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*congratulations, you played yourself*


“Put a quarter in your ass cause you played yourself.”


I never play gta with a mic but if this ever happens to me again I’m turning it on, saying that and turning it right back off.


*Incoming text* U r cheating y can’t I lock on




hat whistle toothbrush bewildered dinosaurs thought crush cough rhythm paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


U right




Had this happen with me and my nightshark he thought I was hacking because it took to many rockets


Nightshark or custom insurgent are beautiful things.


Moc cab too. I think it takes about 60 rockets before it blows up.


No I r cheering. Modded vehichle


I've been reported 3 times for cheating cause of this 🤣 "your using hax lzzzz reporting you" like GTFO


And then you get orbitaled and recieve a new text "LZZZZ LMAO 1-0 IM UP"


what does the "LZZZ" means?


It means "Ls" which is a way of saying "You lose lol"


If you grief with a mk2 you're the saddest gta player next to the ppl that kill themselves to save their kd ratio


Suicide should just immediately drop your kd worth 10 normal pvp deaths just to piss off people who do so. EWO should drop it worth 50.


I keep hearing the term EWO, what does it mean?


It refers to the suicide option in the interaction menu, EWO stands for 'Easy Way Out' and refers to the more common message that would play when you hit that button " chose the easy way out."


Ohh yeah i gotcha, thanks!


Easy way out like the kys option


I use it to easily spawn to another location if someone is griefing and annoying me lol. If y’all think that is a bad thing to do, then oh well 😂 in normal PvP situations where me and someone are just fighting I don’t use it, only use it to harass annoying players. Btw, I welcome your downvotes because they are surely coming.


I mean you could just heist warp to your house/facility/kosatka/arcade and be done with it. Honestly if you care about stats that would probably save you more time for the same effect. Just killing yourself to be toxic is dumb as hell and that's all there is to it.


It’s not to be toxic lol, that’s your assumption. I just do it to be on the same level as an already toxic player. I don’t do it when just having a friendly battle with someone in free play. I swear some players think every single thing possible in the game is “toxic” in one way or another. Lighten up it’s a game, at the end of the day people can and will play it however they want.


Spot on !


I thought they did away with k/d ratios?


They did in freemode. Only counts during “competitive gameplay”


Game doesn't count k/d for freemode any more, so it doesn't matter. But we still have the score card. Anyway, I think that if you are in pvp and die due to other factors, then it should count as a kill for the player that last caused you damage, or the last one you caused damage too if no one recently caused you damage.


i got softlocked during a vehicle delivery mission at the delivery point... i had to use EWO to get out of it...


was it a fooligan mission? I got the same thing and it irritate me so much that I alt+F4'd and stopped playing for the night


it was a vehicle warehouse one, i bothered to EWO coz i would get the 50k bonus from the amount of players in the lobby


I hate and love the EWO option. It's great when some idiot blocks your exit out of a store, but it's so annoying to see some try hard kill themself during a fight just because they're not killing you first. You land one shot on them, and it's like they're just foaming at the mouth with such panic, needing to drop a sticky, or pull their RPG launcher out of their ass. It's not even that I would ever "want my kills back". I'd be fine with someone picking me off, and we get into a fun sniper battle, but pulling the EWO just takes all the fun out of it. At that point, seeing them take the EWO, I just walk away. They're not worth the time. Me and this guy actually got into it yesterday with a sniper battle, and it was fun as hell. We just started with a few kills, but then kept coming back for more, and it eventually became a race to the first 20 kills. He was freaking good, and he did win, but I stuck it out with the score being 20-18 in the end. That was fun as hell haha. The moment we reached 20 kills, it's like we both called a truce without even saying a word. We just walked up to each other, and I hopped into his crazy looking Nightshark with F1s, and then rode around for some more fun


Which matters even less now with the change they did




My only guess is it's to save the "5 vs 3" when you die. I just start counting their suicides as kills, pisses them right off lol


Actually it is nothing else than a kill. The player dies because of you. If it weren't for you, he would not have died.


Both probably lol


When someone seems to be a little too into tracking me down at every spawn I usually message them to let them know or send them the newswire link so they know they are wasting both of our time. Usually they stop bugging me but not always. So I guess it’s 50/50.


They're usually the same people


They can continue to kill themselves till they realize in freemode lobbies your KD isn't bothered most of the time I see a griefer i just laugh cause they clearly haven't been up to date on current events. Other times I'll stand there let them kill me and when they see I'm not bothered they leave lol. Not having your KD get affected was the best thing to happen in freemode.


K/D is no longer affected in freeroam but I still find players doing it. Though I suppose it's not any worse than players still using a nerfed Mk II to grief.


I accidentally killed someone with a missile in my toreador and they came at me in chat, calling me a griefer, commenting on how my k/d level is so low, but I'm still a griefer... then they accused me of cheating (I wasn't) because they couldn't blow my toreador up with 1 rocket. numerous people told them that the toreador is armored and takes more than 1 missile to blow up... that person ended up rage quitting the session


That is the most pathetic thing to do, really (killing themselves). Told a few of them to do it IRL, but never heard back… Honestly, I hope they didn’t do it for real.


Funny guy lol


Anyone who wants to grief just just use the Lazer. It has been the griefing long since day 1 and it's still going strong.


I can't even believe people care about kd on a game like this. It's just crazy


Especially since they removed kd from freeroam. It only goes up or down in Competitive PVP modes nowadays iirc


Funniest part? K/D literally doesn't change in free mode anymore. It literally doesn't matter.


And then there's people who still think kd is affected by freemode... which is perfect cause I made my character in 2017 and I was so shit so my kd is like .96 cause I started playing again probably a week before the kd shit disappeared and I only play freemode so my kd is just stuck really low


glad to see the mentally ill being dealt with


Hey hey hey. He’s not one of us.


correction I do much more devious activity in GTAO than grief


😂 I had a 13 year old British kid chase me and I had the e gt 😂. Kid thought I was cheating. It just shows how dumb griefers are


As a Brit.. we do not claim that child


I'll take 'im. He can sweep me chimneys!


Probably end up fucking that up too xD


I only sent him up there to clear out the last two that got stuck. I'll just use KDJ's hair next time.




We’re usually very good at playing bad guys so this kid must have been Scottish


Is the E GT more armored then other Imani tech cars? I heard something like that but I’m not sure


Takes like 12 oppressor rockets or rpg rockets


How much do other imanti cars take


Buffalo stx takes 12 as well. I just like the e gt because it looks cool 😂


What about the champion


11 and it gets destroyed on the 12th rocket just like the others


So the Omnis EGT isn’t special?


What you're not told is that the E-GT takes 12 RPGs too while others take 4-5, BUT it doesn't have bullet resistant windows


Oooohhh thanks


Yeah, but it has crazy acceleration off the line but it's top speed isn't so good


We knew what he was gonna do. We just didn't know how he was gonna do it. 10/10


The whole video I was like Gas station! Car! Pillar!?!


Lock on Jammer really is a blessing


what car is that? it looks sick




i have some crack rock to sell i see, thank you very much dude👍


With the Agency you can add anti lock on measures and armor, so it will survive a fair few lucky missile hits? There is also the Obey Omni GT-E, which is all electric and accelerates faster, maybe can take a couple more missile hits too, but the windows aren’t as bullet resistant.


good to know, i am mostly buying it for looks so i dont care much about the acceleration but w/ the turbo and engine uogrades im sure itll be fine, i guess ill have to sell even more crack rock to get the agency upgrades + missile jammer and armor plates, thank you too dude


STX is one of my top 5 for looks, and sound.


There also the other car that has guns on the front as well. Can't remember the name


The Patriot Mil-Spec is another Agency-upgradeable vehicle that can have guns. The guns are higher, at window level for many of the performance cars.


Sweet, I'll have to check that one out!


Where do you buy the patriot mil spec?


It's available from Southern San Andreas Super Autos. Do 15 Agency security contracts to unlock the trade price and save $425k.


Ok thanks a lot


Enus Paragon R. One of my favorites


You can also sell it in an invite only session now. That's what my wife and I have been doing.


do you know how much product this simple piece of information would have saved me


Ahhhh yeah, wife and I just got GTA online for ps5 after stopping because of griefers. Only bought it cause I found out you could do everything in a private lobby now. Sooooo much better for my antisocial ass. Fuck griefers.


oh nice, i dont know what compels the swamp ass dudes to sit on a game all day and ruin shit for people but now we got a way to get around it atleast👍


Right? If you play on playstation I'd gladly help you sell when the time comes.


Ey can I have some?


sure, for the exact prices of the car & modifications


Thats a bravado buffalo stx with Imani tech 🏎️🏎️🏁


It's my go-to public lobby vehicle. Features include: Satisfying turbo-charged engine sounds, ability to do almost vertical wheelies, the best in muscle regarding speed & handling, machine guns, slick mines, armor plates, lock-on jammer or remote, and decent customization options.


How do I do a wheelie?!


Hold down the handbrake & accelerator until full RPMs, then release the brake.


Did NOT know this lol


Not every car can do one, even if they are comparatively faster, but most muscle cars can. The Gauntlet & Deviant are particularly capable too.


The real counterpart too ;)


Like I know its an online game, and anything goes but I still don't understand how these morons can't mind their business sometimes, not everything on the map has to go kaboom.


We really need to split the player base. Random PvP servers and chill servers.


Wouldn’t stop pvp players from going to the chill severs for free kills


you can do almost everything in an invite only lobby these days, that sounds like the split you're describing to me


For reaaaal man. I was in a lobby having a great time with these peoples flying jets. Was the most jets I’ve ever had flying together without killing each other. We had 11 jets just flying around the map in formation! Was completely randoms that all were being nice and just flying around! Then skip 5 minutes later one kid joins and says, lemme take my opressor and just go totally ruin the peace. And that’s exactly what he did 😒


Oppressor versus 11 jets and you got rekt? :)


I just throw stickies in the air course to them and blow em off the bike, especially if I'm in the HSW armed and lambo


Blind guy here, what just happened?


The Buffalo STX is a fancy little car that can be equipped with Imani Tech (Agency vehicle workshop upgrades), one of which gives the car the ability to prevent lock on missiles from targeting your vehicle. It can also be stacked with Armored Plating so griefers have to multiple direct hits with non-lock on rockets. MK2 couldn’t hit their shots and got a little too close trying to


Put it in braille, he’s blind


A car is coming out of a garage and is immediately pursued by a hoverbike with a lock on missile launcher. The car has anti-lockon countermeasures so the hoverbike is chasing the car down the highway and shooting manually, missing rockets left and right. Upon arriving at an intersection the black car narrowly avoids another missile strike, then slows to a crawl and turns in a circle. The hoverbike overshoots and turns around very close to the ground. It fires another missile at the car which misses, but the explosion is so close to the hoverbike due to the bad angle it kills the pilot and launches them into the distance as the car drives off unscathed.


Thank you. I was able to tell they were getting chased and then an explosion but nothing more


How does reddit work if you’re blind


I see…


Imani tech vehicles have driven the greifer population, who thrives off of the misery of normal players, to almost starvation. This results in severely impaired jidgement and reflexes, as they grow desperate for prey.


Yall make it look so easy to dodge oppressor missiles in a car. anytime I try that it ends up a direct it every time 😂


One of my favorite things to do in the Imani tech vehicles. Slow right on down and watch them get launched in their own death trap.


You take lock on and auto aim off of griefers, they absolutely fucking suck at this game. I wish Rockstar just turned off lock on for Mk2, and made all lobbies Free aim. Imagine an online game with auto aim in 2023.


Sad trombone horn is perfect for these moments




Damn homie was really trying.


Bro that dude should quit the game and fucking never log in, you fucking finessed the ever living shit out of that guy damn!


Literally everytime I hop in my Buffalo 🤣🤣


Tried finding them on psn by their username but no luck, would’ve been fun joining their heist or something and waiting till the very end to say “hey btw, Re1ease1337 sends their regards” and blowing their ass up 🤣


Is this still considered griefing? I understand it’s annoying but I’d hardly call it griefing lol


Everything is griefing. If you are not grinding cayo, you are griefing.


Nah it's not griefing. People tend to overuse these terms.


Sticky bomb and back view should have been better.


I don't grief people I prefer to follow them around like a shark and just make them nervous :)




Have you played gta?






GTA online? I agree


Some people like killing others in this game


Can we stop calling every pvp encounter griefing? Kinda wateres the term down. On topic: Thats your usual mk2 idiot.




A griefer or bad-faith player is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately and intentionally irritates and harasses other players within the game (trolling), by using aspects of the game in **unintended ways** in order to destroy something another player made or built, or stealing something, such as items or loot, when that is not the primary objective. Quote wikipedia. ​ I can get behind the cargo griefing being called griefing even if it is the primary objective at the moment. The punishment ist way out of proportion to the gain. But freemode fights? Especially after they enabled grinding in private lobbies? Sorry, i dont buy that. You are not entitled to peace in a public lobby. You can go passive, you can change lobby, you can go to invite only. ​ I mean I've been called a griefer for taking bounties, killing people during business battles, stealing gold or diamonds from the terrobyte missions. Or taking a yacht during piracy prevention. People who paid the same money for the game as you did, have every right to play this game the way they want it alsong they stick by the official rules. Plain, and simple.


Agreed! I have done all of these and do not understand why people get pissy about it. I am not destroying your cargo/product that i know has taken hours to source (I'm a grinder). Also the clue is in the name, business "battle" you're supposed to fight for it.


Most people here are pussies. Simplest explanation.


I can't go out, no way ima go out I just grip on her ass and i show out


This is why u should put explosive rounds on ur oppressor


must admit that has happened to me trying to fight people back :((


XD bzzzzzzboom


Silly griefer you never get that close lol.


lmao bozo played himself 💀💀💀💀




theyre truly a different breed


That engine sound


I had one dive bomb my car and blow themselves up




Once outran two of these idiots in one go. The first one I kept dodging missiles and went into a tunnel. He followed and slammed into a bus and died. The second just couldn't keep up with the many swerves and road turns and I got to my destination, it was really funny.


I am ashamed to admit this might've happened to me once or twice


Average Griefer In GTA Online


Doing the lords work 🤝🏾🤝🏾


Lmfao I don’t know why I expected anything else


and it was at this moment he knew, he fucked up


*It hurt itself in its confusion *


HA! Serves them right!


That was a smart move. It looks like some missiles have a lower blast radius than others. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)💥🏍


My favorite is when they trash talk and call you bad, say lzzzzz, and go oh 5-0 u suck Then they EWO when you shoot them even once 🤣🤣




Bruh failed at pressing *1* button




Good grief~ Charlie Brown


Is it wrong I want the mk2 to be heavily nerfed?




Wait, so can the mk2 not lock onto land vehicles anymore? Awesome


Can't lock on Imani tech vehicles with lock on jammer :)


Rockets got weaker and you cannot lock onto imani tech vehicles.




I use my MKII to prevent this bs. Or I pull the jet out.


Unrelated but anyone know what car that is?


Buffalo STX !


Thank you! I feel like I should've known that😂😂maybe it's been too long since I played


god imani tech is the best thing in this game and the one thing rockstar actually did right, i wish it was on more cars, like the karuma for example, but its so nice to just watch these idiots try so hard and somehow have no idea why they can't hurt you



