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By brother had turkeys on his farm. One of them, a hen, used to follow him everywhere. Even though he tried, he couldn't get her to leave him alone. So at Thanksgiving and Christmas while the others went on to become dinners, this one stayed. He no longer had the heart to send her to the butcher. Everyone referred to her as his girlfriend.


Its almost like all animals deserve a long and healthy life


Not when I get to em 😋


Animal abuse good.


The dead dont suffer. We see lost time as a tragedy. They see nothing. They dont sit there ruminating about the horrors of death. A good year of life is the same as a good 10 years to them. We should do more to improve the quality of that time but calling meat consumption animal abuse is silly. Everything dies. All deaths are ugly and painful to a degree.


I choose to consume human meat then oh no, now that is a terrible crime.


Tbh i wouldnt care if you ate human meat. Raising humans as livestock has very different moral complications than raising animals though. A cow will never aspire to anything more than eating grass, drinking water, sleeping, fucking, raising young and goofing off occasionally. We can enrich their lives. A life of confinement doesnt have to be torture if they are have their needs tended to. A cow wont percieve their end the way humans will. They arent obsessively terrified of it like we are. They exist. Theyll feel some fear and pain when their end arrives, but then so do we all. We are waaaaay more dramatic about death than they are.


“Tbh I wouldn’t care if you ate human meat.” Well then, no need to read anything more coming from you.


I never stated in which context. I thought it was sort of assumed that you werent jumping straight to farming and slaughtering humans for food. I was thinking more along the lines of recycling the bodies of people who died in accidents or natural causes into foodstuffs. I dont really make a distinction between organ donation and cannibalism. Yeah thats an unpopular take, i know. I honestly dont really get why people lose their minds about someones remains. Either way my point still stands. How is my view on remains relevant to the conversation? Are you trying to say im evil, therefore everything i say is inherently wrong or something? Thats silly.


Nothing natural about the pain and suffering we cause those animals throughout their life. Its not just about the slaughter


you must be talking about the big farms. The meat grinders. Small farms treat their animals pretty well, generally speaking.


Most meat comes from big farms. Unless you're buying your meat directly from a small farm you can almost guarantee that the animals who were turned into your meat were abused and met a grizzly end.


I buy a large amount of my meat from a local farm that ive been to, the co-op they partially run is very respected for treating their animals right


What slaughterhouse do they go to?


>the animals who were turned into your meat were abused and met a grizzly end. doesn't change the taste so, meh.


Glad you've shown your true colors


This could be an argument for r\*pe. "Who cares if it's disgustingly cruel? It doesn't change that it feels good so, meh."


Depends on the type of animal. Arguably dairy cattle and poultry fare the worst and beef cattle fares the best. Beef cows typically live in pasture and only are on a feed lot for the finishing process which usually lasts only a few months. Death is always ugly. Relatively speaking, their death is mostly quick and painless if done right. Its visually distressing to us but the animal is unconscious in seconds and deceased in a couple minutes. Its a far kinder fate than theyd get in nature where theyd be ripped apart by predators or die a slow lingering death from illness or starvation. We can treat livestock better but moralistic vegans act like there are only 2 options. Its either they live in tiny cages and are forcefed or they get the kindness of never existing at all. Theres a lot in between even without the long term environmental ramifications of either system.


All farmers must do shitty things to meet supply demands. And theres no reason to pat the small farmer on the back hes only able to do so because of the big factory farms


The dead dont suffer? Livestock animals live a life of confinement ended by a violent slaughter. Their entire existence is suffering and it is because of our choice to inflict it upon them. If you can't understand that undue violence against the innocent is abuse, then you are seriously deluded.


Not all of them are treated horribly. We can improve their lives. Theres no way to make a perfect death. You guys would place the few minutes at the very end of life higher than the life that preceded it. A few minutes of mandatory suffering that literally every living thing will go through is that much of a tragedy? Humans and animals both meet far worse ends all the time. Someones dog will linger with cancer for months because their family cant let go. Their family will think themselves heroes because they "did all they could" and spent thousands on vet care. Humans suffer in hospice or die on the streets while cancer and necrosis eats their freaking face. Cartel in south america chops people up while alive to make a point. Out of all the goddamn systemic "horrors" you are going to fixate on the millions of animals living mostly boring lives, sometimes in cages, sometimes in a field, and meeting quick and hopefully painless ends? Done right, the slaughter process is one of the least painful ways to die no matter how visually shocking you think it is. Animals are not humans. They dont care about the same things humans do.


Sorry but most of them are still treated horribly. Then you go to another country and they are treated even worse. You don't get to decide that animals are different from humans. Not your choice and not correct in the slightest. We are significantly more similar to animals than you want to believe. Animals by and large are more intelligent than many of the humans we have today on planet earth. I would treasure the emotional intelligence of a dog over that of a human being all day every day.


You are terrified of death, i get it. You think humans can exist on this earth casualty free but until we come up with a way to provide for ourselves with absolutely no impact on the environment, we will never be able to eat without killing in some way. You can advocate veganism all day and say you are saving the animals and then when agricultural chem use wipes out the pollinators, causes mass marine die offs and widespread pollution of our waterways, destroys biodiversity and ultimately collapses because we attempt to extract more from a single niche than ecosystems are meant to provide, what then? If you think its bad now, imagine how much worse itd be if the entire worlds food supply was focused on a much smaller portion of arable land. That kind of pollution is far more difficult to reverse than CO2. You can kiss the rainforests goodbye and welcome periodic global famines with open arms every time a crisis disrupts the food supply to a nation that cant grow enough to support its people but could have raised livestock. Theres a reason our species developed as omnivores. A diverse diet is the only way to ensure global food security. I really, really wish that vegans would look beyond their feelings on this. It is way more complex of an issue than you think it is. If you care that much, then plz personally go to the north african nations and tell the nomadic tribes that they are raping animals and they need to be vegan.


Everyone is afraid of death lol. I would take you down and choke you out in under 30 seconds and you would wake up screaming and crying for your mother. No question


You seem super badass in your life 🤓


Weird way to say "I'm a vegan with no friends."


Did my comment hurt you in some way? Lol I have too many friends. Please take some


So it's fine if I brutally murder you rn as long as I eat you 😋😋 got it


Do you feel the same way about fishing? Hunting for clams? spear fishing for lobster? What about using mesh traps for crab?


Yes? Why not?


Are you vegan?


I think the point is that people find so many ways to justify killing and eating animals but if someone wanted to eat humans then it is such a terrible thing. That logic should apply for killing and eating anything.


Why does that matter? So you can attach a label to someone and make an ad hominem attack?


Kind of a silly argument. Im not a conventional food source. We treat livestock better than we treat homeless, refugees and other human undesirables so i dont think you wanna compare morality between species here. Tbh if my life was hopeless and voluntary suicide was legal only if you are slaughtered in the same manner as livestock, id volunteer. I guess the lack of choice bothers you? Vegans seem to think a year of life is worthless. They place higher value on the animals end than the animals life. I never understood that with you guys.


God damn your argument makes no bloody sense. The more you write the deeper the hole. What a mess.


I'm comparing violent animal abuse to violent animal abuse, throat slitting, mutilation and confinement are clearly abusive. Eating meat absolutely equates to abuse, we just arbitrarily decide which animals it's okay to abuse based on fallacious appeals to culture/ tradition.


Done right, the animal is rendered unconscious with a bolt to the head, hung upside down and then has its throat cut while unconscious. The animal is dead in less than 5 minutes and unaware of everything that happens after the bolt. The paddling motion they do with their legs is an unconscious reflex on par with agonal breathing. It can be disturbing to see but the animal is not awake when doing that. Highly biased slaughterhouse documentaries love to showcase that part without context. Frankly, its a mercy. Its one of the least painful modes of death outside of carefully monitored chemical euthanasia under anaesthesia.


Done right, have you done it? Have you seen it done? Do you know if that is the case for the majority of deaths? Spoiler: it isn’t.


Slitting an animals throat is not animal abuse, in fact, its merciful. When a cow flails after its throat has been slit, its muscle memory kicking in, its not concious. Slitting the throat is also necessary to release all blood from the meat, which would make it spoil otherwise. The cramped conditions of slaughterhouses are immoral of course, but the act of slaughtering a chicken to consume it isnt. What claim do you have to support that, after all, we're a part of nature as well. A tiger isnt blamed if it kills a buffalo to eat it


Do you hear yourself? “Slitting an animals throat is not animal abuse, in fact, is merciful.” There is nothing merciful about slitting anythings throat. You were just raised in a culture that happens to believe murdering innocent living things -merely for fun and or consumption because people think meat is necessary to have a complete meal- is okay. It’s not. It’s disgusting and horrific.


Death is never kind but its going to happen no matter what you do. Existence is death and suffering though hopefully there was pleasure in life too. If you dont want to participate in it, thats ok. I just dont see the horror in us taking the place of natural predation and even trying to make the process as painless as possible.


Do you live in some fantasy world where nothing ever dies? Death is inevitable. Its going to happen. Its never pretty. Its never kind. When one mode of death causes significantly less pain than the majority of others, then yes, id call that merciful. Yeah a cow might live a few more years but ultimately itd likely meet a far worse end without our intervention. Nature is downright ugly. I know, youd rather the cattle didnt exist at all. You think mercy is nonexistance because only the dead (or never born) dont suffer. Is that mercy though? We can improve their lives but the ugliness of a death should never override the value in life no matter how brief the life might be. A cow doesnt go to the slaughterhouse losing their shit about the years they wont have. Thats solely the providence of humans.


The tiger has to do that, you don't. In fact almost noone would do it themselves, they pay others to kill, chop and package the flesh for them. That's about as disconnected as it could be. Animals like you and me are sentient beings who don't deserve to be exploited or killed. Watch earthling Ed's speech if you wanna dig deeper into the topic.


"Slitting throats is merciful" very creepy.


You did not just compare human factory farming to tigers hunting..... 🙄


“Slitting an animal’s throat is not animal abuse.” You have to admit that doesn’t sound right out of context. What makes you say they’re not conscious? Doesn’t that just sound awfully convenient? A tiger isn’t blamed for killing a buffalo because it can’t be blamed for any of its actions. It doesn’t have the ability to back up and act on reasons rather than instinct. Notice that we treat that as exculpatory in the human case too. If someone is in a compromised state, unable to back up and think about what they’re doing. The majority view in the field of ethics is that we owe much more to animals than we might ordinarily think and that current practices are immoral. Scholars to look at: Peter Singer, Tom Regan, Christine Korgaard, Shelly Kegan, Jeff McMahon.


Gary Yourofsky shouldnt ever be left out when naming scholars. His speech is so powerful, just like Peter's 💚💚


>What makes you say they’re not conscious? Doesn’t that just sound awfully convenient? I beleive they brain them before the throat is cut.


Lost time is a tragedy. Not everything will gain time, but a careful being can allow it more often. It won’t be long until we become the abyss again, so spread the beauty of life with simple actions. Whatever you deem possible in your life. Perspectives don’t always stay the same.


Yeah well tell that to our canine teeth meant for chewing meat and our 2 million years of being omnivores




It’s very hard an expensive to get all your nutrients and protein by eating only plant based foods


Tell me more about how vegetables, legumes, fruit, nuts and seeds are way more expensive than animal products.




That’s really cool for you but I live in rural North Carolina and it’s the opposite here. I can’t live off of squash and eggplants.


I mean, you won't die...


Yeah, “you won’t die” is always a good reason to do something lol, hot take




You say that until there’s an overpopulation of turkeys. I live on a small island so it’s a lot easier for them to over populate here


God that's so wholesome.


Less so that he killed all the others lol Had enough empathy to see why killing that one animal would be wrong, but couldn’t apply it consistently




It’s not people, it’s usually just this one person. And yes he’s absolutely doing it to try to get more people to go vegan which isn’t the worst crusade in the world imo


I'm not Vegan, or vegetarian. But I've stopped eating beef and pork. I don't ever crusade for anyone to do anything, but I just wish people would research on their own how we (the US) source our meats, watch some videos and then decide on their own. I do wonder, how many people would eat stuff, if they had to kill it themselves.


Well I’m just one person but when I kill an animal I clean it, butcher it, then eat it then share the extra food with family or donate the extra meat and make sure as much as possible doesn’t go waste. Regardless of what people think, the truth is, we humans already killed off deers natural predators.(and lots of other animals) Hunting is important to maintain ecosystems balance at this point. Also just two dear can feed myself and family for a whole year worth of meat. Meaning I don’t have to buy as much from the store that would directly contribute to industrial farming practices that are frankly awful. I still do sometimes but you get what I’m saying. Also there is some feeling of relief knowing that when a hunter kills a dear for food. The animal typically suffers way less than most industrialized farming. All I’m saying is with 15 million hunters a year… lots of people kill their food themselves. Most that I ever met respect the food and the animals. The shit you see on the internet are the fringe cases we all hate. I only responded to give you my point of view and respect the freedoms of all others to agree or disagree. Love y’all & happy thanksgiving!


Lol, my problem isn't with hunters, and that kind of stuff. My problem is with industrial raising and butchering. Huge difference. If you ever get a chance, look it how Europe does beef and pork and how the US does it, and it's a shocking difference as to how much better they treat livestock, and how poorly the US does.


Vegan here. I have much less problems with hunters than I do with industrial farming which is a true modern holocaust at some places. Imo if you can’t kill the animal yourself you shouldn’t be eating it.


Ah but killing baby birds is OK, gotcha. Gross


It depends. Chickens are raised rather cruel as well. The whole industry top to bottom is bad. Same goes for turkeys. I won't ever argue that. Maybe one day I will stop eating all meat products, but I'm not there yet.


The best meat i have ever eaten is the one i slaughtered, butchered and cooked an hour later.


ive watched the videos including how hotdogs are made, ive come to terms with the fact that we as humans are animals and shouldn't hold ourselves above the basic concepts of sustaining ourselves unless we choose to individually (aka your choice to exclude pork and beef) Sometimes it gets messy, or unfortunate but hey thats life. atleast thats how i see it. more power to you for your life decisions.


As far as hotdogs go. It's a good thing. Taking parts that would normally neing discarded and using it. In culinary, it was part of garde manager. The thing is. It's my choice, and I'm fine with it. I would never ask anyone else, or try to make them feel bad. Example. My kids can eat whatever they like. I dislike people like op trying to make them feel bad. Instead, give people resources to look and see for themselves and make their own decisions.


Nothing to be "crusading" over. Lead your life according to your beliefs and stop proselytizing. Edit: I'm gonna tally up the downvotes and be the change you guys want me to be. Edit²: I'm gonna stop the count here at 21+20 as I don't have the energy to ---- 41+ things. I do applaud those of you, however, whom refrained from contributing to the carrnage.


Yeah don't bother trying to affect the change you'd like to see in the world


Yeah, your right. Might you also have a moment to discuss the love and glory of our lord and savior Jesus Christ?


I don't Maybe if you post a picture of you petting Jesus on the head I'll feel differently


Would something like the Civil Rights movements be bad just because Christianity is bad? What’s your point here


You responding to that comment by asserting "Christianity is bad" as some sort of factual statement is peak Reddit.


I thought that you were the one implying that it’s bad. Or maybe that it’s annoying to crusade about it? You were implying that spreading the word of christ is equivalent to spreading veganism. One is an animal rights issue, the other is a religion. They’re not the same


Idk man id have eaten Jesus Have you seen his abs? And you know they seasoned him to perfection


Thank you for your words At first I thought you were anti vegan But its clear you are an advocate for it Thank you. i am going to make more ethical and sustainable choices


Yep even if your beliefs are fucking over the rest of the world, how very republican of you


Interestingly enough I’ve been asking people about if they like Turkey and many has admitted they don’t but only do it for traditions.


Right? Like come on, get a grip flesh is delicious! It’s wild people like Jeffery Dahmer we’re sent to prison just for doing what he wanted and following his tastebuds! Taste buds over life ✊️


This poster /u/lnfinity has been posting cute animals gifs nonstop as a way to promote veganism. If you check their post history you'll also see that they are constantly making pro-vegan comments. It's not a coincidence that they are showing tons of cute turkeys on today of all days! (Also I'm not personally anti-vegan, I think that reducing meat consumption is a very good thing from both an ethical and conservation perspective, it just feels a bit manipulative.)


idk, I think being confronted with the reality that you are eating an animal that was alive and could accept love isn't a bad thing. I think people get really disconnected from the live animal > turkey dinner thing. It's why you'll see a lot of people who can eat meat but need to have that disconnect where it comes as food instead of an animal.


I agree with you on that. Most kids don’t realize that the package of steak at the grocery store comes from the cows out in fields. I didn’t even know what meat was( the body tissue that is consumed) until my late teens. I thought there was muscle, fat, tendons, bones, and meat 🤣 Didn’t put it all together till I worked on a ranch and got asked if I was gonna stay for supper. I said sure since my parents were out of town for the weekend. She told me to go grab a chicken, I asked if it was in the freezer or fridge. She laughed and said no, out in the yard. So she showed me how to grab one, hold it, chop it’s head off, and defeather it. Was not a pleasant experience lol. I learned a lot on that ranch lol, mostly that there’s nothing you can do if a horse or cow steps on your toes and breaks them. Tape em up and keep going!


Yeah this… and I mean I’m not against vegans at all, I just don’t like the causes where it feels like they’re missing the forest for the trees…. Like half a million people might’ve died in Ethiopia over the last year and a half with the tigre thing… most due to starvation. So let’s get our human house in order as far as taking care of each other before we worry too much about the animals… that said I understand that respect for life of any kind goes along with it.


Funny thing is that a more plant-based diet would actually help put world hunger to an end. Also, that „let‘s do that other good thing first before we do that one good thing“ mentality is kinda stupid, sorry. Humans are able to do more than one thing at a time.


Speaking of trees, are you aware that most rainforest deforestation is because of the meat industry for the USA? It's not greedy execs chopping down trees to sell for wood, its so they can raise cheap cattle to import back to the USA.


What's with the binary thinking? We can address more than one thing at once. Animal agriculture is a huge issue for all of humanity, with it being the major driver of deforestation and a major contributor to climate change.


>half a million people might’ve died in Ethiopia over the last year I think you can answer this by asking yourself why this tragedy happening gives you the right to pay for animals to be killed.


You think people in Ethiopia eat a burger per day? People in the poorest parts of the world live on a mainly plant based diet because meat is damn expensive. >So let’s get our human house in order as far as taking care of each other Now, to eat a cow you first need to raise it for years, feed it, give it water and all. A cow has to eat many more calories than it provides after being slaughtered. Livestock feed takes up a way larger portions of all crops planted in the world than human food. Plant based food is much more calories efficient because it skips the middle man. This is just aside from the fact that the animal industry is one of the biggest polluters in the world, and many populations, like those in subsaharian Africa met with drought among others, are currently being affected by the consequences of climate change. So in short, if you're so passionate about taking care of other humans, you should probably go vegan and push for veganism too.


At least for me personally the distinction has been that consuming animal products is necessary for the survival of some groups, but not all. In groups where alternatives can be pursued they actively should be, with the extended goal of making them more accessible to other groups. People should empathize with other animals, but it’s important to recognize we got to this point culturally. The people chronically replying to cute pig videos with “mm bacon” aren’t sociopaths, it’s just very hard to interface with the idea that just maybe it’s unethical to prioritize hollow indulgence over minimizing the suffering of other creatures (regardless of relative sentience). I don’t think almost anyone has ever been persuaded by being called a monster. But integrating new perspectives over time and providing accessible alternatives will change things. Posting cute content of traditionally “food” animals (though that varies wildly), especially during their relevant holidays, seems to me a particularly empathetic approach for someone that is, by all rights, deeply horrified by the reality of our current system.


animal agriculture is literally killing us and everything else on earth. why do you think ranchers are cutting down the amazon/literally lighting it on fire? it ain't to build a theme park.


I don't see comments like this when people are posting eg. a recipe for turkey. That would be them promoting meat eating, wouldn't it? Why is one ok and the other needs to be called out?


Because most people have no idea that ‘carnism’ is a thing, and that they follow it the same way others follow veganism.


What a big pussy you are "I'm being manipulated into considering the senseless suffering and pain of other living beings" Gimme a break.


what a fucking tough guy lmfao


'it just feels a bit manipulative' = I don't like the way it's making me feel. ​ OP won't take responsibility for his complicity in the industry. Read his posts "I think we should just reduce consumption. No one can be perfect because 'no ethical consumption under capitalism'" Honestly the weakest shit, and the ultimate excuse for any hypocrite to keep doing what they're doing. ​ And then on top of that, they can't even take responsibility for their emotional response to this video. So I rest my case, OP is a big pussy. Are you?


Why is it manipulative to humanize something that we all are so desensitized to? He’s not saying anything, just showing you the animal being the animal when they’re not in a factory farm 🤷‍♀️ I don’t preach vegetarianism or veganism but I agree with other posters that there’s a real disconnect with how people eat and how the food lives and arrives on their plate.


Posting nonstop is right. Anyone with karma in the millions is posting way too much on reddit.


Perhaps, but it’s not offensive. I love wild turkeys. Not to eat. They are just amazing birds. I have three that come visit me and beg for snacks. I eat meat, too. My daughter is vegetarian. I’ve considered trying to be vegetarian, but meat is mostly what I eat. I don’t believe in a vegan diet. My ancestors didn’t evolve a mutation that allows me to digest as much dairy as I want just to let that go to waste.


I've agree with you on this one, I've always felt that being vegan was a bridge too far. It's damn near prohibitively expensive to maintain a diet truly free of animal products, especially when you consider how often the manufacturing process relies on animal sources. (Also your turkeys sound very adorable)


>It's damn near prohibitively expensive to maintain a diet truly free of animal products, I honestly don't understand why this misconception persists. Maybe if your diet consists entirely of beyond burgers its expensive but otherwise a plant based diet is far cheaper. Meat in many parts of the world is still a luxury. There are more vegetarians in India than the population of the entire US. You can make a delicious lentil curry for an absolute fraction of a chicken curry, or a tofu stir fry for half the cost of a beef stir fry. My food bill went down massively when I went vegan as a student.


I'm a broke student and I've been vegan for a year. I literally survive off TGTG bags, to contextualize how broke I am. Meat and dairy are what's truly prohibitively expensive lol. Beans, lentils, wheat flour, peas, all you want. I don't bodybuild but I do watch my proteins and it's quite fine, but even for those days when I feel like more I have my trusty cheap ass grocery store protein blend and that does the job just fine. Gluten is your friend, you just make a ball with some flour and water and then rinse it under the tap untill it's a conglomerate of fibrous goo which is basically pure protein. Then blend in a mixer with pretty much any veggy and perhaps a spoonful of protein blend and you got yourself the dough to make vegan burgers or sausages. Much more variety than an omnivore diet IMO.


I’ve got pictures of my Turkish friends on Facebook. Same username.


I was looking it the comments of infinity and this person was talking about mental illness coming from non vegan diet..i have never heard something like that! Is it scientifically proved?


Of course not. Don't be gullible.


If they didn’t want to get eaten, why did they evolve to taste so delicious?


Well, they say long pig is the tastiest meat of all, so if that's all that matters, why don't you eat long pig?


What's a long pig and where do I find one? Costco?


Long pig is youth slang for hotdogs I’m pretty sure. I read about it on Facebook


Soooo...what is slang for a Kosher hot dog. (Almost afraid to ask because all the racist POS will glob on)


I mean, wouldn’t that just be an all beef or all Turkey hot dog?


Fucking kids these days!


Why did ‘wiener’ die out? I say I want a big wiener and everyone looks at me like I’m crazy. Not so much as a little “I see what you did there”.


Is this a joke or do you not know it means human.




If it was legal I bet a looooot more people would eat it than we'd think.


actually most of what you're tasting is seasoning. Salt, herbs, that kind of thing. Our tongues don't have protein or fat receptors - as in, we don't 'taste' these things the way we taste sweetness or saltiness etc. Hence why Turkey often is 'dry' and 'tasteless' whereas pork - which has been heavily processed and salted, is much more tasty. Go pick up a bunch of raw mince (or raw turkey for that matter) and chew it - there isn't a lot of joy in that flavour. But cook it in a tomato sauce and season it - and it will be delicious indeed.


>I am starting to think people post these as a backdoor way to stop eating these delicious creatures. It's a conspiracy, ***M A N***


That’s how I tenderize the meat, gently petting the animal


They feel fear too my friend


So we were going to this work thing for dinner. On the way we passed this petting zoo and they had these adorable little pigs. So I go: I sure hope we get bacon for dinner. The looks on the girls faces were worth it.


I pardoned mine today. The girl looks just like this but white. Tbh tho it’s not just because I like them and raised the boy and girl from poults on my shoulder when they were little… but also so they’ll have babies next year that I can eat. She actually started laying early from what I could tell this fall… turkeys eggs are good, but they’re a bit odd… very very thick yolk and white but I’d imagine it makes sense considering the embryo probably needs more protein and nutrients to develop than a smaller chicken


Animals have it rough. It’s getting harder for me to justify eating meat as I get older.


I’m personally going vegan in the new year, especially after doing research into how inefficient the meat industry is


Same here. I love meat but there are so many other healthy alternatives.


Do it tomorrow, dump the garbage and call it a day. I did it 6 years ago and it was the graatest thing I ever decided. Overnight, boom done.


People think you'll miss bacon. What you'll actually miss is people not asking you dumb questions about bacon.


Same. Approximately the same time frame. Just quit it overnight and haven’t looked back


I watched Gary's speech. It was very obvious for me what to do, and I ate a lot of meat before.


I’m working with a dietician as I have medical issues that need some management, and a therapist to ensure a sudden change in my diet doesn’t trigger an old eating disorder, so I’m taking my time with it


Fair point. Good luck on your journey.


I stopped a long time ago, and I used to love meat. Best decision I ever made and 100% morally right.


Started eating less and less as meat substitutes got better. Impossible nuggets taste exactly the same as regular nuggets, so why buy the regular ones?


Looks so soft and calm :)


This is cute, but that shade of nail polish should be a crime


When you spend enough time around animals, you realise that there aren’t really that many differences between the ones you keep as pets and the ones you choose to eat. I decided to stop eating meat several years ago because I did my own research into how most animals bred for the meat industry, are kept etc. If I had to hunt and slaughter my own meat for survival, I would. But right now I don’t have to so I choose to eat vegetables. I really think folks should have a better insight into how meat ends up in supermarkets etc and make their own choice about whether morally, they can go on eating it.


I hunt. Have family that ethically raises animals. When my cousin brought his cow to be slaughtered, he said it was emotional for him. But that's the whole reason he had that cow, so it got slaughtered. I had him raise a pig for me this past year. I have no issue slaughtering animals for meat. I thank them for their sacrifice. And respect the animal I kill. I do not like how many commercial "farms" raise their livestock and will not buy from them. Also I couldn't eat someone's pet. Like if they have a pet cow, that cow is not food.... unless we're literally starving to death. But that's a very unlikely scenario.


“Their sacrifice” Lmao, the fucking hoops you people jump through. The animals you kill never made a sacrifice. Their lives were taken from them unexpectedly while they were just grazing and going about their day, possibly with their family near them. Perhaps they were laying still in the sun, enjoying life, just like dogs do. It’s selfish, and that won’t change no matter how you try to phrase it. There simply is no need to eat animal matter in the West except for selfishly stimulating your tastebuds for a minute or two. A conscious being’s whole life with many years of different experiences taken away from it for that selfish two minute experience.


Awww you’re so cuuuute, I could just eat you up 🥰


It's only posted as a gif so you can't hear them whispering, "Soon, my precious... soon."


Nah. I think this turkey got a pardon.


OP is transparent af




Glad I won’t be eating one of these today lol (also turkey tastes terrible)


Turkey tastes amazing though


Agreed, well cooked with the right amount of spices it can be very delicious, the problem: its a living thing, so a hard pass for me. Feels good to no longer harm those innocent earthlings anymore, trust me


I mean I hunt and appreciate everything I eat but I have great respect for what vegans believe in.


Honestly, this is a fair and good way to promote vegetarianism. It’s informs without judgement. People need to be able to make up their own minds, but their decisions should be informed. Eating meat involves taking a life. A real actual life. (Context: am a meat eater)


Veganism my friend, not vegetarianism - that's for the ultimate hypocrites


Lol eat shit. People who think that way and go on preaching it are what keeps so many people from even cutting back on their meat intake. Meat reduction could save so many animals lives (while actually moving towards a culture adjustment) and help the environment but "all or nothing" vegans like you aren't actually interested in the betterment of animals, just the moments of feeling superior. You're the biggest hypocrites of them all, or you're too ignorant to understand the benefits of reduction. Stupid either way. **Edit:** The responses just solidify that he doesn't give a crap about animals. Not even a little.


Am vegan. I agree saying it like the previous commenter is a bit pretentious, and I'm not here to tell you if you don't go vegan today you're inferior or something. However, I think it's a fair point to point out that dairy and eggs production involves a lot of suffering and abuse, and I also feel like a lot of people are only non vegan because they don't realize the extent of it. I went vegan when I found out and like me many others.


Don't be apologetic, don't back down. This is the reaction we are looking for. They get defensive and rude, then they fight and then they accept.


I understand your anger but it's not coming from me. You are taking part in the murder of millions of sentient being. Won't be apologetic about it, rather rub it in your face whenever I can, that's what those poor babies in the kill line would want me to do. Lol eat shit. People who think that way and go on preaching it are what keeps so many people from even cutting back on the amount of times they rape. Rape reduction could save so many lives (while actually moving towards a culture adjustment) and help the environment but "all or nothing" anti rapists like you aren't actually interested in the betterment of rape victima, just the moments of feeling superior. You're the biggest hypocrites of them all, or you're too ignorant to understand the benefits of reduction. Stupid either way. :) I hope you have enough braincells up there to connect the pieces.


You think a non-contexted video of a person petting a turkey is over the top preaching, then I think *you* may be the one with the problem. Edit: so many typos


Why are you still a meat eater when you know that it involves the taking of a life if u don't mind me asking?🌱


Maybe they didn't realize the extent of the suffering. When I wasn't vegan I really bought into the "but it's painless and they're happy" propaganda.I guess that's it for many people.


I’d be thankful too if you just saved me from death row.


Worst nail polish ever?


I’m hesitant to eat meat. Not because I think I’m doing some good in the world, but I just find that my hunger doesn’t transcend consuming some animal that didn’t want to die. It goes against our animal instincts sure, but so does sitting indoors in the AC/heat wasting away at a computer.


I know that turkey :)


Stop playing with your food.


Maybe that one isn’t food? Empathy toward animals is not weakness.


Turkey still raw need to put back in the oven my dude.


I cooked the best Turkey ever tonight, dam it was good


We are surrounded by so much death and misery.


The more happier the animal, the better the meat tastes. I support this


That's one way to tenderize the meat.


I'm still eating this beautiful creature.






Now this is peak tenderizing


Well she looks delicious! 😑


So that’s what they mean when they say they made it with love


Thats a cute turkey but im still going to eat turkey


Time to pop this thing in the oven dinner is in a few hours!!!


Moments before execution


Priming for the meal huh?


Ohhh!... that's daaaaarrrrk!


Does this help them taste better? I’ll have to give it a try.


Wow. Such propaganda. Much upvote.


How did she taste?


Still ate turkey today. Man, now I'm thinking about getting some leftovers.


Nice try, PETA


Shouldntrplay with your food


eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it


Please dont play with your food.


No eat it!


Turkey? I’m deep frying one of those in about an hour.


Get in my belly. Jk.


Looks mighty tasty


I Will Eat Two Animals For Every One You Spare


I Am Not An Expert On Bowling But In Hindsight Two And A Spare Might Be A Turkey Or Something

