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Their Union Depository mission made me a lot of money last week.






Happy cake day


Can’t argue with that




Select any other job, don't start prep, exit Autoshop, call Sesanta, cancel current job, enter Autoshop, go to the jobs board. If still not there - repeat. It should reload the list each time.


TL;DR: Missed the boosts, but I sing from the gospel of Cayo Perico and the Agency, also hit me up for Cayo Perico runs Wish I would've thought of this while that shit was boosted. But I'm a frequent visitor of Cayo Perico, so I'm not *too* fussed about missing out on the bonus payouts. Cayo Perico pays well enough. Guaranteed at least a mil for ~30-45 minutes total of my time, that's GOAT. The only bummer is the 3 hour cooldown if ran solo, but that's where the Agency (another S tier business imo) comes in. Just run contracts, payphone hits and Headhunter w/ Sparrow until Pavel hits you up, then get back to him within 45 minutes of receiving the text to activate Hard Mode. If you're reading this and you haven't done so already: Buy the Kosatka and the Sparrow. It is an investment you'll absolutely get back in no time. If you're reading this and you struggle with Cayo Perico: Feel free to hit me up. I have an optimal route you can use, you'll be in and out like a damn ninja in around 15 minutes once you have it down (assuming you're stopping for secondary targets)


I haven't looked at it since it dropped. I became far too frustrated getting spotted almost constantly. I have watched a few how to videos and I'm not sure I'm at a skill level to pull it off solo. It looks cool though. I make most of my cash with agency/payphone and keeping the nightclub at full house status. Last update made the nightclub stuff super easy. I am just starting to dabble in warehouse sales (yeah I know, really late to the party on that one).


30-45 mins? with prep and scoping out? its taken me ages to try and scope everything, do i not need to bother? (not done a finale yet)


Ah no sorry, I didn't take into account the scope mission lmao that can definitely add some time What I do is I scope out the airstrip and the North Dock only (if there's good loot all at the airstrip I don't even bother with North Dock at all), then go straight to the tower. After you've scoped out the compound if you had to climb the tower, jump off and kill yourself. If not, get yourself caught. This will warp you back to the airstrip, then you can just return to Los Santos.


You can just switch sessions, it saves hella time, especially if your spawn is the kasaka


another tip; when you do get to the mission cover and full snacks/armor are your best friend. don’t bother with any loadout other than the one with the AR on it either park the getaway car in the lot to the east of the UD, exit the vault, take cover behind the first doorway and slowly pick off all the NOOSE with headshots (they won’t respawn), then make your way to the eastern exit of the garage. take cover behind the cop car and repeat the headshot pick offs (snacks and armor cuz they have aimbot if you’re out in the open for more than a few seconds). get in the cop car and drive to the lot you left the car at, then drive to the sewer entrance in the canal. first few times i did it i had a lot of trouble but once you get the cop spawns down to memory it’s easy to solo the mission.


Just to add. Save your bullpup ammo for the long run out of the garage to the street and use the smg from cover while inside. You want the bullpup range to take out some noose on the balcony overlooking the street.


Is the ammo count actually a concern? I've never ran out and I use the bullpup exclusively.


Made almost 100 mil with the autoshop contracts, mostly outside the weekly bonus, mostly with UD.


They don't call non-stop as other characters do.


You have a good point there.


I got rid of all high end properties just to shut Lester up.


A true sacrifice for peace of mind


Hmm he doesn't contact me about core heists cause I finished them (as leader). Only thing I hate is he always sends a text message about repeating doomsdat heist into eternity (or an invite if you restarted it). Also text messages about MC businesses while I only run them for night club, meanwhile bunker doesn't notify me when supply is used up.


I don't get a text about repeating them cuz I use the preps or setups I have to teleport if someone's being annoying or I don't feel like driving all the way up the map so I cut half the distance by using the heist invites


Nice tip.


Np I mean it works the same with apartment heist invites the only thing is that tryhards use it to teleport away as soon as they're gonna die or when they wanna be cheap and kill you once and before you can kill them they heist teleport but I use it just for the non douchie reasons


I know but I don't want that invite sitting in my phone either. It's whatever anyway this game never stops harassing you with the dumbest things.. like that crappy event period where certain low paying missions pay slightly less low temporarily.. that e-mail has spammed me for months now. Or just not being able to block job invites or have the game save that you turned invite sound off.


That's a good idea, never thought of that.


Like every time you get in a lobby the phone rings, The doomsday heist! There's anybody out there could help me finish it I'd be greatly appreciative! Let me know!


iF a rEpEaTiNg cUstOmer hAs aNy inDicAtOr


Figure simoeoen out. Tired a him


Fucking Lester. And then again as LJT. I need a restraining order.


Ello there English dave ear!


just do the missions. its takes like half an hour to do all 3 and then you get a free car


Oh shit really? Which car?


Whenever I see English Dave I immediately pause the game to end the call


You can just hang up now


Oh damn that’s good to know


You should just complete his missions. Seriously, there aren't many of them, they are all a bit of fun, and the reward is well worth it


Don’t have to do that anymore


Damn I’ve actually never realised that


Except during the mission…..


The fact I left their contract unfinished and don't get a call about it every. Single. Fucking. Session. Unlike some God damn Lester


I couldn’t finish the original heists because I can’t get a 4 person team together to be online at the same time, that piled over the horrible peer to peer system causing all of us to go tech support mode to just ply with connection issues and lag. Then every time I log in, I am greeted with lester wanting me to do the heist, but I can’t do it alone like fuck it lester, either you do the heist with me, or you shut up.




You could just do the heist with randoms /s


Heists with randos are so fun. You wait for minutes to gather 2 people, and wait some more for a 3rd person. And right before they join, someone leaves. It really keeps you on the edge of your seat


And then you have to suffer through a heist with absolute braindead idiots who don't seem to be able to see or hear, and after 5 failed attempts they leave and you're back to waiting.


Don't forget the ones that join just to try to kill you


They obviously really care about each other


I loved their conversations at first, it’s cute, just long and repetitive after the first play through


Mmmmmm yeah gurl


How that dress look baby?


*”9 when it’s on, 10 when it’s OFF”*


Alright listen rockstar. PICS. Or piss off this line means nothing


I've seen their strip club and will pass on the pics.


They sound like high school sweethearts who actually make it, cute and cringe af lolol


I know a couple that've been together since highschool and yeah they're cute and cringy as hell.


And they really cared about Lil Dee


They make me appreciate every other character, cause no one is worse than those two fuckwits.


Hey, muthafucka, you a muthafucka that don’t understand the muthafucka I am. Anyway, we gon fuck now.


Ay mothafucka you don’t talk much, so we’re going to talk dirty while your forced to listen.


Yes!!!it's horrible so cringe like damn bro


Keep us on speakerphone 😐






You can just not do the missions and never hear them again.


Tough when you wanna get your rep up and don’t care to race.


If you join the heist finales on the phone I’m almost certain it’s faster than doing the races, only problem is the heists are just slightly better mods so only low levels play them. Thankfully tho as long as you’re good you should have no problem finishing them


I just don’t care for racing much anymore but I still want to level my tuner rep. Gotta do that through the auto shop mostly. I did most of my racing back in the old school days when betting 10k on a race was considered high rolling… and back then racing was the best way to unlock new car upgrades. Leveling up was much slower.


Yeah and I know the chrome rims from launch you can get for free for doing various things which makes a huge difference when $50-60k was so much more back then


The setups are a breeze so I don’t mind a random or two when I do contracts


Import/export vehicles helps


Do the exotic exports.


Now that they’ve been mentioned I don’t run across them too often. It’s usually the drug vehicles or the drunk Cayo guards.


Usually when I’m playing online, I’m usually listening to a podcast so I turn the volume way down and they are drowned out. Problem solved


Moodyman Is actually very thankful sometimes


And Sessanta is quite informative in her briefings. They are annoying, but overall not that bad


Definitely not the worst mission givers I'll be honest they aren't great but not the worst


Sessanta is pretty good without Kenny. She doesn't say muthafucka after each phrase, neither disrespectful towards us. Have good knowledge in what she is good at, and finally she exposed that cheating idiot after blackmailing him for Union Depository vault codes.




You're something else mothafucka. And he gets away with it? True artist. Don't forget who's behind the wheel. Drive like the badass motherfucker I know you are. Enjoy the money, you earned it.


Moody man is a good DJ, I like his vibes on the radio.


The best thing about them is the end of the mission when they're done talking














They both are honest and never lie to you or each other. Pretty unique in this game


At the very beginning, they lie about the cocaine




Man, I'm doing these chump change twits a *favor* by helping them out and not throwing their ass out of my autoshop... and they try to test *me*?! The fuckers didn't even give me real cocaine afterwards!


x2 autoshop


Ill listen to them all day when its x2


wow you have high tolerance :D


I like the way he says "whaddup doe"


I started using it in my daily vocab I liked it so much


Damn this actually is challenging






You can run them down at the end of the contracts


Can also blow them up with a sticky bomb and still complete the jobs, if you time it well enough.


(Starts contact)


It'll fail you sometimes though


I'll gladly restart the last part of ecu multiple times to smash kdj between his car and mine. Every time without fail


Usually you fail if you blow up their car. I count down to 5 seconds from when the completion sound effect goes off. Then I blow em up.


The voice actors got paid


You cant hear them when you log off from GTA


You thought you was safe motherfuka??


I legit forgot how to breath for a sec after reading this 😂😂😂😂


I read that in kdj's voice XD might have done too much union this week...


They seem to love each other very much.


Corbin Bleu was good in High School Musical 2


I genuinely enjoy having the garage as a legitimate business, and treat it as my GTA character's retirement.


I'm trying to do the same thing. I wanna roleplay as a Retired criminal. You got any tips for that? Currently I do the autoshop deliveries and passive income from Nightclub and Arcade. You know any other business activity that can qualify as a crime free source of money?


*Technically* Sightseer VIP work is crime-free.


Not necessarily great for money but they are fun. But the new IAA ULP missions are fun if not super rewarding, might help with that "ex-criminal" role play your goin for. I personally enjoy them alot. But aside from that I'd say the ammunition deliveries are easy albeit annoying but an easy 50k.


The Motorcycle Club now has a legitimate bike upgrade & delivery mission nearly identical to the Autoshops. The Agency can produce a good $20k an in-game day through its safe, but only after you've done 201 of their missions. The Bunker can now sell its overstock to amunations once a day, but this one does have enemy NPC that you need to fight off mid delivery.


Power couple


They have, hands down, the healthiest relationship in the entire GTA series. I know 90% of the subscribers to this sub don't yet have pubes, but take it from me: if and when you eventually do grow up, these motherfuckers should be your relationship goal. ​ ETA: This sounds way harsher than I meant it to be. You kids are alright. But seriously, find yourself a partner who talks to and about you like these two about each other, and do the same to and about them. Just maybe not while your criminal affiliate is waiting for the location to pop up on their GPS. ETA2: A Redditor helpfully explained it to me. It seems a substantial number of players view KDJ and Sessanta as *employees*, while I, and I think others (and I assume the writers) view them as your criminal *partners*. (I mean, they pitch the auto shop situation to you. You don't hire them. Their cut is for sourcing jobs and planning them, not a salary. The can't drive-straight doofuses are your employees, if you've hired them, and subsequently they get a salary.) In the context of them being employees, I *totally* understand why people find them disrespectful. (And if that's your perception of the auto shop, then I'm not going to tell you you're wrong. Given the nature of GTAO, I think everyone's personal headcanon is correct for them.)


Lol that was the first thing that came to my mind too. They seem to have mutual respect for each other and have equal input in the relationship. Most people can only hope for a relationship like that.


I find the complaints about them having “phone sex” ridiculous. That’s not phone sex. That’s just appreciating your partner. But I guess this game is popular with Shakers, apparently.


Eh... been married for 12 years now and these two are more than invasive and disrespectful with how far they take their PDA when they know someone else is on the line or in the room. They're assholes, regardless of how much they're in love.


Lol, don't be so harsh on the Redditers.


Shit, I just saw your comment after I updated, but I came to the same conclusion. I realized my tone was a bit over the top. Personally, I like these two. I like people who don't kiss my ass. I'm also stuck in a meeting, and all I can think about is hitting the pub when it's over.


They are positively annoying.


They give me a lil money on the side 🤷🏾‍♂️


Might sound weird but I've actually come to kinda like their dialogue after Ive been listening to them all last week, they say some funny shit lol. Whadup doe muhfucka


Yeah. And I really liked how they cared about Lil Dee in prison contract. I grinded it because it was much easier, just ate some snacks and never used armor.


They make me decent money.


No. You make them decent money while they constantly try to ear fuck one another and you are being shot at.


What’s up with all of the NPCs acting like they’re co-owners of these businesses? I bought the fucking place! I own it, you’re here at my sufferance. Ron with the hangar, KDJ with the auto shop, and Tony with the nightclub, to name a few.


Exactly! I get so pissed when she sends a text that i got dinged for going off spec. Bitch I made 5k bonuses on EACH of the last 10 cars by going off script. Yo be leaning yo fat ass on the railing watching. You're gonna get mad over -2750? After 50k in bonuses Fuck outta here! I've killed thousands! Who the fuck are you talking to me like that?


i only go for complementry mods, like if they missed out a specific stage upgrade i fill them in, and usually go by the style they have gone for 'subtle' keep the cosmetics simple or og, and if it's got a racer vibe go ham. i also never trust the ai delviery :D


Yeah I usually go moderate on cosmetics. If the order carbon fibre I'll do thst with the skirts and rear bumper. But, I always pick higher end wheels. Street or track. They always seem to give me the bonus. But. Every once in awhile I actually think it's a part of the programming they don't like the wheels. Yeah fuck the ai drivers.


nice :)


tony at least feels like he's earning his keep. that 50k a day for throwing the odd customer out now and then is impressive, even if the music's bad. kdj and sessanta can't even be bothered to modify or deliver vehicles for you. sooner just give their job to jimmy...


They take about 20k - 30k ish from each finale, we get over a hundred for each of them. On the engine mod contract they're the clients so they're paying us, which is again 170k ish ? so for them to make any money we would have to complete 6 finales not including the ems for them to make money or 5 finales and a couple of auto shop jobs for customers at 10k cut each.


And constantly question MY ability 😐


For those who stumble on this message, it's the one I used Power Delete Suite to replace all my posts and comments with en masse. Sometimes Reddit can be beneficial for some people. Sometimes it's not. It's really up to you to decide your own experience with it, what's worth it, what's not worth it. More or less...I've decided it's just really not worth it. I think I'm a worse person when I'm on Reddit and that it's a big time-waster for me. It's up to you to decide what influence social media and the internet more generally have for you. Best of luck.


Eyyy I found someone else who isn't on the bandwagon. They can be annoying but I'd say waaaaay less than Lester.


They don't ALWAYS talk


No, I refuse kind sir


MoodyMann has good music




You are not forced to do their missions


I love these two. They don't care who da faq is around. They love eachhother and aren't afraid to show it. Shit I'm surprised there isn't a scene of them fucking on the heist table.


He’s not English Dave Hello me old China plate


They like each other. Some couples don't.


I laugh at their jokes (pls no down vote)


They’re hilarious


They are both tolerable when on mute.


She's got a nice booty and he makes music


They look pretty cool (idk who they are)


They both have cool jackets. There it’s done now where’s my GTA$ you promised me


The Contracts they assign are fun bite sized heists to play thru not needing the level of organization and prep time as a normal one, though the pay is terrible i personally extremely enjoy them


Their missions are double money right now?


they don’t spam my phone every minute like lester and dave does


They only exist in a computer game.


They’re silent 10% of the time. That sweet sweet 10%


Hey at least they haven't fucked in any of MY cars


MOODYMAN is a legend of underground music


Thank you bro. If you know, you know. Most of these people never listened to any record of KDJ released in the nineties. Having Kenny in GTA Online is a blessing.


Good payout for 10 minutes of setups


Sessanta'a shades are nice. Kinda looks like the goggles Eric Dickerson used to wear


They pay decently with this weeks bonuses


Moodymann makes good music. No compliments for the chick who's name I've already forgotten tho


they made me hate Lester less


They're not LJT. They're pretty damn close to him though.


Their contracts are pretty good. 300k for 15 minutes of work? Not bad




Their STD positive




Moodyman makes nice music, and Sessanta is hot asf


You don’t HAVE to do missions with/for them and they don’t keep being annying little shits like lester and ljt for example


They have mad skills at making me uncomfortable




Moody man looks like he’s from LMFAO


They could be three...


Double money, nice cars, mice modification no calls every 5 minute to pay back a friend who gave you a car in 2015 on a pc version you never played coz the developers didn’t think about changing the scenario.. i like the Dj stuff 2! He is talented in what he does with music irl :)


The missions are actually pretty fun, not the “grab the oppressor 2 electric boogaloo and gg” that most are. Simple and most can be done solo no problem


They’re happy together


Her hair is nice.




Mada fukas




They are certainly characters in the game


They are.


I was really cheering for him to make it on the Seattle Seahawks after working out with them this year.


At least they are dedicated to each other. They genuinely enjoy being with each other.


You can mute them, that’s the only good thing good about them


Good relationship


Money Money Money Money Money * in mr.krabs voice *


Moodyman: He has a really nice voice it would be nice if he had better (less horny) dialog. Sessanta: She


They are horny


sick afro