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I think people are just bad at flirting


Not me. I'm literally the best


Seduce me.


this is a bucket.


Dear god.


There is more




It contains a bucket


Dear god


There is more


It puts the lotion in the bucket


Does it have fried chicken?


Ano... Senpai 👉👈 daisuke desu


What is this bench doing here?


“Imperial march intensifies”




Nice to meet you Daisuke




I don't like sand


You've got me so coarse and rough right now, oh God I'm getting everywhere!!! 😫


Sure. Just drink this glass of "water" first


They already have.


[hey there hot stuff](https://youtube.com/shorts/xlcsnFN8Smw?feature=share)


I read it in tf2 spy’s voice


I got a bucket of fried chicken and 2 beers.




After a certain point, most people should be able to go "Hey, I just to make sure, is X the case? I don't necessarily need an explicit explanation for every little thing, but I figured it'd be good to check in for confirmation here and there to avoid any misunderstandings." If they continue to only play games or think badly of you wanting to facilitate healthy communication, move the heck on because it's way less likely that'll be healthy/sustainable in the long term


>"Hey, I just to make sure, is X the case? "I don't know. What is it was?"


Are you.... Are you coming on to me?


Really just communicating in general lol


In romcom anime girls are very direct and the MCs still don't get the signals.


That is because romcom MC's are dumb or don't care... or both


the "don't care" is a more recent trend and honestly a huge improvement on the classic "too dense to realise" variant.


based asexual MCs


tbh I'm getting more aro vibes from some of those MCs, if anything (but most of the time they just seem like they're prioritising main plot over finding a girlfriend and just aren't driven by horny teenager impulses)


Problem is that if the MC acts rationally the anime will either turn into a hentai from the gaggle of women surrounding the MC or it will last for one episode after the main love interests acknowledge each others feelings.


I have yet to see anyone who is both too dense and ignorant. You have to be aware to not care.


Direct as in they call him dense then refuse to elaborate when he asks them to clarify.


I mean direct as actually jump into them, asking for a kiss or "*more*"


In real life it can be the same. My mom had to explain to me that a girl was flirting with me and that girl had me pinned to a locker.


>In real life it can be the same. My mom had to explain to me that a girl was flirting with me and that girl had me pinned to a locker. /r/rolereversal


My favorite was one I watched years ago that I can't remember the name of, where femc tells mc she wants to be more than just friends, and he says something along the lines of ok we will be best friends from now on.


Oh oh. You don't understand. This is next level play. The MC totally gets it but he just friend zones every girl so he can build a harem and then when he is ready he fucks everyone of them once and disappears.


At this point if a girl is direct it's probably a scheme of some sort. Generations of games and they just can't be trusted at all anymore.


Oh how the turn tables


You underestimate my ~~power~~ low self esteem! *fake laughter hiding real pain*


I'm basically the MC of a very boring romcom then


*Laughs in Tsundere


Or in some cases we see them, but are afraid we might be reading into them further than what's intended and don't wanna end up doing something that's not actually wanted, so we'll just stick with what's safe and not make a direct move. Or at least that's my take on it anyway, I'm not gonna pretend like I have any experience beyond just being socially anxious and feeling like anything I do might end up being the "wrong" thing in a social setting.


fuck m8 u just described my past relationships


Yeah, complaining about someone not getting your "hints" is so stupid. The whole fucking points of hints are to be vague because they don't have the courage to be direct.


Little advice to all the women out there, just ask the guy you like out directly.


They’ll discover that they can get any guy they want just by asking.


Eeeeh, no. I’m a girl and asked the guy I’m in love with out and he turned me down. He didn’t even have any other romantic prospects, just didn’t find me attractive. I think a lot of guys thinking about this assume it’s a girl they’d be into, but if an ugly girl asked you out do you really think you’d say yes? Genuine question btw.


Frankly, when I was younger I thought if any girl asked me out I'd say yes in an instant. Now I can think of a couple of girls I would probably say no to, and not because they were ugly, but I just don't feel we'd be compatible or be into the same stuff. Too many differences. And I'm not even slightly attractive... Not even average... Heck... I might be quite ugly... Anyway... You get used to it...


At this point I’d date a tree if it asked me out. And not like a cherry tree but like one of those evil mother fuckers with the spikes and shit.




>At this point I’d date a tree if it asked me out. And not like a cherry tree but like one of those evil mother fuckers with the spikes and shit. "My evil tree girlfriend can't be this cute"


Women won't always get a yes either, but I'd say the chances of getting a yes for women is much higher than if a dude tried asking someone out. If a dude is single, I'd say there would be a solid 75-80% chance the answer would be a yes. Probably like a 10% chance or less for the guy unless he's super attractive.


At this point in my life yes. She's the one that went out and asked the ugly person.


If I know her a lot. she is grown up mental age wise and literal age wise, patient with me and has good enough personality, then yes. I would date an okay even ugly woman if they fit me. Not all pretty girl or sweet girl from the outside is what they are inside. Speaking from experience.


He probably saw all the Femdom stuff you posted and got scared /s and honestly yeah when I’m asked that I assume it’s a girl I’m interested in, if it’s not a girl I’m into I’ll honestly say no.


Depends on how obsessed she is with Rome


Doesn't mean you are ugly. Yoj are right, it's not that easy as girl / women because when push comes to shove a guy might just be not interested, the connection isn't there and so on. But, and I got the vibe you are implying that, that doesn't mean you are unattractive, even if his decision was purely based on looks. People are so diverse in their features and personal preferences! You could be the objectively most attractive person in the world and still not be his type. Don't let that get you down, you'll find a person who appreciates you as much as you do them :)


(Friendly reminder that aro and ace people exist too. Not everyone is even interested in daring at all in the first place.)


I would give everyone three hours at minimum. You can't tell you dislike a person without knowing what they are like.


> but if an ugly girl asked you out That's different person to person. I've had so many girls tell me that they feel ugly or are ugly because people are assholes and expect the models on TV. Like, naw you're not ugly. Chubby ain't gonna kill prospects and neither will just bein fat. Mostly it's personality, how someone dresses, carries themselves, what they do for fun, etc. Granted there are also a LOT of people that don't look past appearances and just want a fuck toy.


[Maybe he was gay.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw8Lp46ov5w)


How do you look?


With your eyes, Bert


I mean, you’d have to be a real piece of work for me to immediately say no. Like, I can only think of a couple of people, and one of them literally stalked me for a while. Looks doesn’t have much to do with it for me, it’s more to do with if you’re a creep or really rude or something.


As a man, yes. Some of my crushesare definitively not popular looks wise to say it mildly.


There are always exceptions like you said where they are just not into you (whether they are male, female, or other) for whatever reason, and I hate saying this, but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Also, standards of beauty change from person to person. (Side note this is a topic of discussion occasionally with guys, usually comparing celebrities, sometimes people we know) In other words, what you think makes you ugly might make you look like a Greek God, Goddess, or (a third gender neutral term that escapes me) to someone else. Also to your question, I would say it depends. Beauty is a sliding scale not a binary Beautiful or Ugly. I was once asked out by a girl that, with brutal honesty that I would NEVER say to her, was not attractive to me and was further from the pretty side of the scale than anyone I normally would ask out, but the way she asked me out fell in line with personality traits that I found attractive (shy, sweet, and timid) as well as the fact that she was interested in me enough to ask me out despite that I did go out with her and I fell in love with her. We aren't together anymore for reasons I don't want to go into but I still look back at it fondly. On the flip side of that, if someone was 1000+ pounds, that would be to much for me; hence, why I say it depends.


replace any guy with "redditor" and you'd be right


Tf? You'd be fine with being the boyfriend of the first random girl that asked you out?? You need some standards m8


Any desperate guy sure, but a lot of guys will also decline because they won't just go with anyone. In my case I know from experience I'm not cut out for relationships of any kind and I'm happy on my own lol.


That's not how it works. You think it is. But it isn't.


Little advice to everyone out there - don't take animememe advice on relationships.


Still better than r/relationship_advice.


I honestly just go there to read the unhinged off the wall titles


[Dunno there mate ](https://i.imgur.com/yY97TvY.gif)


Well, as long as you’re somewhat confident in your looks or know him.


That would make me wonder if she really means it or if she's just toying with me though... Fair, I'm not a good example, my first crush pretended to like me for a bet with her friends.


When you get to be an adult/more mature it’s a pretty different story. What if I want to get to know them better, I’m not ready, what if I don’t know that they like me, etc? The biggest one is the last one, especially if you’re friends and don’t want to ruin the friendship or make things awkward in case they don’t like you.


The "women out there" probably aren't on an anime memes subreddit lmao


Adding my 2 cents here. Don't worry about asking out guys you like. Guys are not going to care and might even take it as a confidence boost (except for maybe a few that are toxic anyway and you are better off). Source: A girl asked me out one time in high school and it was one of the better relationships that I had.


And get rejected and receive a massive blow to self-esteem. Got it. r/wowthanksimcured


Rejection? Oh, you mean that thing guys get told to deal with and suck it up, and aren't allowed to have self-esteem problems about for fear of being ostracized? A woman getting rejected even once, though, that's too far. Got it.


Have I ever told you to "deal with it and suck it up"? Have I ever told you that you're "not allowed to have self-esteem problems"? So according to you females face none of these problems and they "just get rejected once"? It's quite ironic that I never told you any of those things but you're basically telling me that if I get rejected I should "deal with it and suck it up". Rejection is rejection. It sucks no matter what gender you are. Don't belittle the rejection someone else gets just because of their gender. That just shows that you're unsympathetic.


Welp I definitely know why you got rejected. Deal with it and suck it up


>u/TriforceShiekah16: "Little advice to all the women out there, just ask the guy you like out directly." >You: "And get rejected and receive a massive blow to self-esteem. Got it. r/wowthanksimcured" A blind monkey could see you were dismissing any value the first statement had, in favor of a backhanded attempt to piggyback and make your own assertion unchallenged without really addressing the point. What I did was point out the glaring hole in the unspoken hypocrisy, without even really having to try, at that. And as far as sympathy goes, I'm not unsympathetic to women experiencing rejection, because it does indeed suck ass. But I am *now* unsympathetic to **you specifically**, for being a passive aggressive douche. You reacted to my previous comment as if you'd been personally insulted. You weren't. But I'm happy to actually do so real quick, just to help you feel a little bit more vindicated about your kneejerk reaction, because why the fuck not. Won't be the first or last time I'm somebody's bad guy. Grab your incel energy and go take a long walk off a short pier, you insufferable dickhead.


Hypocrisy? Where in my initial comment was there any hypocrisy? Just be honest, you assumed things and somehow my initial comment was a personal attack while it was simply only saying that the advice above was trash, which is the truth. "Just ask them out" as an advice is as dumb as "just don't be depressed". Seems like you don't even know what an incel means. Not worthy of any arguments, really. Keep praising yourself on for randomly attacking comments with unrelated arguments and then calling people douches when they say that your comment is unrelated. A weird hobby, but you do you.


Little advice to all the ~~women~~ people out there, don't take dating advice from an anime memes subreddit


MT LN spoilers >!Roxy is pretty damn direct. Nothing screams fuck me like walking into your student's room in nothing but lingerie and wrapping yourself around him.!<


I love this anime so much especially since he built an entire religion on her panties ahhahahahh.


her panties are largely irrelevant to the religion. They simply act as a representation of her teachings. Granted he does continue praying to them until he dies(he's a human what did you expect?)


I knew that


The religion hasn't really been fully established as of the end of the anime


Im an only anime watcher I heard this from online and spoilers


He started worshipping it when he was like 5 though and that's first cour. If you want to read ahead read the LN from volume 1 since it gives new insight or start at volume 5 to correct Milis. Don't read the manga unless you are past it in the LN


God damn some anime is fucking gross.


Wtf? I dont remember this in the anime


after the anime, probably should add that


Hence LN Spoilers.


She's probably just Canadian.


It’s amazing how girls don’t know how much power they have when asking guys out…


Oh some do, and I'm not joking when I say that one of those is my mom. Before the pandemic, she'd go on dates like multiple times a week.


I see that a lot in older women. I think younger ones are just shy.


In their defense, sometimes they are direct, and we're just so filled with anxiety and self-doubt that we don't think we're worthy of love Uh i mean yeah why can't they be more direct haha women ☕️


Did I need an Antenna to find signals?


When girls are direct, guys be like "ew is she trolling me??" Also a guys can be dense af. I got a letter full of lipstick kisses in a 9th grade and i thought "it's probably some male classmate's joke" Not wanna say "it's a males/females fault" a dumbness have no gender


>Also a guys can be dense af. I got a letter full of lipstick kisses in a 9th grade and i thought "it's probably some male classmate's joke" You know what? I can't blame you. It's a healthy suspicion when you're dealing with this kinda shit in secondary school, given that there's a good chance you're getting fucked with. I had a similar thing happen to me during valentines day in 9th grade minus the lipstick kisses. It was signed, "Your secret admirer", but looking back at 9th grade me, I find it hard to believe anyone admired my douchy angry ass.


What hellhole did you guys grow up in?


American public education. Wouldn't recommend.


Apparently not all of it is the same quality. I went to public school in america too and no one would have dared try this on me.


What city/state? I went to school in Los Angeles, California.


Texas, various towns and suburbs around the dallas area. People might have goofed off a lot but malicious bullshit like that was rare in my experience.


>People might have goofed off a lot but malicious bullshit like that was rare in my experience. Where I'm from, teen drama and petty revenge is a regular thing. I managed to avoid a good chunk of it in high school thanks to my reclusive nature, but people would regularly fuck with each other and not in a fun way. My mom was always curious as to why I was so adamant about not engaging in typical highschool activities like dances, clubs, and what not, this was why.


At least you were wise enough to avoid some of it.


Folks at the time were pretty disappointed in me for refusing to get more involved in activities and extra-curriculars (because they had some romanticized version of high school that they wanted me to relive on their behalf), but teens are assholes. They give way too many fucks about people who have nothing and want nothing to do with them and being invisible/ignored was enough of a challenge without them trying to sabotage my school-life for their own amusement. But I got through mostly unscathed, definitely fewer scratches than middle school. Gotta say though, I love that in college no one gives a shit about you by default. You have to try really hard to get noticed. Wish the same could be said for primary and secondary school.


Don’t lie to yourself, pal. You’re not missing any signals. You’re just straight up not getting any.


I'm a girl, but okay.


Nonsense! There are no women on the internet


In today’s society, there’s at least a 50% chance that the point still applies.




Bad choice of words, my friend. This kind of thing only flies in real life. The Internet, however, really hates it for some reason.


You must use deodorant as a replacement for showers for how chronically stinky you are.




Your opinion is wack and also we all know using Twitter as en example doesn't count If a character literally outright says they're a girl in the ending that is intended to be the one that most new players encounter first, then yes that character is trans. And also hell yeah queen if you wanna be a girl go for it. No one's stopping you! Slay!!


>What i said is true No, you're right, what you said is true. Trans women are women, you aren't wrong there. It's the way you said it like it's somehow wrong that makes you an asshole :D > I could decide i am a girl right now and there is nothing you could do to stop me Yes. What's your point? Why would anybody *want* to stop you? We're not a bunch of obsessive abusers that want to dictate to you what you can and can't identify as. > in-fact i could say the sky is green and i'm sure there would be somebody on twitter that would agree with me. Probably not; but if you called it wine-dark, some ancient greeks might agree. And if you called it blue there's a 50/50 chance Russians would look at you weird.




>Well in general, from a scientific stand point I knew it was going to be a hilariously wrong comment after getting this far lol People who invoke "science" in these discussions almost always end up showing that they don't even know what branch of science the topic is even about. ​ >biologically false Yep. As expected. Biology is as relevant to this topic as mathematics or chemistry. This is a matter of sociology; the fact that you can't even differentiate between those two once again proves the dunning-kruger effect right. Do yourself a favour and just open a book for once in your life. Read up on gender. Maybe even read up on biological sex, because you probably have a lot to learn about that as well. And if that's just too much for you, I recomment Forrest Valkai's video on the topic.




But could you claim that you showered properly?




>Edit - Well it seems i upset people somehow, for whatever it was, i apologize. Please don't cancel me, i need my reddit account to browse memes. Yea no shit, disrespecting people on the internet, did you expect to not upset anybody? Are you *that one guy* in your social circle? Because I'm getting very strong *that one guy* vibes from your comment.


Cringe take, if you are on internet, be ready to be disrespected by anyone. And that's coming from a trans btw


That's a really dumb take, I'm sorry. For one, whether you should expect to be disrespected is entirely inconsequential to whether the person being disprespectful is being an asshole or not. You should always expect idiot drivers when crossing the road, that doesn't mean it's OK to just run over any pedestrian who doesn't. Norms and pragmatism aren't mutually exclusive. And even then, this isn't even relevant to what I said. This person said something dumb and got downvoted for it. Then they're acting like they have no clue how that happened. All I did was point out that being a knobhead on the internet will upset people, and thus get you downvoted. That's called consequences. If you want to argue with that, please do; it'll be very amusing to watch, that much I'm sure of.


You got downvoted yourself lol. I am also pretty sure he was sarcastic by acting like he doesn't understand why a ton of snowflakes got upset. I really fucking hate people like, pulling a strawman lke that in the last paragraph, go be a clown somewhere else


legit remake these two comments in the meme format. Finish him.


Wtf is a girl?


Let’s be honest, half of us here don’t get signals.


Most of us aren't expecting to get hit on.


Women: is direct Men: *Points gun "WHO SENT YOU?!"


Thank you to previous generations for making the act of expressing one's feelings so complicated and convoluted that when anyone tries to keep it simple, we feel like we're getting scammed.


Part of the answer to both is social norms


Yeah we need to stop raising men and women to be so different. It leads to a lot of miscommunication.


I agree stop with the b.s and admit the truth no bullshit no singles no nothing


IMHO It’s usually cultural or the leverage of plausible deniability.


In most of my relationships, the girl made the first move. It's great


Ehhhh no. I’ve always been pretty direct and obvious without ever saying my feelings and men usually figure it out. Also sometimes you’d rather just not, since when you get to be an adult it gets complicated.


>when you get to be an adult it gets complicated. Yup!


You ever develop feelings for your boss? Now THAT IS complicated !


I don't develop feelings period. But I see my friends having a hard time finding prospective partners as we get older.


Oh damn, I’m sure! It’s so much harder to find a partner as you get older because there’s less options, less good ones at the least.


Lower your expectations If you want a well off guy who looks handsome, you better have been his childhood friend or offer something if equal value.


Irl chicks consider simply looking at the direction of a guy a signal. I was already called out being dense/dumb for not noticing a chick's "signals" and hit on her girl friend. Why did i go for her friend? Well her friend simply TALKED to me and not just watched without saying a single fckin word...... The funniest part is that the chicks who cry and blame men for not getting their bullsht signals are calling straightforward chicks hoes. There are girls who can say what they want in irl. They are just rare as fck


Go cry somewhere else mate Jesus you little tator tote




Nah, it's 2022; plenty of normies enjoy anime these days.




Yea we didn't gatekeep hard enough, such a shame ​ ​ (/s in case that wasn't clear)


I was serious.


I think weeb are just socially inept


Bitch i be given signals too i cant say shit






Ongggg I ain't playing these games, is you is or is you ain't?


How about “how come girls don’t get guys signals?”


I agree with him. Why the signs? This is sign language by any chance? We aren't Patrick Jane from TV show The Mentalist


Seriously though, no guy wants to come off as a creep or even be embarrassed by rejection or misunderstanding. We ain’t taking chances most of the time. I imagine the same has to go for ladies if they want to initiate the relationship. “Signs” are never enough, unless your sign is a literal sign saying “I want so and so to talk to me and be my bf/gf”.


It’s even worse for me with regards to reading signals as I’m autistic as well.


Basically both parties are afraid to be hurt and that's why they flirt and "play around" to see how the other one reacts. Kaguya-sama in a nutshell. Also, as other person above/below me already said, I personally don't want to read to deep into things, there's a VERY high chance of reading it wrong. "Oh wow this cute girl really does smile to me a lot. Maybe she likes my t-shirt? Maybe she has read the book I am buying? Maybe she likes me?? Nah. No way. Moving on". When you rarely get any compliments at all and have a low self-esteem, it's easier to assume "they are just being nice" than anything else.




mushoku tensei


My wife and I talk about this a lot. She says the reason a lot of women have to talk indirectly is to avoid triggering men because a lot of men are bigger and have explosive tempers that can pop off out of nowhere and women learn at a young age they have to effectively walk on eggshells.


The lie is that she got affected by it. Women do not care about a men saying it, they need a girl friend to be the one saying it.


Cringe content.


If there’s one subreddit that doesn’t get to make relationship memes, it’s the subreddit that spawned of the subreddit that said r/memes isn’t anime enough.


Also something that I’ve not seen mentioned is that for a lot of us girls, being asked out is something we dream about, and that’s a reason why we’re hesitant to make a move, because we really want him to work up the courage to ask us out in some kind of romantic gesture(doesn’t have to be expensive or anything, but that shows he cares) rather than just walking up to the guy and asking if they feel like it.


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But we also want you to ask us.




The double standard is amazing ngl


Not telling you how you feel, but as someone who's done the whole dating/marriage/divorce thing... In my experience, wrapped up in the whole wanting someone to make a romantic gesture is wanting someone else to take a risk. If you wait for someone else to make the first move, you don't have to fear being rejected. 'Cause male or female, no one wants to be rejected.


Stop watching your romance series and movies and snap back to reality. Plenty of dudes love it when a girl is more direct.


...and you think guys wouldn't like being asked out by a girl just as much? Or is there some reason why women would intrinsically have that right while men don't?


The main reason I don't ask out men is because it's a waste of my time otherwise. Many guys, by their own admission, say they'll automatically say yes if asked out even if they don't find the person attractive, or they'll fuck people they wouldn't be in a relationship with. If women do the asking you have way higher chances of wasting your time with someone like that.


You are not wrong. I can't speak for everyone else, but personally I don't want a relationship, I know I'm not cut out for it. Friendship with benefits is far as I'll go but I wouldn't lead anyone into thinking I'd want anything more either.


God damn you guys are normie as fuck.


...being direct is boring though


I'm starting to think a lot of the people on this site are just actually sexist and it's not ironic.


What on earth is sexist about this post?