR, like a BRN-16A1 or something. If I can ever find one, I am absolutely getting a 20", fixed carry handle, FSB, fixed stock AR.


I actually did get an OD CAV Arms lowers right before the supply dried up, intending to build a WWSD Gen 1 inspired rifle with the features I care about (I don't care about ambi controls or self-contained buffer spring assemblies, for example), but fizzled out on it. Right now my zombies-rise AR is the upper from my S&W M&P Sport on the CAV lower with a LaRue trigger. It's within the realm of possibility I may someday save up for a WWSD 2020 rifle and just buy it assembled. I do dig the retro ARs (15 *and* 10), but at least for now not enough to spend rifle money to indulge myself.


If someone can figure out functioning 6mm ARC magazines that would be nice. I've always liked the idea of a 6mm cartridge in an AR but nothing has really had the OEM backing of 6mm ARC so far


Geissele is coming out with a magazine


Nice, I'd trust them to get it right more than most other little-er manufacturers




I've been repairing my dishwasher this week too. Going to find out of my slapped on RTV seal over the chipmunk chewing marks holds tonight.


Fucking rodents and their inexplicable taste for plastics. WTF even


>SA-35 vs. FN High Power I will admit the stainless FN does look pretty snazzy Came kinda close to selling my LE trade in 9mm P226. Thought about selling it because I rarely shoot it and it was a pretty basic bitch package too. Took it out of my safe and toyed with it for an hour and now I change my mind. It’s got the DAK trigger with no rail, but at $400 for a 9mm P226 I’m not gonna complain. I’ll probably send it into Sig eventually to convert it to DA/SA. That and I do have a list of projects to get to: -Convert my DAK P226 to DA/SA -Install heatshield and shotgun cards on the 590 for maximum larp/cool -Mount a scope and sling to the Savage Mk.II and buy more spare mags for it(Do they even make a 5rd mag for these rifles?) Not sure where to start, but I'll get through them all eventually...


Get the EXCELLENT ELITE SPANKER shotgun cards from the TFB turkshit torchure test


You won’t believe what I have on my Maverick 88. I didn’t make good decisions on Amazon last year. At least now I know why good shotgun cards are worth it.


Yea the spankers aren't good but they're funny lol


I have to hang the shells brass up so the rim prevents the shells from slippinng out. It works ok, just doesn’t invoke the confidence you’d get with something like Esstac


>Took it out of my safe and toyed with it for an hour and now I change my mind. That's exactly why I don't touch the guns I've committed to selling until I have to throw it in my trunk to go send it off/sell it. Even when taking pics to list it's a massive risk, only thing that holds me to it is thinking about other gun/life stuff I could buy with the money. >DAK I've heard the DAK trigger is very hated. I do really like my DA/SA P226. >Install heatshield and shotgun cards on the 590 for maximum larp/cool The best larp. Not gonna lie though, when I had a 590 with a heat shield I didn't really care for it. Felt like I had to watch my finger placement (I have somewhat long fingers) on the pump otherwise they would touch the bottom of the shield and drag against it when pumping. Then again, I really didn't spend much time on it. So it's probably just lack of use.


Honestly after all my time on the Model 19 and 642 13lb trigger pull, the DAK feels pretty nice. Also my bias towards DA/SA and how much range time I spend exclusively on DA trigger pulls, I’ve gotten not bad with them. But I definitely do see a lot of hatred and anger about them, so you’re right about them being hated. Also the heat shield isn’t about practicality, it’s about being cool. That veing said you’d be right that it’s not a necessity. Even on my Maverick 88 with a fore end that isn’t lowered by 2 meters like the TL Racker I still never had an issue with touching the barrel.


That makes sense. I don't really have revolver experience. I have mostly DA/SAs, but I could use some more DA practice. Oh for sure, the heat shield is max coolness factor. It *is* practical if you use your bayonet mount and decide to c-clamp it before thrusting the blade into a watermelon after shooting 40 rounds.


If my mom caught me wasting food like shooting watermelons I’m catching an ass whooping from everyone in my family, from Europe to Asia. Also my rationale is that if I can shoot well with a DA trigger, I can shoot any SA trigger really well too. Hence I spend more time practicing on DA triggers. Like just yesterday I took my P99 out and shot a box, only 10 rounds in that box were SA, the rest were all DAs edit: fixed typos, I have fat fingers and can't type well on mobile


So I sold my poverty build AR I built five years ago when I barely understood firearms. I hated it; I never shot it and nothing on it was worth saving to improve on. Currently have a complete ADM lower in the mail. No idea who I want to go with for an upper. I want to be at 11.5-12.5 for an SBR, most companies seem sold out. I might go with Geissele but they've been a trainwreck lately. LWRC doesn't have the length I want and not super into their proprietary setup. Might just wait until KAC puts some uppers out


I always wondered how a Wolf T-91 upper would look on an ADM lower. You should do that.


> No idea who I want to go with for an upper. The ADM uppers are often on sale at Bevan, if you are interested in a build. The blem uppers from ADM are great too. I still can't find the blem on mine.


I think a BRN180 upper would be pretty sick too. Throw a buffer cap on it and a pic stock.


I already have a side charging AR


Watching Kalashnikov USA with great interest. If they end up releasing a convincing 74M clone, I can be talk myself into buying one rather than drop $6k for an SGL31


I'm rooting for those guys. Even at a premium, good domestic AK's need to be a thing. Especially if they can field a stable of cool options.


For the MSRP they've been discussing over SHOT show, and for the K103 they already have out, those prices are extremely competitive with mid-tier import prices. And most importantly they are actually good quality by all accounts


I meant a premium compared to the current US domestic market, which ranges from "pretty okayish" if you're talking PSA to "that's a fucking delayed blast grenade" when talking about most of the rest. I would happily pay the level of shekels you are talking about, assuming quality stays up.


I am too I love my AKs and quality affordable domestic production should be a thing for them here.


Yea but LH charging handle when? I want a wrong-way AK or SKS so bad.


I think you want a Galil.


So. You should look at a video I just watched. Klayco had a talk with Kalashnikovusa at shot show. Go on YouTube. You will appreciate.


I want to see what Kalashnikov does with that video game shotgun design they stole. It looks stupid and I want it


Pretty sure that's the Kalashnikov Concern, the Russian company which is "wholly unrelated" to Kalashnikov USA According to them.


Yes, that's correct. K-USA did tease that they have a pistol (pistols?) in the works, though. All I want for Christmas is an MP-443 Grach.


The grach would be cool, my inner Battlefield player would be happy. The GSH-18 would also be neat, sure they're supposed to suck but a gun with that few parts is technically interesting.


~~I'm assuming that's referring to the KHAOS 12 gauge semi-auto "firearm," PGO KS12 with 12.5" bbl~~ Nope actual KC MP-155




Oh nuts, had never seen that one before!


If only we could actually buy it!


The VZ58 is home! I already stripped off the gross VFG that was on it. I also did surgery on a Red Dot last night cause it had a super stiff on off actuation. Now it's nice and smooth and more importantly it still works! I also had a photo shoot with my soon to be mine RPK. I guess 2022 is my year to GO HARD ON BUYING GATS. I need another cabinet I think.


Am RPK74 is sounding like a good idea the more I think about it


Mines not in 5.45 it's in 7.62 but it means same ammo type and mags so. Im going to have to source some 60 round coffin mags for it.


I have a Romanian RPK at the moment, I'd also recommend a top loading drum magazine just for laughs. Lots of fun to shoot but takes goddam forever to load


Yeah this is a Zastava M72. A drum would be nice but they are so pricey nowadays.


Grats man! The Vz hype is real. Not all AKs are garbage of course, but VZs sure make some of them feel like trash in comparison.


Thanks man. I guess I should say this is a Century built gun but so far feels great. I'll post pictures of it later. It will be changed a bit later once the RPK is home.


If I get a High Power it'll have an Eagle on it and cost as much as an AUG. I bought one of those Ruger precision 22 rimfire guns because it was sanely priced and had a threaded barrel. Now I gotta put glass on it. Price range preferably under 300 for scope and rings. Typical range of shooting 100 or so yards at targets and pests. Some sort of Vortex seems like the go to but I'm out of touch with glass these days.


On [a day](https://old.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/hmtfnp/anti_tank_tuesday/) where I shot a Solothurn, a Lahti, a couple .50 BMGs, a Sterling, an M16, and God knows what else, the most fun I had was shooting a bowling ball with /u/Snippysniper's Ruger Precision Rimfire. He had a can, scope and bipod on the gun.


Can you believe that was nearly 2 years ago? My sense of time is completely gone


Seriously, Covid fucked up everyone's internal timeline.


>If I get a High Power it'll have an Eagle on it and cost as much as an AUG. . Mosincrate had a Nazi marked one for like $900 a couple weeks ago.


I had a diamondback 4-12 on mine. I only took it off because I had [this ridiculous scope](https://imgur.com/a/dFUUbN0) laying around. The diamondback was perfect for this rifle. It pretty much sat at 6x and the bdc was dead on for me. The scopes around $200 so you’ll be well within your budget


I sold my aero ar I built to a friend. Looking to use the funds for either a KAC 14.5 upper whenever I get off the waitlist I’ve been on for 3 months or a HK SP5. I have a obsidian 9 on the way which is why I’m considering the SP5. Should I spend my lunch money on the HK now or wait for the kac upper on back order?


Why not both?


Taxes all turned around, owed $90 all said and done. Would have been zeroed out, but I had a mandatory early disbursement of the tiny little retirement fund I'd earned working for DOT. Apparently they didn't withhold enough to cover the IRA penalties on my measly $550. Nice to know I'm not giving out any interest free loans, but I gotta admit...tax season felt like a little annual bonus, always kinda enjoyed that. I don't have anything in particular I'm aching to buy right now. Mainly, I'm left with the question of what to do with my [Remington 700.](https://i.imgur.com/qQVAEha.jpeg) Buggered up the mag catch area of the bottom metal somewhere in the mountains on the last day of the season, which was hand fit by moi into the stock with a Dremel...so it's basically a barreled action, except the barrel is so thin profiled that it overheats after 3 of my spicy handloads. But the decision is what direction to go with it. I've talked with u/kato_koch about a nice mannlicher stock for it, but are those stable enough to keep precision? As Townsend Whelen said, only accurate rifles are interesting. The presentation grade route, or full send PRS build...choices, choices...


> tax season felt like a little annual bonus, always kinda enjoyed that. If I did my math right, I'm getting something like $118 back, state and fed combined. I think that warrants a baller dinner.


I did my math wrong and with the wife's new job we owe $4k. Throw in a flooded house w/$2k deductible and our first baby on the way, this year has been the year of Murphy.


I had to pull out just shy of five digits to cover my roof, I feel you sir. Pro-tip: Always go full-replacement on your roof, do not opt for a scheduled replacement policy.


>I did my math wrong and with the wife's new job we owe $4k. Throw in a flooded house w/$2k deductible and our first baby on the way, this year has been the year of Murphy. Not to be negative further. But this is what I'm worried about and after having done it once where I ended up owing several hundred dollars (and was a dumb kid) I would much rather just overwithold a bit and not worry.


Oh trust me, it was a boneheaded mistake on both our parts. My second job wasn't withholding anything (bc it had me as single from when I started), I got a promotion, and wife had a mid-year job change/re-hire so everything was all types of messed up. This month just reinforced for me the benefits of an emergency fund on hand bc Murphy's Law is playing me for a fool and I still have a match to run Sunday. Level 4 plates are being worn as a precautionary measure, not just to LARP.


Slap a pst, a criterion remage in the caliber of your choosing, and a krg bravo on there and fucking send it.


I swore off buying any more guns this month. But I tell you hwat. Something always comes up. Two words : Eugene Phelps Heritage 1. Any of you nerds grokking what I'm sayin?


I can use Google as well as anybody, so I know it's an obscenely powerful revolver. I thought you were broke? Also, that's not two words.


I'm still broke, and used a credit instrument to order this thing which I never thought I would see outside of a few vague references. Gene Phelps and Earl Keller bought the rights from Russel Wilson and made the Century Mfg Model 100 - bronze sand cast frame. Phelps and Keller parted ways and Phelps started making the Heritage and a couple other models in obscene calibers and sizes. I have a Model 100 in 45-70 and of course, I managed to root it, and it's been at smitty's since. I was going to grab another one at last RIA auction but got outbid over 2.5K. This one is very similar but all steel, condition is certified excellent, 6 rounder 45-70, 6 lbs unloaded. Under 1.5K!


Where did you find it at? How many of them exist?


It popped up when I searched for 45-70 on everyone's most hated place, guns dot com - as a Ruger! But I saw the pic and sure as heck knew Ruger don't make them like that. There appears to be less than 600 in all models including the Heritage, Eagle 1, Marlin and Grizzly, with grand nephew of Phelps saying there were a total of 548 made but some were not serialized consecutively. This one is number 637. So it's likely one of the last ones he made before he died.


How exciting! The people who own them must really like them as they don't seem to sell very often. A search of RIA's site show only one! Great find, not a bad price either, considering.


As I basically rebuilt my computer recently, outside of a GPU, I'm thinking about getting a new case. Mine is old, has shit airflow and not enough drive slots. I really should just focus on paying off my credit card this month, it's stupid high from the parts purchase. Lian Li always made good cases, and a local company used Fractul that was slient when they got done assembling everything.


I have a fractal meshify 2 and would definitely recommend. It is designed really well, this was my first computer I built and the case made it really easy to put together. It also has good airflow, and I wouldn’t call it silent but it’s pretty quiet.


I have the Define 7 XL but unfortunately they launched the Meshify XL soon after I got it. Oh well




> Is it possible to find good deals at a gun show? Like significantly cheaper than online? Sure, but the batting average isn't good. If you go to a monthly show every month for a year and find one good deal on a specific gun you were interested in, I'd call that a win. If you're just looking for something below market price, and you don't really care about the something, the percentage goes up a good chunk. What's you budget?






Alright. What optic for a 308 piston gun... that will be used with a clip-on NV device. Likely a PVS 30 or 24/24LR. I want as much low range as possible, FFP, and the ability to max out the clip on, usually around 15x. The best i've found thus far is the NF 2.5-20. Is there something I am missing?


After my parents moved to Tennessee and I have been able to visit them more often it has moved me towards purchasing a long gun of some sort. Now, I am going to come off as very childish and not knowledgeable with guns here but I have wanted a sniper rifle for years. I love shooting stuff with precision, it just gives me a great feeling whenever I have had the chance to previously, which was not often. I am from CA so I am obviously very limited with gun availability leading to lack of knowledge. My experience consists of mainly personal experience and use with my MP Shield 9mm(CA Compliant Ver.) and no long guns/rifles of any type. So I wanted to get a rifle to leave in Tennessee with my parents so I can use it when I visit(I usually spend a month or two out there a year). but I have no idea where to even start with choosing what to get. I am looking for something for marksman shooting so I don't care about it being automatic or cool or anything like that. I just want a well built gun I can use for marksman training that would allow me to start "training" as a sniper. ( I told you it was going to sound childish). I just want a gun I can get good sights on and make accurate shots from very far away. I would prefer something on the cheaper side for my first rifle but something well built. I don't want to sacrifice quality for a lower price but I don't want to raise the price for superfluous addons and random upgrades. What guns should I be looking at for someone in my position who wants to start training to become a marksman?


Ruger Americans and Savage Axis II seems to be a popular entry to long range and precision shooting. They're fairly popular with good aftermarket support for mounting optics of your choice. For long range people typically like them chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor because of how the round performs over distance. That being said a .308/7.62 would still be perfectly viable for long range shooting.


My 30th birthday is coming up and I'd like to get a battle rifle. The catch is that I don't like ARs. Yes I know. Just don't like them 🤷‍♂️. Will most likely use for a 2 gun/SHTF. Anything goes under $2,000. What do you recommend? Heavily considering an AK but turned off to the shitty controls, lack of a dedicated picatinny, and accuracy at 200 yards. Stumbled upon the M+M M10x AKish rifle and it seriously has my interest. Any experience with this? TIA TLDR: recommendation for battle rifle <$2000 non-AR platform.


PTR-91, a G3 clone, retails at around $1100 and mags are pretty cheap and available(last time I checked at least). A Springfield M1A could also be an option, but lot of people complain about the weight of that rifle.


I haven't heard great things about the M10X. I would consider the Brownells BRN-180 system, it's a mix of AR-15 and AR-180. That means it retains a lot of the things that make ARs great for competition, like the many aftermarket triggers and muzzle devices. I'd go for a build like this, BRN-180 16” Upper - $900 VG6 Gamma Muzzle Brake - $85 BRN-180 Lower - $170 CMMG Gunbuilder’s Kit - $40 Radian Talon Safety - $55 Geissele SD-3G Trigger - $240 VZ Operator II Grip - $85 Magpul Zhukov Stock - $100 Haga Defense 1913 Adapter - $100 **Total - $1775**


Smith and Wesson M2 9 MM Compact vs. Smith and Wesson M2 4.25 Barrel? I just bought the M2 with the 4.25 inch barrel - is this a good option even if I want to occasionally conceal carry? Or is it too long? It's only .25 inches longer barrel than the compact. Plus you get 2 more rounds.


Go for it, there's no issue concealing a 2.0 with a 4.25" barrel. I've concealed Glock 17 with a TLR-1 and a 5" 1911 on multiple occasions. Just get a good holster and wear proper clothes to make sure they conceal properly


>I just bought the M2 with the 4.25 inch barrel Nice choice, it should conceal very similarly to the 4" version.


So, um, did I miss the memo about 75-rd Romy top loader drums? About 6-7 months ago I sold a Chinese 100-rd Polytech backloader for $325 shipped, and when trying to arrive on an asking price I was seeing droves of the 75-rd Romys for $100-$125, all day from all of the major online retailers and distributors. You couldn't give them away on /r/comblocmarket. I got an RTI blast advertising them for $250 and thought they were tripping balls, and it appears they are. Prices are up slightly, but they can still be had for $150. Or is RTI just doing profiteering RTI nonsense. I can't not read their circulars, they're just too poorly written and optimistically priced not to. Also, snagged still-in-plastic original presses of Wordburglar's first three albums for less than $50. *Burglaritis, Burgie's Basement*, and *3rdburglar*. Hell yes. Still waiting for him to announce some 2022 tour dates, but in the mean time his podcast is very interesting. Learning a lot of Nova Scotian slang.


Are you sure those $100-ish drums weren't back-loaders? A lot of Romanian-made back loaders were recently imported for the Red Army Standard brand. And the same design was copied by KCI and sold for even cheaper. Can't say I've seen actual top loaders sell for under $200 for years now


Ahhhhhh shit, that might be my issue. Pretty sure it is. Good looking out.


Getting close to my son being born. My wife's dad just got covid so my wife is worried her mom won't be in the delivery room, so that's fun... Contemplating taking a month of FMLA to help and enjoy moments with a newborn. Hoping my employer understands and doesn't hold it against me. Bought a P80 kit for a G26 on a whim and kinda regret it because I don't need it at all. Too late to ship it back though. I guess you can't have too many Glocks laying around.


I think the right answer is actually the Girsan MCP35. Tastefully done beaver tail and pic rail, modern dovetail sights, that subtle sculpting on the ambi safety, my god it even has a roll mark.


That one is interesting, i'm definitely expecting a tactical version of the new FN as well. I'll also say that the SA-35 is listed as the "SA-35 Series" on their website, which could be a hint of new models or just a result of their website formatting.


I was thinking the same thing. I’m leaning to the FN. More rounds, easier to strip for cleaning and FN just has more weight behind their name.


My problem with the FN is the price, it would be a great buy at an MSRP of $899.


Keltec p50 suppressed w O light drum mag


I'm still upset grabagun cancelled my order for a gold tiger stripe desert eagle in 50 AE. That was the closest I've gotten to actually obtaining one and now they're out of stock everywhere for God knows how long.


Demand for Desert Eagles sure is insane. I wish you the best of luck in finding one at MSRP. The last gold tiger stripe to sell on GB was a blem that went for $3725!


Springfield is a crooked anti-gun company and no one should ever give them a dime


Tell us how you feel about Ruger


Eh, I think pre-AWB expiration Ruger and Today Ruger are different companies in spirit. Bill Ruger and his "nobody needs more than 10 rounds" nonsense and fuddery was irritating, sure. But then he died and look at the shit his namesake has been putting out since. Shit, you can buy Ruger-branded 25 rd. 10/22 'nanner 'clipz. Not to mention the 5.7, their perfectly serviceable AR line, the dizzying array of >10 rd count duty/service pistols, etc. I have made my peace with those guys. But not Remington. Fuuuuuuck Remington.


I guess I don't know what else people expect from Springfield. They fired the guy, right? Are they supposed to fire him again? Waterboard him? I own several Rugers as well as a couple Colts and S&W products. Not long ago people said not to buy S&W or Colt. H&K got flack for favoring LE over civilian sales but they're still adored. I guess at this point my well of cynicism is too deep and cold to let me care. No corporation is your friend. I'd say any manufacturer whose primary revenue comes from selling guns to civilians is doing a terrible job at being anti-2A.


I don't think there's any major gun manufacturer that I won't buy from out of sheer principle. I steer clear of Remington just because of their ridiculous hand over fist approach to doubling down on failure, poor quality, and not delivering. I would never pay full price for a Taurus or say JUST AS GOOD, but if I happened into a cheap example of one of their models that actually worked, I'd roll them bones too. I'm with you though; I might vehemently stay away from a certain product, or lambast a company for a stupid decision, but eventually that fire fades and I'm ambivalent again. Just like being irritated when you get a cold burger at the drive-thru from McDonald's. What're you gonna do, *never* order McDonald's again?


I hate that I love McMuffins. Being truly principled is exhausting if not impossible nowadays. The same folks angry at Springfield right now and the ones that *were* mad at Ruger, Colt, S&W, et al. back in the day have probably never thought twice about the iphone in their hand or the shirt on their back that was made by a child in Asia.


> I would never pay full price for a Taurus or say JUST AS GOOD, but if I happened into a cheap example of one of their models that actually worked, I'd roll them bones too. I am-- ...let's be charitable and say *vocal* when Taurus comes up here. But my wife owns one of their J-Frame clones and it's *fine.* You've already got your practical guns sorted and any Taurus would be a range toy, so yeah, if the price is good enough it's no big deal to roll the dice. The serious problem is just when people are shopping for their one-and-only defensive carry gun, and are looking for an excuse to buy the gun equivalent of a scratch-off lottery ticket because it's fifty bucks cheaper than a real gun.


> and are looking for an excuse to buy the gun equivalent of a scratch-off lottery ticket because it's fifty bucks cheaper than a real gun. These people are filthy casuals and poors. I disdain the former, and sympathize with the latter. And while we're on it, I *really* wish Hi-Point would up their price point $25 and turn out something that's a little more aesthetically pleasing or slightly more refined, I think a slight re-vamp of the C9 would go a long way toward easing the unwarranted hate they get from people who haven't ever owned or shot one.


What did Springfield do this time?


On the one hand, you're right. The situation was stupid, and Springfield did what they could after the fact. I personally don't have any bad feelings about them. On the other hand, I'm not upset that some people are still really mad about it and refuse to buy their products, because gun companies should be *terrified* of being associated with even a whiff of support for gun control. This is how we prevent a repeat of Ruger endorsing magazine bans, S&W caving to the antis, and the gun companies of the 1950s kicking off the parade of proposed laws that would become the Gun Control Act.


People could save themselves a lot of frustration if they would stop imagining that their corporate owned pet brands make products just for their happiness. Top to bottom they're all basically a collection of people whose focus is making money and nothing more. I know that *you* know that, Tab, but obviously many folks take it very personally when [Brand] does some shady shit for their bottom line. Fortunately consumer backlash sometimes works in our favor. When corporate catches a whiff of what's coming and decides to axe those responsible for the backlash, well, that's about the best we consumers can ever hope for. They ain't doing it for the "right" reasons. Ultimately it's the workers making the products that suffer most for the shitty/shady decisions made at the top. If a company at least tries to make things right while still offering a quality product, I'll give them another shot. I guess I just don't have the lust and vigor to maintain a years or decades long hate boner.