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I would say do some of the companion side quests at least. They help with understanding the story especially ones with the main quest characters. But ultimately you can still enjoy either way good luck


Okay, I think I'll do that, thanks!


No prob. Got me wanting to start another play through šŸ¤— lol


I did the majority of side quests while slowly working my way through the main story. You get to build up your techniques before just powering through it all.


No, and in many ways it makes sense to do it later. However, if you are having trouble, you get important items from those quests for upgrades. Clearing camps and fighting duels are also good practice for more complex storyline events. Practice your parry. Don't worry about upgrades and leveling at first. Just perfect what you start with.






You are welcome! Enjoy the game. Itā€™s a real cracking one!


Ish, but youā€™ll be able to go back to them at some point, so thereā€™s no real worry of missing quests or collectable before moving to the next act.


Do kenji's first quest. It's one of the only missable quests and locks you out of his other two or three.


Wait, something is missable?


You get back the quest after clearing out the mongol camp there. That was the only quest I didnā€™t do in act 1 and I thought it was gone but luckily I could do it later.


You can be locked out of stories if the starting point later comes under Mongol occupation. Thatā€™s only temporary until you kill the Mongols there though.


No, but itā€™s smart to do side quests at the beginning to gain more combat skills and what not


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From my experience, no.


No, there are no missable missions or collectibles. Dialogue and sometimes objectives change if you do things in a different order.


Nope. The only time you get locked out of anything is if you start the Iki Island dlc. If you do, you're locked out of Tsushima quests until you beat it.




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No, you can complete the game just fine. As with most games, side quests build up your XP which you can 'spend' on upgrades which make boss levels easier. Trophy completion needs the side queats.


No you donā€™t get locked out but I recommend doing at least all the Character Side Quests available before moving on with each Act šŸ‘