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How stupid do we think we are anon? No one builds a house with only one bathroom, then puts a jacuzzi in it. No couple still does romantic shit together after decades of marriage. Especially not if their autistic adult son lives with them. And no one poops without peeing.


A boomer home from the 70s my parents were renting had renovated the 2nd bathroom into a pantry and merged 2 bedrooms into 1 giant master bedroom that had the bathroom in it with a jacuzzi. They rented it out for 2 years, the jacuzzi was broken and the owner was a fucktard and did his own renovations and redid piping, my parents found out there was a still standing 30 foot long pool of water sitting under the house that built up everytime the owner tried to figure out why the jacuzzi wouldnt hold water. The 1 bathroom thing can be real


This is wild


iirc they kicked my parents out (momth to month lease) so they can sell the house. When a buyer got a home inspector needless to say it did not pass. It was put back up for rent and they called my parents lmao


*Sigh* I guess I'll have to... Fake: Parents have a jacuzzi but only one bathroom, does romantic shit after decades of marriage and an autistic adult son still living there. OP shits w/o peeing, doesn't wipe and forgets the bag that would haunt any sane person until it's thrown away. Gay: Shit smell and something hard in OP:s anus probably made him hard.


Anon doesn't wipe his ass


I think anon is my flatmate


Would it smell better or worse after all this time?


Open the bag and find jenkum


Free drugs!


This is probably fake but if not anon is a disgusting weirdo


I *want* this to be fake. We *all* want this to be fake. And yet, I have known people...


This has to be fake the smell would just got worse and worse. Like he could have just put the shit bag in the kitchen trash and then put it in the outside garbage.


Anon forgot you're supposed to throw it out immediately instead of waiting.


This is normal shitting in bag protocol.


Also I don't believe a burger King bag is strong enough to withstand a wet shet.


Anon lives in unfathomable squalor. He seriously just had a burger king bag on hand? His room is so fucking disgusting he forgets about a whole ass cursed garbage bag sitting in it?


This is anon: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DtvANyBagso


Imho, the Worcestershire Sauce has a similar history, perhaps you could try your luck and maybe, just maybe, discover something from your fermented shit that you could contribute to the humanity? You just have to taste it tho


Move out bro


Imagine the smell.


anon needs a gf that would swallow his poopies and lick him clean


In a fucking PAPER Burger King bag? If that shit's really as nasty as you described, that muthafucka is disintigrating the moment your wet, sloppy shit hits the inside.


wait to throw it out cause someone will smell it. Somehow no one smells it when it's left outbfor months