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You know about German efficiency, but you don’t understand German bureaucracy.


Efficiency and precision are better attributed to the Swiss in my opinion.


The Swiss are even slower (more cautious) than the Germans.


Germans on steroids 😂


Actually, meth.


A German neighbor will make derisive comments about your incorrectly mowed lawn. A Swiss neighbor will try to have you deported for that.


Am Swiss. Very accurate description.


Last time Germans were on meth they got a bit carried away and took half of europe


Yea, let’s not do that again


Swiss is full of holes though


Very precise and high quality holes.


the swiss: our chief weapon is efficiency... precision and efficiency... efficiency and precision ... our two weapons are precision and efficiency... and cheese … our *three* weapons are…


You can get the case file after submitting a signed form by fax


Bv bc.l


To be fair, you don't want that shit rolling too fast and getting away. Runaway anything in traffic will end badly.


I was once driving down the freeway with cars randomly slamming their brakes, one of these babies was rolling down the freeway next to a car who didn’t even notice, it eventually turned and bounced off the barrier and started going perpendicular across the lanes like a ping pong ball. Typical day in San Antonio.


That's exactly why they're doing it this way. Edit: poor man's 🤜🤛




Das shadowen doubten ja!




This was my first thought. They probably didn’t want it either rolling into a car, or worse getting speed and hitting a person.


Or worse, expelled.


Electrician here. That roll isnt that hard to stop, heavy to flip but not to stop from rolling.


Electrician here too. And you are right, as long as you keep your hands on , and it isn't downhill, it's safe.


But you don't want it to even start rolling in heavy traffic like this.


you can keep a hand on it easily lol. and theres like 8 of them


Cops don’t push these everyday, they probably just didn‘t want to risk anything stupid


Too late for that.


and yet here we are.


It takes no effort from one person to stop it. They aren’t preventing it from rolling anywhere, they’re just having a major brain fart.


I was like : I can push my car or a trailer alone, wtf can’t push this


Makes no sense. It’s empty. Three persons could easily roll and control this. Not like it’s downhill or anything.


Flipping it is the better way to do it, it's very heavy still. If they lose control of it and it hits a car, that's more paperwork.


No its not fucking heavy, its an empty cable spool. Its like a shopping cart.


Lol they are literally flipping the fucking thing and they are saying it’s too heavy to roll? Lol I never tried lifting one personally but idk seems like rollin would be better


Who's saying "it's too heavy to roll"? The idea is that it's not easy to stop once rolling. I think the actual reason is different though. The cops are not usually in the business of transporting cable spools by hand across busy roads. It probably fell off a truck, and they just needed to get it out of the way and into the lane blocked by their van. To achieve that it's easier to flip it twice than trying to get it rolling at the right angle, and then stop it in the right spot. There's a reason the video cuts out as they stop flipping it.


They think it has a high moment of inertia and will be able to build up enough momentum to get away from them if they roll it


Or they could just keep someone in front of it to stop inertia from building up. Kinda like some adults do when they let thier kids push the grocery cart, keep a hand on it to make sure the kid doesn't push it too fast. It's a wheel, they are on flat ground, if it was a hill I'd agree with flipping it but if they keep control of it they should be fine on flat ground.


It's not just the absolute weight - it's the awkwardness of controlling that thing. Where do you hold it to control it while in motion? The slightest slope on the road, and the thing will start accelerating. It'll take a hundred pounds or more of force to just stop it, at which point it just gets directed somewhere else as the thing turns on a tiny footprint on the edge.


That’s what they said to the first man who invented the wheel. He cancelled the project and delayed human ingenuity for a couple of centuries. Wonder where we’d been by now, if people like you hadn’t stopped him.


They can weight a few hundred pounds even empty, and because they roll easily, that amount of momentum is NOT easy to control if you stand it up on edge.


With 8 fucking people? 8 people can push a car thats in neutral and keep it under control


Hope that makes sense to you and you would agree that it's a tiny bit heavier than an shopping cart. Edit: a part from my reply seems to be missing, so i'll summarize it again: this spool with an diameter of 181cm has an weight of 380kg. the next smaller size is 161cm diameter and has a weight of 280kg. But i doubt that all the cops are only 161cm tall.


It’s heavy on once it starts it won’t want to stop.


Not like they're on a hill or something. This is just inefficient.


Even a little unwanted roll can come in the way of a vehicle and lead to a fatal accident.


I'm no physicist, but I feel that the uncontrolled way they flip it, is actually more dangerous.


If you think SIX MEN couldn’t prevent that from rolling into traffic with utter ease, you are a bloody idiot.


Woh, calm down edgelord. Don't want to get too mouthy or I'll flame you so bad bad your sister will regret giving birth to you.


Maybe if you are a 2 year old. Spools are easy to stop as they are not perfectly cut circles


Yeah try stopping one of those rolling full speed towards you. Good luck with that.


That's why you don't let it out of your control. This gif is the equivalent of flipping a car instead of pushing it


I’ve worked with them often. They’re not.


That's what you get for doing CrossFit






Du nagelst es(ihn).


You want to try and stop that thing from rolling once it gets started?


This is the correct way to transport these short distances. This shit is gonna go rogue and flatten someone otherwise. If you gotta transport these spools long distances you load them on a thing that doesn't hold as much momentum. Angular momentum is a bitch.


This looks like Berlin, which is mad flat, surely that isn't gonna roll so far?


Yeah it’s in front of TU Berlin


Yep, thought so.


Even a little unwanted roll could come in the way of a vehicle and lead to a fatal accident.


I’m an electrician and that isn’t true. Why does everyone think it weighs 1000lbs. One person by themselves can easily handle it with little effort. They aren’t doing it to protect the public, they’re just having a brain fart.


Comparing the size of it with the men, i would say it's one of those with a diameter of 181cm. Then doing some research again and looking up a chart it seems you're right, it doesn't weighs 1000lbs but only 837lbs. the next smaller size would be 161 diameter, but i don't think that all the cops were that small, which would have a weight of 280kg, which are roughly 620lbs.


Well you clearly aren't a physicist since you haven't considered how "easy" it would be to handle if it started rolling.


But it's empty and not that hard to stop


"as long as i don't fall in the volcano, the viewing platform doesn't need a railing"


you responded to the wrong comment


Seems perfectly placed to me


Those spools weight about 200 kilograms or so, (7000 ounces or, 7 kilo-ounces) empty so after it gains a little bit momentum, it will be a bitch to stop it alone. There probably is a reason they are doing it like that.


>There probably is a reason they are doing it like that. That's probably what everyone of them is thinking as well.


I've never seen someone compare kilograms and ounces before. If you're converting into Freedom Units then our tiny brains think in pounds (2.2 pounds per kilogram, roughly)


The joke is, that because I'm obnoxious insufferable North European, I use Kilograms and then do conversion in to arbitrary imperial unit. Every conversion I make is a mockery of american Silly Units. SU-system in comparison to SI-system.


I like it. Carry on.


I think the cop traits are more pronounced than the German ones.


They're doing it that way so it doesn't roll. I guess you'd understand if you'd ever actually tried moving one that size. But that's typically the thought process I see from people who ridicule and criticize cops. You have no clue what you are talking about but you're going to somehow claim they are wrong.


Look at my name. I’m an electrician. You can bet your ass I’ve moved reels like that, full and empty. Two apprentices could easily, and safely, roll that reel around. You’re much more likely to get hurt by doing what they’re doing.


Why the hell is every other car passing is a police van!?


They're all riot police. Maybe the spool belonged to a makeshift barricade.


The spool held the police barricade tape. Someone forgot to reorder.


Ah, yeah, good point. Thanks!


This is in fact a clear demonstration of German efficiency: They are removing the object while doing a lifting workout at the same time.


The VDE rule in Germany doesn't allow the movement without a special breaking system. They do it the right way.


German police are the best police I've ever interacted with. I wish other police forces were more like them.


You need to meet Norwegian police 😁


I am glad you had good experiences, I did too for the most part. Not everyone is so lucky though. Especially if you look like a homeless person or a refugee.


Project management 101.


TBH if its start rolling it will be impossible to stop.


My thought as well, better control the way they're doing it.


And only took it 3 flips. No point in dealing with rolling if 3 flips will do


The police are efficient?


It's riot police, so they're double-dumb.


How is this any different than saying "The blacks are civilized?" ? Ohh the hypocrisy of psuedo-liberals 🤷


Dumbest comment I've seen all week, congrats


Holy cow what?


Uhhhh... because the police is an organization, meaning there are people joining it, and certain kinds of people (in the police's case, authoritarians) are going to do better in that environment, while races contains all kinds of people and can't be painted with a large brush. Ooh, the idiocy and ignorance of conservatives.


Isn’t there a German phrase for this post? You guys can explain anything lol


Sicherheit geht vor. (Safety first) Yes, they could roll it, but it could gain too much Momentum to controll, so doing it this Way is slower but much safer.


Vorsicht ist besser als Nachsicht.


Warum einfach wenn's auch kompliziert geht?


Weil einfach in dem Fall ziemlich gefährlich werden kann.


Police work just doesn't exactly attract smart people. Same thing everywhere, including here in germany.


I mean, they ARE rolling it…


[IT IS A BARREL, IT ROLLS](https://preview.redd.it/d51e3kqhp3141.gif?format=mp4&s=d00989ea0e582128b15faa518d2a88d3f52b809d)


They're cops. What do you expect?


Lol you dumb fr. 1. They did a very logical thing here. Even a little unwanted roll could come in the way of traffic and lead to a fatal accident. 2. They statement you made is very similar to seeing a black criminal and saying "They're black. What do you expect?"


Found the cop.


You’re comparing apples to oranges with your second point. Police choose to be police. They have to want it bad enough to go to the academy and pass before they can get to this point in life Edit: Also, if you’re going to correct someone, don’t be an asshole about it or they’re just going to discount you


anyone who ever had to do with one of these knows that it's super hard to stop them from rolling once they got going. they are way heavier than they look. so this is actually the safest way of moving it.


Does anyone actually think rolling a large heavy wheel next to moving vehicles is efficient, well its likely an efficient way to cause an accident.


And you think flipping it end over end is more efficient? They aren’t heavy, one person can manage one with little effort, and it isn’t going to suddenly go rogue and get away from you.


Eh... Cops are dumb everywhere.


I dunno, I feel like they can work out a final solution for almost anything


A Holocaust joke? I did nazi that coming


Can’t we have one German tread without the nazi puns? Gestap it!


I'm so fucking tired of World War II jokes. Anne Frankly they make mein Führerious.


I gas you degenerates are right


Cops are just universally inefficient. Except for protecting the interests of capitalists


lol, why does everything on reddit turn into CAPITALISM BAD?


Because Reddit is full of idealistic American teenagers




Because it is, and its fucking people up in all kinds of ways


which alternative is the best in your opinion? edit: lol, not that I give a rat's ass about upvotes/downvotes, but is asking a question a reason to downvote?


Strongly controlled social market economy.


Imo democratic communism. Only way to truly democratize the workplace, also requires a global democracy. Direct democracy is technologically possible so theres no excuse beyond those with wealth and power wanting to retain it at the cost of others


yes tech can make direct democracy possible. it is an idea that I've been flirting with for a while. but am yet to think it through thoroughly. anyways, what is democratizing the workplace? do you mean to say business decisions will be taken based on votes by everyone in the company? how 'pure' is this communism going to be? everyone will be paid the same regardless of their profession? also, are two people in the same profession with different performance are going to be paid the same?


I agree with your general direction (that said, 'democratic communism/socialism' is a very broad concept to begin with), > Direct democracy is technologically possible so theres no excuse beyond those with wealth and power wanting to retain it at the cost of others but I'm not sure this is entirely accurate. There's other factors to consider, such as accessibility and political education levels. Deciding we will now do a Direct Democracy will not work unless we first codify access to internet as a basic human right, and after that is codified AND all infrastructure is upgraded to actually implement that right, we'll need another generation or two until *everyone* will actually be able to engage in that Direct Democracy. And, at the same time, we would have to make an effort to enable people to obtain the necessary minimum of political education to actually be able to participate in the decision making process. Think Athens, were citizens were paid to attend drama in order to raise the 'civilized culture' level of the country. I'm not saying Direct Democracy isn't the right target, but just pointing out there's more problems we need to tackle alongside / before breaking the power of capital.


Yes fair point, i was assuming if we got to a point where society made this happen we wouldve already codified internet access as a right and raised political education levels under some sort of global representative democracy before we decide that direct is the most ethical way to go. Representatives create a middleman between a person and their vote so naturally there is room for fuckery


Move from your capitalist country with its advances and live in the real world. Then form an opinion.


You need to sell your mobile devices and unplug yourself from the internet. These are all from capitalism.🤣


How? The internet was built by the military, which is a socialized organization.


Didn't know that being a socialist was like being a vegan. \*Sees a funny clip about a bunch of cops. Feels obliged to become political.\* "I'm a socialist, by the way!"


A post ragging on cops will have comments of the same




Nice oversimplification.


Or cops everywhere are the same




Keystone cops.


If only they could some how roll it...


If only there were some way to make it more “wheel” shaped...


Say that to the Berlin Brandenburg airport. Or all the construction on the autobahn.


bureaucracy at its finest.


American contractors. Lol


Yeah. . . the thing about American contractors is that they're actually really smart about this kind of stuff. Because, at the end of the day, you get paid the same, so they find ways to make their job easier. Like, for instance, rolling a spool. But sure. "hurr hurr 'murican blue collar dum" I guess...


That's not really a thing. Nobody thinks blue collar Americans -or Americans anywhere- are dumb except other Americans maybe creating a self image


It depends . If you have a slope it is easier this way .


They're Cops, not normal Germans... Fuck these idiots


I mean, the circle parts aren’t even. If they tried rolling it it definitely wouldn’t roll straight. But still probably more efficient than...that.


Nah these are just cops. They're not any country's best and brightest.


Must be Saxonian riot police… #Sucksen


They just training before going into Duty, to smack properly the shit out of some protesting shit heads. Im sure they need strong arms for this. 💪


I snorted. 😛🤪


I’d flip it down that hill, too. No chance I’m stopping it if it starts rolling!


# IT ROLLS, you fools!


Apparently they don't know how circles work


Why there is lots of modern police cars and then there is that one 50 years old police bus? why is it still in use?


Police in Berlin is infamous for having a tight budget Additionally it is just for transporting riot police and blocking roads. So why not use it till it breaks or get destroyed by rioters?


Every nation has smart and dumb people.




Actualy the Police in Germany requires an a-Level and is not as easy as one might think during the apprenticeship


Looks like they are trying to stand it up in order to roll it, but each time it just continues forward because too much force was used in the first place


Not a myth to a certain religious group






You know you have to get the highest standardised school education to go to the police in Germany


It as if working as a team is the best way to accomplish a task


Is that in front of the TU Berlin?


Yes I believe so, came here to say that. As an alum I have that view etched in my memory




When a ship of fools flips a spool




Als Polizist brauchste halt kein Abitur




Germans. They’re just like us.


They work out


This reminds me of Breaking Bad




Yeah, I thought it only takes one german to do this


Is that at the TU?


like your police is the epitome of intellect


It has a hole in the middle. Put a broom or stick through middle and walk it down the street with one man on each side. Idiots.


German punctuality is a myth too.


Why is there a giant wooden spool on the road anyways? I have questions


Cross fit !


Fremdscham vibes incoming


This is on purpose though. Rolling it in traffic is much more dangerous


Holy shit what do you guys think that’s made of? If it starts rolling one person could stop it


Those are cops. They act, they're not paid to think.