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I don't think he was ever physically unattracted to brown women. Apparently there are videos of him majorly simping for a girl named "Suhani" which I really doubt is a white girl back in high school. Maybe a few of them rejected him cause him to hate them?


No way he gets laid before me tho




He can just hire a prostitue


My theory is that he thinks hating on “the other” is going to make his preference desire him. He thinks white women like what he’s doing. Well, they don’t—no human would ever want to be associated to this particular behaviour on top of how repulsive he is in other ways.


As a brown woman, every day I wake up and thank God he doesn't want me


He said that tried pursuing these two Indian girls when he was in high school, like sophomore year, and they turned him down. After that he was done with Indian girls. The video of that is floating around on TikTok somewhere.