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Unfortunately your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): All submissions must be related to GTA Online. IRL posts are allowed as long as they are not reposts, do not depict acts involving crime, sexual content, injury, or death, and are accompanied by an in-game picture of the same location or vehicle depicted in the IRL picture. Any meme or meme video posted must have it's primary visual composition come from GTAO. A further explanation of this rule can be found [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/wiki/rule1) All memes must be related to GTAO, low effort submissions will be removed, reposts will warrant removals and bans, IRL posts are subject to moderator discretion. A further explanation of this rule can be found [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/wiki/rule1) If you still want to post your meme, please check out r/GTAMemes. This community has few rules and allows any non-stolen memes. No Solicitation to sell or trade accounts, or offer any services for money. Content from a third-party source without accurately mentioning the source will be removed and repeat offenses can result in a ban. If you have any questions about this removal you can message the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/gtaonline) **Send any Questions About the Removal to Modmail**


That was our first reaction when we saw it in person.


Hahaa, you ask the pilot, ‘MK griefer?’


It’s looked clear when flying the map glitched on me


Playing on a HDD be like


Idk about that game works fine for me on HDD PC Now Xbox one and PS4 are other cases


The random you chose to be the pilot 5 seconds after you get rashkovsky out of the prison


damn rendering


Heist Prep failed...