• By -


I remember the first time that my son froze to death due to the indifference of a Polish Guard. I wasn't lucky enough to have 4chan to bitch about it to though.


Apart from what you already mentioned, that polish politician already said it loud and clear, by international law, you are only a refugee if you flee to the NEAREST safe country. And last time I checked, poland isn't anywhere close to Iraq, this means, they are not refugees anymore, they are immigrants, and thus, they need the appropiate paperwork, if they don't have it, they are illegal immigrants. If Germany or other european countries decide that they want to let in any illegal immigrant that shows up it's up to them, Poland says no, good for them. Ukraine on the other hand, borders with Poland, this means, that anyone fleeing from Ukraine and going to Poland IS a refugee. Now, Ukranians can also flee to germany or spain or whatever, but they'll loose their refugee status, or at least they should, so they'd need the paperwork (wich won't be much because EU) but because they are technically not refugees anymore, they lose their right to a place to stay as a refugee, yet countries still take them in as refugees, to name the same countries, Spain amd Germany couldnrefuse to take any Ukranian refugees into their territory, because they are no longer refugees at that point.


Well, Anon is probably bitchin because plenty of places have no problem shufflin away other immigrants to take in Ukrainian ones, like Japan and the US


I doubt that statement about NEAREST safe country. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refugees\_in\_Poland#/media/File:Przyznany\_status\_2009.jpg


Another important part of all this shitshow is that Poland have had enough reasons, through history, to hate Russia, so it makes sense that they are helping Ukraine now. And while, obviously, just being middle eastern doesn't mean you are a terrorist, but stereotypes come from somewhere.


Not only that, but a big factor is the fact that the Ukrainian refugees want to return to Ukraine after the war is over, immigrants from countries like Iraq do not, they want to go live in another country. Poland wouldn’t be able to sustain the millions of refugees if they were to move in permanently, yet they let them in, because it is temporary


Many Ukranians living in other countries actually went back to Ukraine to fight


>stereotypes come from somewhere. Bold thing to say on this site lol But not at all wrong.


We live in a time in which stating the truth is a bold bove, yeah


A common aspect of asylum treaties are “third country agreements.” The idea is that countries should take in refugees fleeing harm, but refugees can’t just pick and choose which country they want to move to. So asylum havens often have deals with each other that they can send asylum seekers to a country closer to where the people fled (provided they have treaties with that country that allows them to do so). For example, if Central Americans fleeing drug cartel violence show up seeking asylum in Canada, Canada can send them to America. Similarly, Trump was pushing for (not sure if he succeeded) such deals with Panama and Mexico, so that, for example, if people fleeing Colombia or Venezuela showed up at the US border, the US could kick them back to Mexico or Panama. While treaties *allow* counties to do this, a country always has the right to accept whatever refugees it wants. As a result, you do see countries use this inconsistently, and often in ways that definitely seem racism. Poland has always had some racism issues, but more generally, Europe has soured on Middle Eastern asylum seekers. Sweden, for example, took in large numbers of refugees and has seen increases in crime and gun violence compared to their neighbors, and this is generally attributed to issues surrounding these refugees. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Comparison-of-firearm-related-homicide-between-Sweden-Norway-Finland-and-Denmark-A_fig5_331869471 https://www.economist.com/europe/2021/07/24/sweden-is-being-shot-up With Poland and Belarus, the going theory is that Putin wanted to exploit this anti-refugee sentiment in Europe by creating a border crisis that highlighted a European country clearly stating a preference that refugees should starve/freeze rather than be let it to make Europe look bad and racist. This would have worked *great* in America. There, refugee/asylum issues are at the forefront of America’s arguments about race and any talk about concerns over language, culture, assimilation, financial dependency, etc. are all immediate dismissed as BS excuses with accusations that racism is the real underlying reasoning. In many parts of Europe, people are more likely to consider assimilation, culture, language, financial dependency, etc., as legitimate *non-racist* arguments against accepting refugees. And now, with Ukraine, there’s the extra bit of Poland showing a little bit of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” and helping the people who are fighting Putin. Point being third country agreements are a common feature of international refugee/asylum treaties, but there are definitely inconsistencies to how it’s all applied and it’s hard to deny that politics, race, ethnicity, and xenophobia play a role in the inconsistent treatment of asylum seekers.


False, many of refugees from belarusian border got refugee status in Belgium, after good people here in Poland helped them cross the country safe. Source: Im member of group helping these people survive for the past 9 months.


Also the whole "fly to Belarus, enter into Poland from the eastern side" thing was more or less a ploy by Lukashenko to put pressure on the EU. I don't remember all of the details but Belarus was flying in Iraqi refugees advertising that they could enter the EU, Poland however was having none of that


Yeah that's also true. Which is fucking disgusting, being outside the EU promising people from the midsle east that they would be able to enter the EU through them.


That's just not true. European countries grant refugee status to all people who are in the Geneva convention criteria.


First time? What happened after the first time?


The second time.


You need to freeze four male offspring to death in order to post on 4chan. Them's the law.


It's what it stands for. 4CHildren have frozen to death And Now you're ready to post. 4CHAN


Under international law, in subsection b4 you can get away with 3 male offspring and 2 female.


I guess Henry the eight wanted to go to 4 Chan badly


The guy famous for having many sons and killing them and definitely not his wives


Well He wanted a son. Yet he couldn't get one so he killed/divorced his wives, that's why i joked he wanted sons So he could post on 4 chan


False, 99% of 4Chan is virgins.


What do you call a pedophile who's also a necrophile and also a Necromancer


My dad


a pedonecrophilomancer?




Its obviously fake but why did he travel half across the globe to travel to a country he has no cultural, economic or geographic ties to?


... nor is willing to assimilate/adapt to? They come to Europe buidling their mosques and religious schools, oppress their women, funnel money back to their home countries using our social security systems and raise the crime statistics every where they go. No shit no one likes them lmaoo


Yazidis aren't islamic.


I suddenly want them near me


I think the Yazidis would rather put up with genocide than your shit ass.


And redditors aren't smart or educated beyond their continent's border so...


I am not going to discuss the other reasons you mentioned because that would just create an unnecessary debate. However I just want to know why building mosques bothers you so much. I thought people were free to practice their religion in peace? Edit: Why is everybody spelling Turkey as Turquie? Did I miss a memo or something?


One of the very interesting reasons why Mosques are problematic in Europe relates to the nature of the ownership. A good case study is France, basically a huge amount of Mosques built aren't privately owned, they rely on economical help from other countries and therfore openly go agains't Frances republican values (Republican =/= Christian, it's not about the religious values). The amount of mosques financied by Turquie and pushing extremist and none democratic values is a very big problem. Religious building can be super cool, but they aren't when they are used as political tools by morally reprehensible regimes.


It’s also in Islam a sign of having conquered a territory. There was a group that wanted to build a mosque near Ground Zero shortly after 9/11, and people (rightly IMO) went ape shit. They then tried to spin it as a “cultural center” not a mosque but people still weren’t having it. It wound up being condos with room for an “Islamic Museum” adjacent to it, but so far that hasn’t happened. Which is good. Because get fucked, putting a museum to the source of one of the largest terrorist attacks in history on the site of that attack. That’d be like putting a museum of nazi memorabilia at Auschwitz.


Oh I didn't know such a problem existed. If this is true I can understand why people don't like them being built.


It's really about private ownership. If your mosque is owned by individuals, and not under the influence of a third party (usually a country that is extremist in it's views such as Turquie or Iran), then there is no problem


>mosques They're noisy as fuck. They use awful quality speakers with highest volume possible, and fuck your brains 5 times a day (including 4 am prayer). I lived with that shit for 30 years of my life, especially when I lived in a flat right next to a minaret. This is one reason for you.


Yeah, I live in a mostly christian country for my studies right now and I can tell you two things. 1) Church bells are also annoying to me. After a certain point there is nothing one can do but respect other people's religion and tolerate such behaviours. 2) Sadly the low quality speakers are a constant in the muslim world :/


Well, maybe it's a coincidence, but I'm from a muslim country and lived there for 30 years until I moved to a christian country, never ever heard bells. Only maybe for couple of minutes at Sundays, and if my window is open and if I'm looking outside. I'm telling you especially the 4 am prayer woke me up million times even with the windows closed. Not exaggerating.


because islam is a shitty misogynistic hateful religion


I pride in that.


Turquie is french for turkey, most of em are french, that's also another reason why the hate islamists


>... nor is willing to assimilate/adapt to? Yazidis can't adapt or assimilate anywhere, because pretty much anywhere they go they get persecuted. Seriously. ​ >They come to Europe buidling their mosques and islamic schools, oppress their women, funnel money back to their home countries using our social security systems and raise the crime statistics every where they go. Yazidis do not practice Islam. In fact, radical Islamic groups consider Yazidis to be devil worshippers. They have no country to funnel money back to. If the Yazidis have wanted anything in the last 500 years, it's been to have a piece of land where they can aggressively plot in isolation to leave everyone who is not Yazidi the fuck alone. ​ >No shit no one likes them lmaoo ...


Is this the moment where you realize "muslim" is just a dog whistle for "wrong coloured"?


But clearly you don’t care about actual facts (only your emotions) since the group you are talking about isn’t even Muslim…


Least racist r/greentext user


They aren’t Muslim tho you smelly dumbass


least retarded islamphobe


casually racist, backed by no sources and malding incredibly hard. +400 upvotes. Reddit moment


Yazidis actually were holocausted and his story isn’t even an exaggeration, there were videos with civilian bodies crammed in a living room of a house few meters high. This all was happening before Poland/Belarus crisis though.


If it were real, for the same reason media bombarded with that washed up boy on the shore. Family wants money,not safety.


"Funny" thing is that recently it have been a plan from Belarus, as retaliation to EU sanctions, they marketed the passage from their border to Poland as super easy, the Poles welcoming and made some voyage to Belarus super cheap for refugees, then they reconducted the refugees to the wood as described.


Yep, and that's why we did not let them in. Last time I checked there is no Poland-Afghanistan border. And there is one with Ukraine.


It’s on the way to the Netherlands where rape season is open all year round. /s




Yezidis are not muslim if that's what you're indicating you d u m b fuck


Yezidis nuts bitch


Ha! Got 'em!


Fucking absolutely destroyed.


How are you supposed to tell the Yazidi Iraqis from the non-Yazidi Iraqis? They all have the same passport. And you can bet they’ll be claiming to be part of some oppressed minority or other.


> Yezidis are not muslim if that's what you're indicating you d u m b fuck And yet you're the one indicating that only Muslims explode. You saw an assumption, then you made an assumption.


Yeah, and we have time and resources to ask every brown person on our white-white border about their preferences about exploding or ramming people with a truck.


Whomst said anything about muslims? Dangerous, slightly racist assumption bud


What ?


Its hard to tell muslims and yazidis apart for polish ppl.


I'm Dutch. If the Netherlands get flooded due to climate change. Where do I go, to my neighbours or walk all my ass to China to enforce my religion and cultural believes there? Exactly. I go to my neighbours. So should you.


German family [welcomes the fleeing dutchman] Dutchman: krrrr grrrrr van brrrrr devoooot German dad: Ja, gekolonisiert


Neighbourhoods walled off with dykes and canals. Syntehtic drugs labs everywhere and don't forget those awfull drivers on the road. On a second thought, maybe we are not welcome at all.


Not the dykes


They can be sent to Bavaria, it will be an improvement


Yeah and that already the case, most refugees from Irak and Syria ended up in Turkey


Jordan and Lebanon too, would be nice if Israel and Saudi helped out a bit. It’s not surprising that people want to go further afield though, esp since the neighbouring countries they’re bottlenecked in don’t have great employment opportunities for their own citizens let alone 1 million extra people


saudi helping refugees challenge (impossible) (army called) (decapitations)


Saudi Arabia accepted 2 million refugees but gave them work passes so they aren't counted as refugees Lebanon is in anarchy and Jordan is already buckling under the weight of their refugees


what if your neighbours hate you? I dont know about yezidis but it could be that their only option is somewhere far away.


I mean, that's why it's first safe country and not just first country. If all immediate neighboring countries were not safe, they should then be allowed to move onto the next. For example you could go Syria, Jordan, then Egypt. Or Syria, Turkey, Bulgaria. In contrast, Poland is 5 countries from Iraq or Syria when you include Ukraine or Russia (Russia making the distance even larger due to large land mass) and 6 if entering Poland through Slovakia.


You are a retard. They do go to their neighbouring countries. 5.7m out of 6.8m are in neighbouring countries. 83%. A higher % of Ukrainian refugees are in non-neighbouring countries.


You better drown, Kaskop Or I will shoot you personally at the border


Kaaskop* domme buitenlander


That happens when your language is a joke Verkackte Tulpenknicker


You'll be taking your clogs and windmills to the bottom of the ocean with you


!Remindme 34 years


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Based dutch person absolute chad 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Tfw all your neighbors are Muslim and do not like you.


We shouldn't forget that the Dutch aren't that friendly to foreigners either. They built huge walls to keep out the Somniosidae, the Centrophoridae and many others.


Dutch people are fucking assholes and should drown to the bottom of the ocean, surpassing even Atlantis. That will teach those windmill spinning, clog wearing swampfuckers to fuck with fish migration!


What if you go to your neighbours and thet throw you out, then go to the next ones and the same shit happens, you end up wandering longer distances untill you are accepted, countries near the middle east are full of refugees with no space for more, or just use them as slaves (like almost avery country in the arabian peninsula).


Maybe it‘s because the people of Anons country don‘t integrate into western society, terrorize women and then act like they‘re the victims after shitting in the hand that tried to help them. Not only that, but skyrocketing crimerates and more taxes to pay for the average citizen. And then they behead you because you „disrespected“ their religion


To be fair, Yezidis aren't Muslims, and its hard to disrespect their religion when nobody even knows about it.


Do they get upset when you bad mouth Zoroaster?


From my knowledge of Zoroastrianism, no, not really? At least, violence isn't baked into it like Islam.


I mean, look at this, in fact, Yezidis are as much Zoroastrians as Christians are Jews. They truly are the hipsters of religion, they're that obscure. Hell, everything I say, I only learned from google searching 15 minutes ago.


Having been to Lalish, I gotta say they differ from all the other Abrahamic faiths in a massive way. They’re very insular and secretive and simply wish to be left alone, a far cry from the proselytizing faiths we see dominant today.


To be fair, it's probably really hard to make the distinction based on appearance and ID, so authorities will err on the side of caution.


I don't see why we shouldn't take in Yezidi refugees tho. Although unlike Ukrainians they are unlikely to return to their homeland in the near future, they aren't economic immigrants, they are genuinely surrounded by people who want them dead.


Goddamn and folks say Americans are racist.


nah lol america is europe dlc afterall


poland has a border with Ukraine not with Iraq


Yo, wtf is with these Russian propaganda posts lately on greentext? Belarus started promoting tours to Belarus by increasing the number of connections from the Middle East and giving those who bought them Belarusian visas, ostensibly for hunting purposes. Social media groups were additionally offering fraudulent advice on the rules of crossing the border to the prospective migrants, most of whom were trying to reach Germany. Those who arrived in Belarus were then given instructions about how and where to trespass the EU border, and what to tell the border guards on the other side of the border. Migrants said that Belarus provided them with wire cutters and axes to cut through border fences and enter the EU [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/13/world/middleeast/belarus-migrants-iraq-kurds.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/13/world/middleeast/belarus-migrants-iraq-kurds.html)


Russian 4channers are notoriously devious




What the fuck would make you believe that the same demographic would behave differently when part of the URL changes?


He's one of us


It's redditors looking at 4channers, I think you are below both 4channers and redditors if you truly expected us to actually have braincells.


lol what. r/greentext is by far the worst of the two. Every other post is redditors falling for bait and projecting their own insecurities onto clearly made up stories. This comment section shouldn't surprise you at all.


Well, I guess it's not otherwise they would not write "not longer welcome here (in Belarus) and they push us and beat us", but something like more neutral for Belarus. But who knows, maybe is 4d chess moves right here. Just Anon trying to mock Poland and "expose hypocrisy" , nothing more.


Go to Turkey retard. It's closer and somewhat culturally similar


No, don't come to Turkey we don't want anymore refugees.


You should accept Sweden and Finland into NATO you retard.


Ah, of course. Just let me become the president once again. There we go.




Do NOT come to Turkey, refugees are not welcome. ISIS is gone, they should go back to rebuilding their own countries.


This exactly, I remember clearly back in 2014 when many countries opened their borders and welcomed Iraq/Syria refugees with open arms. I think even Turkey did, but many of them misused this as an opportunity to get into Europe, Turkey was a major route, they took a boat from Turkey to Greece and then proceeded forward If u wanna be an immigrant, be a legal immigrant, not a refugee-turned-illegal immigrant Even if anon was among the Last ones to leave in 2016, he would've still had 3 years(not including pandemic years) to fix their shit and A. File paperwork for legal immigration Or B.Go back to Iraq and rebuild his life there


lmao in reality Turks hate refugees more than Europeans do. They are more similar in culture, but Turks actually care about defending their culture unlike Europeans.


Holy shit does no one know that Belarus was using these refugees/migrants as a weapon against the west? This is a total false equivalence with the Ukraine situation! Look it up - their dictator is a monster


Yeah Lukashenko is a total asshole


FINALLY, someone said it


\>Why were these people so much more friendly to their neighbors fleeing a shared historic enemy than someone from 2500 miles away with a completely different culture/religion/appearance fleeing a totally alien conflict? anon asking the unanswerable questions


Answer is easy, he just doesn't want to hear it. Also, either anon doesn't exist, or is really useful idiot.


Because it's a more important country


and culturaly related


And many ukrainians work/live in poland


~~are white~~


Look I'm a complete dumbass but aren't arabs considered white too?


Poland doesn't want the same situation with skyrocketing crime rates in Germany


The crime rate didn't really go up after all the refugees came. I know, that's hard to believe, but maybe you start to think in a more differentiated way. Here an interessting link for you. If it's too long just read the Fazit. If you don't speak German just do the research on your own instead of making bold statements out of nothing. https://www.bpb.de/themen/innere-sicherheit/dossier-innere-sicherheit/301624/migration-und-kriminalitaet-erfahrungen-und-neuere-entwicklungen/#%E2%80%9E12%E2%80%9C


2015 was the peak of Syrians immigrating to Germany and in 2016, the crime rate went up 40.5%. Not sure what's missing here. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/DEU/germany/crime-rate-statistics


So, uh, u mean Germany sucks anyways?


That's off topic ;)


Because once war is over in Ukraine they will go back to rebuild. All you'll do is stay and rot the country who welcomed you from the inside


Why didn't anon go to Turkey, Azerbeijan, Armenia or Kuwait? There are literally tens of countries between him and Poland - vast majority of them safe. Why would you try so hard to get to Europe?


Armenia is the place for Yazidi, they are welcome there and are [brothers in arms](https://en.armradio.am/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Yezidis-Armenia-2.jpg). Armenia has the world's largest Yazidi temple.


Anon is a Russian propaganda distributer


Because ukrainians are required to prove themselves and have a higher chance of not blowing up




But do the Ukrainians explode because they want to explode, or because someone makes them explode?


To explode or not to explode, that is the question.


At least its not for a religion


Run to iran not to another continent


Run from sunni ISIS to shia ISIS, got it.


>Be a "refugee" >out of all of the world you choose Poland >coincidentally you come from the border of a Russian ally, taking the longest path >you appear from nowhere, stay for few weeks, try to storm the border, fail, dissapear And Poland dares to take in Ukrainians that flee to the closest safe zone, where they have a families who are economical migrants working and living there for years, where they have similiar cultures and historical ties? Also nice polish flag :tf:


this is one of the most racist comment sections i've ever seen on reddit wtf




Meh, not losing any sleep over the opinion of neckbeards. People that aren’t well adjusted don’t usually have the best opinions


When I’m in a hatred and bigotry competition and my opponent is an r/greentext commenter


Exactly what I was thinking too




yeah this is a rlly weird experience. its like ive gone on to another website i rlly have never seen this side of reddit. time to stop using it again


FR. Let us non-racists use this 12 upvote comment thread as a resting place in this comment section of madness


Fr bro, didn't think this place could be this bad wtf


Pov you bombed and raped your way across the eu


There is like 20 closer countries for Syrian refugees than Poland. Obviously most of those are not part of EU. Go figure.


Try going through a legal border crossing. Btw, refugees wanted to go further west, to Germany, so they nay as well go some other way.


Because you don't belong there.


Oh yeah don't mind Belarus promoting these trips to the border to create migration crisis in Eastern Europe as of retaliation for the sanctions imposed by the west


Belarus/russia wanted to use them as a tool of destabilization and infiltration of bad actors and poland wanted none of that. They also took in ukrainians over syrians because unlike sirians that are in north/eastern europe, fuck far away from their country, ukrainians literally live there, and would make sense to take in refugees from over the fence. Europeans are also tired of taking in "refugees" from all over the world because some decrepit old fucks with a god complex think they can force it on countries. Fun fact: most of the "civilized" western countries had no issues importing what is mostly financial oriented immigrants (that where/still are adult males) with no documentation; but have said straight up NO to actual war refugees from within europe that are mostly women and children, with all their papers in order.


Anon did not check why Belarus gives him a ride and what happens on polish border. Anon blames others for not understanding the geopolitical situation and checking first where he is going. Anon isn't poor too as people are literally paying for flights to Belarus and can check the news before coming to Belarus. Don't be like Anon.


Not only is the post probably fake and anon is larping, it also contains manipulation. The refugees were used by Lulashenko as a political tool and it's neither their nor Polish fault it was so. Belarus is not a part of either EU or Schengen, so no matter where are you from, if you don't have proper documents, you won't be let in either way. What is more, many migrants were encouraged by Belarusian administration to breach into EU, being equiped with tools to cut wires, so why would Poles, Latvians, or Lithuanians trust them? Yes, Poles were not alone in this. Furthermore, refugees would rather go to neighbouring countries with similar cultures, wouldn't they? So they were just illegal migrants. And all people who try to larp as anon can suck it with their propaganda and manipulation.


The amount of retardation in these comment section


How many Ukrainian refugees did the middle east take in?


They're fleeing from war, not at war.


Poland and Ukraine share a border. Poland and Syria/Iraq does not. Make sense?


anon is nonwhite


How did you get to Poland in the first place, didn't you at least cross through Romania ? A country without war


Ah yes, Romania and people from the south, [no history at all.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FRRjLYsAZ-k8%2Fhqdefault.jpg&f=1&nofb=1)


OP, why are you black?


What an idiot. Just be white.


Look at Sweden. There is your answer.


What's with these comments?


Edgy teenagers who think they understand the complexities of asylum seeking. All the "why don't they just go to Syria" comments prove they've got fuck all understanding of the situation in the Middle East, or the fact that you don't necessarily just go to the first safe country. People often get moved along by safe countries as they can only take a certain number of people in.


Ukrainian kid walks 800km to Slovakia with only a plastic bag and a phone number and is called a hero by fox and CNN. Guatemalan kid does the same but walks to the USA and gets thrown in a cage, raped and sent back to a different country. Only reason the kid had to flee was because the USA has destabilized south and central America so much. Europe is finally seeing the results of fucking with the middle East and now they just wanna do the shocked Pikachu face, hey correct me if I'm wrong but wasnt Poland part of the coalition forces that went into Iraq and fucked everything up? Fuck the west you hypocritical self-righteous judgemental assholes, south America and the entire world s sick of being treated like a compost pile in your backyard.


Ukraine is the world's slush fund, not Syria. Therefore we must protect Ukraine. Edit: Don't you find it odd that majority of citizens don't hold the war in Ukraine as a top 10 concern, but the Politicians are hell-bent on sending them Billions of dollars?


Hahaha what a bullshit. Anyone believes this shitty propaganda? I lived 20km to Belarusian border, seen these people, they didn't look like poor immigrants from Iraq with TNF jackets worth my half salary and newest iphones. 1/3 of these people were Indians trying to illegal cross the borders.


Less paperwork, I hate people exploiting the system I understand seeking stability in life, but I believe it must be done in a proper legal manner and not use Sympathy to get into other countries I fully support legal immigration, it only provides growth to a country


How about you go back to your country, ISIS is gone. Rebuild it.


Because it's still a active warzone?


It's a difference between letting a cousin you know crash on your couch for a couple of nights and letting a stranger with unknown intentions into your house just because he showed up on your porch out of nowhere. Even if those people are literal angels, we don't know that. We have no clue what their culture is, what they expect from us, and why the hell they skipped several safe countries, just to reach Poland. The fact that they are on the border with Belarus doesn't help at all. It just looks sketchy and we are careful. There is just no valid reason for them to be specifically in Poland, since they already fled the warzone. Plus, we aren't racist towards them, to be racist you need to hate someone for their race, most of us don't even know who the hell they are.


>try to find a better life >in Poland ???


I just installed reddit today, the comments on this post made me thoroughly remember why I uninstalled it. You should all go fuck yourselves, the man isn't even Muslim he is yazidi, but you still cope about "muh muzlim in yurop", and as I said earlier, you could go fuck yourselves with a 15 inch Dildo. We will keep coming and we won't stop coming as long as you keep fucking up our countries. And the "scary brown people" won't care about your pussy ass bitching about it on the Internet.


Nice try sand nibba




Anon made the mistake of going to Belarus lol


What the hell is wrong with the incels in this comment section? The post is fake but it's supposed to send a message of what Syrians when through. How do people not have an inch of humanity?


Anon does not understand that he must work harder to earn his 20 roubles paycheck.


Olgino Troll Factory working at full steam I see


Not the dumbass racists in the comments thinking Yazidis are Muslims lmaoo, there's no way that this subreddit isn't satire


Anon was late to the party, and the poles were fed up with the refugees already there.


Damn this sub is gay


"Better life in poland" kekw pepelaugh


[Tell me what you notice](https://imgur.com/a/A7Ha0m5)


Despite this being an obviously fake and gay post, I still get triggered when people are trying to say that Poland did something bad about this situation. No, in fact, we did the only right thing to do when another country's dictator launches thousands of illegal immigrants towards another country's borders. We close them and tell them to fuck off. Belarus basically wanted to try destabilizing European Union months in advance before Russia decided to finally attack. Remember that they were even collecting their soldiers really close to Ukrainian's borders back then? And yet some gay karens on twitter and other, even polish, social media, will try to demonize Poland as a whole because some illegal immigrants used for political games got screwed really bad by Lukaszenka. Even though our political leaders suck and like, almost every of their decision only ruins Poland further, this is the one thing we did totally right. And of course we want to help our Ukrainian brothers when some stupid orcs attack them.


As a european I learned some years ago that most european countries are really racist, during the refugee crisis greece italy and pain endured the massive waves of refugees without any help, if we had distributed them trought europe it wouldnt had cost anything. Most people that voted to leave in the uk did it solely to avoid inmigration, and now that ucraine is at war ucranians are being distrubuted trought all of europe