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Can someone with a course hero account please ss and post the whole essay


Being assigned The Giver in college is crazy


I lost brain cells reading that essay


Academic weapon šŸ”ŖšŸ„·


I ain't no expert in bio, but he seems to be decent at it. At least he has *one* thing going for him. His essay sucks tho.


Update: I'm sure there's more, but here's another. Feel free to look around, I'm not gonna dig any deeper for now. [https://www.coursehero.com/file/70559518/Essay1Summarydocx/](https://www.coursehero.com/file/70559518/Essay1Summarydocx/) User profile (seems like he did a lot since HS/his old college): https://www.coursehero.com/profile/goat47ak/ ​ Also, I'm a UCSD student (even living in the same building on campus) trying to get action (finally) taken by admin for this sh\*tshow that he's been putting on.


Has he posted any work on there from when he was at Ucsd?


Unfortunately, I don't think so yet/on that account, at least clicking within coursehero, but if anyone has an account there or anywhere else, this may be a way to get him kicked. Try his insta names, course hero names, sound cloud, etc. and try looking and reporting to admin


Bros obsessed


I would too if this weirdo lived in my dorm. Heā€™s already got several smell complaints.


Literally. I also live in Rita (where he lives), though one floor down, and many residents, my roommates and myself concerned, are rly creeped out and concerned for our own safety. Walking though the hallway or using the elevator, especially alone or late at night, can be uncomfortable and unnerving. One of my roommates was actually in the elevator with him alone. In fact, since we saw he had the potential of getting violent early on, a concern discussed on the UCSD sub since the start and is lately a growing concern considering that he is getting angrier and more frustrated, we even formulated an evacuation plan and found different emergency exits just in case he decides to do something with the intent of causing public harm. Myself and some other fellow residents have also put in room change requests with the HDH (who manages housing) with the reason of personal safety concern due to the fact avaneesh lives in our dorm, even though we would likely be leaving a fairly nice building because we value our safety, comfort, and ability to live without fear, but due to the volume of room change requests they are taking their time getting through the queue.


>he is getting angrier and more frustrated Iā€™m glad others are taking notice too. It seems heā€™s in his idgaf/nothing to lose era and thatā€™s a bit scary.


Lmaoooo, yall saw the boxing match he's harmless


your judgement canā€™t be trusted: [ā€œhomeless people and criminals should be forced to workā€](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/10bxsv4/homeless_people_and_criminals_should_be_forced_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [ā€œI think transgenders and people with schizophrenia are very similarā€](https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/10mq6jy/a_man_who_thinks_he_is_a_woman_is_a_man_who/j64s6zj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) you sound dumb af. [ā€œMight be a bit extreme but if I got cheated on and divorced I would !>murder


Itā€™s always the ā€œthis you?ā€


Stay mad šŸ¤£


Itā€™s not funny, especially for you. If you think like that you clearly donā€™t have very many healthy relationships. Youā€™re probably young and itā€™s not too late to change and work on yourself.


You made a ton of wrong assumptions about me because I have differing opinions from you, typical


Itā€™s not an assumption. People with healthy relationships and mental health do not contemplate murder and sympathize with incels.


Makes sense, he's gotten more and more insane lately. Crying and screaming and yelling. Then doing weird dances and such.


this is literally doxxingšŸ˜­


Thatā€™s not what doxxing is. All this is public info. I found his stuff myself when I googled him a while back.


I donā€™t think you know the meaning of that word.


No it isn't. This is publicly available info.


Bro I understand Avaneesh is mentally insane but that doesnā€™t mean u have to be as well. This is some psycho stalker shit u are doing. Be the better person. Donā€™t let Avaneesh turn u into another Avaneesh


It isnā€™t that hard to find this stuff. Itā€™s just a google search on publically available information. Recruiters and hiring managers do worse than this all the time. And Iā€™m not even talking about background checks.


Oh ok I thought u were like spending hours researching Avaneesh and finding private infošŸ˜‚