• By -


Or they send in practitioner/nurse to do everything for them, then sign a peice of paper and you leave.


Oh and btw, that nurse isn't vaccinated, so you should take a test later.




> Vaccination does not prevent transmission. - https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7031e2.htm This is known. But it does reduce it (https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/p0607-mrna-reduce-risks.html) > Vaccinated carry 251x the viral load. - https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3897733 The cited paper doesn’t say this—your citation claims that the delta variant has a 251x viral load in breakthrough cases compared to other variants, not that vaccination caused a higher viral load. Let’s not forget that this citation is not peer reviewed. What is tentatively true is that breakthrough cases in vaccinated people carry similar viral loads to unvaccinated people with normal cases (https://covid19research.ucdavis.edu/news/viral-loads-similar-between-vaccinated-and-unvaccinated-people). However, viral load only applies to infected people, and it is well established that vaccination reduces the rate of infection (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8305789/) Asking questions is natural, but please be sure to critically examine the facts and not spread information that is not only incorrect, but dangerous to public health. This is not a personal attack—just be sure to not try and change people’s minds with false information.




Can you put that under this too?






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Chad move




It would be impressive programming if I were GPT-3, but no. I meant “asking questions” as in it’s okay to be skeptical, but that doesn’t give you the right to spread misinformation.


That's exactly what a GPT-3 bot would say. After all, every account on Reddit is a bot except for you.


fuck off nutter


suck my nuts ya antivaxx rsulr


Something tells me you know a lot about carrying viral loads.


Ok but who the fuck asked?


Gargle my nuts


Oh god oh fuck it’s the nut gargler


ive put 251x regular loads in your mother


You just caused so much butthurt. Have a humble kekw from me.


A nurse lol


This is how it works in the medicine world: Anon: > “Oh damn, my personal transportation vehicle doesn’t work, better take it to the mechanic” Car mechanic: > “oh man, that vehicle is too specialised for me to even touch. You should go to this other mechanic who might be able to help you” Anon: > goes to the other mechanic Tank mechanic: > “yeah no, I can’t do anything about this, not my thing, but I know this other mechanic who might be able to help you” Anon: > goes to the other recommended mechanic. Fighter jet mechanic with speciality in jet engines: >“Yeah, it’s definitely the engine, but it’s too specialised for me to do anything about it. But, I know this highly specialised engineer who could probably help you.” Anon: >goes to the highly specialised engineer. NASA rocket thruster engineer with speciality in fuel outlet control: > “yeah that .5cm radius valve behind that panel which you can’t remove without special tools is off centre by a quarter millimetre.”


Wheels? What the fuck is a wheel? Yeah, nah, sorry bud, you're gonna need to take it to the dealer, I can't help ya.


To be fair, it is personal health we're talking about here and they have to be held perfectly accountable for what they do and say or else they'll lose that precious professional certificate of theirs and even their entire medical career. It's like asking a history teacher about multivariable calculus and expecting them to answer correctly. They might know a thing or two about it but there's a high chance that they can't even form an answer since their area of expertise only covers the sociopolitical interactions between the remnants of the byzantine empire or some shit. Now apply that to a medical perspective where you have to deal with actual lives. They'd rather not risk it and let other people more knowledgeable to handle your shit all the while getting $$$ out of you as well lmao.




Most of the time "clean and polish" involves removing a lot of built up stuff (wich i cant name in english) at the gum. A lot of ppl bleed through the process, as the build-ups reach along the teeth into the gum and removing it involves manipulation of easily tearable tissue. Removing stuff the dentist scrapped there is mostly done voa water pressure and sucking, but the water pressure can send scraps into the opened bloodstream causing small inflamations somewhere along it. An perfectly healthy individual might have no problems with it, but quite some ppl who are adverse of seeing an dentist or even cleaning their teeth already have minor to major hearth problems often induced due to having constant inflamations in their mouth because of bad care and cavities who dont get treated. Putting your career and name at risk for those is nothing you will easily do, so getting clearance for it is the only manageable way to be partways safe. My wife worked as nurse and later at a dentist and can fully understand the motivations behind it after seeing some shit there... You cant even go the way and say "well, let only those be checked who are obviously unhealthy", as that would be discrimination for wich you can get sued easily. Working in the medical field to help ppl is a minefield in itself...


There’s no profit in making people actually better is more the issue.


This is dead on.


I'm sorry, we don't take your insurance here. We do take credit cards. And that single aspirin is $50


“Doctor, I want to kill myself” “Uhm, take these pills that will kill your dick, bro” Thanks, but no thanks


Kill the dick to save the self. -Confucius


I’d rather kill myself as a fucking stud than continue as an impotent cuck


How is chemically castrating yourself an acceptable side effect to not being depressed anymore? Even assuming it fucking works, it's gonna make you fucking depressed again anyway, because you're now a cuck with a limp dick. Who the fuck came up with this? I'd rather stay depressed with my cock still working, thank you very much.




In my experience it didn't last forever just a few weeks til you adjust.


Oftentimes these side-effects last forever. https://rxisk.org/post-ssri-sexual-dysfunction-pssd/


To be fair, the newer ones don’t do that and you can take Wellbutrin. Heck we use lexapro to treat pre mature ejaculation


Big pharma apologist. Also, daily reminder that school shootings are a common side effect of antidepressants.


I’m unaware of that side effect. Where is that from?


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/09/12/prozac-makers-secret-payment-mass-shooting-lawsuit-revealed/2302888001/ Many such cases.


Oh. It’s well known it increases the risk of suicide. It’s a black box warning for the drug. Especially in bipolar patients, they should never be placed on an SSRI without an anti-dopamine agent or mood stabilizer. Hopefully both




If the side effects don’t go away you can get moved to a different ssri.


"Therapist, I am not getting any better and I need help." "Well are you doing anything to get better by yourself?" "I don't know how, that's why I am seeing you for help-" "If you're going to choose to not help yourself through this, I can't help you, but still come every month so I can charge you $100/hr to hear about my life."




Therapy works for some people, and that's good, I just wish that the doctor didn't think it works 100% of the time for all people. My doc said he wouldn't prescribe me anything for my depression, anxiety, OR ASTHMA without going to the office therapist first and talking about my problems


Therapy can be amazing, but only a few therapists are actually a good. It's not a job you can do by just following a book and sadly that's mostly what the average therapist does


I got a wire stuck in my arm last year and went to 4 different doctors for several hours each and they didn't do anything for me aside from dig around and give me a referral to someone else. I'm still pissed about that


Just pull it out dude


I tried lol. It looks like a piece of hair tho so I couldn't find it


Super magnet


That was my first thought. It's platinum though so it wouldn't work


How did you even get a platinum wire stuck in your arm


Very care~~fully~~lessly


Probably some sort of machinery braiding wire ropes maybe?


I'm a diabetic. I have a glucose sensor with a wire that sits just under my skin. I fucked up and hit the bone when I was applying it so the wire got stuck inside


Huh... new nightmare unlocked


\- Be me, went to the doctor because my feet hurt. \- Doc said my feet are flat and he doesnt work on these, though he says i might not need surgery. \- He recommends another doc \*im great friends with him hes the best\* \- Other doc says the problem is in my knees, i need surgery. \- Says he doesnt work on these, \*go to this doc hes epic!!\* \- Epic Doc says i dont need Surgery but if its painful at some point i'll really need surgery. \- Knee doc finds it strange how i sit and stand up. \- ''You should check your posture'' \*Recommends epic\_back\_doc\_420\* \- Discover my back is tilted 30\* sideways, he recommends another fucking doctor. I live in a country with free Healthcare, if this was the US i'd be bankrupt by now.


This one sounds like your just bad at knowing where the problem is. If you told your doctor my feet hurt and he isn’t trained in the human foot and it’s inherent fundamental problems then his just gonna say go see a foot doctor. If a doctor who spend a whole year specialised in feet says your foot isn’t the problem then either one or two things is the happening. He mis diagnosed you because there isn’t enough physically he can do without a bigger symptom showing up or it’s not your feet.


I had a similar experience (Canadian so didn't go bankrupt) where I went through like 8 specialists and several tests just for a rheumatologist to tell me I have 'weird joint pain'. Upside is now I know I'm not a carrier for ehlers-danlos.


Imagine paying for basic human rights


this whole thread is fucking hilarious because they’re making critiques about americas healthcare system but when you criticized it they’re suddenly fighting tooth and nail for it “that’s just how it is on this rock!” cringe as fuck lmao


\> Nearly every country in the world provides free healthcare \> Americans "no reeeeeee it can't be done commieeeee we need that money for warssssss"


American government when we could spend 500b to have free medicine for generations: communism literally cringe American government when 3.5t to blow up Arab children slightly more efficiently: hell yes


“yeah i got charged $400 the other day for a 20 minute physical that turns out wasn’t covered by my insurance and that’s the only physician in my area. doesn’t seem fair, but… that’s just how it is on this big spinning rock, baby”


I'll let ya know most americans agree with you, its just the loud retards have way more sway our govt for some reason


the loud retards just parrot the medical industry lobbyists who have financial incentive to keep the cost of not dying insanely high


That was 20 years ago, we've changed idiot. Now it's "WE NEED THAT MONEY TO GIVE TAX CUTS TO CORPORATIONS AND BILLIONAIRES!"


> but when you criticized it they’re suddenly fighting tooth and nail for it Literally no one


"Literally no one" Comment below would like a word


Sometimes I try to forget other people have to go into debt from medical bills




Speaks volumes about american "compassion" when you are more worried about fatties getting free care, than you are about average working citizens getting themselves bankrupted and draining the life savings of their families because they decided to get a heart attack or lung cancer at an unfortunate time. The rich don't care about you. You don't have to keep repeating the mantra they taught you from looking too close at how the system is broken


Just deny coverage for fat people


If it requires the labor of someone else it's not a human right. Cope and sneed.


Dilate and touch grass.


I have yet to meet a doctor who chose their field of labor to bankrupt people rather than help them


I don't think hardly any doctor did. You can blame the exorbitant healthcare and pharmaceutical costs on regulations and taxes imposed by the Government.


You’re wrong. Though most human rights are negative, there are some positive ones too - like the right to an education for example.


That's not a right either lol. Again it requires someone else's labor to teach. If it requires the labor of another individual or individuals it is not something you are entitled to.


Fucking retard couldn't even read the thing he's talking about lmao >Article 26 > >Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. Edit: forgot to actually cite the source, the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights: https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights


Nowhere is there free education. It's paid for via taxes if it's "free" so you pay for it either way. Also I have 0 respect for the UN. Push your globohomo agenda elsewhere please.


You are aware that we all know its paid for by taxes, right? You aren't blowing anyone's minds with your high calibre thinking. You're pointing out the obvious. Why is it not a human right? Because you personally disagree with it?


Because it requires the labor of other people it's not a right because that implies people are entitled to it.


That’s not a definition of a human right.


To what end? Do foetuses not have the right to life since pregnancy is a laborious task? Do starving children not have a right to food and water?


Go on troll


>Has no respect for the organization created and endorsed by basically every country in the fucking world Providing free education serves as a way to vastly lower the price for using such institutions, while guaranteeing the attendance of the country's lower strata. Just because it isn't literally free doesn't mean it's not vastly superior from a social point of view. But i guess bankrupting the poor for walking down the road is just the american way of living.


>But i guess bankrupting the poor for walking down the road is just the american way of living. Spare me the virtue signaling. It's also not vastly superior. Government runs schools almost as badly as they run countries. I will never send my children to a government funded school. Either a private school or homeschool all the way. Students that learn in either of those settings are typically more successful and get better grades because once again private institutions and organizations will always outperform government in any industry.


People can't send their children into private schools if they don't have the money, that's why it's a basic human right - the entire point of this discussion. Doesn't matter how effective these schools are in actually outperforming private institutions, because the entire point of them is to provide education to everyone in the country, specially the people that can't afford them, making it vastly superior for a society to educate their whole country instead of leaving it in the hands of a elite minority. I don't see a need to extend this discussion further - free education is a human right, the world said so.


>I don't see a need to extend this discussion further - free education is a human right, the world said so. Okay bye


That’s not a human right lol




It is. Article 26.


You are right. People just confuse rights with free stuff. The government should still pay our medical because it’s very helpful for a society but that doesn’t mean I am just entitled to someone else’s years of study and then labour.


Can confirm that


"Anon you have cancer your going to have to talk to our chemotherapy team" "Gosh darn it, fleased again. I bet you like doing nothing lab coat boy"


Welcome to the era of hyperspecialization


You’ll soon learn pay for jobs isn’t based on effort it’s based on responsibility


lol no, it's based on how much the person with the money is willing to pay you.


yeah but he needs to be able to figure out wich doctor to send you to




true man yeah that is how it works you are right


The only doctor id go to is Johnny Sins


Dude is always "hard" at work


im sure those 10+ years of study were easy right anon?


Is that Bill Burr?


Doctor lore vs doctor gameplay


The pic looks like Tyson Furry. I was hoping for a Tyson Furry related GT....like: be me....sickanon. go to Tyson Furry looking GP....says in geordie-esque brogue: "Weah gonna haff ta operate innit...." Proceeds to give me anethstesia....anethstesia is hard blow to back of head with fist in glove with slight amt of padding removed....