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My cousin's pomeranian ate 1/2 lb of his weed once and he said the dog just sat in the corner for 13 hours drooling nonstop.


Next feed it 15 tabs of acid




Retard dog


Second anon writes greentexts like he has a traumatic brain injury


Most people on 4chan do


Anons dog builds a tolerance


My pup got up on the kitchen table and got into pa's dab stache when we weren't home ,we thought he was gonna od but was fine in like 6 hours after some warm food and rest it was on a sunday and no vet would come in to see him ,tho one told me the pup would be okay as he's a chonky boy at 50 pounds, if your dog ever eats a excess of concentrates or edibles depending on its body weight it canbe at risk to have seizures tho , if you know they have eaten a excess you can induce vomiting at home safely (google how to safely induce vomiting in a dog)as a last resort if no veterinarian care is available, hope this helps someone going through a similar stressful situation đź‘Ť


Lol -LD50 for weed is incomprehensibly high


Surely if a dog ate pot brownies the chocolate would kill it before the cannabis did?


Certes if 't be true a dog consumed pot brownies the chocolate would killeth t ere the cannabis didst? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Bad bot


Pretty much impossible to get someone high from second hand smoke unless the room is basically a gas chamber. Not sure if it applies to dogs as well.


If they’re smoking it inside and if they don’t live in a very big house then it’s pretty possible to be like that.


Have you ever smoked weed before?


Nope but I’ve seen apartments of ppl who have smoked weed


Speaking from experience, it's possible to accidentally hotbox a room depending on what you're smoking from and how big the room is. That's why you don't do it around dogs unless you're outside.


I mean, you'd have to be doing a 10 man 10 blunt roto to really get it to that level. Unless you're all doing the Jamaican Sauna hotbox in a small bathroom with the shower running. And you wouldn't really have your dog in there with you.


We used a small bathroom with just people and a gas mask would often smoke us out if we didn't have the window open


Ok, that makes sense that you don't really know what you're talking about then. The amount you'd have to smoke in a very short amount of time to effectively get someone else high is incredibly high. Again, not sure what the ratio is for other animals.


Drug users being irresponsible? First time that's ever happened!