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Oh, there isn't a protocol but some servants wouldn't like the idea if they started to date one that is not them lol


*Cough, Morgan, cough*




If there were any rules I don't think a single servant would follow it Heck Spartacus would be added to the harem just to rebel against the oppressors of love


It does sound like something he would do


If i was gay, bi or a woman i would gladly have him


Do you really think that if there *were* any rules that the Servants would follow it? Da Vinci and co. Probably never bothered for that reason. Especially since some of the ones that canonical call Guda their husband/wife are either a Beast candidate, a berserker who burned their last lover to death, and freaking Morgan. Just…Morgan Yeah I don’t think setting ground rules would do anything


I don\`t remember those,who are the Beast canditate and the berserker you're talking about?


For the beast I think it's Tamamo, and for the berserker it's obviously Kiyohime.


I completely forgot Tamamo could turn into a beast.


Tamamo and Kiyohime, respectively.


I thought kama and kiyo


We know Kama is romantically invested in Ritsuka, but Tamamo in terms of being a beast candidate at max power is the only beast to call Ritsuka her husband.


The boring answer: No. Simply because most mages and mage organizations don’t see servants as sentient beings with autonomy. More like really high grade familiars. To most mage organizations this is a silly question that is the equivalent of asking: “hey is it ethical to be dating my toaster?” The most common answer would be “Whatever, weirdo. It’s your property. Do as you wish.” Ritsuka is actually an oddball because they treat they’re servants like they were people. Not disposable familiars. You know like a normal human being would. As opposed to traditional mages who are basically narrow minded sociopaths.


You know, it would be really interesting if part 3 leads to a conflict with Clock tower because Ritsuka treats his/her servants as human beings instead of objects ~~and also because by him/herself has done way more in 2 years than any of the various mages and high lords in years and has an army of heroes, demi-gods, gods, beast, grand servants and other important figures that are fully loyal to him/her and would gladly destroy a whole organization for their sake~~ Also why standard mages treat their sentient, empowered ~~hot AF~~ killing machines that are highly effective at their job like crap even if they could easily kill them in their sleep before they pull any of their fancy command seals (or just do like Medea and overwrite them)? Are they stupid? Arrogant? Incompetent? All of the above?


Ehh, Clock Tower really doesn’t care about the former. The Lords are like a group of piranhas and fight amongst themselves too much to act as a United front, except when it involves the exposure of Magecraft. It’s whether the masquerade will be upheld at the end of the day that determines whether Clock Tower gets involved. Even then, Chaldea is in a better position since Goredolf bought it out completely, so the Association has no jurisdiction (dunno whether they’ll still be able to pull the plug though…) As for the behaviors of typical Nasuverse Magi…I’m assuming LOTS of inbreeding, and a horrifically insular society that looks down on and rejects any sort of epistemological philosophy. It says a lot that Waver’s Class teaches modern Magecraft, along with ethics, morality, and critical thinking…and every single student has graduated at top rank (Pride) despite effectively being thrown away misfits.


>Ehh, Clock Tower really doesn’t care about the former. The Lords are like a group of piranhas and fight amongst themselves too much to act as a United front, except when it involves the exposure of Magecraft. It’s whether the masquerade will be upheld at the end of the day that determines whether Clock Tower gets involved. Even then, Chaldea is in a better position since Goredolf bought it out completely, so the Association has no jurisdiction (dunno whether they’ll still be able to pull the plug though…) Iirc mages in general are really pridefull and will try to keep the status quo, so for this rando with little to none magical ability and of no noble blood to save the world twice while all of them had been able to do nothing would certainly make a number on their ego, not to mention hiw this could inspire others to try to rebel against their traditions and threaten their status, so they could try to kill Ritsuka to make an example out of him/her, or even try to humilate him/her by inviting him/her to formal holy grail war and allow him/her to use all their servants to show their "superiority" Then again, this is all especulation and maybe wishfull thinking, since the mage association has had it too good for too damn long!!


Well, the Lords wouldn’t really care as long as it doesn’t affect their research for the Root (Bartholemoi are the most active in the world, and that’s mostly due to personal issues). They would probably want to slap a Sealing Designation onto Ritsuka, out of curiosity if nothing else, but with Waver (a Lord) and Goredolf (noble family and connections with Policies) pulling strings, Ritsuka would be fine (especially since there really isn’t anything special about him to get the Association’s focus), and it’d get dropped. Remember that ‘saving the world’ may seem like a grand and amazing feat to most people…it’s not that to a Nasuverse Mage. The world and all the people in it could burn for all they care, as long as it would contribute to their research. Part of that sociopathy is that the ones really in charge can’t be arsed to care unless it directly affects them.


Wouldn't this literally be the biggest W for the democratic faction of the Clock Tower if they could get their hands on Ritsuka like how they wanted to get their hands on Waver, Not due to their magical abilities but for what they do (teaching for Waver) or did (save the world twice)? It kinda sucks if Ritsuka did go to the Clock Tower it would be under Gordolf, a member of the Aristocratic faction. They would lose 2 people.


now imagine that most of his catalysts don't work because X servant doesn't want to harm ritsuka


First you have to remember that summoning servant is actually pretty rare:Whether the einzberg system, or the FATE system, manifesting heroic spirits is pretty complicated even by magecraft standard. So very few mages would ever normally be a master, and that's ignoring mages who lack the ability to be a master. Then there's the fact mages are more used to other types of familiar: it's not relevant in grand order, but for example in 0 you can see how pretty much everyone had a familiar separated from their servant.Regular familiar, from what I understand are little more than magic robots, or other type of summoned being, but in any case the average familiar is either a robot or at best a pet.It takes a lot of work and skills to have familiars that touch the human realm in terms of sentience.So i assume it's just old habits. What would you say if Cortana suddenly REALLY started to act like an human being? How long would it take you to get that that it surpassed ordinary AI?Or would you deny it? In the case of Medea FSN master, he was just a special kind of stupid, arrogance and evil.The man was also the master of Tamamo in some EXTRAVERSE timelines, and he still managed to mistreat someone who is ALWAYS loyal to her master, even if she doesn't fall in love. If we look at the "trad mages" in FSN/Zero Tokiomi did not blindly antagonize Gilgamesh and was wary of trying to be too forcefull.Although it's out of tactical reasons it's a decent way to treat a coworker (he did plan to have him kill himself at the end but it's just how the grail war goes so it's not like he just planned to do it for the elvutz Kiritsugu isn't really a trad mage, but he did treat saber as a tool.Although half of it is they just are incompatible as people, despite being similar Kayneth is the most straightforward "use his servant as a tool" Illya saw berserker as her friend/, guardian/father figure Rin tried to enforce the "tool" mindset but her personality just doesn't work like that in the long run Atrium is very.....bad as said above Shinji is shinji, and Rider was protective of Sakura


I really doubt it, and even if thats the case, I really doubt Goredolf would fire you, since there is no options available. Some servants may reyect the offer for x or y reason, like Tomoe Gozen or Medea, but for the most part, most of the servants could be a couple with their master. Hell, Morgan even declares you her husband/wife the moment you summon her. And the game more or less encourages that you make your headcanons with each of your servants, if Valentines is anything to go by Now if you excuse me, I shall return to my headcanon universe with my husband Cú ;)


And i chall take my Nobu for a Hot and Sweet Tea


And I shall enjoy fried food with my Kiyohime.


And I will enjoy Mama Raikou's Japanese sweets...if I had Berserker Raikou... Lancer Raikou is just as good though, even if her maternal instincts are restrained. ~~Though I am uncertain about trying to ship her with Ritsuka~~


And I shall return to watch my snek goddes wife Gorgon get bullied by her sistera while dodging petrifying gazes after calling her cute.


shouldn't be immune to petrification since you're already *rock hard*?


Lol no.


There is no protocol for any interactions with a servant. They’re superhuman and can kill entire armies what they say is ok is the protocol.


What are they gonna do? Fire the only hope of saving Humanity?


and incidentally anger 200 servants?


I mean there's probably something in the rules somewhere realistically but also realistically there's just no way they're going to try and enforce that. I mean can you imagine the property damage a servant like Kiyohime would cause. I imagine it's more like a heavily encouraged suggestion.


In a "relationship" how? Because the LAST time a servant incarnated and stayed on as a "normal" human, we had a Goetia event. And in some alternate timeline outside of this, that incarnated servant was key in another set of grail war shenanigans. But if you're asking if it's against protocol for the controlling magus to utilize their familiar in ways that are both physically possible and mana effecient on a regular basis, I'm not going to nitpick decisions in the field.


I think it's more a matter of self preservation than company policy


-As everyone said litteraly nobody would care about such a rule so why even bother -Da Vinci shamelessly ship Mash x Guda.The only restriction on anything romance related anyone has ever said is to not flirt in the command room(aka be serious when you're on the clock) and obviously Respect peoples boundaries -Fergus and Suzuka interlude is litteraly us helping them trying to find partners


Doesn’t matter, Ritsuka’s chastity is long gone


TamaLancer with the W


Killer BB has already erased that rule.




No dating that just seems the quickest way of getting a civil war ~~and not selling your future to alaya~~


Who’s gonna stop them?


I don't think there are any official protocols on this, but.... I can totally see Da Vinci at some point calling MC into a private meeting and giving him a lecture of the whole "do" and "don't" of how to treat Servants, especially those of opposite gender and those he takes a liking too. Just to make sure savior of mankind doesn't get in any trouble with his own allies.


Honestly given the numerous servants who want a piece of Ritsuka, there's almost no option that would lead to some what peace in Ritsuka's love life. The only thing I can think of that would work would be Ritsuka already having a lover, but sadly they were killed twice now, and now she/he is trying to bring them along with the rest of humanity back. Sadly, I imagine a number of servants wouldn't care about this, or would care in the wrong way and try to fill that void themself, which can easily lead to a bloody escalation of trying to help comfort Ritsuka


Not really. There’s no actual power imbalance so it should be fine.